I entered World's Highest Tech Prison.

21 Nov 202320:42

TLDRThe transcript offers an in-depth look at HMP Fos, a highly technologically advanced prison that emphasizes security through a combination of cutting-edge technology and traditional methods. It details the multi-stage security process, from biometric verification to high-security camera systems, and the use of dogs for various security purposes. The prison's design focuses on maintaining a sense of normalcy for inmates, providing opportunities for education, skill development, and family contact, all aimed at reducing reoffending rates and preparing prisoners for reintegration into society.


  • 🏛️ The prison is highly technologically advanced, utilizing various security measures to ensure the safety and control of the facility.
  • 🚪 The entry process includes multiple security checks such as biometric verification, metal detectors, and full body searches, surpassing airport security protocols.
  • 📹 Over 1,700 active cameras monitor the prison, contributing to a comprehensive surveillance system.
  • 🔐 The use of biometric technology streamlines operations, from tracking inmate movements to managing equipment issuance.
  • 🔑 High-security measures are in place for key storage, with costs of relocking the entire prison estimated at £2 million if a key is lost or leaked.
  • 🛡️ Physical barriers like anti-climb fences and strict construction standards according to prison categories enhance the prison's security.
  • 🖥️ Inmates have access to technology for communication with the outside world, education, and skill development.
  • 📚 Education and skill workshops are provided to inmates in partnership with local companies, preparing them for employment post-release.
  • 🛰️ Drones are used for aerial surveillance and response in the event of incidents within the prison.
  • 🐕 Dogs play a crucial role in security, with different breeds trained for drug detection, explosives, and as attack dogs.
  • 💡 The prison environment is designed to support the psychological well-being of inmates, with features like barless windows and a focus on maintaining connections with family and society.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the airlock system in the prison?

    -The airlock system serves as the first point of security when entering and the last point when leaving the prison, ensuring that only one of the two doors is open at a time, thus preventing escape attempts.

  • How many active cameras are installed in the prison for surveillance purposes?

    -There are 1,700 active cameras installed throughout the prison to monitor and enhance security.

  • What types of dogs are used in the prison's security measures?

    -Four types of dogs are used: passive drug dogs, active drug dogs, explosives dogs, and attack dogs, each trained for specific tasks such as detecting drugs, explosives, or providing physical security.

  • What is the significance of the biometric technology used in the prison?

    -Biometric technology is used not only for verifying the identity of individuals entering and exiting the prison but also for controlling the issuance of equipment like radios and cuffs, ensuring that the server always knows when a piece of equipment is in use.

  • How does the prison maintain contact with the outside world for prisoners?

    -Prisoners can maintain contact with the outside world through email and instant messaging via a secure messenger service on their in-cell computers. They can also receive photos and send text messages through this service.

  • What is the purpose of the barless windows in the prison cells?

    -The barless windows are designed to provide prisoners with a view of the outside world, which helps to maintain their connection with society and supports their psychological well-being.

  • How long does it take for a prisoner to earn the right to use the in-cell computer?

    -Prisoners must earn the right to use the in-cell computer by participating in work or education programs during the day.

  • What type of qualifications and skills can prisoners learn through the prison's workshops?

    -Prisoners have access to a variety of workshops where they can learn skills such as operating heavy machinery through simulators, music production, barbering, and even making optics for glasses.

  • How does the prison ensure the security of its high-security areas like the control room?

    -The control room and other high-security areas are heavily guarded and have restricted access even for staff. They are considered critical areas, and the prison cannot afford to lose control of these spaces.

  • What is the role of the drone in the prison's incident response?

    -The drone is used to provide aerial surveillance during incidents, allowing the control room to assess situations from above and guide staff in containment and response efforts. It is equipped with thermal cameras for night operations and can transmit live imagery to the command center.

  • How does the prison balance the use of technology with more traditional security methods?

    -The prison uses a combination of advanced technology and traditional methods to ensure security. While technology provides efficient monitoring and control, physical measures like high-security locks, keys, and manual surveillance by staff and dogs are still considered essential and irreplaceable.



