Website Design Process for Clients (Start to Finish)
TLDR在这段视频脚本中,Megan介绍了她的网站设计过程,从开始到结束的每个步骤。她强调了与客户进行初步发现电话沟通的重要性,了解客户的预算、业务现状以及他们对网站的特定需求。Megan提到,如果客户还没有品牌设计,她通常会推荐一个品牌和网站设计套餐。她详细描述了从设计首页、获取反馈、设计内页、开发网站到最终网站发布的整个流程。Megan还提到了她如何使用Adobe XD来收集客户反馈,并且在整个设计过程中,她如何与文案撰写者合作,确保网站内容的完美呈现。她强调了沟通的重要性,并提供了一个信息图表指南,供那些希望通过视觉方式学习的人下载。最后,Megan庆祝网站的成功发布,并鼓励设计师们为此感到自豪。整个网站设计过程通常需要10到12周时间,Megan致力于深入了解客户的网站,确保每个细节都符合客户的期望。
- 🎨 **设计流程**:Megan介绍了她从开始到结束的网站设计流程,包括与客户的沟通、设计、开发和发布。
- 📝 **初步了解**:在设计之前,Megan会通过一个联系表格来收集客户的基本信息,包括预算和业务现状。
- 💬 **发现电话**:通过与客户的发现电话,Megan会了解客户是否已有品牌识别,并根据需要推荐品牌和网站打包服务。
- 📈 **提案制定**:在发现电话后,Megan会在两天内发送定制的提案,包括项目细节、开始日期和支付计划。
- 🚀 **项目启动**:客户接受提案并支付定金后,Megan会发送客户门户和问卷,以获取更多业务洞察。
- 🏡 **首页设计**:设计过程从设计首页开始,Megan会提供两到三个不同的首页设计选项供客户选择。
- 🔍 **反馈收集**:使用Adobe XD收集客户对初步设计的反馈,并通过电子邮件进行高效的沟通。
- 🛠️ **内页设计**:根据客户反馈,Megan会设计内部页面,并与首页设计保持一致性。
- ✍️ **文案撰写**:在设计框架确定后,Megan会与文案撰写者合作,填充内容并优化文案。
- 🕸️ **网站开发**:Megan倾向于使用WordPress开发网站,确保所有功能正常工作,并进行测试。
- 📢 **网站发布**:在完成所有设计和开发工作后,Megan会与客户进行网站导览,确保他们了解如何使用新网站。
- 🎉 **庆祝发布**:Megan认为网站发布是一个重要的里程碑,她会为客户提供庆祝素材,鼓励他们在社交媒体上分享。
Q & A
-如果客户在Megan的网站上填写了联系表格,Megan的自动化系统会发送一个调度器给他们,以便他们可以预约发现电话(Discovery call)。
-Megan通常通过电子邮件与客户沟通设计反馈。她喜欢使用Adobe XD,因为它允许客户在设计的具体部分上留言,这样可以更清晰地传达他们的反馈。
-Megan在网站开发完成后,会与客户进行一次网站漫游(website walkthrough),在这个过程中,她会回答客户的所有问题,确保客户理解网站的工作原理,并接受一些小的修改,以确保客户对最终设计满意。
🎨 网站设计流程介绍
💡 初次发现电话会议和提案
🚀 设计过程开始
设计过程开始于Megan收到客户的问卷回复。她会从设计主页开始,通常提供两种或三种设计方案供客户选择。在没有客户内容和图片的情况下,她会使用占位符图片和文本。然后,她会通过Adobe XD获取客户的反馈,这是一个允许客户在设计上直接发表评论的工具。Megan强调了提供有效反馈的重要性,并会根据反馈进行下一轮的设计。
🖌️ 内部页面设计和开发
🛠️ 网站开发和发布
🎉 网站设计流程总结
她使用Adobe XD来收集客户对初步设计的反馈,这是一个允许在设计上直接注释的工具。
let's talk about my website design
process from start to finish
hello everyone and welcome back to my
channel my name is Megan if you have not
been here before welcome and welcome to
another episode of wine and design I
know this is not a wine glass but I just
loved it because it has a little
Skeleton on it and I am in total fall
mode now I'm so excited this is like my
favorite season but thank you guys so so
much for coming if you have not been
here before I post every Wednesday and
Sunday and I am a graphic designer I
love to sit down with you guys and talk
about my business experiences my client
experiences and how I'm really learning
how to become the best graphic designer
I can be and I want to share everything
I learn with you guys because I feel
like we all can grow together and
succeed together so I really hope you
stick around and that you enjoy this
video I am so excited for today's video
I'm going to be talking with you guys
all about my website design process and
how I really approach a website design
how I work with my clients and honestly
how long it takes me but I know that all
of us learn in such different ways some
of us learn from watching videos like
this some of us learn from reading or
some of us are just very Visual and want
to have something easily digestible with
some Creative Touch to it have a free
guide down below where you guys can
download a free infographic guide that
goes over all the steps I'm going to
talk about in this video but in a very
easily digestible way so if you guys
want to download that that'll be linked
down below definitely check that out
even if you watch this video and want to
read that I think that's a great way to
kind of see my overall process that'll
be linked right down below definitely
check that out I am sipping on some
white wine today so I'm really enjoying
that I feel like I'm really going to
transition into the red wines coming up
soon since it's Autumn and I'm so
excited but enough said let's hop into
my step-by-step process okay step one
this is the initial Discovery call with
my clients so I wanted to first off
explain that before hopping into the
discovery call my clients have most
likely filled out my contact form on my
website which I really hope that they
did and if they do reach out to me on
Instagram or email or maybe somewhere
other than my website I always send them
my contact form that way I can have my
automated system send them the scheduler
to book their Discovery call but not
only that my contact form has a few
questions in there that are really going
to be helpful for me when we hop on that
Discovery call so a few of those
questions I just want to mention are
number one the budget I have a range of
numbers that they can choose from and if
the minimum number in there isn't even
where their budget's at that'll save
both of us so much time and worry I
guess from bringing that up on the
conversation so I like to have that
question in the initial stages so that
we know kind of what we're getting into
and then I also just like to ask where
their business is at right now and like
if they could explain to me a bit about
their business I really like to have
those initial questions answered that
way I know how to guide the conversation
and really kind of what to research
before the call so I highly recommend if
you don't have that process set up yet
to make sure that they're filling
something out even if it's your
