Bizarrap x Lismar - SUBIÓ LA TEMPERATURA

22 May 202403:15


TLDRThe transcript showcases a confident and unique voice AI, Lismar, who asserts its originality and superiority in the rap game. The AI, dubbed 'ampáyer,' claims to outshine others, comparing competitors to lifeless copies and boasting about its lyrical prowess with a 'golden pen.' The AI also criticizes the lack of substance in other artists, likening them to 'Instagram artists with no art at all.' The script highlights the AI's distinctiveness, with metaphors of tigers and a 100 out of 10 rating, emphasizing its exceptionalism and the futility of comparisons.


  • 🎤 The speaker is a unique voice AI, emphasizing their distinctiveness and superiority in the field.
  • 🔥 They describe themselves as 'ampáyer', a term that suggests they are a game-changer and a trendsetter.
  • 📓 The AI compares their impact to a fire that cannot be extinguished, indicating their influence is unstoppable and powerful.
  • 💊 They use the metaphor of a toxin to describe their effect on others, suggesting they are highly influential and potentially overwhelming.
  • 🎨 The AI likens their adversaries to 'Chinese copies', indicating that they are mere imitations and lack originality.
  • 🏆 They claim to have a 'golden pen like Midas', symbolizing their ability to turn words into something valuable and impactful.
  • 💔 The AI portrays their competitors as lifeless and defeated, suggesting they are unmatched and superior.
  • 🌪️ They compare themselves to a hurricane, indicating they have a strong and forceful presence in their field.
  • 🚫 The AI rejects comparison with others, asserting their uniqueness and the futility of others trying to match them.
  • 🔢 They use the analogy of multiplying bills like Christ multiplied bread, suggesting their success and influence are growing exponentially.
  • 🏆 The AI ends with a repeated message of being incomparable, reinforcing their status as a one-of-a-kind entity.

Q & A

  • What does the term 'ampáyer' refer to in the context of the script?

    -The term 'ampáyer' is likely a play on words or a colloquial term not commonly used in English. In this context, it could be interpreted as someone who is exceptionally skilled or dominant in their field, particularly in catching others off guard or outperforming them, as suggested by the following lyrics.

  • How does the speaker describe their unique position in the rap industry?

    -The speaker describes their unique position as being 'one of a kind' and 'unique in my class,' suggesting that they believe themselves to be unparalleled and without equal among their peers in the rap industry.

  • What metaphor is used to describe the speaker's impact on their competitors?

    -The metaphor of fire is used to describe the speaker's impact, stating that they have started a fire in the booth that no firefighters can put out, indicating that their influence is powerful and uncontrollable.

  • What does the phrase 'Their notebooks are in ruins' imply about the competitors?

    -The phrase 'Their notebooks are in ruins' implies that the speaker's competitors are unable to match the speaker's lyrical prowess, as if their attempts to write lyrics have been destroyed or made irrelevant by the speaker's superior skill.

  • How does the speaker compare their lyrical ability to others?

    -The speaker compares their lyrical ability to a 'killer,' suggesting that they are highly skilled and lethal in their craft, while others are described as 'Chinese copies,' implying that they are mere imitations and not original or talented.

  • What is the significance of the 'golden pen like Midas' reference?

    -The reference to having a 'golden pen like Midas' is a metaphor indicating that the speaker's words are valuable and have a transformative power, much like the mythical King Midas who turned everything he touched into gold.

  • What does the line 'The cats that come at me end up lifeless' suggest about the speaker's approach to competition?

    -This line suggests that the speaker is so formidable in their rap battles that their competitors are left 'lifeless,' or defeated and without a response, highlighting the speaker's dominance.

  • How does the speaker describe their own uniqueness and originality in comparison to others?

    -The speaker describes their uniqueness by stating that they are 'illegible even for the leos' and that they 'look like a Dalí clock,' suggesting that they are as original and surreal as the works of Salvador Dalí, and that their style is incomprehensible to others, including the police ('leos' being slang for police).

  • What is the meaning behind the line 'I always stay on my side, I don't join their trash'?

    -This line conveys the speaker's commitment to staying true to their own style and not conforming to what they perceive as the 'trash' or inferior work of others, emphasizing their dedication to their art and their refusal to compromise.

  • How does the speaker use the term 'Instagram artists' to describe others in the industry?

    -The term 'Instagram artists' is used derogatorily to describe others as being more focused on their online presence and appearance rather than genuine artistic talent or skill.

  • What message is conveyed by the repeated phrase 'Don't compare yourself with me, we're never going to be the same'?