🏛️ Introduction to HMP Fos - A Technologically Advanced Prison

The script begins with an introduction to HMP Fos, described as one of the most technologically advanced prisons in the world. The narrator intends to explore the full journey of a prisoner and discuss the benefits of technology in prison settings. The tour is facilitated by Dave, who was involved in designing the prison and is knowledgeable about its security measures. The first point of security mentioned is an airlock entry and exit system, which, along with other measures like biometric checks and surveillance cameras, is designed to prevent escape. The narrator emphasizes the high level of access control and the extensive use of biometric technology for both prisoners and staff, highlighting the integration of technology in all aspects of prison operations.


🚪 Rigorous Security Protocols and Visitor Center Insights

This paragraph delves into the detailed security protocols of the prison, including multiple stages of biometric verification, metal detectors, and full body searches. The narrator mentions the presence of 1,700 active cameras throughout the prison, emphasizing the importance of security in its operation. The discussion then shifts to the visitor center, where prisoners book visits using tablets and where every visitor is monitored by cameras. The center also offers online visit booths, utilizing AI to ensure privacy and security during calls. The paragraph also touches on the use of dogs for security, including different types like drug, explosives, and attack dogs, and their irreplaceable role despite the prison's advanced technology.


🚨 Incident Response and the Role of Drones in Security

The paragraph discusses the prison's incident response strategy, which includes the use of a drone for aerial surveillance. The drone, a DJI Mavic 3T Enterprise Edition, is equipped with thermal cameras and allows for live data transmission of imagery to the command center. This technology is used to assess situations from above, track potential escapees, and guide staff during incidents. The drone's role is to provide an aerial vantage point, supporting ground teams and ensuring the safety of staff. The paragraph also mentions the physical security features of the prison, such as the 5.2-meter anti-climb fence and the design considerations that prevent climbing or escape attempts.


🏢 In-Depth Look at Prisoner Living Spaces and Opportunities

This section provides an in-depth look at the living spaces and opportunities available to prisoners. The narrator describes the barless windows designed to resist attack for 90 minutes, the hallways equipped with biomic technology for medication dispensation, and the recreational areas. The focus is on maintaining a calm environment and the psychological well-being of the prisoners. The paragraph also highlights the various workshops and educational opportunities available, such as language learning and vocational training, which aim to prepare prisoners for reintegration into society. The use of technology, such as mini PCs and secure communication systems, is emphasized as a means to facilitate learning and maintain contact with the outside world.


💬 Personal Experiences of a Prisoner at HMP Fos

The final paragraph features a conversation with a prisoner who shares his personal experiences at HMP Fos. The prisoner expresses that the facility is better than he imagined, mentioning the educational opportunities he has taken advantage of, such as learning English. He also discusses the importance of maintaining contact with family and friends through email and secure messaging services. The prisoner shares his challenges with the lack of internet access and the need to rely on others for information. He talks about his efforts to learn Spanish and other activities that keep him occupied, emphasizing that there is enough to do and learn within the prison.



💡Technologically Advanced Prison

The term refers to a prison that utilizes cutting-edge technology to enhance security, manage inmate activities, and potentially rehabilitate prisoners. In the video, the prison is described as having advanced features like biometric verification, a large number of cameras for surveillance, and electronic locks, which all contribute to maintaining a secure environment while also aiming to improve the overall prison experience for inmates and staff.

💡Security Measures

Security measures are strategies and systems put in place to prevent unauthorized access, maintain order, and ensure safety within the prison. In the context of the video, these measures include a multi-stage process involving biometrics, metal detectors, full body searches, and high-security key storage. They are designed to be highly effective in preventing escapes and maintaining control over the prison environment.

💡Biometric Verification

Biometric verification is the process of confirming a person's identity by comparing their unique physical or behavioral characteristics, such as fingerprints or facial features, to a database. In the prison context, this technology is used not only for inmate identification but also for controlling access to equipment and areas within the facility. It adds a layer of security and helps in tracking the movement of individuals.

💡Prisoner Rehabilitation

Prisoner rehabilitation refers to the process of helping inmates reintegrate into society by providing them with opportunities for education, skill development, and maintaining family ties. The video emphasizes the importance of keeping prisoners connected to the outside world and offering them various workshops and educational programs to improve their chances of successful reintegration after their sentence.

