It’s Obvious AI Wrote Your Email

21 Jul 202304:45

TLDRThe video script discusses the current trend of using generative AI to automate the sending of cold emails, highlighting the issues with this approach. It points out that AI-generated emails are often easily identifiable by both humans and detection tools, leading to potential delivery issues and negative perceptions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of human touch in sales, suggesting that AI should be used for inspiration and efficiency, not as a replacement for thoughtful and personalized communication.


  • 🔍 AI-generated emails are currently identifiable by both humans and email filters, leading to potential delivery issues.
  • 📈 Free AI copy detectors can effectively identify mass-produced emails, with high accuracy rates.
  • 💡 Major tech companies like Google and Microsoft are likely to implement AI detection in their email services to protect user experience.
  • 🛡️ Spam filters are constantly updated to filter out promotional and malicious emails, which may include AI-generated content.
  • 🧠 The human brain is adept at recognizing patterns, making it possible for people to spot AI-generated emails.
  • 📑 AI copy often exhibits signs of non-human authorship, such as awkward phrasing, overuse of adjectives, and lack of personalization.
  • 🚫 Sending AI-generated emails can lead to a loss of attention from recipients or negative reactions due to perceived lack of effort.
  • 🌟 Personalized, thoughtful emails are more effective and valued than mass-produced, AI-generated content.
  • 🔧 AI should be used as a tool for inspiration and efficiency, not as a replacement for human touch in sales and communication.
  • 🏢 Enterprise companies have additional safeguards against phishing attempts, which may inadvertently target AI-generated content.
  • 📈 Maintaining human involvement in sales and communication is crucial for relationship building and brand value.

Q & A

  • What is the current trend in using generative AI for emails?

    -The current trend involves using generative AI to automate the mass sending of cold emails to prospects.

  • What is the main issue with AI-generated emails being obvious to both computers and human readers?

    -The main issue is that AI-generated content often has detectable patterns and qualities that make it distinguishable from human-written content, which can lead to the emails being filtered as spam or ignored by recipients.

  • How accurate is the free AI copy detector in identifying AI-generated text?

    -The free AI copy detector mentioned in the script claimed a 199.9% chance of detecting human-written text and a 75% chance of detecting AI-generated text, indicating a high level of accuracy.

  • What are some best practices to improve the quality of AI-generated emails?

    -Best practices include keeping the email under 75 words, removing cliches and buzzwords, and avoiding overly formal or awkward language.

  • How do email clients like Gmail and Outlook protect their users from promotional or malicious emails?

    -Email clients constantly update their spam detection algorithms to filter out promotional or malicious emails, often directing them to the spam folder instead of the primary inbox.

  • What are the dangers of relying too heavily on AI for email generation?

    -Relying too heavily on AI can lead to emails being undelivered, devaluing the human element in sales, and potentially damaging brands and relationships due to a lack of personalization and effort.

  • How can recipients tell if an email is AI-generated?

    -Recipients can often identify AI-generated emails by their long, drawn-out, and bulky content, awkward formatting, overly formal tone, jarring language, and the use of assumptive language or fabricated facts.

  • What is the importance of human touch in cold emails?

    -The human touch is crucial in cold emails as it adds a level of thoughtfulness and personalization that AI cannot replicate, making the email more likely to be opened and responded to.

  • How can AI be used effectively in sales without replacing human effort?

    -AI can be used for inspiration, generating ideas and titles, summarizing long documents, and saving time on research, but it should not replace the human element in crafting personalized and thoughtful messages.

  • What is the potential risk to job security for salespeople who rely on AI for their work?

    -Salespeople who rely too much on AI may risk their job security as they are not developing their skills and are not providing the personal touch that is essential for effective sales communication.

  • What advice is given to sellers regarding the use of AI in their work?

    -Sellers are advised to maintain a human element in their work, be thoughtful and relevant in their communications, and not rely solely on AI to avoid being replaced and to ensure the effectiveness of their sales efforts.



🤖 Challenges of AI-Generated Cold Emails

This paragraph discusses the current trend of using generative AI to automate the sending of cold emails to prospects. It highlights the issue that AI-generated content is often easily detectable, both by computers and human readers, as seen through the use of a free AI copy detector. The author experimented with sending an email promoting newspaper advertising services and found that even after using Chat GBT to rewrite the email with specific instructions, the detection tool still indicated a high probability of it being AI-generated. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of human touch in sales and the potential negative impact of AI-generated emails on brand relationships and the recipients' perception of the sender's effort.