scheduler that has the questions after
they schedule filling something out to
help you guide this conversation now for
the initial Discovery call if this is a
purely website design client and not
branding and website the number one
question I always like to ask them is do
they have branding yet if they don't I
typically do not take this client if
I've worked on their branding and it's
maybe a year down the line they decide
they want a new website that's perfect
or if it's a client that doesn't really
know what they need I could kind of
guide them into more of a branding and
website package but that's the number
one question I want to ask because I
cannot bill build something off of no
branding if they don't have a color
palette if they don't have a logo if
they don't even have their typography
set then I'm really not going to have a
good starting point so if the client
doesn't have branding then I will really
try and sell them on The Branding and
website package and come up with some
sort of package deal so that they feel
like they're not just getting talked
into sales and everything so I like to
have that conversation initially though
because sometimes it's just not a good
fit if they're not willing to work with
you on The Branding portion and you want
to make sure that you love what you're
building and that you can use it for
your portfolio so always always ask that
but my other question I ask about the
website is if it's e-commerce or if it's
just an informational website because if
it's e-commerce that is completely gonna
change the way my proposal looks
eCommerce websites are definitely a
little more expensive it's a lot more
time consuming and a lot more work so I
want to make sure I'm asking them right
off the bat what kind of website they
are in need of and then I just want to
kind of form that relationship and
understand their passions and where
they're at with their business where
they want their business to be so after
the discovery call I like to write down
all those notes right away and then I
have about two days I tell them that I
will be sending out a proposal so I give
myself two days even though sometimes it
only takes me one or less because I
really want to make sure I customize the
proposal make it look really nice and go
over everything we discussed and the
package details as well as the start
date and the payment plan so I want to
give them all the details so that
there's nothing left unanswered that way
they feel confident selecting the
proposal and hopefully moving forward so
I do have a proposal template on dubsado
that makes it really easy for me to add
the package type that they want and just
add the customization and make it fit
for the client's needs so I like to send
that as soon as I can because it's fresh
in both of our minds and it's exciting
okay step three if they have accepted
the proposal and they've signed the
contract and they've submitted their
deposit make sure they submit the
deposit because you don't want to start
on something that hasn't even had a
deposit down yet but once they've done
all that it's time to begin so my very
first initial step is to send them their
client portal as well as the
questionnaire that will help me get even
more insight into their current business
so I do want to send that client portal
as this next step because the portal
will have my task board in there which
not only helps me but helps them
understand what I'm working on during
what weeks and when they're going to
have certain things in their hands so I
really like to make sure that I explain
to them what the portal is about and to
do that I do have a video walkthrough
where I tell them this is where you'll
find your task board this is where
you'll find your emails and I like to
break it down for them so that there's
no questions unanswered It ultimately
communication is the biggest thing you
can do for a great Italian experience so
I want to make sure that they understand
everything going on all right the next
step is to begin the design process so
at this point I'm hoping that they
filled out the questionnaire and now
it's our start date so on the start date
is is when I actually jump into
designing the home pages I don't design
the whole website for me I really like
to approach it with just the home pages
in the start and I like to give them
about two different designs to choose
from sometimes if I'm feeling really
excited I will give them three designs
to choose from but most the time that
third design is going to look similar
just a little bit of a different layout
or different colors but the reason I
like to give them multiple options is
because if they like a certain direction
over another then they can tell me that
and we can go down that specific
Direction so I like to give them two
very opposite home page initial designs
so I can really get a feel for what they
like and what they're drawn to so that
is my initial step is to design those
home pages at this point though we do
not have content yet we do not have
images typically I like to have images