💡Physical Security Features

Physical security features are tangible measures designed to protect a facility from unauthorized entry and ensure the safety of its inhabitants. In the context of the prison, these features include high-security fences, reinforced windows, and locked doors. They serve as a deterrent to would-be escapees and provide a sense of safety for both the inmates and the staff.

💡Operational Control Room

An operational control room is a central hub where all the critical functions of a facility, such as a prison, are monitored and managed. It is typically equipped with advanced technology to oversee security systems, surveillance, and communication with other parts of the facility. In the video, the control room is described as the 'nerve center' of the prison, housing the systems that control the 1,700 cameras and process biometric data.

💡Incident Response

Incident response refers to the strategies and actions taken to address and manage unexpected events or emergencies. In the prison context, this includes the use of various security measures, such as dogs for detection and drones for aerial surveillance, to quickly and effectively handle any potential threats or disturbances within the facility.

💡Visitor Center

The visitor center is a designated area within a prison where inmates meet with their family members, friends, or lawyers. It is designed to facilitate these visits while maintaining security protocols. In the video, the visitor center is highlighted as a place where inmates can have computerized, monitored visits, including online visits through soundproof booths, emphasizing the balance between security and maintaining personal connections for inmates.

💡High-Tech Workshops

High-tech workshops are specialized training areas within a prison that use advanced equipment and technology to teach inmates valuable skills. These workshops aim to prepare inmates for employment upon release, thereby reducing the likelihood of reoffending. The video showcases various workshops, such as a digger simulator, which provides inmates with real-world skills and qualifications.

💡Prisoner's Experience

The prisoner's experience refers to the daily life and conditions faced by an inmate during their incarceration. It encompasses aspects such as the environment, opportunities for education and skill development, recreational activities, and the ability to maintain contact with the outside world. The video emphasizes the positive aspects of the prison environment and the efforts made to improve the quality of life for inmates while still maintaining a secure and structured setting.

💡Drone Surveillance

Drone surveillance involves the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, to monitor and observe areas from above. In the context of the prison, drones are used as part of the incident response plan to provide aerial views and live imagery during emergencies or security incidents, allowing for better situational awareness and decision-making.


The prison is technologically advanced, utilizing various security measures and biometric technology to ensure the safety and control of the facility.

Access to the prison is highly controlled, with an airlock system and multiple stages of biometric verification, metal detectors, and full body searches.

There are 1,700 active cameras throughout the prison, surpassing the number found in most high-security facilities.

Biometric technology is used not only for security but also for issuing equipment and managing the prison's operations.

The prison's design includes high-security measures such as a room for storing every key in the facility, with precautions to prevent key design leaks.

The prison uses a variety of fences with different technical standards based on the category of the prison and the level of security required.

Despite the advanced technology, the prison still employs traditional security methods, such as dogs for drug and explosives detection, and manual controls.

Prisoners have the opportunity to maintain family ties through computerized visitation systems and monitored calls, which can reduce the likelihood of reoffending.

The prison features a virtual courtroom for video appearances in court, reducing risks and costs associated with transporting prisoners.

Drones are used as part of the incident response team, providing aerial surveillance and live imagery to command centers during emergencies.

Prisoners are housed in cells with barless windows designed to withstand attack for 90 minutes, prioritizing both security and psychological well-being.

The prison environment is designed to mimic normal society, offering various workshops and educational programs to prepare prisoners for life after incarceration.

Prisoners have access to computers for education and entertainment, with restrictions to ensure the technology is used appropriately.

The control room serves as the nerve center of the prison, managing the extensive network of cameras and other security operations.

Prisoners have the opportunity to learn new skills and obtain qualifications through partnerships with local companies, enhancing their employment prospects upon release.

The prison's design and operations focus on the principle of not letting prisoners forget how society works, providing them with opportunities to learn, grow, and maintain connections with the outside world.

A prisoner shares his positive experience in the prison, highlighting the educational opportunities, psychological considerations in the environment, and the variety of activities available to him.