How Does Midjourney Work? Exploring Ai Generated Art

14 Jun 202220:24

TLDRThe video explores the controversial AI art generator, Midjourney, which has divided the art community with strong opinions for and against its use. The host, Timothy von Fiedler, known as Vaughan Art Online, shares his initial skepticism and later fascination with the tool. He explains how Midjourney works, using keywords to create new images by referencing millions of internet sources. Discussing the software's impact on the art world, he addresses concerns about job replacement in the entertainment industry, copyright issues, and the essence of what constitutes art. Despite these concerns, Fiedler finds Midjourney to be an inspiring tool for artists, capable of generating countless interpretations and styles, which he uses for reference and to spark his creativity. He emphasizes that while the tool is powerful, traditional hand-drawn art still holds a unique value, and he encourages viewers to consider both the potential and the challenges that AI-generated art presents to the creative process.


  • 🎨 Midjourney is an AI art generator that has sparked debate in the art community, with opinions divided between strong support and opposition.
  • 🤖 AI-generated art works by using automated photo bashing and manipulation based on user-inputted keywords, creating new yet familiar images.
  • 🌐 Midjourney pulls from millions of images across the internet to generate its art, which can be eerily similar to the user's description.
  • 🚀 The software is invite-only and offers a limited number of renderings, with subscription options to extend usage.
  • 💡 Users can input specific styles or artists to influence the generated art, leading to different results each time.
  • 📈 Midjourney can be used as an inspiration tool, providing artists with a starting point or thumbnail to develop further.
  • 👽 The ease with which AI art is generated has raised concerns about the future of traditional art and the potential loss of jobs in the creative industry.
  • 📚 There are concerns about copyright issues, as AI art generators use existing art without permission, though it likely falls under fair use.
  • 🧐 The definition of art is being questioned, with some arguing that AI-generated images lack the human element and should not be considered true art.
  • ✨ Despite concerns, many artists find Midjourney and similar tools fascinating and inspiring, using them to explore new concepts and styles.
  • ✍️ The speaker uses Midjourney to enhance their traditional art process, finding it particularly useful for generating ideas and textures quickly.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion in the transcript?

    -The main topic of discussion is AI-generated art, specifically focusing on a program called Midjourney, its operation, and the impact it has on the art world.

  • How does the AI art generator Midjourney work?

    -Midjourney operates based on keywords input by the user. It pulls from millions of images across the internet to create something new yet familiar, eerily similar to the user's description.

  • What are some concerns raised about AI-generated art in the transcript?

    -Concerns raised include the potential replacement of concept art jobs in the entertainment industry, copyright issues related to the use of artists' works without permission, and the question of whether AI-generated images can be considered 'art'.

  • How does the speaker feel about the impact of AI-generated art on traditional artists?

    -The speaker initially felt threatened and concerned about the impact on traditional artists. However, after experimenting with Midjourney, they found it to be a powerful tool for inspiration and believe that original, hand-drawn art will continue to be appreciated.

  • What is the speaker's stance on the copyright issues surrounding AI-generated art?

    -The speaker acknowledges the complexity of copyright issues, suggesting that because the generated images are so transformed from the original sources, it likely falls under fair use. However, they also note that this is a messy area that may require further examination.

  • How does the speaker suggest artists can use AI-generated art in their creative process?

    -The speaker suggests using AI-generated art as an inspiration generator, similar to creating a Pinterest board but with generated images. It can be used for testing out different layouts, thumbnails, and exploring various styles, color palettes, and compositions.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the role of human skill and personal input in the creation of art?

    -The speaker believes that great art is a combination of technical ability, creativity, originality, and personal input that gives the work its soul. They feel that AI-generated art lacks this human element and should not replace the process of creating art.

  • How does the Midjourney software handle the ownership of the generated images?

    -According to the rules stated in the transcript, anything created with Midjourney can be posted or used royalty-free but is ultimately owned by Midjourney. Users can publicly post the images but if they use blockchain technology with the generated images, they have to pay Midjourney 20% of the revenue.

