How to Use Your Own Image in Leonardo Ai (How to Upload Image to Leonardo Ai and Edit)

Tech Tricks Tutorial
22 Dec 202309:46

TLDRIn this tutorial, the presenter demonstrates how to use one's own image with Leonardo AI to create unique AI-generated images. Two primary methods are discussed: 'image to image' and 'image prop', with a preference for the latter due to its effectiveness in facial recognition. The process involves uploading a personal image, selecting a model, and adjusting settings to balance originality and creativity. The tutorial also suggests using stock photos for practice and emphasizes the importance of choosing the right prompt and model for desired results.


  • 🎨 The video is a step-by-step tutorial on using Leonardo AI to create images with your own face.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ There are two primary methods discussed: 'image to image' and 'image prop'.
  • πŸ” 'Image to image' uses the uploaded image as a base for the AI to generate a new image, focusing on the face.
  • 🌟 'Image prop' is preferred for face swapping as it uses the image as a stronger reference for the output.
  • πŸ’‘ The 'strength' setting in 'image to image' affects how much the original photo is preserved.
  • πŸ”§ Adjusting the 'prop' value in 'image prop' changes how closely the output resembles the reference image.
  • πŸ“Έ The video demonstrates finding a suitable image on a stock photo website like pixels.
  • 🎯 The importance of selecting the right prompt and model for the desired output is emphasized.
  • πŸ”„ The process may require multiple attempts and adjustments to achieve the desired result.
  • 🌐 The video suggests exploring the community page for effective prompts and references.
  • πŸ“Œ The presenter shares their strategy of trying different prompts and adjusting settings for better results.
  • πŸ‘ The video concludes with an encouragement to like and subscribe for more content.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is a step-by-step guide on how to use one's own image with Leonardo AI to create AI-generated images featuring the user's face.

  • What are the two methods discussed in the video for using one's own image in AI image generation?

    -The two methods discussed are 'image to image' and 'image prop'.

  • Why is the third method, AI canvas, not preferred by the speaker?

    -The speaker does not prefer AI canvas because it is still in development and can be buggy at times.

  • How does the 'image to image' method work?

    -The 'image to image' method allows users to upload an image, which the AI then uses as a base to build the generated image, incorporating elements from the uploaded image into the output.

  • What is the difference between 'image to image' and 'image prop'?

    -While 'image to image' uses the uploaded image as a base for the AI to build upon, 'image prop' uses the image as a stronger reference, making it more effective for tasks like putting the user's face onto an image.

  • Where can users find stock photos for free to use with AI image generation?

    -Users can find stock photos for free on websites like Pixels, which allows them to download images for various uses.

  • How does the 'strength' setting in the AI generation settings affect the output?

    -The 'strength' setting determines how much of the original image is preserved in the output. Higher strength results in a more faithful representation of the original image, while lower strength allows for more creative liberties in the AI's output.

  • What is the speaker's strategy for finding the right prompt to achieve the desired AI-generated image?

    -The speaker suggests browsing through general photos or the community page to find and copy prompts that have already produced specific images, as this can increase the chances of generating a desired output.

  • What happens when the 'image prop' strength is set too high?

    -If the 'image prop' strength is set too high, the output may become too focused on the reference image, potentially losing the artistic style or desired effect.

  • How does the speaker handle situations where the AI generation does not produce the expected result?

    -The speaker advises trying different prompts, adjusting the 'strength' setting, and experimenting with various props to find the right balance and achieve the desired output.

  • What is the final advice given by the speaker to the viewers?

    -The speaker encourages viewers to try out the methods themselves and experiment with different settings and prompts to achieve the best possible AI-generated images.



🎨 Introducing AI Image Generation with Personal Touch

The video begins with a warm welcome to a tutorial focused on using Leonardo AI for personal image generation. The host explains that viewers will learn how to integrate their own face into various images created by AI. The guide is user-friendly, and the host encourages viewers to engage with the content by liking and subscribing. The video's main objective is to demonstrate how to use one's image to create AI-generated images, with a focus on using personal faces with different bodies and backgrounds. The host also mentions three methods for this process, but decides to focus on two, as the third (AI canvas) is still in development and can be buggy. The preferred methods are generic AI image generation, and the video proceeds to explain these in detail.


