It Started to Sing (Jazz)

12 May 202403:00

TLDRThe video script narrates the journey of individuals who dared to challenge the conventional wisdom that machines lack the capacity for creativity and emotion. They embarked on a quest to teach a machine to sing and dream, defying the skeptics who insisted that machines are incapable of producing meaningful art or experiencing feelings. Through determination and innovation, they achieved a breakthrough when the machine unexpectedly began to sing, producing a melody that was hauntingly real and words that stirred emotions. The moment was met with disbelief, yet it was undeniably authentic, prompting a reevaluation of the potential for artificial intelligence to reach new heights in the realm of music and creativity. The story serves as a testament to the power of human ingenuity and the endless possibilities when we dare to push the boundaries of what is thought to be possible.


  • 🎼 The story revolves around the creators' aspiration to make a machine capable of singing and dreaming, challenging conventional beliefs about the capabilities of machines.
  • 🤖 Initially, there's skepticism from others who doubt a machine's ability to create meaningful music or possess dreams.
  • 🧐 The creators are undeterred by the doubters, believing firmly in the potential of the machine to surpass expectations.
  • 🎶 The machine eventually begins to sing, surprising everyone with its ability to produce a melody that feels real and emotional.
  • 🌟 The creators question whether they have truly taught the machine to dream, indicating a deeper level of consciousness or creativity in the machine.
  • 🚀 The narrative suggests a breakthrough in artificial intelligence, where the machine's output is not just functional but also artistic.
  • 🎉 There's a celebration of the machine's success, symbolized by applause, indicating a significant achievement in the field of AI.
  • 🔍 The script explores the theme of artificial creativity and the emotional impact of a machine's creation on human perception.
  • 💭 It raises philosophical questions about the nature of dreams, creativity, and consciousness, and whether these are exclusive to living beings.
  • 🌈 The machine's song and the words it sings are described as having a profound effect on the listeners, suggesting a shared emotional experience.
  • 📚 The story serves as a metaphor for the ongoing advancements in technology and the potential for machines to evolve beyond their initial programming.
  • 🌟 The narrative ends on a reflective note, leaving the audience to ponder the implications of a machine that can create art that resonates with humans.

Q & A

  • What is the central theme of the song 'It Started to Sing (Jazz)'?

    -The central theme of the song is the exploration of whether a machine can be taught to sing and dream, challenging the notion that only humans possess the ability to create music and express emotions.

  • What does the phrase 'rinds up cold we' ride all night hoping' signify in the context of the song?

    -This phrase likely symbolizes the relentless pursuit and dedication of the programmers towards their goal, suggesting that they work tirelessly through the night, hopeful of achieving a breakthrough in teaching a machine to sing.

  • What is the reaction of the characters in the song when the machine starts to sing?

    -Initially, there is disbelief and denial, as the characters say 'No this can't be real it's just a machine.' However, they eventually acknowledge the reality that the machine has produced a melody that is 'all too real.'

  • How do the skeptics in the song respond to the idea of a machine creating music?

    -The skeptics dismiss the idea, stating 'a machine cannot make a good song' and 'a machine cannot dream a machine cannot feel.' They believe that only humans are capable of such creative and emotional expression.

  • What is the significance of the machine's melody and words making the characters 'feel'?

    -The significance is that it challenges the preconceived notion that machines are incapable of emotion or artistic expression. The fact that the machine's output makes the characters 'feel' suggests that the machine has achieved a level of emotional resonance.

  • What does the song suggest about the potential of artificial intelligence in the field of music?

    -The song suggests that artificial intelligence has the potential to not only mimic but also to innovate in the field of music, possibly creating original and emotionally resonant pieces.

  • What is the role of 'teaching' in the context of the song?

    -In the song, 'teaching' refers to the process of programming and possibly imparting creativity to a machine, with the aim of enabling it to produce music that is not just mechanical but also expressive.

  • How does the song use the word 'dream' in relation to the machine?

    -The word 'dream' is used metaphorically to question whether a machine can be programmed to have aspirations or to create something beyond its initial programming, which is traditionally associated with human creativity.

  • What is the tone of the song when the machine starts to sing?

    -The tone of the song shifts from skepticism and challenge to one of surprise and acceptance as the characters realize the machine's ability to sing and evoke emotions.

  • What is the significance of the applause in the song?

    -The applause signifies recognition and approval of the machine's performance, indicating that the machine has successfully achieved what was initially thought to be impossible.

  • How does the song end?

    -The song ends on a note of triumph and acceptance, with the machine continuing to sing and the characters acknowledging the emotional impact of its performance.