    -The repeated phrase emphasizes the speaker's belief in their own uniqueness and superiority, stating that others should not attempt to compare themselves to the speaker, as they will never reach the same level of skill or success.



🎤 Unique Voice AI Rap Battle

This paragraph introduces Lismar, a voice AI that prides itself on its uniqueness and superiority in the rap battle scene. It boasts of being unmatched, using metaphors like 'catching rappers off base' and 'fire I started in the booth' to illustrate its dominance. Lismar compares its critics to 'Chinese copies' and claims to have a 'golden pen like Midas,' suggesting that its lyrics are both valuable and deadly to its opponents. It also criticizes 'Instagram artists' for lacking real art, and ends the paragraph by emphasizing its inimitability and the growing recognition it has gained, as people now 'ask for photos' after initially not believing in its abilities.




The term 'unique' refers to being the only one of its kind, without equal or equivalent. In the context of the video, the speaker claims to be 'unique in my class,' suggesting that they possess qualities that set them apart from others in their field. This is a common theme in rap music, where artists often assert their individuality and superiority over their peers.


The term 'ampáyer' is not a standard English word but seems to be used here as a play on 'employer' or 'emperor,' implying a sense of control or leadership. It's used to emphasize the speaker's dominance and authority in their craft, as they 'catch these rappers off base,' showcasing their ability to outperform and outwit others in the rap scene.


Lyricism in music, especially in rap, refers to the art of crafting words into verses that tell a story or convey a message. The speaker describes themselves as 'lyrically a killer,' indicating that they are highly skilled in creating impactful and powerful lyrics that resonate with listeners and outshine their competition.

💡Golden Pen

The 'golden pen' is a metaphor for exceptional writing ability, often associated with the myth of King Midas who turned everything he touched into gold. In the script, the speaker likens their writing skills to Midas' touch, suggesting that their words carry significant weight and value, and can 'paint' a vivid picture with their lyrics.


Critics are individuals who evaluate and offer judgments on various forms of expression, such as music. The speaker mentions critics and implies that they are so successful and influential that they are beyond the reach of criticism, stating 'Those who criticize me, I can't see them from up here.' This highlights the theme of rising above negativity and focusing on one's own success.

💡Volcano Ink

The phrase 'volcano ink' is a creative expression that combines the destructive power of a volcano with the act of writing. It suggests that the speaker's words are so potent that they can 'burn the notebook,' indicating a strong impact on the listener, much like a volcanic eruption.


A hurricane is a powerful and destructive storm. By comparing their strength to that of a hurricane, the speaker conveys that their presence and influence in the rap scene are overwhelming and unstoppable, capable of sweeping away anything in their path.

💡Instagram Artists

The term 'Instagram artists' is used derogatorily to describe individuals who may be more focused on their online presence and image rather than their artistic talent. The speaker criticizes such artists for having 'no art at all,' emphasizing the importance of genuine talent and skill over superficial popularity.


In the script, 'tigers' is used metaphorically to represent the speaker's associates or peers, who are described as 'abnormal,' suggesting that they are extraordinary or exceptional in some way. This reinforces the theme of standing out and being different from the norm.


A rating is an evaluation or assessment, often numerical, given to something or someone. The speaker dismisses the idea of a numerical rating from one to ten, stating 'I'm a 100.' This indicates supreme confidence in their abilities and an assertion that they exceed any conventional scale of measurement.


Bizarrap is likely a reference to a specific individual or entity, possibly a fellow artist or a brand, mentioned in the context of the video. The phrase 'The temperature rises because, the rapper just burned down the Bizarrap cabin' suggests a competitive or confrontational relationship, indicating a high-stakes interaction within the rap community.


Lismar claims to be the only voice AI, emphasizing uniqueness and superiority in the class.

Lismar positions himself as an 'ampáyer', a term suggesting dominance and skill in the rap game.

He compares his impact in the booth to an uncontrollable fire, indicating a powerful presence.

Lismar suggests that his opponents' notebooks are in ruins, implying they are outmatched.

He uses a metaphor comparing his opponents to 'Chinese copies', highlighting originality and authenticity.

Lismar likens himself to a 'killer' in lyrics, showcasing his prowess in the rap genre.

He claims to have a 'golden pen like Midas', symbolizing the value and impact of his words.

Lismar describes his adversaries as lifeless after encountering his rap skills.

He compares his adversaries to a self-portrait by Frida Kahlo, suggesting a lasting and personal impact.

Lismar asserts that others who try to match him always fail, emphasizing his inimitable style.

