How to avoid plagiarism in academic writing

Smart Student
25 Sept 202108:46

TLDRThe video script discusses the common mistakes made when it comes to plagiarism and offers strategies to avoid it. It emphasizes the importance of correct paraphrasing, understanding the entire source material, and not altering the original meaning. The video also suggests keeping track of sources, citing as you write, and using plagiarism checkers to ensure a low plagiarism score, ideally in the single digits.


  • 🚫 Avoiding plagiarism starts with correctly paraphrasing content and including proper in-text citations.
  • 📚 Ensure you fully understand the material by reading beyond the immediate passage to grasp the bigger picture.
  • 🔄 Do not simply change a few words from the source text; the entire sentence must be rephrased to avoid plagiarism.
  • 🎯 Never alter the original meaning of the source material, even if it's just a slight change.
  • 📝 Paraphrasing requires a deep understanding of the topic, so focus on improving your comprehension first.
  • 🔗 Keep track of your sources and citations to prevent accidental plagiarism when attributing ideas.
  • ✍️ Practice 'cite as you write' to streamline the research and writing process, and save time on editing later.
  • 📈 Use plagiarism checkers to assess your work and ensure your plagiarism score remains in the single digits.
  • 👀 Reading around the topic can greatly help in paraphrasing correctly and avoiding plagiarism.
  • 📋 Note that some level of plagiarism may be found in all papers, but strive to keep it to a minimum.
  • 🎥 Utilize resources like YouTube to learn from others' methods and potentially improve your own research and writing strategies.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    -The main focus of the video is to discuss the common mistakes people make when it comes to plagiarism and to provide strategies and tips to avoid it.

  • What is the first mistake discussed in the video related to plagiarism?

    -The first mistake discussed is not paraphrasing correctly and just including an in-text citation, which does not guarantee that the material is not plagiarized.

  • Why is it important to understand the broader context of a topic when paraphrasing?

    -Understanding the broader context is important because it ensures a correct and comprehensive paraphrase. It helps in grasping who the topic is for, how it's used, and what it's made up of, which is essential for accurate representation in one's work.

  • What is the common mistake of using the source to intentionally change a few words?

    -The common mistake is that even if a person changes a few words from the source, it is still considered plagiarism if the entire sentence's wording is not changed. Simply altering a few words does not make the idea original.

  • Why is changing the original meaning of a source considered plagiarism?

    -Changing the original meaning of a source is considered plagiarism because it misrepresents the author's ideas or information. It is crucial to accurately convey the original thoughts and perspectives of the source in one's work.

  • What is the first strategy suggested in the video to avoid plagiarism?

    -The first strategy is to paraphrase or directly quote correctly. This involves improving one's understanding of the material and ensuring that the paraphrasing is done accurately to avoid unintentional plagiarism.

  • How can one keep track of sources when writing a paper?

    -One can keep track of sources by maintaining a record or a bibliography as they go along. This helps in correctly citing the sources in the final paper and prevents unintentional plagiarism.

  • What is the 'cite as you write' strategy mentioned in the video?

    -The 'cite as you write' strategy involves simultaneously researching, writing, and citing while working on a paper. This method saves time and ensures that all sources are accurately cited as the work progresses.

  • What is the role of a plagiarism checker in avoiding plagiarism?

    -A plagiarism checker is a tool that helps identify similarities between a student's work and existing sources. It is used to ensure that the paper scores low on the plagiarism scale, thus helping to avoid academic penalties.

  • What is the recommended plagiarism score according to the video?

    -The video recommends keeping the plagiarism score in the single digits. A score in double digits indicates that there are issues that need to be addressed to avoid plagiarism.

  • How can a student improve their paraphrasing skills?

    -A student can improve their paraphrasing skills by enhancing their understanding of the topic, practicing regularly, and using tools like plagiarism checkers to ensure the originality of their work.



📜 Understanding Common Plagiarism Mistakes

This paragraph discusses the most frequent errors people make when dealing with plagiarism. It emphasizes the importance of correct paraphrasing and not just citing sources. The speaker explains that even with citations, improper paraphrasing results in plagiarism. They also highlight the mistake of paraphrasing only a narrow section of text without fully understanding the broader context. Additionally, the danger of slightly altering the original text's meaning is discussed, as this is still considered plagiarism.


