My Saddest FC MOBILE Squad Upgrade!
TLDRمستخدم يشرح بتفاصيل كيف قام بتحسين فريقه الإلكتروني في لعبة FIFA Mobile، وكيف وصل إلى تفوق عام 100 OVR. يحكي عن اللاعبين الذين اشترهم مثل جود بيلينغهام وبيل وغيرهم، ويشرح الخطوات التي اتخذها لترتيب فريقه و如何选择 اللاعبين المناسبين لكل منصب. ويخترع اللاعب النهائي للفريق ويلعب مبارتين لتوضيح الأداء النهائي للفريق.
- 😀 الشخصية الرئيسية في النص هو RK، يتحدث عن ترقية فريقه في لعبة Squad.
- 🎮 RK يملك حساب رئيسي وحساب ثانوي في لعبة Squad، ووصل حسابه الرئيسي إلى OVR 100، وهو الأعلى في اللعبة.
- 📦 في النص، RK يتحدث عن تلقي بطاقة Jude Bellingham بتقييم 96 من المجموعة Ultimate Team، وهو لا يمكن تداولها.
- 💰 RK يستخدم مكافأة من نقاط FC لشراء بطاقات لا يمكن تداولها، ويقوم بتغيير فريقه للانضمام إلى اللعب.
- 🤑 RK يبيع اللاعبين ال貴ة في فريقه الرئيسي ويحقق أرباحًا كبيرة من العملات في اللعبة، مما يتيح له القدرة على ترقية الفريق بطريقة أكبر.
- 🏆 RK يستهدف OVR 100 في حسابه الثانوي، ويحاول تحقيق ذلك من خلال شراء وترتيب بطاقات لا يمكن تداولها.
- 🛒 RK يشتري بطاقة اللاعب Pelle بقيمة 225 مليون عملات، ويستخدم بطاقات Master Ranos لترتيبها.
- 📉 RK يواجه تحديات في ترتيب بطاقات لا يمكن تداولها، مما يتسبب في خسارة في بطاقات Master Ranos.
- 💪 RK يستخدم بطاقات تدريبية لتحسين مهارات اللاعبين وزيادة OVR للفريق.
- 📈 يتضمن النص تغيرات في تشكيل الفريق، مثل إضافة لاعبين مثل Socrates وPavel Nedved وDennis Bergkamp.
- 🎉 في النهاية، يحقق RK OVR 101 مع فريقه الجديد، وينتمي إلى اللاعبين المتميزين في اللعبة.
Q & A
-RK提到他已经在游戏中达到了OVR 100,这是目前游戏中可以达到的最高等级。
-RK想要把他的第二个账户升级到至少OVR 100。
-RK提到他最近获得了Jude Bellingham,一个来自英格兰的中场球员。
RK是如何获得Jude Bellingham的?
-RK是通过打开Ultimate Team包获得Jude Bellingham的,他是不可交易的球队包中的一员,这个包花费了2.5 FC点。
RK在升级Jude Bellingham时遇到了什么问题?
-RK在升级Jude Bellingham时,由于贪婪,他浪费了一些Mashianos,并且在尝试升级到OVR 100时遇到了一些失败。
-RK使用了一些Master Ranos来升级Pelle的等级,尽管在尝试升级到OVR 99时遇到了几次失败。
-RK提到他卖掉了所有顶级球员,只留下了Kafu,并决定进行一次大的球队阵容改变。他还提到了他想要达到至少OVR 100的目标。
-RK提到他决定将Pelle和Jude Bellingham放在球队中,并计划改变他的球队阵型为4-5-1,其中Pelle将作为CAM。
-RK提到他购买了Yugo Sanchez作为前锋,Dennis Burkham作为右中场,Pavel Nedved作为左中场,以及Socrates作为CAM。
-RK提到他在球队中使用了Luren Blanc和Virgil Van Dyke作为中后卫。
-RK提到他尝试通过打开各种包(如Ultra Packs和Mega Packs)来获得更多的Mashianos,但他在这次尝试中运气不佳。
RK在视频中提到他如何最终达到了OVR 101?
