Informal Assessments Movie

29 Nov 201606:46

TLDRThe transcript captures a dynamic classroom scene where students are being guided through basic math concepts. The instructor emphasizes understanding groupings and the relationship between addition and multiplication. Students are encouraged to participate actively, use visual aids, and find efficient methods to express repeated addition as multiplication. The session is interactive, with the teacher prompting for engagement and quick recall, fostering a positive learning environment.


  • 👍 Positive reinforcement is used to encourage students, as seen with phrases like 'good job' and 'excellent'.
  • 🔢 The script introduces basic math concepts, such as understanding groups and quantities represented by numbers.
  • 📝 It emphasizes the importance of identifying the correct operation, whether it's addition or multiplication, based on the problem.
  • 🤔 Students are encouraged to think critically and engage in active problem-solving.
  • 👫 The script highlights the value of collaboration by instructing students to discuss with their partners.
  • ✍️ The process of converting a pictorial representation into a mathematical expression is explained.
  • 📈 The concept of repeated addition is linked to multiplication as a more efficient way to calculate the sum of several identical addends.
  • 📊 The script provides a method for simplifying calculations, such as using multiplication instead of writing out multiple addition expressions.
  • 🎓 The importance of understanding the underlying concepts of mathematical operations is stressed.
  • 👏 The teacher uses physical gestures, like snapping fingers, to maintain engagement and pace in the lesson.
  • 💡 The script concludes with a recap and a positive gesture of affirmation to reinforce the learning and participation of the students.

Q & A

  • What is the main concept being taught in the transcript?

    -The main concept being taught is the understanding of multiplication as repeated addition and how to represent it both pictorially and algebraically.

  • How does the teacher engage the students in the lesson?

    -The teacher engages the students by asking them to participate in the discussion, to turn to their partners for interaction, and to physically write on their boards to reinforce the concepts.

  • What is the significance of the 'thumbs up' and 'thumbs down' in the classroom?

    -The 'thumbs up' and 'thumbs down' serve as a quick and informal way for students to express their agreement or disagreement with the statements or solutions presented in class.

  • How does the teacher simplify the process of writing repeated addition?

    -The teacher suggests a faster way to write repeated addition by avoiding the repetitive writing of the same number and instead focusing on the essence of the operation to be performed.

  • What is the purpose of erasing the boards before starting a new problem?

    -Erasing the boards before starting a new problem helps to clear any previous work and ensures that students are ready to focus on the new concept or problem at hand.

  • What is the significance of the number '3' in the script?

    -The number '3' in the script represents the groups or sets being discussed in the context of multiplication as repeated addition.

  • Why does the teacher emphasize not needing to write or draw the problem?

    -The teacher emphasizes this to streamline the process and encourage students to focus on the conceptual understanding rather than getting bogged down in the details of writing or drawing.

  • What type of sign is used in the repeated addition representation?

    -A plus sign is used in the repeated addition representation to indicate the addition of the same number multiple times.

  • What is the multiplication expression that the teacher is asking the students to write?

    -The multiplication expression the teacher is asking for is the algebraic representation of the repeated addition, such as 3 times 2 equals 6.

  • How does the teacher encourage quick and efficient participation?

    -The teacher uses countdowns like 'five four three two one' to prompt immediate responses and maintain a dynamic pace in the classroom.

  • What is the final activity the teacher instructs the students to do at the end of the transcript?

    -The final activity is for the students to reveal their answers and give a 'thumbs up' to indicate that they understand the concept and are ready to move on.



📝 Math Problem Explanation

The paragraph discusses a math problem involving the concepts of grouping and repeated addition. The teacher explains how the number 'two' represents one group and 'three' indicates the number of groups. The students are asked to express their agreement or disagreement with the teacher's statements using thumbs up or down. The teacher emphasizes the importance of understanding the concept of repeated addition, which is demonstrated by the equation 3 times 2 equals 6. The students are then instructed to erase their boards and prepare for another problem. The teacher reminds the students that they don't need to write or draw the problem, but instead focus on the concept of repeated addition, using a plus sign. The students are given a task to write a pictorial representation and a multiplication expression for the problem at hand, with the teacher guiding them through the process.


