How to create content with AI in 2023, Gravity write Vs Chatgpt

Learn With Zeeshan Afridi
5 Sept 202307:04

TLDRThe video script discusses content writing and the transition from manual efforts to automated processes. It introduces a tool called Gravity Write, which is user-friendly and helps in generating specific data to improve content ranking. The tool provides features like topic ideas, blog outlines, and even image creation. The speaker guides through the process of using the tool, from logging in to selecting topics and creating content, emphasizing its efficiency and the benefits it brings to content creators in terms of saving time and effort while maintaining quality.


  • 🌐 The speaker discusses the transition from manual content writing to automated content generation, noting that 90% of content writing is now being automated.
  • 📈 There's a shift towards using tools like Gravity Write for content creation, which provides specific data and user-friendly features for improved ranking and engagement.
  • 🔍 The importance of choosing the right keywords is emphasized, as they play a crucial role in how content is ranked and promoted by search engines like Google.
  • 📝 The process of using Gravity Write is outlined, including logging in, accessing features, and creating content based on provided topics and outlines.
  • 🎯 The speaker highlights the ease of selecting topics and generating content, with the tool offering suggestions and assistance in creating blog outlines and descriptions.
  • 🖼️ The creation of image briefs is mentioned, allowing users to generate images for their content, which can enhance the appeal and engagement of their posts.
  • 📅 The tool also provides a content calendar, helping users to plan and organize their posts effectively.
  • 💡 The script touches on the importance of originality in content creation, suggesting that unique topics and angles can help stand out in a crowded online space.
  • 📊 The tool offers features for detecting and suggesting keywords, which can aid in optimizing content for better visibility and search engine ranking.
  • 🚀 The speaker encourages the use of such tools to streamline the content creation process, save time, and increase the chances of success in content marketing.
  • 📝 The process of copying and pasting content from the tool to other platforms is discussed, emphasizing the ease with which users can generate and implement their content ideas.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic discussed in the video script?

    -The main topic discussed in the video script is content writing and the use of a specific tool called Gravity Write for generating content ideas and improving writing efficiency.

  • Who is the speaker in the video script?

    -The speaker in the video script is Mohamad Jishan, who talks about his YouTube channel and his expertise in content writing.

  • What is the issue with the current content writing trend mentioned in the script?

    -The issue mentioned in the script is that 90% of people are generating content using AI, which is becoming too mechanical and not being promoted by Google due to its inability to track and rank such content effectively.

  • How does the speaker suggest using Gravity Write to improve content writing?

    -The speaker suggests using Gravity Write to generate specific data, which helps in creating user-friendly and quickly ranking content. It provides features like topic ideas, blog outlines, and contact calendars, making the writing process more efficient.

  • What are the key features of Gravity Write as described in the script?

    -Gravity Write offers features such as topic ideas, blog outlines, image briefs, and a contact calendar. It also provides creative history, which can help in generating content for YouTube descriptions and other related tasks.

  • How does the speaker describe the process of selecting a block for content generation?

    -The speaker describes the process of selecting a block by going to the left side 'Block Tools' and choosing from the provided options such as 'Topic History'. The user can then search for a specific topic and select the relevant block to generate content.

  • What is the importance of the 'Word Bank' feature in Gravity Write?

    -The 'Word Bank' feature in Gravity Write is important as it provides a list of related words that can be used to enrich the content. This helps in creating more engaging and diverse content for the readers.

  • How does the script suggest improving the efficiency of content generation?

    -The script suggests improving the efficiency of content generation by using tools like Gravity Write, which automates the process of topic selection, content creation, and even image generation, thus saving time and effort.

  • What is the role of AI in the content generation process as discussed in the script?

    -AI plays a significant role in the content generation process as discussed in the script. It automates the task of content creation, provides suggestions for topics, outlines, and even generates images, making the process more efficient and less time-consuming.

  • What is the main challenge faced by content writers according to the video script?

    -The main challenge faced by content writers, as per the video script, is the difficulty in getting their AI-generated content recognized and ranked by search engines like Google, which may not promote such content effectively.

  • How does the speaker propose to overcome the challenges faced by content writers?

    -The speaker proposes using specialized tools like Gravity Write that are designed to generate content in a more organic and user-friendly manner, which can potentially overcome the challenges faced with AI-generated content not being promoted by search engines.