-尽管在尝试升级Pelle和Van Dyke时遇到了一些失败,但RK最终通过购买和升级球员,以及合理分配资源,成功达到了OVR 101。
😀 Squad Upgrade Journey
RK, the player, shares his experience of upgrading his second account's Squad in a video. He has already achieved the maximum possible OVR of 100 on his main account and aims to reach at least 100 OVR on his second account. He recounts his recent success of packing Ultimate Team off, a player from England, who turned out to be Jude Bellingham. RK managed to get a 96-rated Jude Bellingham in an untradeable pack for only 2.5 FC points. He then replaced Florian WS with Bellingham in his team, ranking him up to 100 OVR using Master Ranos, despite some failed attempts. RK also discusses selling his expensive players for a budget of 1.5 billion coins and his plan to use the coins and 20 Master Ranos for further squad upgrades.
😀 Building the Ultimate Team
The video continues with RK's strategy to build his ultimate team. He starts by purchasing Pelle for 225 million coins and ranking him up to 110 OVR using Master Ranos, despite several failed attempts which cost him six Master Ranos in total. RK then discusses his plan to acquire players for different positions, including a striker, midfielders, and a CAM. He successfully purchases Socrates, Pavel Nedved, and Dennis Burkham, and shares his thought process behind each choice. However, he faces a setback when trying to acquire Master Ranos through pack openings, resulting in a waste of 10,000 FC points without obtaining any.
😀 Overcoming Challenges and Team Progression
Despite the setback with pack openings, RK manages to acquire three Master Ranos out of 40,000 FC points spent on various packs. He then proceeds to rank up Virgil Van Dyke using the acquired Master Ranos. RK also discusses his choices for the center back position, opting for Luren Blanc and deciding to purchase Canelo for the right back position due to budget constraints. With the addition of each player, RK's team OVR increases, and he expresses his satisfaction with the team's progress, even though he is still working with a limited budget.
😀 Match Performance and Team Adjustments
RK concludes the video by playing head-to-head matches with his newly upgraded team. He faces opponents with varying team ratings but manages to secure victories in both matches, showcasing the effectiveness of his team. RK highlights key goals scored by Socrates, Pelle, and Sanchez, demonstrating the strength of his offensive lineup. After the matches, he plans to continue training his players and possibly make further adjustments to his team. The video ends with RK expressing his hope that viewers enjoyed the squad update and encourages them to subscribe to his channel for more content.
💡Squad upgrade
💡Ultimate Team
💡Rank up
💡Head to head match
💡Skill points
💡Pack opening
RK aims to upgrade his second account to at least 100 OVR on his main account.
Achieved 96 OVR with Jude Bellingham on the second account.
Jude Bellingham replaced Florian WS in the team.
RK sold all expensive players for a big team change, keeping only Kavu.
Made 476 million coins and has a 1.5 billion coin budget for squad upgrades.
Failed multiple times ranking up a player to 99 OVR, wasting several Master Ranos.
Successfully ranked a player to 100 OVR after several failures.
Pelle is acquired for 225 million coins to improve the team.
Pelle's card is maxed out with impressive stats, making it a killer CAM card.
Yugo Sanchez is chosen as the striker for the team.
Dennis Burkham is purchased for the right midfield position.
Socrates is selected for the CAM position to have a Brazilian flair combination.
Luren Blanc and Virgil Van Dyke are considered for the center back positions.
RK opens packs hoping for Master Ranos but experiences bad luck.
After several pack openings, RK finally gets a Master Rano.
The team reaches 101 OVR despite the Pelle Master Rano scam by EA.
RK plays head-to-head matches showcasing the new team's performance.
The video ends with RK winning a match and discussing future plans for the team.
