Plagiarism: Basics, Types, Steps to Avoid, Plagiarism Checking Softwares Free & Paid

My Research Support
15 Jun 202020:55

TLDRThis video aims to familiarize viewers with the concept of plagiarism, its various types, and steps to avoid it. It also discusses the importance of plagiarism checking software, both free and paid options, and provides insights into the process of testing research articles. The video emphasizes the significance of originality in publications and offers guidance on how to avoid accidental plagiarism. It also touches on the different types of plagiarism and suggests using advanced tools to ensure the quality of academic and professional writing. The content is designed to educate and inform viewers on maintaining integrity in their work and the consequences of plagiarism, encouraging the use of reliable software to check for duplication and promote original content.


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  • 🔑 साइट एडिटर लाइट और सैनिटेशन का उपयोग करके प्लेगेरिज्म को कम करने की कोशिश करें।
  • 📉 प्लेगेरिज्म की दर को कम करने के लिए अमेज़ॉन 600 से कम करो।
  • 🔗 विभिन्न स्रोतों से टेक्स्ट कॉपी करने से बचें और मूल स्रोतों का उपयोग करें।
  • 📈 अपने लेखन को बेहतर बनाने के लिए विशेषज्ञता और गुणवत्ता के साथ प्रकाशित करें।
  • 📝 प्लेगेरिज्म की रिपोर्ट के अंतिम भाग में दी गई जानकारी का ध्यान दें।
  • 💡 विश्वसनीयता और मूलता के लिए अपनी रिसर्च और लेखन को बार-बार जांचें।
  • 🌐 इंटरनेट पर उपलब्ध मुफ्त सॉफ्टवेयर का उपयोग करके अपनी लिखित क्रिया का प्लेगेरिज्म की जांच करें।
  • ✅ अपने लेखन को प्रकाशित करने से पहले, सभी संदर्भों और स्रोतों को सही ढंग से प्रस्तुत करें।

Q & A

  • What is plagiarism and why is it important to avoid it in academic writing?

    -Plagiarism is the act of using another person's work without proper attribution and presenting it as one's own. It is important to avoid because it is considered academic dishonesty and can lead to severe consequences, including failing a course or damaging one's academic and professional reputation.

  • What are some common types of plagiarism?

    -Common types of plagiarism include verbatim copying, which is using someone else's words without quotation marks or attribution; paraphrasing without citation, where the ideas are restated without proper reference; and mosaic plagiarism, which involves piecing together different sources without proper citation.

  • How can plagiarism checking software help in preventing academic dishonesty?

    -Plagiarism checking software can help by scanning written work against a vast database of content to identify any instances where the text has been copied or closely paraphrased without proper citation. This allows students and educators to ensure that all sources are properly acknowledged.

  • What steps can a student take to avoid plagiarism when writing a research paper?

    -To avoid plagiarism, a student should: 1) Understand the concept of plagiarism, 2) Paraphrase effectively while citing the source, 3) Use quotation marks for direct quotes and cite them, 4) Keep a record of all sources used, and 5) Utilize plagiarism detection tools to check their work before submission.

  • What are some free and paid plagiarism checking software options available to students?

    -Free options for plagiarism checking include services like SmallSEOTools, Search Engine Reports, and Plagiarism Check. Paid options often provide more comprehensive reports and features, such as Turnitin, Grammarly Premium, and Copyscape.

  • How can a student ensure the quality of their research paper while avoiding plagiarism?

    -Ensuring quality in a research paper involves thorough research, critical analysis, original thought, and proper citation of sources. Students should also follow academic guidelines, get feedback from peers or instructors, and use plagiarism checkers to ensure their work is original.

  • What are the consequences of plagiarism in the professional world?

    -In the professional world, plagiarism can lead to severe consequences such as loss of employment, damage to professional reputation, legal action for copyright infringement, and a loss of trust from colleagues and employers.

  • How can an author protect their work from being plagiarized?

    -Authors can protect their work by using copyright notices, registering their work with a copyright office, employing digital watermarks or content protection services, and being vigilant about where and how their work is distributed.

  • What is the role of an academic institution in promoting academic integrity and preventing plagiarism?

    -Academic institutions play a crucial role by educating students about the importance of academic integrity, providing resources such as plagiarism detection tools, establishing clear policies on plagiarism, and enforcing consequences for academic misconduct.

  • Can you provide an example of how to properly cite a source in a research paper?

    -Sure, an example of a proper citation in APA style would be: 'According to recent research (Smith, 2023), the phenomenon of globalization has significantly impacted economic growth.' References would then be listed in the bibliography with full details of the source.

  • What are some strategies to paraphrase effectively without plagiarizing?

    -To paraphrase effectively, one should read and understand the original source, put the information in their own words while maintaining the original meaning, attribute the source properly, and ensure that the paraphrased content does not duplicate the structure or phrasing of the original text.