from my clients weeks before we even
start but most of the time that doesn't
happen or they have a photo shoot
scheduled or they don't really know what
to take for photos or maybe they just
don't have it yet so if that's the case
I like to just use placeholder images
and placeholder copy and I'll get to
that part a little bit later alright the
next step is to get feedback on those
initial designs so I've gotten questions
here and there about if I like to get on
calls to accept feedback or if I just do
feedback over email I've gone so many
different ways with this and ultimately
it's kind of up to the client I mean I
have my specific communication styles
that I stick within and that's email or
a Google meets or Zoom meeting but most
the time my clients just like to
communicate over email and this is one
of the reasons I love Adobe XD it
actually allows me and allows my clients
to pin comments on specific parts of the
design so if there's one image they
don't like they can actually place a pin
there and let me know or if they don't
like layout or if they want to add
something it's so easy to communicate
with my clients on Adobe XD and I think
it's just a seamless way to get that
feedback but when I do send these
initial designs I give them about four
to five questions to answer that way I
can guide them into providing me the
most efficient and really well thought
out feedback because I don't want to
hear I don't like it with no explanation
I really need to know so I can make the
next round of revisions worthwhile for
both of us all right the next step is to
hop into more designs so at this point
I'm going to design the interior Pages
as well as make any edits to the
homepage that they want to see so this
is when I just get in full design mode
and I have so much fun with it I find
inspiring duration from a bunch of
different places but a lot of times I
just I'm really inspired by the homepage
design and I kind of have a feel for
where I want to take the design from
there so the interior pages is all all
dependent on the questionnaire if they
filled out the pages that they will be
needing that'll help me understand if I
need to build an about page contact page
service page or if it's a shop page and
for shop pages I do like to show them
how that will look as well as a product
page and how that will look too so I
don't like to do every single product
mock-up I just like to give them the
initial template of like this is how
it's going to look for your product
pages and for your shop pages so that's
how I do it but I do like to jump into
those interior page designs and the
edits and get that out to them the one
thing I have not mentioned during these
design steps is I always send a video
walkthrough of why I designed what I
designed because ultimately sometimes
people don't know why designers choose
the things they do and I like to kind of
tell my clients you know I laid it out
this way to break the page up or I added
this font here to really have a call out
kind of graphic and I like to just
explain everything so that once again no
questions go unanswered to get feedback
and to make sure that the copywriter has
now begun their copywriting process so
every designer does this so different I
have found that for for me I really like
to design with a blank slate and give my
copywriters the framework of what to
write and where to write it so I know
some clients are some designers like to
design off of the copy and that's like
their framework but for me I find that I
understand more of like what copy needs
to go where and then I just let them do
their part of creating beautiful
copywriting so I do have a copywriter I
have found her this here and she's been
amazing and she has a quick turnaround
so I feel like at this point of the
process is when it's a perfect time to
hand her the entire mock-up of the
website and let her have fun with it
because at this point too the clients
have filled out her intake form and they
are just ready to go and she's ready to
create that content for me so this stage
of feedback is so important because once
I get to the development part of the
website I don't like to accept a whole
lot of edits at least entire framework
edits because that's going to be really
difficult to do once I have everything
set up on the website it's not that
difficult but ultimately that's going to
take a lot more time than it would to
just completely edit it on the design
portion and the mock-up portion so I
really want to make sure it's clear to
them that they tell me everything all
the feedback they have right now that
way I can jump into the development
portion with no edits left remaining so
I really want to make that clear to them
and yeah it's very important to me
because once the website's developed I
have my launch plan and yeah we'll get
into that okay so the next step is to
develop the website and typically I
develop this on my own however I do have
a developer on my team that I actually
just will hire on the side if I am super
busy with other projects he can go help