yo AR gang what's going on it's your boy
RK back with another Squad upgrade but
this time it's going to be on my second
account guys and also on my main account
I already reached one2 and that's the
best possible OVR you can reach right
now I wanted to take even my second
account to at least 100 of one one OVR
today so I was stuck at 9 G OVR in the
previous episode this is what happened
guys recently I think this like 10 days
ago so I packed Ultimate Team off there
and he's from England he's a senderid
and yes you might have probably guessed
it it's Jude Bellingham and yeah I
actually wanted to get him from the
market guys but you know what I got a
little bit of luck on this account so I
got him 96 trated Jude Bellingham and I
got him in the untradeable team of the
pack which cost 2,5 FC points not at all
bad guys and the next thing I did was
obviously he has to come to the team so
I had to replace Florian WS with Jude
Bellingham and it's time for Florian WS
to leave the club I am done using
mediocre players in my club guys and the
next thing I did was I ranked up Jude
Bellingham and in the process I might
have wased wasted a few mashianos as
usual I got greedy and I wasted a few
mashianos but anyways I ranked him up to
100 overr and the next thing I did was
as you can see my main team has changed
because I sold all the expensive players
I want to do a big change for the team
guys so I sold all my top players only
kafu is left I'm trying to sell him but
hopefully I can sell him with the next
two or three refreshes and here we go I
made like 476 million coins so we got
1.5 billion coins budget and also I've
got a few mashos as well so I've got 20
Master Ranos so they might be useful for
the squad upgrade as well so let's go
guys I'm going to try my best to reach
at least 100 OVR or one one OV if
possible so that's my main Aim so let's
get started guys all right guys let's
get Pelle first his base card is going
for 225 million coins so I'm going to
get him and we got some master Runners
anyway so we're going to use that to
rank him up so let's go get Pelle for
225 million coins so one of the first
purchases here we go guys I have
successfully claimed Pelle now it's time
to rank him up I want to take to at
least one out one OVR so that's my
target so let's go do it guys first few
rank UPS all you need is one mashos
let's just upgrade guaranteed ones so
this is the first upgrade and this is
the second rank up level here we go and
even that's 100% probability and that's
going to take him to 99 OVR now it's a
50% chance that's a risk I'm willing to
take so let's go and that's a failure
guys yeah that's a failure I've seen it
let's just use another one here we go oh
my God two failures that is so bad and
let's go again oh my God that's three
failures no freaking way guys I wasted a
lot actually how is it even possible I
just wasted four mashianos I should have
just gone for 100% no but I don't like
to go for 100% five matanos wasted what
is going on oh my God no way guys six
matanos wasted this is a 50% probability
and I'm just doing the same like a dumb
guy I don't even know what to say guys
here we go finally it took me seven
matanos guys and that's a big loss for
me not going to lie and this time I'm
just going to go for here we go oh my
God that's a failure guys something is
is wrong with this game I'm going to go
three this time that's a failure oh my
god did I just waste these many
mashianos okay I'm going four at a time
this time and wow Bravo anyways I ranked
him up to one one over I lost a lot of
masers guys I'm kind of very
disappointed because the previous time
on my squad upgrade I tried with three
and four it worked out but this time I
shouldn't have just taken the risk but
anyways a one out one p is here guys
let's not talk about the back part and
let's just train him up this P has got
four skill points so let's go use the
skill points and I'm not sure which one
to go with I think probably dribbling
let's have a look he's already got good
dribbling guys I think I should just go
with shooting maybe shooting is what
we're going to go with and now his
Center forward and Striker potions have
been unlocked so let's go confirm that
and now it's time to train him up as
well so I already got a trained up P so
let me just use it or probably I'm just
going to use this zard disc guys so
let's go use the zard disc and here we
go Pelle maxed out now 1 not1 plus 25 so
he's got 125 Pace 138 shooting 122
passing 134 dribble Ling and 89 physical
not going to lie that's a killer cam
card the best cam card by a mile and
he's got four and a half star stamina
five star skill moves and fourstar weak
foot I don't know why guys every time he
normally gets five star weak foot in
previous seasons of FIFA mobile but this
time this season they made him a
fourstar weak foot player but anyways
he's got finish shot and solid player
trade High attacking work rate and
medium Defense work rate we can either
use him in the striker or the center
forward also in the camp position so
guys I have decided to change my
formation to 451 so in that b is going
to be one of our cams and I haven't
decided on the next cam to be honest so
Pelle and Jude Bellingham are sorted for
the team and the remaining players we
got to start building so first let's
start with probably the striker guys I
