Krea AI - Magnific AI Alternative | AI Image Upscaler Full Comparison

5 Dec 202305:22

TLDRThis video script offers a detailed comparison between Magnific AI and Krea AI, two AI image upscaling tools. The comparison is based on various test images, highlighting the unique features, strengths, and limitations of each tool. Magnific AI is noted for its creative enhancements and ability to hallucinate additional details, while Krea AI is praised for its softer, smoother results. The script also mentions HitPaw Photo AI as an alternative for maintaining the original image's texture and look while enhancing. The video concludes by encouraging viewers to experiment with different parameters to achieve desired results and to stay updated with the latest AI advancements.


  • 🎉 Magnific AI and Krea AI are two AI image upscalers currently available for users.
  • 🆓 Magnific AI offers a free trial with 50 coins (equivalent to 10 images) for new users.
  • 🔍 Users can access the official site of Magnific AI for more information and to use the service.
  • 🖼️ Magnific AI allows users to upscale images with various settings, such as target image type and enhancement parameters.
  • 🎨 The creativity and resemblance settings in Magnific AI let users control how AI-altered the image should look.
  • 🔎 Magnific AI provides different engines for users to experiment with and achieve desired results.
  • 📸 The video demonstrates the results of upscaling different types of images, including portraits, game characters, and landscapes.
  • 🌐 Krea AI is another option for image upscaling with a similar interface but fewer settings compared to Magnific AI.
  • 🎮 When upscaling cartoon images, both AI tools tend to add unnecessary details, altering the original look.
  • 💰 Magnific AI has a free trial, followed by a paid model, while Krea AI's upscaling feature is currently free but may change in the future.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is a comparison between two AI image upscalers, Magnific AI and Krea AI.

  • How many free images does Magnific AI offer for new users?

    -Magnific AI offers 50 free coins for new users, which is equivalent to upscaling 10 images.

  • What types of images can be upscaled using Magnific AI?

    -Magnific AI can upscale various types of images, including portraits, art, illustrations, and more.

  • What are the parameters that can be adjusted in Magnific AI for better image upscaling?

    -The parameters that can be adjusted in Magnific AI include creativity, resemblance, HDR for increasing definition and details, and the choice of different engines for experimentation.

  • How does the video demonstrate the effectiveness of Magnific AI?

    -The video demonstrates the effectiveness of Magnific AI by upscaling various images, such as a portrait, a game character from Zelda, an image from GTA 5, and a landscape image, showing the enhanced details and changes in appearance.

  • What is Krea AI, and how does it differ from Magnific AI?

    -Krea AI is another AI image upscaler that has a similar interface to Magnific AI but offers fewer settings. It allows users to upscale images with AI strength adjustments and has a negative prompt feature.

  • What are the limitations of Krea AI compared to Magnific AI?

    -Krea AI does not have as many settings as Magnific AI, and it does not support upscaling to 4K resolution. It also tends to produce softer and smoother images, even at higher AI strength values.

  • How does the video address the issue of AI altering the original look of images?

    -The video acknowledges that both Magnific AI and Krea AI tend to reimagine the look of the images, sometimes resulting in unwanted changes. It suggests using HitPaw Photo AI for maintaining the original texture and look while enhancing the image quality.

  • What additional features does Krea AI offer besides image upscaling?

    -Krea AI offers real-time generation and AI art generation features, but these are currently only available for pro users.

  • What is the current pricing model for Magnific AI and Krea AI?

    -Magnific AI offers a 10-image free trial and then has a pricing model for further upscaling. Krea AI's upscaling feature is currently free, but it is in the early alpha version, and there may be charges in the future.

  • How can viewers access the official sites for Magnific AI and Krea AI?

    -Viewers can access the official sites for Magnific AI and Krea AI through the links provided in the video description.

  • What is the recommendation for users who want to maintain original image details while enhancing quality?

    -For users who want to maintain the original details of their images while enhancing quality, the video recommends using HitPaw Photo AI, which supports batch processing and upscaling up to 8 times larger resolution with high DPI quality for printing.



🖼️ Introduction and Comparison of AI Image Upscalers

This paragraph introduces the topic of AI image upscaling tools, highlighting Magnific AI and Krea AI. Magnific AI offers a free trial with 50 coins for new users, allowing them to upscale 10 images. The video creator demonstrates the upscaling process using various images, including a portrait, a game character from Zelda, and an image from GTA 5. The focus is on the settings and parameters available for enhancing images while maintaining their original quality. The video also mentions HitPaw Photo AI as an alternative for preserving the texture and look of the original image, with capabilities like batch processing and higher resolution support.


