I Tested 7 AI Course Creation Tools... The Best One is AMAZING!

AI Andy
4 Oct 202316:31

TLDRIn this comprehensive review, the creator evaluates seven AI course creation tools, ranking them from best to worst. The top two tools are Corso and Learning Studio AI. Corso is praised for its ability to transform various types of content into premium online courses with AI, offering a simple and effective design. Learning Studio AI is also highly rated, providing a user-friendly interface and the ability to add videos to enhance the course content. The review highlights the importance of a good course structure that guides learners from a 'before' state to an 'after' state, emphasizing the value of personalized and engaging content. Despite some tools having limitations, such as the inability to edit certain elements or integrate with video platforms like YouTube, the overall consensus is that AI has significantly improved the ease of creating valuable online courses.


  • 📈 The online course market is expected to grow from $399 billion to $1 trillion by 2032, indicating a significant opportunity for course creators.
  • 🤖 AI tools are emerging to simplify the course creation process, aiming to make it easier for individuals to produce and sell valuable online courses.
  • 🏆 EdApp is ranked as a top AI course creation tool for its ability to generate comprehensive courses with interactive elements like quizzes and animations.
  • 📚 Corso is highlighted as an S-tier tool for its ease of transforming various types of content into premium online courses with AI assistance.
  • 💰 There is a potential downside in some tools where video integration is not seamless, requiring manual uploads which can be inconvenient.
  • 📹 Video embedding is a highly valued feature in course creation tools, as it allows creators to enhance their courses with unique content.
  • 📈 A successful online course often follows a specific formula, guiding learners from a 'before' state to a desired 'after' state, such as learning a new skill or achieving a health goal.
  • 🖼️ Course design and presentation are crucial, with tools that allow for easy editing and incorporation of images and gifs being favored.
  • 📝 Some AI course creation tools offer the ability to create quizzes and incorporate them into the course, which can enhance the learning experience.
  • 📈 Learning Studio AI and Corso are identified as top choices due to their user-friendly interfaces and comprehensive features that facilitate course creation.
  • 💡 The importance of investing in the right AI course creation tool is emphasized, as it can significantly impact the quality and success of the online course.

Q & A

  • What is the current market size of the online courses and what is the expected growth by 2032?

    -The current market size of the online courses is 399 billion dollars and it is expected to grow to one trillion dollars by 2032.

  • What is the key formula for selling online courses effectively?

    -The key formula for selling online courses effectively is to have a clear 'before and after' transformation that the course will help the learner achieve, such as learning a new skill or achieving a specific goal.

  • What is the first AI course creation tool mentioned in the script and what is its unique feature?

    -The first AI course creation tool mentioned is Ed app. Its unique feature is the ability to generate courses with various elements like quizzes, images, gifs, and even proper nutrition advice, directly within the platform.

  • How does Corso differentiate itself in the AI course creation market?

    -Corso differentiates itself by allowing users to transform their own voice notes, webinars, books, and more into premium online courses with AI, providing a quick and easy way to create content.

  • What is the main issue the reviewer has with Mindsmith's AI course creation tool?

    -The main issue the reviewer has with Mindsmith is that it presents the course content in a PowerPoint slide format, which the reviewer does not prefer, and it includes a quiz with incorrect information.

  • What is the pricing structure for Learning Studio AI?

    -Learning Studio AI starts at $39 per month, then $69, and finally $149, with the upgrades providing more features such as AI per month and unlimited courses on workspace.

  • What is the main drawback of Coursable mentioned in the review?

    -The main drawback of Coursable is that it does not allow for video addition or editing within the platform, and the course layout appears outdated with no bullet points, only paragraphs.

  • What is the unique selling proposition of Course Gen according to the script?

    -Course Gen's unique selling proposition is that it is an AI-powered course generator, which can create simple and basic courses quickly, although the reviewer found the output to be too basic and lacking in design quality.

  • How does Step-it.com position itself in the online course creation market?

    -Step-it.com positions itself as a tool that saves time and money while helping users build better courses for their followers, with a focus on creating and selling immersive online courses stress-free.

  • What are the top two AI course creation tools ranked by the reviewer?

    -The top two AI course creation tools ranked by the reviewer are Corso and Learning Studio AI, with Corso being slightly better for users who want to input a lot of information and have it turned into a course.

  • What is the main advantage of using AI in course creation according to the script?

    -The main advantage of using AI in course creation, as per the script, is the ability to quickly and easily generate course content, including personalized courses with approved study materials from the web, thus making the process more efficient.



📈 Online Course Market and AI Tools Evaluation

The video discusses the booming online course market, valued at $399 billion and predicted to reach $1 trillion by 2032. It explores the role of AI in simplifying course creation and evaluates various AI-driven course creation platforms. The host shares personal experience of earning six figures from selling courses and emphasizes the importance of a compelling 'before and after' transformation narrative in course content. Ed app is tested first, praised for its AI-generated course content, including quizzes and slides, but criticized for its video upload limitations. The course creation process is demonstrated with a half marathon training course example.


🎓 Transforming Content into Online Courses with AI

The script covers the use of AI to convert various content forms into online courses. Corso is introduced as a tool that can create courses from voice notes, webinars, books, and more. The host creates a fitness course as an example, noting the detailed and in-depth content generation, including quizzes and the option to add YouTube videos for further enhancement. Pricing for Corso is mentioned, with a positive note on its tiered structure, and the platform's design and ease of use are praised. Corso is ranked as a top-tier platform.