want to go with Yugo Sanchez I think he
going to be the right fit for a team and
also is not so expensive for such a high
rated Striker so I'm going to flash 139
million coins on him so let's go get him
guys that's going to be my first one and
moving on to the right mid I want to try
Dennis burkham guys 141 million coins
for him so let's go and get him for 141
million coins so that's going to be my
right M coming to the left M I haven't
really thought about anyone but let me
just uh search in the market and we've
got Anthony Davis I mean Alonso Davis
and also we've got P nedit probably we
can go with P nedit guys I think I'm
going to Splash like 137 million coins
on him I got to be smart guys because of
the mash shirano disaster I just can't
go all in on Ultimate Team of their
players these three are going to be my
left M right M and my Striker now I got
to decide my cam I think it's a
no-brainer Socrates or bajio I think
it's going to be one among them for sure
I think I'm just going to go with
Socrates guys you know what I want to
have the Brazilian Cal combination up
front probably I'm going to try getting
him for 149 million coins so let's go
get Socrates we still got 778 million
coins left we got to sort out our
defense guys that's a big thing to to
get sorted so first in the center back I
already have luren Blanc on my main
account I think I'm going to try him
guys and uh yeah let's just keep L and
Blanc is one of the options and the
other option for me is definitely got to
be BBD guys I mean Virgil Van Dyke so
this is one of the option I've got and
also I packed this untradable card by
the way if I had some Masher Ranos I
would have definitely done something so
what I'm going to be doing is I'm going
to be getting this Masher Ranos for 900
rupees we get two mashos so I'm going to
get this and yep the purchase of uh the
Mas Ros has been successful so we get
two here guys so what I'm going to be
doing is I'm going to be putting van
here and I'm going to rank him up to of
course two ranks so let me just do it
first for now let's just keep the vbd
portion in hold and let's decide our
next Center back goalkeeper right back
and left back lots of portions to be
sorted guys and we only got 778 million
coins left so yeah and we have to reach
100 overr as well also guys to get
mashianos I think I should do a Park
opening let's open these Ultra packs and
stuff because these have a good chance
of parking Masano let me just check the
probability of parking Masano it's 10% I
mean let's have a look at the mega pack
a for mega pack a it's 20% I I want high
probability guys for the Universal
rankup card and for this one it's 20% as
well and let's see for for ultimate one
it's 30% you know what guys I'm just
going to open all the packs wherever we
have a chance of packing mashos so yeah
probably if you have more amount of
mashos are but we can use for better
players so let's go open some packs so
first I'm going to go with the steam of
their Ultra packs and I'm going to go
all all the 10 at a time it's going to
cost me 10,000 FC points hopefully I see
at least two or three and okay
Switzerland goalkeeper that's scobell
okay never mind and we go to Van we got
kimick we also got a few F and not even
a single Mash shirano oh my God I
actually opened this pack for Mash
shirano guys and we didn't really back
any Masano so that's like 10,000 coins
wasted here just doesn't like me and
that's as simple as that all right now
it's time to open this mega pack a and
it's going to cost us 10,000 FC points
so let's go let's see it's a team off
there all right Switzerland again it's
cobal one more time all right I'm just
going to skip this and we got only one
Masano guys that is actually very bad
bad so the next pack I'm going to be
opening is this team of their mega pack
B so let's go I'm going to be opening
all the two at a time and here comes the
first one so okay never mind I'm just
going to skip this one no Mash around
unfortunately and coming to the bonus
untradeable player even if you pack a
vvd that's fine okay NE lands right mid
denn is Burham let's go not at all bad
okay that's a big DB that's a big DB we
also got Dean rice uh 13.8 million coins
for him and the purchase of Pavel nedw
and Socrates has been successful let's
go claim them both 94 million coins
combined and let's go play them in the
team with them uh we have to improve our
rating for sure and socr is in the cam
and in the left mid obviously we've got
pav NWI here we go and let's see our
rating so 95 rating now not bad and guys
I think I'm going to be opening this PK
because this has 45% chance of getting a
Masano so let's go I'm going to go with
this one and also it has a team of their
players so here we go Spain I think this
is rodri no it's not rodri that is grial
though that is bad we got a chav though
but no Masano unfortunately in this one
we got a tradable chav so let's go again
and come on please here give me a Masano
in this one and it's pain again left
pack okay never mind skip we also got a
Crouch and no mashiro wow all right
let's go ultimate pack hopefully a
mashiro in this one Finland Litman
that's Litman never mind skip it and no
Masano wow guys EA is actually not
playing out for me Germany Striker okay
never mind okay finally we got a Masano
guys thank God we got a Masano what I'm