  • What are the potential benefits of using AI-generated art for artists?

    -The potential benefits include a faster and more efficient creative process, the ability to explore various concepts and styles quickly, and the use of AI-generated images as a foundation for drawing inspiration.

  • How does the speaker describe the community's reaction to AI-generated art?

    -The community's reaction is described as polarized, with some artists being excited about the possibilities it presents, while others feel threatened and concerned about its implications for the future of traditional art.

  • What is the speaker's final conclusion about AI-generated art?

    -The speaker concludes that AI-generated art is a powerful tool that can be used for inspiration and should be viewed as such. They believe that despite the concerns, traditional art will continue to stand out and be appreciated for the human touch and effort involved in its creation.



🎨 Introduction to AI Art and Midjourney

The video begins with the host, Timothy Von Ridden (also known as Vaughn Art Online), discussing the divisive nature of AI-generated art in the art community. He mentions his initial skepticism but also his curiosity. The host introduces the concept of AI art, describing it as automated photo manipulation software that uses keywords to create new images. The video showcases Midjourney, a popular AI art generator, which the host explores through a time-lapse of his art process. The host also discusses the software's invitation-only status and its subscription model, which limits the number of renderings a user can do.


🤖 How Midjourney AI Art Generator Works

The host demonstrates how the Midjourney AI art generator works, explaining that it uses a Discord bot to process user inputs and generate images. He provides a step-by-step guide on how to use the bot, from submitting a description to selecting artists for stylistic influence. The host also discusses the ease of generating images and the potential concerns this raises, such as the impact on traditional art-making and the value of personal input in art. He shares his thoughts on the ethical considerations of AI art, including the potential for job displacement in the art industry and copyright issues.


🚀 Impact of AI Art on the Art Industry

The host delves into the potential impact of AI art on jobs, particularly in the entertainment industry, where concept artists may be replaced by AI-generated art. He acknowledges the concern over copyright infringement, explaining that the transformative nature of AI art likely falls under fair use. The host also addresses the existential question of whether AI-generated images can be considered art, given the lack of human application and skill. He shares his personal belief that AI art lacks the human element necessary for true art and suggests that AI-generated images should be seen as tools for inspiration rather than replacements for the art-making process.


🌟 Using AI Art as an Inspiration Tool

The host shares his personal journey with AI art, starting with his initial resistance and eventual embrace of it as an inspiration tool. He describes how AI art can generate countless interpretations and styles, which can be used to spark creativity. The host explains that he uses AI-generated images as a starting point for his own art, focusing on shapes, compositions, and textures. He also discusses the change in his workflow, noting that he has become faster, bolder, and more confident in his work. The host emphasizes that while AI art can be a powerful tool, it should not replace the human element in art-making.


📈 The Future of AI Art and Traditional Art

In the conclusion, the host acknowledges the concerns and fears about AI art's impact on traditional art and artists. However, he remains optimistic about the future, believing that original, hand-drawn art will continue to be appreciated for the time, energy, and thought invested in its creation. He encourages viewers to share their thoughts on AI art and to join his live streams for further discussion. The host expresses his fascination with AI art's potential and his intention to continue observing its development.



💡AI Generated Art

AI Generated Art refers to artwork that is created with the assistance of artificial intelligence. In the context of the video, it is produced by software that uses algorithms to interpret and combine elements from millions of images found online, based on the keywords provided by the user. The video explores the use of such technology in the art world, particularly through the AI art generator 'Midjourney', which has sparked debate on its impact on traditional artistic creation.


Midjourney is a popular AI art generator that the video focuses on. It is an invite-only software that allows users to input keywords and receive generated images based on those inputs. The software has the ability to create new and unique images that are eerily similar to the user's description, which has led to a divide in the art community regarding its use and the value of the art it produces.