😀 Introduction to Plagiarism Software

The first paragraph introduces the video's focus on plagiarism software, its importance, and how it can help students and researchers. It discusses the basic parts of plagiarism software, the significance of testing research articles, and the aim to publish high-quality, original content. The paragraph also mentions the use of a site editor, light weight, and sanitation to reduce plagiarism and avoid classification errors. It encourages viewers to subscribe to the channel for updates and competitive studies to make informed choices.


📚 Understanding Plagiarism and Citation

The second paragraph delves into the technical aspects of plagiarism detection, emphasizing the importance of proper citation to avoid plagiarism. It talks about the methodology for giving IT can be called a piece of difference and definition in requirements for the type of fashion style. The paragraph also touches on the use of large numbers and specific details in references, highlighting the need for careful attention to avoid errors in academic writing.


🔍 Detecting and Avoiding Plagiarism

The third paragraph discusses the importance of receiving notifications from users and universities regarding plagiarism and grants. It mentions the need to avoid certain types of plagiarism, such as glass types, and the importance of subscribing to the channel for updates on how to handle different reports and countries' standards. The paragraph also advises on the use of specific software and settings to minimize plagiarism issues.


📈 Reducing Plagiarism for Better Content

The fourth paragraph focuses on the practical steps to reduce plagiarism in software and the role of vitamins in this context, which seems to be a metaphor for essential elements. It discusses the benefits of a video-based approach to understanding the different states of redundancy and the importance of class distinctions. The paragraph encourages subscribing and refreshing the page for all updates, and it highlights the importance of proper identification from research articles.


🎥 Wrapping Up the Discussion

The fifth and final paragraph is a brief closing statement, signaling the end of the video. It does not contain substantial content but serves as a transition to the conclusion of the video.




Plagiarism refers to the act of using another person's work or ideas without giving proper credit to the original source. It is a serious ethical offense in academic and professional writing. In the context of the video, plagiarism is the central theme, and the script discusses various aspects of it, including types, steps to avoid it, and software that can detect it.

💡Plagiarism Checking Softwares

These are tools or applications designed to detect instances of plagiarism in written works. They compare the text against a database of existing content to identify any matches or similarities. The video mentions both free and paid software options, indicating that these tools are available to a wide range of users and can be crucial in ensuring originality and proper citation in writing.


To avoid means to keep away from or prevent something from happening. In the context of the video, the term is used to discuss steps that can be taken to prevent plagiarism. This could include proper citation, paraphrasing, and using plagiarism detection software to ensure that one's work is original and respects the intellectual property of others.

💡Research Article

A research article is a detailed report usually written by scientists or researchers, presenting the results of original research. It is a crucial part of academic publishing and contributes to the body of knowledge in a particular field. The video script mentions the importance of understanding research articles, likely in relation to avoiding plagiarism by properly citing the sources of information.


Quality refers to the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind. It is an important consideration in various contexts, including academic writing, where high-quality work is expected to be original, well-researched, and properly cited. The video emphasizes the importance of quality in publications, which can be compromised if plagiarism occurs.


In the context of the video, an index likely refers to a list or a database that is used by plagiarism detection software to compare and identify similar content. The index would contain a vast array of texts and sources that help in determining the originality of a document.


The term 'type' in this context could refer to the different types of plagiarism or the various kinds of plagiarism detection software. The video script suggests that there are different categories or classifications within the discussion of plagiarism, which might include unintentional plagiarism, direct copying, and paraphrasing without citation.


A subscription, in the context of the video, likely refers to subscribing to a channel or service that provides information or tools related to avoiding plagiarism. This could be a newsletter, a tutorial channel, or a service that offers plagiarism checking software. The video script encourages viewers to subscribe, indicating the value of ongoing access to resources and updates.


Avoidance in the video script pertains to the strategies or actions taken to steer clear of plagiarism. This could involve using proper citation methods, understanding the importance of original work, and utilizing plagiarism detection software to ensure that one's writing is free from copied content.


Detection in this context refers to the process of identifying or discovering instances of plagiarism using specialized software or manual review. The video discusses the importance of detection as a means to maintain academic integrity and ensure that all work presented is original and properly attributed.

💡Free & Paid

This term contrasts two types of services or software offerings: those that are available at no cost (free) and those that require payment (paid). The video script mentions both free and paid plagiarism checking software, suggesting that users have options to suit their needs and budgets when it comes to ensuring the originality of their work.


Complete familiarity with plagiarism software is essential for academic integrity.

Discussion on the basic parts of plagiarism and how to avoid it.

Lightweight site editors and sanitation methods can significantly reduce plagiarism.

Different types of plagiarism explained, helping viewers understand their implications.

Comparative studies demonstrate the effectiveness of various plagiarism software.

The importance of choosing the right plagiarism software for different needs.

Highlighting the significance of the quality index in journal submissions.

Overview of free and paid plagiarism checking software available online.

Strategies for reducing plagiarism in academic writing.

Methods for testing research articles for plagiarism before publication.

Advice on avoiding classification errors when using plagiarism software.

Understanding the legal protections against plagiarism and copyright law.

The role of plagiarism software in maintaining the novelty and integrity of submissions.

Practical applications of plagiarism software in educational settings.

The impact of plagiarism on academic and professional reputations.