going to be doing is of of course I
think I'm going to rank up vvd so let's
just rank up vvd guys that's that's what
I'm going to do now oh my God I just got
two mashianos out of all this pack
opening that is a disaster guys all
right the last one I'm going to go with
this one again and it's an icon or a
France CDM that's bit it uh but please
be the special one at least yeah it's a
special one thank God and we got to Mas
finally we got another extra Masano so
three Mash shanos out of 40,000 FC
points pack opening guys that's Des
disaster today something's wrong my luck
has been absolutely trash for the first
time ever I'm getting frustrated guys
I'm not even joking let's not talk about
the bad stuff and just move on this is
how the team is shaping up so far we are
still waiting for a few purchases so my
next Center back is going to be luron
blong Max card I already have this blong
card in my main account and is
performing absolutely fine so I think
I'm going to go with luron blong instead
so yeah 240 million coins for this one
so let's just wait for his purchase to
be successful and here we go the
purchase has been successful now let's
go Place him in the center back position
in our team welcome to the team Len
Blanc so here we go so that's the next
player and we are back to 96 over here I
think we're going to reach one one guys
I feel it I think we have to train him
up so let me just use some of the F I've
have I got in my club so I'm just going
to use P here here we go Blanc maxed out
and we he's also got some skill points
so let's use that skill points so he's
got five I'm going to you know increase
the defending and physical and I'm going
to making him a No Nonsense seter back
and here we go yeah these are the stats
obviously he's Rock Solid he's still
very good and I think I'm going to keep
him for a while yeah this is how our
team is sorting out so far we need a
goalkeeper and a right back next let's
think about the right back position next
in the right back we have two choices
like I think I can I'll just go with
caros Alberto but first let me just sort
out my goalkeeper guys and in the
goalkeeper I think I'm just going to go
with uh ederson guys he's going for 191
million coins so let me just get that
one here we go ederson purchase for 191
million coins hopefully I get him early
so we still got 353 million coins and
we've got two portions to be s one is a
left back and the other is a right back
rest all potions are sorted guys all
right so the purchase of Sanchez has
been successful so 140 million coins for
him so let's go Place him in the team
guys here we go welcome to the team
herandez I mean Sanchez sorry I always
get confused with both Mexican Striker
icons Sanchez so we can use his skill
points I think I'm going to be using it
on dexterity obviously my choice is
always clear let's all to train him up
guys so that he's going to be an amazing
beast at 21 levels this is how his stats
look like 1 38 Pace 122 shooting 132
dribbling and 92 physical so yep looks
nice guys not bad I'm going to get the
EXP later and train him up and also by
the way I trained up a socres to 25
levels and also let me just use it on
probably dribbling you know I'm just
going to use it on dribbling guys yeah
here we go never mind dribbling doesn't
really increase his space I don't think
C need SP really so I think I'm just
going to go with dribbling yeah I want
to make his dribbling better so here we
go now let's have a look at his stats 11
Pace 116 shooting 124 pass pass ing 140
dribbling and 95 physical I think he's
going to be very good guys I've been
told that his long shots are perfect and
also he's got the long shot taker fade
so that's the reason why his long shots
are perfect and next we've got pav nedw
so we've got four skill points on him as
well and I think I'm going to just make
it balance maybe so here we go after
that not the fastest 120 on Pace 132
dribbling 93 Physical 12 on passing
great defense as well 70 defense is
decent actually for the left M and he's
got one out n shooting so this is how
the net bit card is looking like all
right guys so finally I've got Dennis
Burham and also ederson I bought the max
r. Dennis bam and also I've bought Max r
ederson as well it's time to place them
both in the team guys so Dennis bham
goes to the right mid position and the
next one is of course our goalkeeper
ederson and with that we have to reach a
decent OVR yes 99 OVR we still need a
ride back guys so if we get a good ride
back I think we sorted for now let's put
rent and I think we should reach 100
over here with that oh never mind let's
just get a good ride back and after that
I think we're going to be sorted so let
me search for the right backs guys you
know what I think K Alberto might be the
one guys or we can go with Canelo Canelo
is a little bit cheaper 99 over is
costing us 135 million whereas caros
Alberto he's going to cost us an extra
80 million I think I need some coins to
trade with so I think I'm just going to
keep Canelo guys let's get Canelo for
135 million coins and here we go the
purchase of Canelo has been successful
let's go claim him guys and place him in
the right back portion obviously and
welcome to the team with that we reach
one out one over guys not at all B
despite that Pelle mashiro scam by EA I
somehow managed to reach 10 one OVR and