💡Discord Bot

In the video, Midjourney is mentioned as being accessible through a Discord bot. A Discord bot is an automated program that can perform tasks within the Discord platform, which is a communication app popular among gamers and online communities. The bot facilitates the interaction with the AI art generator by processing user inputs and providing the corresponding AI-generated images.

💡Artistic Process

The artistic process is the journey an artist takes from the inception of an idea to the completion of a work of art. The video discusses the impact of AI-generated art on this process, suggesting that some artists feel threatened by the speed and ease with which AI can produce aesthetically pleasing images, potentially undermining the value and personal touch that traditional art-making entails.

💡Technical Ability

Technical ability in art refers to the skill and technique an artist possesses to create their work. The video emphasizes the importance of technical ability alongside creativity and personal input to make a piece of art truly great. It is one of the three aspects that the speaker believes are essential for great art, which AI-generated art may lack due to the absence of human skill application.


Copyright is a legal right that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution. The video raises concerns about AI-generated art potentially infringing on the copyrights of the original artists whose work is used as a reference by the AI. However, it is suggested that due to the transformative nature of the AI's output, such cases might fall under fair use.

💡Fair Use

Fair use is a doctrine in copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission for purposes such as commentary, criticism, and parody. In the context of the video, it is mentioned as a likely defense for AI art generators against copyright infringement claims, as the generated images are significantly transformed from the original sources.

💡Traditional Art

Traditional art refers to artwork that is created using conventional methods and materials, such as drawing with pencils or painting with brushes. The video contrasts traditional art with AI-generated art, discussing the potential threat that AI poses to traditional artists, particularly in the fields of concept art and illustration.


Aesthetics in art refers to the appreciation of beauty and the sensory aspects of an artwork. The video mentions that while AI-generated art can produce aesthetically pleasing visuals, they may lack the depth and soul that comes from the human artistic process. It raises the question of whether such AI-produced images can be considered 'art' in the traditional sense.


Inspiration in the context of the video is the spark or idea that initiates the creation of a work of art. The speaker in the video suggests using AI-generated art as a tool for inspiration, similar to how artists use reference images or Pinterest boards. It is posited that AI can serve as a source of new ideas and creative stimuli, without replacing the human element in art creation.

💡Art World

The art world encompasses the community and environment involved in the production, distribution, and exhibition of art. The video discusses how AI-generated art has divided the art world into two camps: those who embrace the technology and its potential, and those who are concerned about its implications for traditional artistic practices and the value of original, handmade art.


Midjourney is an AI-generated art software that has sparked debate in the art world, dividing opinions between strong support and opposition.

AI generators work by creating images based on keywords, pulling from millions of internet images to form new yet familiar visuals.

Midjourney is popular and has inspired many, but also raises concerns about the future of traditional art creation.

The software starts as an invite-only platform, with limitations on renderings and optional subscriptions for more usage.

Midjourney operates through a Discord bot, allowing users to submit image ideas and see others' submissions and results.

Users can input specific artists for stylistic influence, leading to varied results with each entry.

The AI generates four thumbnails for users to choose from, offering options to upscale or create variations.

The ease of use and powerful results of Midjourney are both fascinating and terrifying, indicating a shift in art creation.

Concerns include the potential replacement of concept artists in the entertainment industry due to AI efficiency.

Copyright issues arise as AI art generators use artists' works without permission, though likely falling under fair use.

Questions are raised about whether AI-generated images can be considered art, with many feeling art requires a human element.

The impact of AI on jobs is compared to past technological shifts like the invention of the camera and the rise of digital art.

Midjourney's rules state that generated images can be used royalty-free but are owned by Midjourney, with exceptions for blockchain use.

The speaker found Midjourney to be an inspiration generator, useful for exploring concepts and styles without claiming the results as their own art.

Traditional artists can use AI-generated images as references, leading to faster, bolder, and more confident work.

The art community's response to hand-drawn art remains positive, suggesting original creations will stand out amidst AI-generated works.

The speaker views AI art generators as powerful tools alongside the camera and digital art, with a future of ongoing development and debate.