Getting Your Cold Email Opened AND Read

14 Nov 202309:30

TLDRThe video script discusses the challenges of capturing a prospect's attention in their cluttered inbox, emphasizing the importance of the subject line and sender's name in driving open rates. It highlights the need for personalized, non-spammy preview text to show relevance and avoid triggering mental spam filters. The script also underscores the significance of mobile optimization, concise messaging, and avoiding cliches and complex language to foster genuine engagement and response from recipients.


  • 📨 The subject line is crucial for standing out in a prospect's crowded inbox and should be crafted to blend in with important emails.
  • 🎯 Personalization should be genuine and relevant to the recipient's situation, avoiding generic cliches that trigger mental spam filters.
  • 💌 The preview text next to the subject line can significantly influence whether an email is opened or dismissed as spam.
  • 📱 Mobile optimization is key, as emails viewed on mobile devices should be concise and scannable to avoid appearing overwhelming.
  • 🚫 Avoid using lengthy, complex language and jargon that makes the email difficult to scan and understand quickly.
  • 🔍 Conduct research to tailor the email to a specific problem the recipient may be facing, showing that the message is thoughtful and targeted.
  • 💬 The goal of the initial email is to start a conversation, not to book a meeting, so the tone should be inquisitive and engaging.
  • ⏱️ Prospects often have less than 10 seconds to engage with an email, so make every word count to capture their attention.
  • 📈 Emails with a subject line of only two words can increase open rates significantly, according to Lavender data.
  • 👤 The sender's name can impact open rates, but this factor is often out of the salesperson's control.
  • 📊 Keep in mind that higher-level individuals in an organization have even less time to engage with emails, so make your message concise and impactful.

Q & A

  • What is the current state of professional email inboxes according to the transcript?

    -The current state of professional email inboxes is described as a 'Barren Wasteland of uninspired spam,' indicating that many emails sent to these inboxes are not engaging or valuable to the recipients.

  • How do recipients typically decide which emails to open and delete?

    -Recipients first look at the subject line of the email to decide what's important and what can be immediately deleted. The subject line is the first opportunity for an email to stand out and capture the recipient's attention.

  • What is the goal of a salesperson when crafting a subject line?

    -The goal of a salesperson when crafting a subject line is to stand out from other salespeople by blending in with the emails that the prospect perceives as being important.

  • How can a salesperson make their email subject line more effective?

    -A salesperson can make their email subject line more effective by using personalization like first name tokens, questions, and punctuation. They should also avoid sounding like a typical sales email and instead make it seem like an internal or important message.

  • What is the impact of using a two-word subject line on email open rates?

    -Using a two-word subject line can increase the chances of getting an email open by 39.5%, as per Lavender data.

  • What are the three main drivers of an email open?

    -The three main drivers of an email open are the subject line, the sender's name, and the preview text.

  • How can the preview text next to the subject line influence the recipient's decision to open the email?

    -The preview text can influence the recipient's decision by answering whether the email is for them or if it's spam. It acts as a teaser that helps the reader determine the relevance of the email.

  • Why is it important to avoid cliches in the preview text and email body?

    -Avoiding cliches is important because they can trigger the recipient's 'mental spam filter,' making them likely to discard the email as unimportant or deceptive. Cliches often used by salespeople are easily recognized and can damage the sender's credibility.

  • How much time does a salesperson have to capture a prospect's attention with their email?

    -A salesperson has less than 10 seconds to capture a prospect's attention before they move on to the next email or task.

  • What is the impact of mobile optimization on email replies?

    -Mobile-optimized emails see 83% more replies because prospects are eight times more likely to view emails on their mobile devices for the first time.

  • What is the optimal length for an email to receive more replies?

    -Emails that are 25 to 50 words long see 68% more replies than the average email, as shorter emails are more scannable and less daunting for recipients on mobile devices.

  • Why should salespeople avoid using complex language and jargon in their emails?

    -Complex language, jargon, and big words make the email feel more difficult to scan and understand, which can deter the recipient from engaging with the message. Instead, plain language and a curious tone that asks questions are more effective in starting a conversation.



📧 Email Marketing Challenges and Strategies

This paragraph discusses the current state of professional email inboxes, which are often cluttered with spam, making it difficult for important messages to stand out. It emphasizes the importance of the subject line in capturing the recipient's attention and suggests that the goal is to blend in with the emails that the prospect considers important. The paragraph highlights the need to avoid generic marketing tactics and instead, use personalized and relevant content that resonates with the recipient. It also mentions the significance of reply rates and the impact of short, mobile-optimized emails in increasing engagement.


🤝 Building Rapport and Avoiding Clichés

The second paragraph focuses on the common tactics used to build rapport with prospects and the pitfalls of using clichéd, generic personalization. It stresses the importance of avoiding these tactics, as they can trigger the recipient's mental spam filter, leading to immediate deletion. The paragraph also discusses the significance of mobile optimization for emails, as most people are likely to view emails on their phones. It points out that concise emails with a length of 25 to 50 words receive more responses than longer ones. The summary concludes by advising to use plain language and a curious tone to start a conversation rather than trying to prove knowledge or educate the recipient.