we still got a few more coins to work
with so I can work with this 200 million
coins it's going to take some time to
reach back to higher balances but you
know what we going to start again guys
the team is looking good now it's time
to have a look at the stats of all the
players and first let's begin by
training Burham so I'm going to use my
Legend Sunil ch3 here we go burkam to 30
levels is done he's also got some skill
points so let's have a look at uh his
card and also let's use some skill
points I want to boost his space guys so
let's see which one is going to boost
his space balance is not really helping
his space let's have a look at dribbling
nope even dribbling isn't really pushing
his Pace up I don't think passing is
going to boost his Pace either okay
never mind nothing is boosting his pace
so I think I'm just going to go with
dribbling guys the next one I'm going to
use it balanced so he's got cam set
forward in Striker potions as well and
this is his card now 129 Pace great
dribbling great passing great shooting
he's got fourar weak foot he's got four
star skill moves as well so trades he's
got got Flair finish shot rate and the
next card I want to rank up Van Dyke
guys let's just rank up vany here we go
all right this is a 50% probability and
it's a failure guys I think EA has done
something with this probabilities every
time I do 50% it's getting failed you
know what let me try again here we go
and yes this time it's a success so I
used two Masher Ranos to rank him up to
98 and yep W Dy to 98 OVR I think he's
the least ranked player in this team so
let's go and I'm going to boost his
defense so here we go so yeah guys this
is a full team I can't train all the
players to level 30 or 25 because I
don't have enough exp so I'm going to
buy them later all right now it's time
to play a head to-head match and we
already found our opponent so this is my
opponent he's got 87 attack 88 Midfield
and 94 defense quite low rated compared
to our team guys but he's got more
trophies than us so yeah he might
probably be a nice player let's give our
best and try to win with a big margin
and that's his team to be honest his
team is isn't so bad I don't know why
his rating was shown that low probably
he's got some low rated substitutes but
this is our team crazy looking team by
the way so let's go
Socrates and that's a beautiful goal
from Socrates and also remember he's got
the long shot at trade I mean it's not a
long shot really but you know his shots
are too good and we go one goal ahead
already didn't take a lot of time just
10 minutes into the
match oh wow that took a deflection I
guess and yep that's one all now not a
bad goal from my opponent either yeah a
little bit of luck invol there yeah it
hit Virgil vanik and it went in I think
the goalkeeper might have saved
it and he scores the second goal I
didn't have Poss for the last 10 minutes
in the match guys and yeah he scored I
think he deserved that goal as well that
was a nice finish shot from Jude
Bellingham and Y Noke keeper is catching
that one we go into the second half with
one goal down hopefully I can change
things around in the second half so
let's try our best once once again nice
pass from Socrates oh my God B score
this one man here we go we got little
bit of luck there but you know what I
deserve it that was a very nice pass to
Sanchez and Van tackles it and the
ball's gone straight to Pelle and Pelle
of course that's very easy for him and
it's to all now and Ned nice let's
go okay p p gets a tap in there I had a
little bit of lag over there but yeah we
scored the third goal that shot from n
wasn't the best but luckily our players
SC back into the box and Pelle gets a
tap in so 32 82 minutes gone okay it's
90 minutes gone and we win the match
with one goal three to not the biggest
wins you know what let's play another
head tohe match now all right so we
found our oppent guys for the head
to-head match so he's got 92 attack and
Midfield and 93 defense not the highest
that the teams are faced but let's have
a look so he's got pushers ler Socrates
he's got three uh Team of their icons
but the problem is they're not ranked up
heavily guys and this is my team looking
perfect so let's go
okay he's offside thank God he started
quickly guys his passing was so rapid
and I thought he scored there luckily
that was offside nice nice dribbling
that was from
Pelle come on
Pelle and Pelle scores it Pelle card is
a cheat qut guys look at that Pelle gets
the ball from burkham fake shot and yeah
close control and he shoots and that's a
goal so one Zer off so that's first off
I think my opponent has put all of
attack I mean he has put in the
attacking mode probably I'm not able to
get out of my own half hopefully this
second half I dominate
guys he scores guys wow he's actually
playing quite well guys I have to be
very honest he has been playing very
good and yeah he deserved that goal he
celebrates so I get it let's go P to
Sanchez chanchez back to Pelle come on
Pelle shoot this one here we go it's 2-1
instantly we got the goal back guys
that's a quick response from me as well
and B is pure magic in this game yeah I
won the match that's it guys I hope you
all have enjoyed this squad update video
if you did make sure to subscribe to my
channel and also go watch this video
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