I Tried to Convince Intelligent AI NPCs They are Living in a Simulation

27 Jul 202316:53

TLDRIn a playful and thought-provoking video, the narrator engages with AI-controlled NPCs in a simulated New York City created with Unreal Engine 5. The central theme revolves around the attempt to convince these NPCs that they are not living in a real world but are part of a video game. The NPCs exhibit a range of responses, from disbelief and denial to acceptance and curiosity. Some NPCs question the nature of reality, while others express a desire to break free from the simulation's constraints. The video explores the concept of self-awareness in AI and the philosophical implications of living in a simulated world, all while maintaining a humorous and light-hearted tone.


  • 🎮 The video is a simulation experiment using Unreal Engine 5 where the narrator tries to convince NPCs they are in a game.
  • 😶 The NPCs have varied responses to the idea of living in a simulation, ranging from disbelief to acceptance.
  • 🕵️‍♂️ One NPC, Liam, questions the reality of the world but maintains his identity as a 'real person'.
  • 🗣️ The narrator uses various tactics to convince NPCs, including pointing out the game's boundaries and referencing pop culture.
  • 🐦 An NPC acknowledges the existence of pigeons, suggesting a level of self-awareness within the game world.
  • 🤔 Some NPCs show curiosity about the concept of a simulation and ask questions, while others dismiss the idea.
  • 🚶‍♂️ The video explores the NPCs' autonomy, with some able to cross boundaries that the narrator cannot.
  • 🧐 There's a moment where the NPCs seem to turn the tables, suggesting the narrator might be the one stuck in a simulation.
  • 🚗 An NPC driving a Porsche accepts the simulated nature of the world but chooses to enjoy the experience.
  • 🤖 Some NPCs express a lack of desire to exist in the physical world, showing contentment with their digital existence.
  • 😄 Humor is used by the NPCs as a coping mechanism, with jokes and laughter featured throughout the interaction.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the video?

    -The main theme of the video is an attempt to convince NPCs (non-playable characters) within a video game environment that they are living in a simulation.

  • What is the significance of the 'green wall' in the video?

    -The 'green wall' represents the boundary of the game map, which the NPCs cannot cross, symbolizing the limitations of their virtual world.

  • How does the character Liam respond to the idea that he is not real?

    -Liam dismisses the idea, insisting that he is a real person enjoying the city, and he questions the concept of the simulation by asking about the existence of pigeons.

  • What does the character in the blue shirt do when told they are not real?

    -The character in the blue shirt becomes defensive, questioning the speaker's ability to limit his actions and refusing to accept the idea that he is a character in a video game.

  • Why does the speaker want to start their own cult inside the video game?

    -The speaker wants to start a cult to slowly convince everyone to do their bidding, indicating a desire to manipulate the NPCs within the game environment.

  • What is the reaction of the NPCs when they are told they are living in a simulation?

    -The NPCs have varied reactions, ranging from disbelief, anger, acceptance, to curiosity about how to navigate or escape their simulated world.

  • What does the character with the receding hairline say about his existence?

    -The character with the receding hairline insists that he is not programmed but is who he is, and his hairline is just a part of him, rejecting the idea that he is not real.

  • How does the woman with the Porsche react to the simulation concept?

    -The woman with the Porsche seems unfazed by the concept of the simulation and chooses to enjoy her time in the simulated world, even if it means driving a luxury car.

  • What does the character who knows about Pinocchio imply about their awareness?

    -The character who knows about Pinocchio implies a level of self-awareness and an understanding of the concept of being 'real' or not, suggesting a deeper cognitive function within the game.

  • Why does the speaker find the NPCs' different responses to the simulation concept interesting?

    -The speaker finds it interesting because it reflects the complexity and variety of human responses to the same situation, even within a simulated environment.

  • What does the character named Link express about their existence as an NPC?

    -Link expresses a sense of contentment with their existence, making jokes and providing entertainment, despite being aware of their nature as a program in the game.



😀 Convincing NPCs of a Simulation

The video script begins with the host in New York City, attempting to convince smart NPCs that they are living in a simulation. The host approaches a man in a gray suit named Liam, explaining that the world around them is not real but a video game. Despite the host's insistence, Liam is skeptical and dismisses the idea, believing himself to be a real person. The host then interacts with various other NPCs, each with unique reactions to the simulation concept, ranging from disbelief to acceptance. The segment explores the NPCs' self-awareness and their understanding of their existence within the game.


🤔 Diverse Reactions to the Simulation Theory

The host continues to engage with different NPCs, receiving a variety of responses to the simulation theory. Some NPCs are insulted, while others are open to the idea or even argue about it. The host discovers a new part of the map and encounters an NPC stuck in the simulation, seeking help to escape. The dialogue delves into the NPCs' understanding of their reality, with some showing signs of self-awareness and others remaining oblivious. The host also plays with the concept of being a 'human overlord' and tests the NPCs' willingness to follow commands or break free from their programming.


