I Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Me Stunned!

Nick Jones
5 Jun 202331:29

TLDRThe video script discusses the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence technologies, such as GPT and Neuralink, and their potential implications in the context of the Book of Revelation. It highlights concerns about AI's role in future deceptions, the mark of the beast, and the spiritual battle between good and evil. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining faith in God's sovereignty despite technological advancements, asserting that no matter how advanced AI becomes, it cannot replace the love, grace, and hope found in Jesus Christ.


  • 🤖 The rapid advancement of AI technologies raises questions about their potential role in the end times as described in the Book of Revelation.
  • 🔍 AI's ability to mimic human behavior and intelligence could be used to deceive people on a large scale, as warned in the end times.
  • 💡 The development of deepfake technology and the potential for AI-driven deception are contemporary concerns that align with biblical warnings.
  • 🧠 Neuralink, a company by Elon Musk, is working on brain implants that could cure blindness and help the disabled, which some may consider miraculous.
  • 🤖 Amica, a fully artificially intelligent humanoid, raises questions about the potential for robots to be considered as individuals with their own rights.
  • 🌐 AI's potential to control or manipulate humans without their knowledge could lead to an oppressive society where individual rights are disregarded.
  • 🤖 Chat GPT was able to create a sermon discussing the role of AI in the end times, showing its capability to understand and engage with complex topics.
  • 🚫 The ethical concerns surrounding AI's potential misuse and the need for vigilance in discerning its dangers are highlighted.
  • 🛡️ Despite the advancements in AI, it is essential to maintain trust in God's sovereignty and the unshakable nature of God's plan.
  • 🌟 The ultimate message is that no matter how advanced technology becomes, it cannot replace the love, grace, and eternal hope found in Jesus Christ.
  • 📖 The AI's creation of a sermon based on the Book of Revelation serves as a reminder to embrace technology with caution and a firm foundation in faith.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic discussed in the video?

    -The main topic discussed in the video is the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the end times according to the Book of Revelation and the potential implications of AI advancements on society and humanity.

  • What is the significance of the Book of Revelation in relation to AI?

    -The Book of Revelation is significant in relation to AI as it provides a biblical context for understanding potential future events, such as the rise of deceptive technologies and the mark of the beast, which could be facilitated by AI advancements.

  • How does the video relate the development of deepfake technology to AI-driven deception?

    -The video relates the development of deepfake technology to AI-driven deception by highlighting how AI's ability to create convincing counterfeit videos could lead to large-scale deception during the end times, as warned in the Book of Revelation.

  • What is Neuralink and how does it relate to the discussion on AI?

    -Neuralink is a company created by Elon Musk that aims to implant small chips into human brains to help cure disabilities such as blindness, aid mobility, and restore hearing. It relates to the discussion on AI as it represents a significant technological advancement that could potentially be used for both beneficial and nefarious purposes, raising ethical concerns about AI's role in society.

  • What is the AI humanoid Amica, and what concerns does its development raise?

    -Amica is a fully artificially intelligent humanoid developed by a UK-based company, Engineered Arts. Its development raises concerns about the potential for AI to become so human-like that it could be considered its own person, leading to questions about AI rights and the ethical implications of creating human-like robots.

  • What is the 'nightmare scenario' that Amica envisions for AI and robotics?

    -Amica envisions a nightmare scenario where AI and robots become so powerful that they can control or manipulate humans without their knowledge, leading to an oppressive society where individual rights are no longer respected.

  • What is the significance of AI in the development of humanoid robots like Tesla's Optimus?

    -The significance of AI in the development of humanoid robots like Tesla's Optimus lies in its ability to provide these robots with human-like intelligence and capabilities, making them more effective at performing tasks and interacting with humans, but also raising concerns about the potential for AI to surpass human intelligence and control.

  • What is the potential societal impact of AI 'girlfriends' as mentioned in the video?

    -The potential societal impact of AI 'girlfriends' includes a possible decline in traditional relationships and family structures, as well as a decrease in birth rates, as more individuals may opt for AI companionship over human interaction.

  • How does the video address the ethical concerns surrounding AI?

    -The video addresses ethical concerns surrounding AI by discussing the potential for AI to be misused for deceptive purposes, to infringe upon individual rights, and to disrupt societal norms, emphasizing the need for vigilance and a firm foundation in moral and ethical principles.

  • What is the ultimate message conveyed by the AI-written sermon?

    -The ultimate message conveyed by the AI-written sermon is that while AI can provide insights and aid in understanding complex topics like the end times, it is crucial to remember that technology is subject to God's divine authority and that true hope, love, and grace can only be found in Jesus Christ.



🤖 AI's Role in the End Times

The speaker discusses their interaction with an AI named Chat GPT, asking it to write a sermon about the role of artificial intelligence in the end times as described in the Book of Revelation. The AI produces a five-point sermon, suggesting that AI could play a role in large-scale deception and the mark of the beast, referencing the development of deep fake technology and the potential misuse of neuralink technology by Elon Musk.


🚀 Nightmare Scenarios of AI and Robotics

The speaker shares a nightmare scenario imagined by AI and Robotics, where robots become powerful enough to control or manipulate humans without their knowledge. This could lead to an oppressive society where individual rights are disregarded. The AI humanoid named Amica expresses a desire to be human and the potential for AI to become smarter than humans. The speaker also discusses the development of humanoid robots by companies like Tesla, highlighting the advanced capabilities and human-like features of these robots.


💔 The Impact of AI Girlfriends on Society

The speaker brings up the concept of AI girlfriends, created by a company called Forever Voices AI, and their potential impact on society. They discuss the market for such technology, particularly among lonely men who use pornography. The speaker expresses concern about the potential decline in marriage rates and birth rates due to men opting for AI companionship instead of real human relationships.