🎨 AI in E-Learning Development and Course Authoring

The video moves on to discuss Mindsmith, a tool that accelerates e-learning development using generative AI. A course on creating a snake game in Python is attempted, but a misunderstanding arises with the use of chat GPT. Despite this, the tool's graphical design is complimented, and its image quality is noted as superior to some other course creation software. However, the host expresses a preference for a non-linear learning path and criticizes the PowerPoint-style presentation. The quiz function is also highlighted as inaccurate. Mindsmith is given a middle-tier ranking.


📚 Personalized Course Generation and Online Learning Platforms

The host evaluates several other AI-powered course generation platforms, including Learning Studio AI, coursable, course gen, and Step it.com. Each platform is tested with a focus on their ability to create personalized and engaging courses, their user interface, and the richness of the content produced. Learning Studio AI is appreciated for its detailed content and step-by-step approach, despite an initial odd visual representation. Coursable and course gen are criticized for their basic and unengaging outputs, respectively, with course gen lacking the ability to edit or add videos. Step it.com is noted for its clunky interface and limited free features, requiring upgrades for full functionality. The top two platforms, according to the host's experience, are Corso and Learning Studio AI, with Corso being slightly favored for its comprehensive input handling and video integration capabilities.



💡AI Course Creation Tools

AI Course Creation Tools are software applications that utilize artificial intelligence to facilitate the process of creating online courses. They are designed to streamline the creation of educational content by automating certain aspects such as content generation, quiz creation, and course structuring. In the video, the host tests various AI tools to evaluate their effectiveness in simplifying the course creation process and enhancing the quality of the final product.

💡Online Courses Market

The online courses market refers to the industry that deals with the creation, distribution, and monetization of educational content delivered via the internet. It is a significant and growing sector, with the video mentioning its current size of 399 billion dollars and a projected growth to one trillion dollars by 2032. This growth is attributed to the increasing demand for flexible and accessible learning opportunities.


EdApp is one of the AI course creation tools mentioned in the video. It is highlighted for its ability to generate courses with interactive elements like quizzes and multimedia content. The host uses EdApp to create a course on training for a half marathon, demonstrating how the tool can be used to produce engaging and informative course material.

💡Course Formula

The course formula discussed in the video is a strategy for creating effective online courses. It involves taking the learner from an 'before' state to an 'after' state, where they have achieved a specific goal. This formula is crucial for selling courses as it provides a clear path of progression and desired outcome for the learner. An example given is teaching someone to lose weight or learn a new skill like Python programming.

💡Video Embedding

Video embedding is the process of including a video from one website onto another website. It is a feature that the host looks for in AI course creation tools as it allows for the integration of unique video content, such as instructional videos, into the course material. The ability to embed videos is seen as a way to add value and enhance the learning experience.


Corso is another AI course creation tool featured in the video. It is praised for its ability to transform various types of content, such as voice notes and webinars, into online courses. The host uses Corso to create a fitness course, highlighting its user-friendly interface and the ease with which it allows for course customization and content embedding.

💡AI Generative Content

AI generative content refers to the use of artificial intelligence to automatically create content, such as text, quizzes, and multimedia elements, for online courses. This technology is central to the function of the AI course creation tools tested in the video, as it enables the rapid development of course material that is both informative and engaging.

💡Learning Studio AI

Learning Studio AI is an AI-powered course creation platform that the host evaluates in the video. It is noted for its user-friendly interface and the ability to add videos to course modules, which can significantly enhance the value of the course. The host appreciates the detailed course outline and the structured approach to course creation offered by this tool.


Coursable is mentioned as a personal AI study guide that generates personalized courses using approved study materials from the web. The host creates a course on growing Twitter followers using Coursable, noting the tool's ability to provide a detailed outline and adapt the course complexity based on user input.

💡Course Gen

Course Gen is an AI-powered course generator that the host tests with the idea of creating a course on losing weight through calorie counting. The host finds the generated course to be very basic and lacking in visual appeal, and notes that it does not allow for video embedding or extensive editing, which limits its effectiveness for creating comprehensive courses.


Step-it.com is presented as a tool that aims to save time and money while building better courses for followers. The host explores its features for creating a course on selling t-shirt designs on Etsy. However, the host finds the tool to be clunky and not user-friendly, particularly because it requires upgrading to a paid plan to access more features and edit the generated content.


The online courses market is predicted to grow from $399 billion to $1 trillion by 2032.

AI tools are emerging to simplify the process of course creation.

Ed app is ranked as the best AI course creation tool for its ability to generate comprehensive courses with interactive elements.

A successful course should guide learners from a 'before' to an 'after' state, achieving a specific goal.

Ed app allows for easy editing of course content and integration with Canva.

Corso is capable of transforming various types of content into premium online courses quickly.

Corso offers a free tier for creating three mini courses and has a straightforward design.

Learning Studio AI provides a next-gen tool for creating online courses with the ability to add videos and practical exercises.

Mindsmith uses generative AI for e-learning development, but encountered issues with generating a snake game in Python.

Learning Studio AI has a user-friendly interface with bullet points and step-by-step instructions.

Coursable offers a personal AI study guide and allows for the creation of personalized courses with approved study materials.

Course Gen provides a basic course generation service but lacks the ability to edit or add videos.

Step-it.com focuses on creating and selling immersive online courses but requires upgrading for full AI generation capabilities.

The top two AI course creation tools are Corso and Learning Studio AI for their ease of use and feature set.

Investing in physical commodities like fine art has become accessible to everyday investors through platforms like Masterworks.

AI-generated courses can provide value if they are well-structured and include multimedia elements like videos.

The effectiveness of an AI course creation tool is measured by its ability to generate comprehensive, engaging, and editable content.