📝 Content Writing and Online Tools

The paragraph discusses the transition from manual content writing to automated content generation, highlighting the shift in the industry. The speaker, Mohammed Jishan, talks about the challenges faced by content writers due to the rise of AI-based content generation tools like Gravity Write. The speaker also explains the process of using such tools, starting from accessing the website, logging in, to generating content based on specific prompts and keywords. The focus is on how these tools can quickly generate user-friendly and high-ranking content, providing an edge in the competitive online space.


🖼️ Image and Video Content Creation

This paragraph delves into the process of creating image and video content for online platforms. The speaker explains the steps involved in using a tool to generate an image brief and how to integrate it into a blog outline. The paragraph also touches on the creation of a blog outline and the subsequent steps to generate content, including the selection of relevant topics and the use of machine learning to enhance the content generation process. The speaker emphasizes the importance of free tools and website tools provided by platforms like Gravity Write, which offer features such as creative history, post titles, descriptions, and images related to the topic.



💡Content Writing

Content writing refers to the creation of written material for various platforms like websites, blogs, and social media. In the video, the speaker discusses the evolution of content writing from manual to AI-driven processes, emphasizing how technology has transformed content generation, making it more efficient and accessible. The mention of content writing sets the stage for discussing tools that aid in the process, highlighting its significance in the digital landscape.


AI-driven refers to the use of artificial intelligence to automate and enhance tasks, in this case, content writing. The video mentions that 90% of content writing is now AI-driven, indicating a shift from traditional manual methods to more technologically advanced, automated solutions. This transition suggests that AI tools are becoming essential for content creators to generate content efficiently and at scale.

💡Gravity Write

Gravity Write is mentioned as a specific tool in the video. It appears to be a content creation platform that provides users with specific data and a user-friendly interface to enhance content writing and ranking possibilities. The tool likely aids in generating SEO-friendly content, which is crucial for visibility and ranking on search engines.


SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a key concept in the video, implied through the discussion of content ranking and keyword optimization. It involves optimizing website content to rank higher in search engine results, making it more visible to users. The video's reference to content and keywords not ranking well suggests a focus on improving SEO through better content strategies.


Keywords are terms or phrases that are central to a topic or content and are used to optimize search engine rankings. The video discusses how the algorithm tracks keywords and their importance in content ranking. This implies that choosing the right keywords is crucial for SEO success and visibility online.


User-friendly refers to a design or interface that is easy to use and navigate. In the video, the speaker mentions that Gravity Write has a user-friendly interface, suggesting that the tool is accessible and convenient for users, which is essential for a positive user experience and effective content creation.


Ranking in the context of the video relates to the position of content on search engine result pages. The speaker discusses how using specific tools like Gravity Write can enhance the chances of better ranking, indicating the importance of using the right tools and strategies to improve online visibility.

💡Content Generation

Content generation is the process of creating content for digital media. The video explores how content generation has become easier and more efficient with AI tools, highlighting the shift from manual content creation to automated, AI-assisted processes.

💡Blog Topics

Blog topics are the subjects or themes around which blog posts are written. In the video, the speaker mentions using Gravity Write to generate blog topic ideas and outlines, indicating the tool's role in facilitating content creation by providing structured guides and inspiration for blog content.


Engagement in the context of the video refers to the interaction between content and its audience. While the term is not directly mentioned, it is implied through the discussion of content quality, SEO, and user-friendly interfaces. Engaging content is more likely to rank well, attract readers, and achieve the content creator's objectives.


The speaker, Mohammed Jishan, discusses the transition from manual to AI-based content writing, noting a significant shift in the industry.

90% of content writing is now being generated through AI, indicating a rapid technological advancement in the field.

The speaker mentions the challenges faced by 4GB and above content creators, such as lack of promotion from Google's algorithm.

Introducing a tool called Gravity Write, which is user-friendly and helps in quickly ranking content.

Gravity Write provides specific data, allowing users to create content with a high chance of ranking well.

The process of using Gravity Write involves logging into an account and utilizing its features for content creation.

The dashboard of Gravity Write offers a variety of features such as blog topic ideas, outlines, and a content calendar.

The tool generates image briefs and prompts for content creation, streamlining the process for users.

Gravity Write helps in selecting topics by providing a history of suggested topics based on user input.

The speaker demonstrates how to use the tool to generate a blog outline on the topic of technology.

The importance of originality in content creation is emphasized, with the tool aiding in creating unique topics.

Gravity Write offers a feature to create content for YouTube descriptions and tags, enhancing the visibility of videos.

The tool provides creative history suggestions, which can be used to generate related images for content.

Gravity Write is presented as a free tool with additional website tools for creating engaging content and home pages.

The speaker concludes by encouraging the use of Gravity Write for its practical applications and ease of use.