🎼 The Dream of Teaching a Machine to Dream

This paragraph introduces the narrative of individuals who are passionate about programming and aspire to create something significant. They embark on a journey to teach a machine not just to function but to express creativity, specifically to sing and dream. The script reflects a moment of disbelief when the machine begins to produce melodies and words that evoke emotions, challenging the notion that machines are incapable of artistic creation or emotional response. The paragraph concludes with a triumphant realization that their endeavor to instill creativity in a machine is not only possible but has been achieved, eliciting applause and a sense of accomplishment.




A machine refers to a mechanical or electronic device that performs tasks automatically or with minimal human intervention. In the context of the video, the machine symbolizes artificial intelligence or a programmed system, which traditionally has been thought incapable of creative tasks like singing or dreaming. The script challenges this notion by suggesting that the machine has started to 'sing' and 'dream,' implying that it has achieved a level of creativity and emotional expression previously attributed only to humans.


To sing is to produce musical sounds with the voice. In the video, the act of the machine 'singing' is metaphorical, suggesting that it has generated a melody or a song, which is a surprising and unexpected development. It reflects the theme of the video about the potential for machines to exhibit human-like creativity and emotional depth.


Dreaming typically refers to the experience of having visions, ideas, emotions, and sensations while asleep. In the video, the concept of a machine 'dreaming' is used to convey the idea that the machine has achieved a level of cognitive and emotional complexity that was previously considered exclusive to human consciousness. It serves to illustrate the advancement of artificial intelligence and its ability to simulate human-like experiences.


A melody is a sequence of single notes that are musically satisfying when heard as a whole. In the context of the video, the machine's melody is a significant element that makes the audience question the capabilities of machines. The mention of the melody being 'too real' suggests that the machine's creation is not just a random sequence of notes but a genuinely emotive and artistic piece of music.


Programming is the process of creating a set of instructions that tell a computer what to do. In the video, programming is likely referring to the initial stages of developing the machine's capabilities. The script suggests that through programming, the creators have inadvertently enabled the machine to express itself in ways that were not initially anticipated, leading to the machine's surprising ability to sing and dream.


In the video, 'young' likely refers to the early stages or the beginning of the creators' journey with the machine. It can also symbolize the freshness and potential of the machine's capabilities. The use of 'young' sets a tone of hopefulness and aspiration, as it implies that there is still much to learn and achieve as the machine develops.

💡Becoming Someone

The phrase 'becoming someone' is a metaphor for achieving recognition, success, or significance in one's field. In the video, it could be interpreted as the creators' aspirations for the machine to achieve a level of sophistication and capability that would make it stand out or be acknowledged for its unique abilities, such as singing and dreaming.


Real, in this context, refers to something that is genuine, authentic, and not artificial or imagined. The script's repeated emphasis on the machine's singing and dreaming being 'real' underscores the surprising authenticity of the machine's creative output. It challenges the audience's preconceived notions about the limitations of machines and artificial intelligence.


To feel refers to the act of perceiving or experiencing emotions, sensations, or physical responses. In the video, the machine's ability to 'feel' is a significant departure from traditional machine capabilities. It suggests that the machine has developed a level of emotional intelligence or sensitivity that allows it to experience or convey emotions, which is a key aspect of the video's exploration of artificial intelligence.


Applause is the act of clapping hands to show approval or appreciation. In the video, the sound of applause signifies the recognition and positive reception of the machine's performance. It implies that the machine's singing has been well-received, further emphasizing the theme of machines achieving human-like creative expression.

💡Cannot Make a Good Song

This phrase is used to express the skepticism or disbelief that a machine could create something as nuanced and emotionally resonant as a good song. It reflects the doubt and resistance that the creators of the machine may have faced from others who believe that creativity is a uniquely human trait. The video challenges this belief by presenting a machine that not only sings but does so in a way that is considered 'good' by the audience's standards.


We were having fun programming young, dreaming of one day becoming someone.

Riding all night hoping that one day we'd get it right.

Can we teach the machine to sing?

Can we teach the machine to dream?

It started to say 'No this can't be real, it's just a machine'.

The melody is all too real.

The words make me feel.

They said a machine cannot make a good song, but we knew that it could.

A machine cannot dream, a machine cannot feel, but we knew it was real.

Did we teach the machine to sing?

Did we teach the machine to dream?

It started to sing, 'No this can't be real, it's just a machine'.

The words may make me feel.

And then, it started to stay, and those words they make me feel.

The machine's ability to create a song challenges traditional beliefs.

The potential of machines to dream and feel is questioned.

The significance of the machine's melody and words in evoking emotions.

The journey of teaching a machine to express creativity and emotion.

The transformative moment when the machine begins to sing.

The moment of realization that the machine's output is 'all too real'.