Studio Brussel
6 Feb 202455:41

TLDRIn this engaging interview transcript, the band Idles discusses their excitement and preparation for an intimate gig in Belgium after a long hiatus from such performances. They share insights on their latest album 'Ultra Mono', the creative process behind it, and the challenges of performing new songs. The band members express gratitude for their fans and the opportunity to tour, emphasizing their commitment to delivering a memorable live experience. They also touch on the importance of staying true to their artistic vision and the magic of live performances.


  • 🎶 The band members are excited and somewhat stressed about playing an intimate gig in Belgium, as it has been a while since they performed in such a small venue.
  • 🎵 They mention that their last small gig was in August 2020, which felt like an inappropriate time due to the pandemic, but it was legal.
  • 🎶 The band is looking forward to playing five new songs from their album 'tank tank' at the event, and they are proud of their work.
  • 🎵 The new album 'tank tank' represents a culmination of their efforts and growth as musicians, and they believe it's their best work yet.
  • 🎶 The band members have found a comfortable place in their creative dialogue, which has allowed them to communicate more effectively and produce more complete songs.
  • 🎵 They have learned to focus on their art and not overthink the fans' expectations, which has resulted in a more authentic and freeing creative process.
  • 🎶 The band is grateful for their loyal audience and believes that working hard and pushing themselves is the best way to show their appreciation.
  • 🎵 They are excited about their upcoming performance at the Lotto Arena, which will be their biggest indoor tour ever, and they are processing the scale of this achievement.
  • 🎶 The band members express their love for performing and touring, considering it the best job in the world, and they are eager to share their new music with the audience.
  • 🎵 They acknowledge the challenges of translating their complex and layered music into a live performance but are confident it will come together for the show.
  • 🎶 The band concludes the interview by expressing gratitude and looking forward to the magic that will be created during their live performances.

Q & A

  • How did the band members describe their feelings about playing in the small venue compared to their usual gigs?

    -The band members expressed a mix of excitement and stress about playing in the small venue. They mentioned that it was intimate and that the audience would be very close, which could make the performance feel more personal and intense. They compared it to their last small gig at the Louie, emphasizing that such close interactions with the audience can be the best type of gigs for an artist.

  • What was the band's attitude towards performing new songs from their album for the first time in this event?

    -The band acknowledged the pressure and stress of performing new songs for the first time, but they also expressed excitement and eagerness. They mentioned that a lot of work had gone into the new songs and they were looking forward to reaping the benefits and rewards of their efforts during the performance.

  • How did the band members describe their creative process and dynamic when working on their new album?

    -The band members described their creative process as one where they have found a comfortable dialogue with each other. They mentioned that they have developed a mutual understanding and can speak each other's language more effectively, which has led to more complete songs. They emphasized the importance of not overthinking and focusing on their own creative satisfaction rather than catering to the fans' expectations.

  • What was the band's reaction to the news of Lana Del Rey's upcoming country album?

    -The band members seemed surprised and amused by the news of Lana Del Rey's upcoming country album. They mentioned it in a light-hearted manner, indicating that they found it interesting and noteworthy.

  • What was the significance of the date August 23, 2020, for the band?

    -August 23, 2020, was significant for the band as it was the date of their last small and intimate gig before the event in the transcript. It was also mentioned as the speaker's birthday, adding a personal touch to the memory of that performance.

  • How did the band members describe their approach to handling forgetfulness during live performances?

    -The band members acknowledged the possibility of forgetting lyrics during live performances, especially when playing new songs. They mentioned that the worst-case scenario would be improvising, but not with coherent words, resulting in noise. They seemed to accept this as a part of the live performance experience.

  • What was the band's perspective on their upcoming performance at the Lotto Arena?

    -The band members expressed excitement and gratitude for the opportunity to perform at the Lotto Arena, which was described as their biggest indoor tour ever in Idol's history. They mentioned feeling a sense of dream and happiness about this milestone and looked forward to connecting with their audience in Belgium again.

  • How did the band members describe their feelings about their latest album?

    -The band members felt that their latest album was their best work to date. They attributed this to their growth and accomplishment in their musicality, as well as the comfortable and effective creative dynamic they had developed over time.