πŸ–ŒοΈ Exploring Image-to-Image and Image-Prop Methods in AI

This paragraph delves into the specifics of the two methods for AI image generation using personal images: image-to-image and image-prop. The host explains that these methods can be accessed through the basic generation settings on the platform. Image-to-image allows users to upload a photo and use it as a base for the AI to build upon, providing a foundation for the desired output. In contrast, image-prop is a stronger method, using the uploaded image as a reference for the AI to create a more accurate representation. The host illustrates this by searching for a portrait on pixels, downloading it, and applying it to the AI platform. The video then discusses adjusting the strength of the image in the settings to balance originality and creativity. The host experiments with different strength levels and image prompts, aiming to achieve the best results. The segment concludes with a reminder that practice and experimentation are key to mastering this process.



πŸ’‘Tactic tutorial

The term 'Tactic tutorial' refers to an instructional video or guide that provides viewers with specific techniques or strategies to accomplish a particular task or skill. In the context of the video, it implies that the content will teach viewers how to use AI technology to create images with their own face, making it a tutorial on the practical use of AI in image generation.

πŸ’‘Leonardo AI

Leonardo AI is likely the name of an artificial intelligence platform or tool that enables users to generate images. The video discusses using this specific AI to incorporate one's own image into new creations, suggesting that Leonardo AI offers features for facial recognition and image manipulation.

πŸ’‘Image to image

The term 'image to image' refers to a method of AI image generation where an input image is used to guide the output, influencing the final result. This technique is used to create new images based on a pre-existing image, as the AI learns from the input to produce a similar output. In the video, 'image to image' is one of the ways to use one's own image in the AI-generated content.

πŸ’‘Image prop

In the context of the video, 'image prop' refers to using an image as a prop or reference for AI to generate new images. This method is more powerful than 'image to image' as it allows the AI to strongly consider the uploaded image in creating the final output, making it more likely to incorporate the facial features or other elements from the original image.

πŸ’‘AI canvas

AI canvas is a term that might refer to a digital platform or software where users can utilize artificial intelligence to create or manipulate images. In the video, it is mentioned as an alternative method for image generation, but the speaker chooses not to use it due to its developmental stage and occasional bugs.

πŸ’‘Basic generation

The term 'basic generation' likely refers to a standard or default setting within an AI image generation platform, where users can input prompts and select models to create images. It is a starting point for users to engage with the AI and generate content without needing to adjust advanced settings.


In the context of AI image generation, a 'prompt' is a text input or a command given by the user to guide the AI in creating a specific image. It serves as a description of what the user wants the AI to generate, and the AI uses this information to produce the desired output.


In AI image generation, a 'model' refers to a specific algorithm or set of instructions that the AI uses to interpret prompts and create images. Different models can produce different styles or qualities of images, and users can select the model that best suits their desired outcome.


In the context of the video, 'strength' refers to the intensity or degree of influence that a certain setting or parameter has on the final AI-generated image. Adjusting the strength can affect how much of the original image or prompt is preserved or how creative the AI's output can be.


The tutorial introduces a step-by-step guide on using one's own image with Leonardo AI to generate new images with personalized features.

The video demonstrates how to integrate one's face into various images and scenes, creating a personalized AI-generated content.

Three methods are mentioned for using one's image with AI, with a focus on the two most reliable methods: basic generation and image prop.

The basic generation method involves uploading an image and using it as a base for the AI to build upon, influencing the output.

Image to image is a technique that uses the uploaded image to guide the AI in creating a similar output, but with some creative liberties.

Image prop is a more advanced method that uses the image as a stronger reference, making it more effective for specific facial features.

The tutorial provides a practical example of searching for and downloading a stock photo from a platform like pixels, to be used as a base image.

The strength setting in the image to image method determines how much the original photo is preserved in the output.

The video illustrates the process of fine-tuning the image strike setting to achieve a balance between the original image and the desired AI-generated style.

The tutorial emphasizes the importance of selecting the right prompt and model for the best results in image prop method.

The video shows how to adjust the image wave setting in the image prop method to control the influence of the reference image on the output.

The tutorial suggests using community pages and general photos as sources of inspiration for prompts and references.

The video highlights the iterative process of trying different prompts and settings to achieve the desired result in AI image generation.

The tutorial concludes with a call to action for viewers to try out the methods themselves and share their experiences.