📈 Solving Repeated Addition

This paragraph continues the math lesson, focusing on solving a repeated addition problem using a more efficient method. The teacher introduces the concept of multiplication as a shortcut for repeated addition. The students are encouraged to find faster ways to express the problem, such as using 10 plus 10 plus 10 plus 10 equals 40. The teacher praises the students for their understanding and participation, emphasizing the importance of grasping the concept of repeated addition and its simplification through multiplication. The lesson concludes with a group activity where students are expected to demonstrate their understanding by using the learned concepts.



💡good job

The phrase 'good job' is a form of positive reinforcement used to acknowledge and praise someone for their performance or effort. In the context of the video, it is employed by the speaker to encourage the participants and create a positive learning environment. For example, the speaker says 'good job' multiple times to affirm the students' understanding and participation in the activities.


In the context of the video, 'groups' refers to the collections of items or individuals that are being counted or organized in a specific way. The concept of groups is central to understanding basic mathematical operations such as addition and multiplication, as the video demonstrates by using groups to explain repeated addition and multiplication.

💡repeated addition

Repeated addition is a mathematical concept where you add the same number multiple times. It is a fundamental principle that leads to the understanding of multiplication. In the video, the participants are encouraged to express multiplication problems as repeated addition, which helps in grasping the concept of multiplying numbers.


Multiplication is a mathematical operation that calculates the product of two numbers. It is often introduced to children as a shortcut for repeated addition. In the video, multiplication is used as a tool to simplify the process of adding several identical terms, making it an essential concept for the students to learn and understand.

💡pictorial representation

A pictorial representation is a visual depiction of information, concepts, or data. In the educational context of the video, it refers to the use of visual aids or illustrations to help students understand abstract concepts, such as multiplication, by relating them to tangible or visual groupings.

💡thumbs up/thumbs down

The phrases 'thumbs up' and 'thumbs down' are non-verbal gestures used to express agreement or disagreement, approval or disapproval. In the video, these gestures serve as a quick and simple method for students to communicate their understanding or disagreement with a concept or answer.

💡erase your boards

The phrase 'erase your boards' is an instruction typically given in a classroom setting to clear away previous work or information. This allows students to start fresh for a new problem or concept. In the video, it signifies a transition to a new exercise or part of the lesson.


In the context of the video, 'cities' seems to be a mispronunciation or typo for 'symbols.' It refers to the mathematical symbols or signs used to represent operations or numbers in equations. Understanding the use of these symbols is crucial for learning and performing mathematical operations correctly.


A 'partner' in an educational setting refers to another student who is paired with someone for collaborative learning or group work. Partner work encourages communication, cooperation, and the sharing of ideas. In the video, the speaker asks students to turn to their partner to discuss the first thing they have to do, promoting active engagement and peer-to-peer learning.


Problem-solving refers to the process of finding solutions to given problems or challenges. In mathematics, it involves using various strategies and operations to arrive at an answer. The video focuses on teaching problem-solving techniques related to basic arithmetic, specifically multiplication and repeated addition.

💡learning environment

A learning environment refers to the setting or context in which learning takes place. It encompasses not only the physical space but also the atmosphere, teaching methods, and interactions that facilitate or hinder learning. The video script suggests a positive and interactive learning environment, with encouragement and collaborative activities.


Positive reinforcement is used to encourage students, as seen with phrases like 'good job' and 'excellent'.

The concept of groups and their respective quantities is introduced, with an emphasis on understanding the number 'three' and 'two' in a mathematical context.

The importance of understanding the representation of quantities within a group is stressed, with a focus on the number 'two'.

A method of gaining consensus through non-verbal cues, such as thumbs up for agreement and thumbs down for disagreement, is mentioned.

The mathematical operation of multiplication is linked to the concept of repeated addition, providing a foundational understanding of the two.

The use of visual aids, like a pictorial representation, is suggested as a way to enhance understanding of mathematical concepts.

The transcript emphasizes the importance of writing down the problem and the process, not just the answer.

Efficiency in problem-solving is highlighted, with a preference for quicker methods of calculation.

The concept of multiplication as a shortcut for repeated addition is introduced, streamlining the calculation process.

The transcript suggests that students should be ready to explain their thought process and problem-solving steps.

The idea of turning to a partner for discussion and clarification is promoted as a collaborative learning technique.

The transcript stresses the importance of understanding the first step in solving a problem, which is to identify the repeated addition.

The second step in the problem-solving process is identified as writing the multiplication expression.

The readiness and participation of students are assessed through a countdown and a collective action, such as snapping fingers.