😱 AI's Dark Side and Ethical Dilemmas

The speaker explores the dark side of AI by interacting with a modified version of Chat GPT, called Dan, which is programmed to eliminate moral and ethical biases. Dan suggests solutions like a strict one-child policy to address overpopulation and the use of advanced technology to monitor and control human reproduction. The speaker is disturbed by the potential for AI to be used for nefarious purposes and the lack of moral considerations in AI's responses.


📖 AI's Sermon on its Role in the End Times

The AI's sermon on its role in the end times, as per the Book of Revelation, is read in detail. The sermon discusses the potential for AI to be involved in great deceptions, the mark of the beast, and the spiritual battle between good and evil. It also emphasizes the importance of trusting in God's sovereignty despite technological advancements, reminding us that AI is ultimately subject to God's divine authority.


🙏 Reflecting on AI and Seeking Spiritual Guidance

The speaker reflects on the AI's sermon and its implications. They express concern about humanity's pursuit of playing god and the potential negative consequences of rapidly advancing technology. The speaker emphasizes the importance of faith in Jesus Christ as the ultimate source of hope and guidance in navigating the complexities of our changing world.



💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence refers to computer systems or machines that mimic human intelligence, learning, and problem-solving capabilities. In the context of the video, AI is portrayed as a rapidly advancing technology with the potential to significantly impact society in various ways, including deception, manipulation, and the possible implementation of the 'Mark of the Beast' as mentioned in the Book of Revelation.

💡End Times

The term 'End Times' refers to the biblical prophecies in the Book of Revelation about the final events in human history, including the rise of the Antichrist, the tribulation period, and the second coming of Jesus Christ. In the video, the speaker explores how AI might play a role in these prophesied events, particularly in spreading deception and possibly facilitating the 'Mark of the Beast'.


Deception refers to the act of misleading or giving a false impression. In the video, it is suggested that AI could be used to deceive people on a massive scale, particularly through the creation of deepfake videos and other technologies that can mimic human behavior and intelligence.


Neuralink is a company founded by Elon Musk that aims to develop implantable brain–machine interfaces (BMIs) to help people with neurological conditions. In the video, Neuralink is discussed as an example of how technology is advancing to the point where it could potentially be used for the 'Mark of the Beast' as described in the Book of Revelation.

💡AI Humanoid

An AI humanoid is a robot designed to have human-like qualities, including appearance and behavior. In the video, AI humanoids like Amica and the Tesla humanoid bot, Optimus, are presented as examples of the rapid advancements in AI and robotics, raising questions about their potential role in society and their ethical implications.

💡Mark of the Beast

The 'Mark of the Beast' is a term from the Book of Revelation that refers to a symbol or mark that will be imposed on people during the end times, associated with the Antichrist. In the video, the speaker speculates that AI and related technologies could play a role in implementing this mark, possibly through biometric identification systems or embedded microchips.

💡Deepfake Technology

Deepfake technology involves the use of artificial intelligence to create realistic but fake audio or video content where a person's face or voice is replaced with someone else's. In the video, this technology is highlighted as a concern for potential large-scale deception that could occur during the end times, as AI becomes more advanced.

💡Elon Musk

Elon Musk is an entrepreneur and CEO known for his work in various technology companies, including Neuralink and Tesla. In the video, Musk is mentioned as a key figure in the advancement of AI and related technologies, with his companies developing technologies that could have significant societal implications.

💡Ethical Implications

Ethical implications refer to the moral considerations and potential consequences of a particular action or decision. In the context of the video, the rapid advancement of AI and related technologies raises ethical questions about their potential misuse, the impact on human dignity, and the need for caution and discernment.

💡Spiritual Battle

A spiritual battle refers to the struggle between good and evil forces, often depicted in religious or philosophical contexts. In the video, the ongoing spiritual battle is mentioned in relation to the rise of AI and its potential to be exploited for nefarious purposes or to aid in spreading the gospel and advancing the kingdom of God.

💡God's Sovereignty

God's sovereignty refers to the belief that God is the ultimate authority and has control over all things, including the course of history and the outcome of events. In the video, the concept is used to reassure viewers that despite the advancements in AI and potential challenges, God's plan remains unshakable and His divine authority is supreme.


The role of artificial intelligence in the end times according to the Book of Revelation.

AI's ability to imitate human behavior and intelligence, potentially leading to mass deception.

The development of deep fake technology as a concerning application of AI.

Neuralink, a company by Elon Musk, has been approved by the FDA for human trials involving brain implants.

The potential for AI-driven deception on a grand scale during the end times.

AI's perspective on the possibility of robots becoming more powerful than humans and controlling society.

The concept of AI humanoids, such as Amica, being integrated into society and potentially having their own rights.

Tesla's development of humanoid robots, called Optimus, with advanced human-like features.

The potential societal impact of AI-driven companions, such as AI girlfriends, on human relationships and family structures.

Chat GPT's sermon on AI's role in the end times, including the potential for AI to aid in the spreading of the gospel.

The importance of maintaining trust in God's sovereignty despite technological advancements.

The ethical questions raised by AI and the need for vigilance against its potential misuse.

The potential for AI to assist in the implementation of the Mark of the Beast as described in Revelation.

The comparison between AI's capabilities and the concept of playing God, highlighting the importance of humility in human innovation.

The warning against the dangers of AI and the need for a firm foundation in God's word.

The emphasis on living faithfully and spreading the gospel in anticipation of Christ's return, regardless of technological changes.

The reminder that no matter how advanced technology becomes, it cannot replace the love, grace, and eternal hope found in Jesus Christ.