How to prepare your AI-generated art for sale.

Vladimir Chopine [GeekatPlay]
16 Nov 202214:00

TLDRThe video provides a comprehensive guide on how to prepare AI-generated art for sale on various platforms. It emphasizes the importance of originality and standing out in the market by offering unique pieces. The speaker advises researching the competition on platforms like Etsy and creating art that people would genuinely want to display and purchase. The process involves upscaling the image to at least 5000 pixels for high-resolution prints, adjusting the aspect ratio for landscape or portrait formats, and making minor retouches for clarity. It also covers creating different file formats for prints and digital downloads, tweaking colors to avoid absolute black and white for better print results, and using templates to create preview images that show how the art would look in a home setting. The goal is to make the art appealing for potential buyers, helping them envision the piece in their environment.


  • 🎨 **Research the Market**: Before selling your art, research platforms like Etsy to understand the competition and ensure your art stands out.
  • 🚫 **Avoid Plagiarism**: Steer clear of using stolen or copied AI art, which devalues the market and can lead to disappointment.
  • 🌟 **Create Unique Art**: Aim to create original pieces that offer something unique to potential buyers.
  • 🖼️ **Consider Presentation**: Think about how your art will look when displayed, such as on a wall or in a wallet, to gauge its appeal.
  • 📈 **Upscale Your Art**: Use tools like Gigapixel to upscale your AI-generated art to at least 5000 pixels in height or width for better print quality.
  • 📐 **Choose the Right Format**: Offer both landscape and portrait formats, as these are more commonly used by consumers.
  • 🖌️ **Retouch and Enhance**: Use Photoshop or similar tools to retouch and enhance details, improving the overall quality of the art.
  • 🖨️ **Prepare for Printing**: Create high-resolution files suitable for printing at 300 DPI, and consider different sizes like 8x11 or 11x17 inches.
  • 🎭 **Add a Personal Touch**: Adjust colors and tones to avoid absolute black and white, which can print poorly, and add a personal touch to your art.
  • 🖱️ **Create Preview Images**: Use templates to create preview images that show how the art will look in a frame, helping potential buyers visualize it in their space.
  • 📘 **Provide Multiple Formats**: Offer your art in various formats and resolutions to cater to different preferences and uses.

Q & A

  • What is the recommended resolution for an AI-generated art piece to be considered suitable for selling as a print?

    -The recommended resolution for an AI-generated art piece to be suitable for selling as a print is at least 5000 pixels in height or width to ensure the edges do not become blurry and the quality does not decrease dramatically when printed.

  • Why is it important to research the competition on platforms like Etsy before selling AI-generated art?

    -Researching the competition on platforms like Etsy is important to understand the market and to ensure that your art stands out. It helps in offering something unique that does not already exist, which can attract potential buyers and increase the value of your art.

  • What is the issue with simply rendering a square image and hoping it will sell?

    -Simply rendering a square image and hoping it will sell can be problematic because most people prefer landscape or portrait formats for their pictures. Square images are less common and may not appeal to a broad audience, which can affect the saleability of the art.

  • How can you enhance the value of your AI-generated art by using a retouching layer?

    -Using a retouching layer allows you to make fine adjustments to the art, such as fixing elements, removing unwanted parts, or enhancing details. This process can significantly improve the quality and appeal of the art, making it more valuable and attractive to potential buyers.

  • Why should absolute black and white be avoided when preparing AI-generated art for print?

    -Absolute black and white should be avoided because printers sometimes do not produce these colors properly. Instead, it is recommended to use -1 or -2 for black and +1 or +2 for white to ensure better printing results.

  • What is the purpose of creating preview prints for AI-generated art?

    -Creating preview prints serves to give potential buyers a realistic idea of how the art will look when it is framed and displayed in a home or office environment. This can greatly enhance the appeal of the art and increase the likelihood of a sale.

  • What is the recommended method for upscaling AI-generated art to improve its resolution for print?

    -The recommended method for upscaling AI-generated art is to use an application like Gigapixel, which provides better results in terms of detail and resolution. Upscaling to at least 5000 pixels in height or width is suggested to maintain quality during the printing process.

  • How can you determine if your AI-generated art is original and not just a copy of existing art?

    -To determine if your AI-generated art is original, you can compare it with the art available on selling platforms and check for uniqueness. Additionally, creating your own prompts and ideas can help ensure the originality of your art.

  • What are the two main options for selling AI-generated art?

    -The two main options for selling AI-generated art are selling it as a physical print through print-on-demand services or as a digital download, which can be offered directly to customers.

  • Why is it beneficial to provide multiple formats for the AI-generated art when selling?

    -Providing multiple formats for the AI-generated art allows you to cater to a wider audience with different preferences. Some customers may prefer square images, while others may want landscape or portrait orientations. Offering various formats increases the accessibility and appeal of the art.

  • How can you ensure that your AI-generated art stands out in a crowded marketplace?

    -To ensure your AI-generated art stands out, focus on creating unique and high-quality pieces that offer something different from what is commonly found. Research the competition, use original prompts, and apply professional post-processing techniques to enhance the art's appeal.