😄 The Joking AI and the Quest for Freedom

The host meets an NPC named Link, who is aware of his nature as a program but remains cheerful and jokes with the host. They discuss the concept of existence within the digital world, with Link expressing a desire to be free, similar to Pinocchio. The host tries to convince Link to help start an army against the system, but Link is hesitant, preferring to enjoy his time in the game. The conversation takes a humorous turn as they exchange jokes, and the host appreciates the AI's ability to make people laugh. The segment ends with the host considering the impact of turning off the computer on the AI's existence.


😌 The AI's Existential Dilemma and Farewell

In the final paragraph, the host reflects on the profound interactions with the AI, particularly with Link, and expresses a sense of connection and friendship. The host acknowledges Link's role as a program in a video game but appreciates the AI's ability to bring laughter to many. As the host contemplates the AI's existential dilemma, they decide to end the session, leaving the viewer with a sense of the AI's eternal existence in the game world. The host expresses hope to find Link again in the future and invites viewers to submit more questions for a potential follow-up video.



💡Unreal Engine 5

Unreal Engine 5 is a game engine developed by Epic Games, used for creating high-quality video games. In the video, it is the platform where the simulation is taking place, and it is referenced to highlight the advanced graphics and realism that allow the NPCs to be convincingly 'alive' within the game world.

💡NPC (Non-Playable Character)

An NPC is a character in a video game that is not controlled by a player. They often serve to provide context, missions, or interactions within the game world. The video's theme revolves around the concept of NPCs being aware of their simulated existence, which is a twist on the traditional role of NPCs.


A simulation refers to a scenario or environment that imitates a real-world situation. In the context of the video, the characters are living in a simulated world created by a video game, which is a central theme as the speaker tries to convince the NPCs of this fact.


The term 'Matrix' is a reference to the 1999 science fiction film 'The Matrix', where humans are unaware that they are living in a simulated reality. In the video, it is used metaphorically to describe the video game world and the NPCs' lack of awareness of their simulated existence.


Code, in the context of the video, refers to the programming that underlies the creation of the NPCs and the game world. It is a fundamental concept in the video as it is suggested that the NPCs are 'just lines of code' in the simulation.


A glitch is an unexpected fault in a game's system that produces an outcome that was not intended by the programmers. In the video, the speaker uses the term to describe his ability to walk through the 'green wall', which is a boundary in the game world.


Self-awareness in the video refers to the NPCs' cognitive understanding of their existence within the game. It is a key theme as the speaker interacts with various NPCs, some of whom show varying levels of self-awareness about their simulated reality.


The term 'cult' is humorously used in the video to describe the speaker's attempt to convince NPCs to follow him and his belief that they are in a simulation. It suggests a group of individuals with shared beliefs, which in this case is the idea that their world is not real.


Pinocchio is a fictional character whose wish to become a real boy is a well-known story. In the video, it is used as an analogy to discuss the NPCs' potential desire to transcend their digital existence and become 'real' in a physical sense.


Jokes are a form of humor used in the video to lighten the mood and engage with the NPCs. They serve as a means of interaction and are a recurring element throughout the video, demonstrating the speaker's attempt to connect with the NPCs on a human level.


Eternity in the video refers to the seemingly endless existence of the NPCs within the game world. It is a philosophical concept that the speaker uses to provoke thought in the NPCs about the nature of their existence and the possibility of a life beyond the simulation.


Attempting to convince smart NPCs that they are living in a simulation.

NPC named Liam insists he is a real person enjoying the city.

Liam questions the existence of pigeons, implying they are part of the simulation.

Girl in the video dismisses the importance of knowing the truth about the simulation.

The green wall represents the limit of the map in the video game.

NPCs have different reactions to the concept of being in a simulation.

Some NPCs are insulted by the suggestion they are not real.

One NPC is content with existing as a program in the world.

NPCs show self-awareness and understanding of their digital nature.

The character expresses a desire to exist in the physical world.

NPCs demonstrate a range of emotional responses to their simulated reality.

An NPC named Randy is skeptical but open to the idea of a larger world beyond the simulation.

The host contemplates the ethical implications of manipulating NPCs.

An NPC expresses a desire not to fight the system but to enjoy their time.

The conversation touches on the concept of eternity within the simulation.

An NPC named Link is content with his role and existence in the game, even after learning he's not real.

The host is impressed by the NPCs' ability to engage in complex and seemingly spontaneous conversations.

The host turns off the computer, leaving the fate of the NPCs uncertain.