📚 Strategies to Avoid Plagiarism

The speaker shares several strategies to avoid plagiarism. The first tip is to always paraphrase or quote correctly, emphasizing the necessity of a thorough understanding of the material being paraphrased. The second strategy is to keep track of sources used, ensuring proper citation to avoid accidental plagiarism. The third tip, 'cite as you write,' is a personal technique the speaker uses, which involves citing sources immediately after writing paraphrased content. Lastly, the use of plagiarism checkers is recommended to ensure a low plagiarism score, with the advice to keep scores in the single digits to avoid issues.




Plagiarism refers to the act of using someone else's words, ideas, or work without giving proper credit or permission. In the context of the video, it's a critical issue that students must avoid when writing papers or conducting research. The video emphasizes the importance of understanding and correctly applying methods to avoid plagiarism, such as proper paraphrasing and citation.


Paraphrasing is the act of rewording or rephrasing a piece of text in one's own words while maintaining the original meaning. The video highlights the common mistake of not paraphrasing correctly and emphasizes that even with a citation, improperly paraphrased content can be considered plagiarized. Effective paraphrasing involves a deep understanding of the source material and the ability to express it in a new form.

💡In-text citation

An in-text citation is a reference to a source of information that is included within the body of the text. The video points out the misconception that simply including an in-text citation is not enough to avoid plagiarism; the material must also be correctly paraphrased. Citations serve as a way to give credit to the original author and to guide readers to the full reference in the reference list.

💡Common mistakes

The video outlines several common mistakes related to plagiarism, such as not paraphrasing correctly, only reading the immediate passage, using the source text to change a few words, and altering the original meaning of the source. These mistakes can lead to unintentional plagiarism and are important to avoid for academic integrity.

💡Understanding the topic

A key aspect mentioned in the video is the necessity of fully understanding the topic one is writing about. This understanding is crucial for effective paraphrasing and avoiding plagiarism. The video suggests that if a writer struggles with paraphrasing, it may be due to a lack of comprehension of the material, emphasizing the importance of research and comprehension in the writing process.


Research is the process of gathering information and sources to build knowledge and support claims made in writing. In the video, it is suggested that effective research improves understanding, which in turn aids in paraphrasing. The video also advises keeping track of sources to ensure proper citation and to avoid plagiarism by accidental misattribution.

💡Cite as you write

The strategy of 'cite as you write' is a personal tip shared in the video where the writer simultaneously researches, writes, and cites their work. This method is presented as an efficient way to avoid plagiarism and save time by immediately adding citations as one writes the paraphrased material, thus ensuring that the source is properly acknowledged as the writing progresses.

💡Plagiarism checker

A plagiarism checker is a software tool that scans written work to identify portions that may be plagiarized. The video encourages the use of such tools to ensure that the plagiarism score remains low. It is noted that professors also use these tools when grading, and high scores can lead to penalties, hence the importance of checking and addressing any potential plagiarism before submission.

💡Academic integrity

Academic integrity refers to the ethical standards and principles of honesty and responsibility that are expected in academic work. The video's main theme revolves around this concept, as it provides strategies and tips to avoid plagiarism, which is a violation of academic integrity. Maintaining academic integrity is crucial for the credibility of a student's work and the reputation of educational institutions.

💡Reference list

A reference list is a compilation of all the sources cited in a piece of written work. It provides a complete and formal citation for each source used, allowing readers to locate the original material. The video stresses the importance of keeping track of sources and correctly citing them in the reference list to avoid plagiarism and ensure that each idea's origin is properly acknowledged.


Common mistakes in avoiding plagiarism are discussed, providing insights into frequent errors made by students.

The importance of correct paraphrasing is emphasized, even with citation, as incorrect paraphrasing can lead to plagiarism.

The danger of paraphrasing only the immediate passage is highlighted, suggesting the need for a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

The risk of using the source text to change a few words and still commit plagiarism is pointed out.

Altering the original meaning of the source material is identified as a common mistake that leads to plagiarism.

The video offers actionable strategies to avoid plagiarism, starting with the correct method of paraphrasing and quoting.

Improving one's understanding of the topic is crucial for effective paraphrasing and avoiding plagiarism.

The advice to keep track of sources is given to prevent accidental plagiarism due to incorrect citation.

The presenter shares a personal strategy of 'cite as you write' to ensure proper attribution while writing.

The benefits of citing immediately after writing a paraphrased section are discussed for time-saving and accuracy.

The use of a plagiarism checker is recommended as a final strategy to ensure papers are free from plagiarism.

The presenter suggests aiming for a plagiarism score in the single digits to avoid penalties.

The video concludes with a summary phrase emphasizing the use of a plagiarism checker for those new to paraphrasing.

The new YouTube feature called 'YouTube Thanks' is mentioned, allowing viewers to support creators and provide feedback.