  • What was the band's strategy for dealing with the pressure of performing new songs?

    -The band's strategy for dealing with the pressure of performing new songs was to focus on their own creative satisfaction and not overthink the performance. They emphasized the importance of working hard, making themselves uncomfortable, and pushing themselves to grow and improve, rather than focusing solely on what the audience might expect or want.

  • How did the band members describe the visual and performance aspects of their shows?

    -The band members described the visual and performance aspects of their shows as an integral part of their music. They mentioned that the live show, interviews, and the visual language of the album all contribute to a multi-dimensional experience for the audience. They take these aspects very seriously and consider them as important as the music itself.

  • What was the band's message to their audience during the transcript?

    -The band expressed deep gratitude to their audience for the support and love they've received. They emphasized that their approach to creating music is focused on being true to themselves and their art, rather than catering to what they think the audience wants to hear. They believe that the best way to show their gratitude is by working hard and striving to create the best music and performances they can.



🎤 Interview and Performance Anticipation

The paragraph begins with an exchange of pleasantries and acknowledgment of the audience's applause. The speakers, Mark and Joe, discuss their excitement and stress levels leading up to a performance in Belgium. They reflect on the challenges of playing in an intimate venue after a long hiatus from such settings, with Mark recalling their last small gig. The conversation touches on the anticipation surrounding their new album, 'tank tank tank', with five new songs to be played at the event. The paragraph concludes with a discussion about the importance of live performances and the close interaction with the audience.


🎶 Musical Interlude and Song Reflection

This paragraph features a series of musical interludes and lyrics, likely representing a live performance or a discussion about the music. The lyrics touch on themes of loss, resilience, and the power of music itself. The paragraph conveys a sense of emotional depth and the impact of the music on the listeners, with references to specific songs and the performers' connection to their craft.


💡 Personal Insights and New Song Dynamics

The speakers delve into personal reflections about their lives and the creative process behind their new songs. They discuss the pressure of performing new material and the pride they take in their hard work and accomplishments. The paragraph highlights the performers' dedication to their craft, their gratitude for their success, and their intention to convey their artistic vision authentically. There's also a candid moment where one of the speakers admits to forgetting lyrics and the potential for improvisation during live performances.


🎵 Expressive Performance and Audience Connection

This paragraph continues with the theme of performance, focusing on the connection between the performers and their audience. The speakers discuss the energy and expressiveness of their shows, emphasizing the importance of dance and movement in their performances. They also touch on the challenge of memorizing lyrics and the unique experience of performing new songs. The paragraph concludes with a reflection on the joy of performing and the anticipation of future shows.


🚀 Aspirations and Future Tour Plans

The conversation shifts to future aspirations and the excitement surrounding an upcoming tour. The speakers express their gratitude for the opportunity to tour and perform as a band, and they discuss the pride they feel in their latest album. They also reveal their nervousness about performing in front of larger audiences, highlighting a significant increase in the size of their fan base. The paragraph ends with a discussion about the importance of staying true to their artistic vision and the anticipation of future performances.


🌟 Reflecting on Success and Fan Interaction

In this paragraph, the speakers reflect on their success and the relationship they have with their fans. They discuss the creative process and how they have evolved to a point where they prioritize their artistic vision over pleasing the audience. The speakers emphasize the importance of hard work, pushing themselves, and creating a dialogue with their music. They also express their gratitude for their fans' loyalty and the privilege they feel to have such a supportive audience.


🎶 Final Musical Interlude and Gratitude

The paragraph concludes with a final musical interlude and a strong expression of gratitude towards the audience. The speakers convey their appreciation for the support they have received and the impact it has had on their journey. They also share a personal anecdote, highlighting the emotional connection they have with their music and their fans. The paragraph ends on a high note, with the speakers expressing their excitement for the future and their determination to continue creating music that resonates with their audience.


🎉 Closing Remarks and Final Performance

The final paragraph of the script features closing remarks from the speakers, who express their excitement and gratitude for the opportunity to perform. They share a final message of appreciation to the audience and transition into their last song of the event. The paragraph ends with a strong note of thanks and a promise to continue creating and sharing their music with their fans.