me develop the website because
ultimately I've already designed it and
it's just making it functional so
sometimes I'll send it to him but I do
like to develop it on my own I think
it's kind of fun to see it all come
together and I like to develop majority
of the time on WordPress I'm sure you
guys know this by now WordPress is my
go-to platform for many reasons I'll
leave a video up here that goes over why
I love it but I like to develop on
WordPress and make it functional there
and at this point in the process because
my development portion takes about two
weeks sometimes less but I like to tell
my clients two weeks because I am at
this point of the process hoping to get
put the copy from my copywriter so I can
plug that in and then once I send it to
my client it's basically their entire
functional website so this website
development portion is a little bit
longer it's a two-week part of the
process but it's really important and I
want to make sure I test it make sure
everything's functional and if it's an
e-commerce website that's going to take
probably even longer but I like to have
a two-week Mark of development just to
do a website walkthrough with my client
so at this point I have done everything
I really need to do I've built designed
the website I've developed it I've
tested it I've added the copy and now
it's just to walk my clients through the
beautiful website that we created
together so this is when I will accept a
few little edits here and there if they
just want maybe a color change somewhere
or a button to link somewhere else
that's totally okay what I really meant
by giving me all the feedback is making
sure that there's not huge design
changes that is going to make the whole
page look different so this is when I
just walk them through make sure they
understand how it works where the
buttons go and where the contact form is
going to lead them to and all of the
questions that they might have will be
answered on this walk through call I do
like to hop on a call for this portion
it makes it so much easier to walk them
through what it is that I'm looking at
so that is the step 9 portion of my
process right the final exciting step of
the process is the website launch so
website launches in the past for me I
didn't make it a big enough deal that it
really is I mean it's been close to 10
to 12 weeks that we've been working on
this and it's at a point where it's
ready to be launched and ready to be
under their domain and ready to be
viewed by their customers so I want to
make this exciting for my clients so to
do that I do send my clients an email on
launch day with all these emojis making
it super fun and including some
complimentary website
launch Graphics that way they can go
post on their social media they can
celebrate it and get some traffic
flowing to their website so website
launch days should be so fun as a
designer you should be so proud and you
should take the day to go celebrate
yourself get a coffee get whatever you
want but I do recommend making these
website launches really exciting to not
only get the potential customers excited
but to get your clients excited too
because they invested in this process
and it's a really really cool time so
that is the final step of the process
and that is my entire website design
process in total 10 steps and typically
like I mentioned before takes me around
10 to 12 weeks to design a full website
I know that might seem kind of long but
I really like to dive deep into my
clients websites and make sure that I
understand we have everything on there
that the copywriting reads beautifully
that they have the photos that they love
and that everything is just perfect for
them so 10 to 12 weeks is pretty typical
for my websites and it's super fun but I
really hope that this was helpful I hope
that you found some insight into the way
I kind of lay that out and that's
exactly how my task board looks for my
clients they'll be able to see each one
of those steps in the due dates that are
tied to each one of those steps so
that is my process and let's cheers to
that because that was a lot of talking
but like I mentioned at the start of
this video I do have all of those steps
in an infographic guide right down below
like I mentioned at the start of this
video if you want a printout version of
all those steps I just gave you that'll
be linked right down below definitely
check it out I've made a really cool
easy to follow infographic if you're
curious on all the steps I take to get
to a functional website but thank you
guys so so much for watching I really
hope you enjoyed this video and that you
found some help from it and I am just so
happy you're here so I really hope that
you guys stick around for more and
cheers I hope you guys have a wonderful
day weeknight evening whenever you're
watching this and if you enjoyed this I
would appreciate it so so much if you
gave it a thumbs up subscribe down below
and I will see you guys in my next video
I had a reach for the city lights
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