💡Professional Email

A professional email refers to a type of business communication that is formal, concise, and intended to convey information or促成商业往来 in a clear and efficient manner. In the context of the video, it is the primary tool for sales and marketing professionals to engage with potential clients. The script emphasizes the importance of crafting these emails to stand out among the sea of other messages in a prospect's inbox, highlighting the need for a compelling subject line and personalized content.

💡Subject Line

The subject line is the title or heading of an email, which serves as the first point of contact between the sender and the recipient. It is crucial in capturing the recipient's attention and determining whether the email will be opened or deleted. In the video, it is emphasized that the subject line must be crafted in a way that makes it appear important and relevant to the prospect, rather than being perceived as spam or marketing material.


Personalization in the context of sales and marketing refers to the practice of tailoring messages to the specific interests, needs, or characteristics of the individual recipient. The video script suggests that while personalization can be effective, it must be genuine and relevant to the recipient's situation, rather than generic or clichéd. The goal is to make the recipient feel that the message was specifically crafted for them, rather than being a mass-produced, generic email.

💡Mental Spam Filter

The mental spam filter is a metaphorical concept used to describe the subconscious process by which individuals sort through and prioritize the vast amount of information they receive daily, particularly in their email inboxes. It highlights the recipient's ability to quickly identify and discard irrelevant or unimportant messages. The video emphasizes the importance of avoiding triggers that would cause an email to be categorized as spam by the recipient's mental filters.

💡Preview Text

Preview text is the snippet of the email body that appears next to the subject line in the recipient's inbox. It serves as a teaser and helps the recipient decide whether the email is relevant and worth opening. The video stresses the importance of using this space effectively to show the recipient that the message was crafted specifically for them, thereby increasing the chances of the email being opened and read.

💡Mobile Optimization

Mobile optimization refers to the practice of designing emails in a way that ensures they are easily readable and user-friendly on mobile devices, which is the primary means of accessing emails for many people. The video script highlights that emails optimized for mobile devices receive more replies, indicating the importance of considering the recipient's preferred platform when crafting and sending emails.


Cliches are overused expressions or ideas that have lost their original impact through repeated use. In the context of the video, cliches are discouraged in email communication as they can make the message seem insincere and generic, thus triggering the recipient's mental spam filter. The goal should be to use original and personalized language that resonates with the recipient's specific situation.

💡Conversation Starter

A conversation starter is an opening statement or question designed to initiate dialogue between two parties. In the context of the video, the goal of the first touch email is to start a conversation, not to book a meeting directly. This means that the email should be crafted in a way that piques the recipient's interest and encourages them to respond, rather than overwhelming them with information or making direct requests.

💡Dense Text

Dense text refers to large blocks of written content that are closely packed together, making it difficult to read or scan quickly. In the context of the video, dense text is discouraged in email communication because it can appear overwhelming and uninviting on mobile devices, leading recipients to quickly dismiss the email as not worth their time.

💡Complex Language

Complex language involves the use of jargon, acronyms, and technical terms that may not be easily understood by the general audience. The video script advises against using complex language in emails, as it can make the message more difficult to scan and comprehend, thus reducing the likelihood of a response. Instead, plain language and a curious tone are recommended to encourage engagement and start a conversation.


Relevance in the context of the video refers to the importance and pertinence of the content of an email to the recipient. The video emphasizes that emails must be crafted in a way that demonstrates a clear understanding of the recipient's needs and interests, in order to avoid being filtered out as spam. The goal is to make the email appear as an internal communication rather than a marketing message.


Professional emails have become a barren wasteland of uninspired spam, making it difficult for important messages to stand out.

The subject line is the key to capturing a prospect's attention before they even open the email.

To stand out from other salespeople, blend in with the emails that your prospect perceives as important.

Adapting to the new environment with personalization tokens, questions, and punctuation can help emails cut through the noise.

Crafting subject lines that mimic internal communication can increase the likelihood of an email being opened.

Using a two-word subject line can increase open rates by 39.5%, according to Lavender data.

The sender's name and preview text are also crucial factors in driving email open rates.

The preview text should answer whether the email is for the recipient and if it's not spam, acting as a teaser to entice the reader.

Avoid generic personalization tactics like mentioning the recipient's name or where they went to school, as these are often used and can trigger a mental spam filter.

Emails that are mobile optimized see 83% more replies, highlighting the importance of considering the device on which the email is being read.

Emails between 25 to 50 words receive 68% more replies than the average, showing the benefit of brevity.

Dense blocks of text are not scannable, leading to a higher likelihood of the email being deleted after being opened for less than 3 seconds.

Avoid using clichéd openers and fake personalization, as these can cause the recipient to lose interest quickly.

Using plain language and asking questions is more effective in starting a conversation than trying to educate the recipient about their role.

The goal of the first touch email is to initiate a conversation, not to book a meeting, which should be the focus of subsequent communications.