💡Intimate gig

An intimate gig refers to a small, cozy performance setting where the artists and audience are in close proximity. This allows for a more personal connection between the performer and the audience, as mentioned in the script when discussing the small venue in Belgium. The artists express their appreciation for such settings, as they can see and interact with their audience more directly, creating a unique and memorable experience for both parties.

💡New album

A new album refers to the latest collection of musical tracks released by an artist or band. In the context of the script, the artists are discussing their upcoming album titled 'tank tank', which is set to release in September. The album is significant as it represents the culmination of their hard work and creative efforts. The artists express excitement and anticipation about sharing these new songs with their audience, indicating the importance of the album in their career and its potential impact on their fans.


Stress, in this context, refers to the pressure or tension the artists feel due to the various demands and expectations associated with their performances and the release of their new album. The artists admit to feeling stressed, particularly because they want to do justice to the songs they've worked hard on and ensure that the audience feels the intended emotions. This highlights the artists' dedication to their craft and their desire to deliver a high-quality performance.


A performance refers to the act of presenting a form of art, such as music, in front of an audience. In the script, the artists are preparing for a live performance where they will be playing songs from their new album. The performance is not only about the music but also the visual and emotional connection they make with the audience. The artists discuss the importance of translating the complexity and richness of their new album into a live show that meets the expectations of their fans.


Fans, in this context, are the dedicated followers and supporters of the artists. They are the audience for the artists' music and performances. The script highlights the importance of the fans to the artists, as they are the ones who give meaning to their work. The artists express gratitude for their fans and discuss how they aim to show appreciation by working hard and creating music that resonates with them.

💡Creative process

The creative process refers to the steps and methods artists use to conceive and produce their work, such as writing lyrics and composing music. In the script, the artists discuss their approach to creating their new album, emphasizing the importance of hard work, practice, and honing their craft. They also mention the evolution of their creative dynamic, where they now communicate more effectively and create more complete songs.


Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for the good things one has received or experienced. In the script, the artists express their gratitude towards their fans for the support and opportunities they've been given. They believe that the best way to show this gratitude is by dedicating themselves to their work and striving to create the best music and performances possible.

💡Live show

A live show refers to a real-time performance by artists in front of an audience. In the context of the script, the live show is an essential aspect of how the artists share their music and connect with their fans. It goes beyond just playing the songs, as it involves creating a visual and emotional experience that complements the album's themes and messages.


Musicality refers to the skill or ability to create, perform, or appreciate music. It encompasses various elements such as rhythm, melody, harmony, and expression. In the script, the artists talk about the growth in their musicianship and how it has contributed to the excellence of their new album. They express a desire to convey this musicality in their performances, showcasing the depth and range of their work.


Dialogue, in this context, refers to the communicative exchange between the artists and their audience, both through their music and their interactions during performances. The artists discuss the importance of maintaining a dialogue with their fans, as it helps to build a strong connection and fosters a sense of community. This dialogue is not limited to verbal communication but also includes the emotional and artistic expression in their music.


The band is excited to play in a small, intimate venue in Belgium after a long time.

The last intimate gig they played was at Louie's in August 2020, during their birthday.

They are looking forward to playing five new songs from their album at the gig.

The new album 'tank tank' is a gorgeous piece of work and the band is proud of it.

The band has been working hard on their new music and is eager to share it with the audience.

The band members are feeling a mix of excitement and stress as they prepare for the performance.

They discuss the challenges of translating their complex new music into a live show.

The band is grateful for their fans and the opportunity to tour and perform.

They mention their upcoming performance at the Lotto Arena in front of 8,000 people.

The band talks about the importance of staying true to their creative vision while making music.

They discuss the pressure of performing new songs and the desire to do them justice.

The band members share their feelings about the growth and evolution of their music.

They express gratitude for their fans and the support they've received.

The band talks about their commitment to working hard and pushing themselves in their performances.

They mention the joy of playing live music and the magic that happens in the room with the audience.

The band reflects on their journey and the importance of staying authentic in their music-making process.