💡Generative AI

Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that are capable of creating new content, such as text, images, or music. In the context of the video, it is used to discuss the trend of automating the sending of cold emails to prospects. The video highlights the challenges of using generative AI in this manner, as it can often be detected by both humans and AI copy detectors, leading to a potential loss of credibility and effectiveness.

💡Cold Emails

Cold emails are unsolicited messages sent to potential customers or clients with the intent of initiating a business relationship or sale. The video discusses the use of AI in crafting these emails and the potential downsides, such as the risk of being detected as AI-generated and thus being ignored or sent to spam folders.

💡AI Copy Detector

An AI copy detector is a tool or software designed to analyze written content and determine if it was generated by artificial intelligence. In the video, the user tests an AI copy detector on a cold email related to newspaper advertising services and finds that it can accurately identify AI-generated text, which poses a challenge for businesses using AI to draft emails.

💡Chat GBT

Chat GBT is a reference to an AI chatbot or generative AI tool that can produce text-based content. In the video, the user interacts with Chat GBT to create a cold email, only to find that even after multiple attempts to improve the naturalness and authenticity of the message, the AI copy detector still identifies it as AI-generated.

💡Spam Detection

Spam detection refers to the process of identifying and filtering out unwanted or unsolicited emails. Email clients like Gmail and Outlook continuously update their spam filters to protect users from promotional or malicious content. The video suggests that these filters may be updated to detect AI-generated content, which could impact the delivery of AI-crafted cold emails.

💡Phishing Attempts

Phishing attempts are fraudulent efforts to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details, often through electronic communication. The video mentions that enterprise-sized companies have additional safeguards against phishing, which could also target AI-generated emails that may appear suspicious or untrustworthy.

💡Human Element in Sales

The human element in sales refers to the personal touch, empathy, and understanding that a salesperson brings to the sales process. The video emphasizes the importance of maintaining this human touch, as it adds value and authenticity to the interaction, which AI-generated content may lack. Relying solely on AI for sales communication can devalue the personal connection and potentially harm the brand's reputation.

💡Quality over Quantity

The concept of quality over quantity suggests that it is better to focus on the depth and value of something rather than the number of items produced. In the context of the video, it implies that carefully crafted, personalized cold emails are more likely to be effective and well-received than a large number of AI-generated, potentially detectable emails.

💡Mental Spam Filter

A mental spam filter refers to the psychological mechanism that individuals develop to ignore or dismiss unwanted information, similar to how email spam filters work. The video suggests that recipients of AI-generated cold emails may develop such mental filters, leading them to overlook these messages and focus on more important tasks.

💡Job Security

Job security is the confidence and assurance that one's job will continue to exist and that they will not be laid off or replaced. The video discusses the potential risk to job security for salespeople who rely heavily on AI for their work, as it may diminish the value of their role and the human touch they bring to the sales process.


Personalization in the context of sales and marketing refers to tailoring messages or content to the specific preferences, needs, or interests of an individual. The video points out that AI-generated content often lacks this personal touch, making it less effective and more likely to be detected as generic or impersonal.


Generative AI is increasingly used to automate the mass sending of cold emails, but it's often obvious when an email is AI-generated.

AI copy can be detected by free AI copy detectors, which may indicate a high probability that the text was AI-generated.

Chat GBT, when given specific instructions, can still produce emails with a high likelihood of being AI-generated.

Despite following best practices, AI-generated emails can still be detected, showing the limitations of current generative AI in mimicking human writing.

Major players in generative AI, like Google and Microsoft, are also known for their email clients, which are constantly updating spam detection.

AI copy is often perceived as promotional or unimportant, leading to a higher chance of being filtered into spam folders.

Enterprise-sized companies have additional safeguards against phishing attempts, which may also filter out AI-generated emails.

The human brain is adept at detecting patterns, making it possible for people to identify AI-generated content.

AI-generated emails often contain clues such as long, awkwardly formal copy, jarring tones, and overuse of adjectives.

Receiving AI-generated emails can lead to recipients developing a mental spam filter, ignoring such emails as unimportant.

Sending AI-generated emails can lead to negative reactions, as recipients may feel tricked or that no effort was put into personalization.

Substituting human effort with AI in sales can devalue the work and hinder the development of human skills.

Using AI for generating entire emails may lower the quality of work and even risk job security.

Tools like Chat GBT can be useful for inspiration and summarizing documents, but should not replace human outreach.

To avoid being replaced by AI, sellers should focus on being thoughtful and relevant in their communications.

The importance of maintaining human touch in sales and outreach to build genuine relationships and brand value.