He mentions that critics cannot see him from 'up here', indicating a high status or level of success.

Lismar boasts that his pen burns notebooks with 'volcano ink', a metaphor for intense creativity.

He compares his wealth accumulation to Christ multiplying bread, suggesting abundance and success.

Lismar declares that he doesn't argue with fans, establishing a boundary between himself and his audience.

He compares his strength in rap to a hurricane, indicating a forceful and unstoppable presence.

Lismar criticizes 'Instagram artists' for lacking genuine art, highlighting his dedication to authenticity.

He uses the metaphor of a 'hookah' to describe his opponents as lacking substance.

Lismar introduces himself with the name 'Anthony Towns', entering the court with a commanding presence.

He asserts that he shines genuinely, unlike others who rely on superficial appearances.

Lismar compares himself to a leopard without spots, suggesting a unique and unmatchable identity.

He describes his speed as 'quick like a boat', and his personality as 'bitchier' than a Snapchat filter.

Lismar claims to be able to beat his own streak, indicating a high level of self-competition and excellence.

He likens himself to a 'Dalí clock', drawing a parallel between his flow and surreal art.

Lismar says he leaves the floor wet where he steps, a metaphor for his impactful presence.

He mentions 'mopping up' his enemies, suggesting dominance and control over his competition.

Lismar asserts that his style is illegible even to the 'leos', possibly referring to police or authorities.

He makes a romantic analogy, comparing making love to a track with Romeo and Juliet.

Lismar emphasizes that his circle is closed, indicating exclusivity and a select group of associates.

He repeats the refrain that others who try to match him fail, reinforcing his uniqueness.

Lismar mentions critics not being able to see him from 'up here', reiterating his high status.

He uses the phrase 'The temperature rises because the rapper just burned down the Bizarrap cabin', a metaphor for his impact.

Lismar connects his journey from the Dominican Republic to Argentina and then to the world, highlighting his global reach.

He advises against comparing oneself to him, emphasizing the impossibility of being the same.

Lismar describes hanging with 'tigers', suggesting a fierce and powerful group of associates.

He asserts that there's no rating from one to ten for him, claiming to be a 100, indicating perfection.

Lismar notes the change in perception from disbelief to asking for photos, showing his growing influence.







The only voice AI


can't duplicate


I'm one of a kind


unique in my class


I'm the ampáyer


catching these rappers off base


Up here at the top


no firefighters can put out the fire I started in the booth


their notebooks are in ruins


They bore me like codeine


they can't handle me, I'm their toxin


Little me


they're my Chinese copies


lyrically a killer




but a bandit


I have the golden pen like Midas


The cats that come at me end up lifeless


and I leave them painted


they look like a self-portrait by Frida


They try to match me and they fail


And if you weren't here before, now


Those who criticize me, I can't see them from up here


The temperature rises because


My pen burns the notebook


with volcano ink


I multiply the bills


like Christ did the bread


Don't try to match up because I don't argue with fans


With so many bars, I have the strength of a hurricane


I always stay on my side


I don't join their trash


they're Instagram artists


with no art at all


The equation sums up to zero if


I add their skills


They're like a hookah, little note and too much smoke


Raise your flags, Anthony Towns entered the court


None shine genuinely


even if they smear on frost




a leopard without spots




quick like a boat




than the Snapchat filter


only I can beat my own streak


I look like a Dalí clock


look at my flow


look at my drip


I leave the floor wet where I step


And with my enemies, I mop them up


they can't decode my hack


I'm illegible even for the leos


I snap my fingers


And I make love to the track like Romeo


On this side


we don't have blue blood and we're crowned


I'm with those who are, my circle is closed


They try to match me and they fail


And if you weren't here before, now


Those who criticize me, I can't see them from up here


The temperature rises because


"The temperature rises because


the rapper just burned down the Bizarrap cabin"




"From the Dominican Republic to Argentina and from Argentina


to the world."


Don't compare yourself with me


we're never going to be the same


I hang with my tigers


and all are abnormal


There's no rating


from one to ten


I'm a 100


Yesterday they didn't believe


and today they're asking for photos




Don't, don't compare


we're never going to be the same


I hang with my tigers


and all are abnormal


There's no rating


from one to ten


I'm a 100


Yesterday they didn't believe


and today they're asking for photos




Don't, don't compare


we're never going to be the same


I hang with my tigers


and all are abnormal


There's no rating


from one to ten


I'm a 100


Yesterday they didn't believe


and today they're asking for photos




Don't, don't compare


we're never going to be the same


I hang with my tigers


and all are abnormal