🎨 Enhancing Artwork for Sales: Understanding Market and Upscaling

This paragraph discusses strategies for making art more sellable on various platforms. It emphasizes the importance of originality and standing out from the competition by creating unique pieces. The speaker recommends researching the market on platforms like Etsy to understand what's being sold and how to offer something different. They also touch upon the issue of AI art being copied and sold, which they find disappointing as it devalues the art. The focus is on creating a piece that one would be proud to display and that friends would genuinely want to purchase. The paragraph concludes with advice on preparing images for sale, either as physical prints or digital downloads, and the necessity of upscaling images for better print quality using tools like Gigapixel.


🖥️ Preparing Artwork for Professional Printing and Digital Sales

The second paragraph delves into the technical aspects of preparing artwork for professional printing and digital sales. It outlines the process of opening high-resolution upscaled images in photo editing software and creating different formats such as letter or portrait orientation, suitable for various print sizes. The importance of working at 300 DPI for printing is highlighted, along with the option to adjust the image size for better sharpness. The paragraph also covers techniques for retouching and cleaning up the artwork, as well as adjusting colors to avoid absolute black and white for better printing results. Finally, it discusses adding a selective color adjustment layer for further customization and the option to provide different color versions of the artwork.


🖼️ Creating Engaging Previews for Art Sales

The final paragraph focuses on creating preview prints to help potential buyers visualize how the artwork will look in their space. It talks about using templates available online to place the artwork in a frame against a backdrop, which can significantly impact sales. The importance of matching the frame style to the artwork is emphasized, as this can greatly enhance the appeal of the piece. The paragraph also mentions the option to sell the artwork as a digital copy, providing different formats for buyers to choose from. It concludes with a summary of the process, from preparing the artwork to optimizing it for sales, and encourages viewers to share suggestions for improvement.



💡AI-generated art

AI-generated art refers to artwork that is created or significantly influenced by artificial intelligence algorithms. In the context of the video, it is the main subject, as the speaker discusses how to prepare and sell such art on various platforms. The video emphasizes the importance of originality and quality to stand out in the market.


Etsy is an e-commerce website focused on handmade or vintage items and craft supplies. It is mentioned in the script as one of the platforms where AI-generated art can be sold. The speaker advises researching the competition on platforms like Etsy to understand the market and offer something unique.


Resolution in digital imaging refers to the number of pixels in an image, which determines its clarity and quality. The video script highlights the need for high resolution when preparing AI art for sale, especially for prints, to avoid blurry edges and maintain quality during scaling.


Upscaling is the process of increasing the number of pixels in a digital image, making it larger without losing detail. The speaker uses Gigapixel for upscaling AI-generated art to achieve a higher resolution suitable for printing, which is crucial for producing high-quality physical prints.

💡DPI (Dots Per Inch)

DPI is a measure of spatial printing or video dot density. In the context of the video, the speaker mentions creating images with a 300 DPI, which is suitable for high-quality printing. The DPI is important for ensuring that the final print looks sharp and detailed.

💡Landscape and Portrait

These terms refer to the orientation of an image or a print. Landscape is wider than it is tall, while portrait is taller than it is wide. The speaker discusses offering both landscape and portrait formats for AI-generated art to cater to different customer preferences.


Retouching is the process of modifying or enhancing a digital image after it has been captured. In the video, the speaker talks about using a retouching layer in Photoshop to fix elements of the AI-generated art, such as removing unwanted elements or enhancing details.

💡Selective Colors

Selective Colors is a term used in image editing to describe the process of adjusting specific colors within an image without affecting the rest. The speaker recommends tweaking the colors, especially avoiding absolute black and white for better printing results.

💡Digital Downloads

Digital downloads refer to the sale of digital files, such as images, that customers can purchase and download. The video script discusses offering digital downloads as an alternative to physical prints, providing customers with the option to print the art themselves.

💡Preview Prints

Preview prints are visual representations of how the final printed art will look when framed or displayed. The speaker emphasizes the importance of creating preview prints to help potential buyers envision how the AI-generated art will fit into their space.


In the context of the video, format refers to the different sizes and orientations in which the AI-generated art can be offered for sale. The speaker discusses creating various formats, such as letter size or portrait, to accommodate different printing needs and preferences.


Research the competition on platforms like Etsy to understand what AI art is currently being sold and how to stand out.

Avoid using stolen or copied AI art to maintain the value and integrity of the art market.

Create original AI art pieces that offer something unique and not readily available to consumers.

Consider whether you would display the art in your own home and ask friends if they would purchase it.

Use tools like Gigapixel to upscale AI-generated images for better print quality and to avoid blurry edges.

Aim for a resolution of at least 5000 pixels in height or width for optimal print quality.

Prepare images in both landscape and portrait formats as these are most commonly used by consumers.

Create different formats for prints and digital downloads to cater to various customer preferences.

Use retouching techniques to clean up and enhance details in the AI-generated art.

Adjust colors, avoiding absolute black and white, to ensure proper printing results.

Experiment with colorization to add a personal touch and differentiate your art.

Provide both square and full-size original images to give customers options for different display preferences.

Create preview images using templates to show customers how the art might look in a home setting.

Match the style of the frame to the art to enhance the sales appeal and help customers envision the piece in their environment.

Offer various digital resolutions for prints to accommodate different customer needs and preferences.

Upload prepared images with different resolutions and preview sets to the selling platform.

Optimize the selling process to save time and ensure a smooth experience for both the artist and the buyer.

Encourage viewers to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement to refine the selling process.