🎥 Summary and Conclusion of AI Image Upscaling Tools

In this concluding paragraph, the video creator wraps up the comparison between Magnific AI and Krea AI. The creator shares their personal experiences and observations regarding the effectiveness of each tool in enhancing images, noting differences in sharpness, detail, and the ability to maintain the original image's essence. The video emphasizes the importance of experimentation with different settings to achieve desired results. It also provides information on the availability and pricing of the upscaling features for both AI tools, including the mention of additional features available for pro users of Krea AI. The video ends with a call to action for viewers to like, subscribe, and share their thoughts in the comments section.



💡AI image upscaler

An AI image upscaler is a technology that uses artificial intelligence to increase the resolution of images while enhancing their quality and detail. In the context of the video, the AI upscalers Magnific AI and Krea AI are being discussed, which allow users to upscale images with various settings and parameters to achieve desired results.

💡Free trial

A free trial is a period during which users can access and use a product or service without charge, typically to evaluate its features and performance before deciding whether to purchase or subscribe. In the video, the presenter mentions that Magnific AI offers a free trial, allowing new users to try the service with 50 free coins for upscaling images.


Upscaling refers to the process of increasing the size of an image or video while maintaining or improving its quality. This is often done to make images suitable for larger displays or higher resolution printing. The video discusses the upscaling capabilities of two AI tools, Magnific AI and Krea AI, and how they can be used to enhance images by increasing their resolution.

💡Settings and parameters

Settings and parameters are the adjustable features and options within a software or tool that allow users to customize the output according to their preferences. In the context of the video, the presenter explores various settings and parameters in Magnific AI and Krea AI, such as creativity, resemblance, and AI strength, to upscale images and achieve different visual effects.


Prompts in the context of AI image upscaling are textual descriptions that guide the AI in generating or enhancing an image. They help the AI understand the desired characteristics or themes of the output image. The video demonstrates how adding prompts can influence the results of upscaling, such as describing a character or scene to achieve a specific look.


HDR stands for High Dynamic Range, which in the context of image processing refers to a technology that enhances the contrast between the light and dark parts of an image, providing more detail and a more realistic appearance. The video mentions using HDR to increase definition and details in upscaled images for a clearer and more vivid result.

💡Different engines

Different engines in AI image upscaling refer to the various algorithms or models that the AI uses to process and enhance images. The video discusses experimenting with different engines in Magnific AI to achieve different results, highlighting the flexibility and adaptability of the AI tools in meeting diverse user needs.

💡Batch processing

Batch processing is a method of handling multiple tasks or jobs simultaneously, often used in computing to process large volumes of data or files at once. In the video, it is mentioned that HitPaw Photo AI supports batch processing, which allows users to upscale multiple images in one go, making it a time-efficient solution for enhancing a collection of images.


Resolution refers to the number of pixels in an image, which determines its size and detail. A higher resolution means more pixels and thus more detail. The video discusses upscaling images to various resolutions, such as 3k and 4k, and how different AI tools handle this process, affecting the quality and appearance of the upscaled images.

💡Real-time generation

Real-time generation is a process where content, such as images or videos, is created or modified on the fly based on user input or other changing factors. In the context of the video, Krea AI offers real-time generation as a feature for pro users, which suggests the ability to dynamically create or adjust images according to user preferences or requirements.

💡AI art generation

AI art generation is the use of artificial intelligence to create original pieces of art or visual content. This can include generating images from scratch or transforming existing images into new artistic representations. The video mentions that Krea AI has an AI art generation feature available for pro users, indicating a more advanced and creative application of AI in image processing.


Magnific AI now offers a free trial for new users.

New users of Magnific AI receive 50 free coins, allowing them to upscale 10 images.

Magnific AI allows users to upscale images by two times, with more scaling factors coming soon.

Users can choose specific categories like portraits or art for image upscaling in Magnific AI.

The creativity and resemblance parameters in Magnific AI help in customizing the AI's output to look more AI-generated or closer to the original.

HDR feature in Magnific AI is used for increasing definition and details in the upscaled images.

Different engines are available in Magnific AI for users to experiment with different upscaling results.

Krea AI is a new AI image upscaler with a simple interface similar to Magnific AI.

Krea AI does not offer as many settings as Magnific AI but allows upscaling up to 3k resolution.

Krea AI features AI strength adjustment and negative prompts for finer control over the upscaling process.

Krea AI's upscaling results in softer, smoother images compared to Magnific AI's sharper output.

Cartoon images upscaled with AI tools like Magnific and Krea AI may have unnecessary details added.

HitPaw Photo AI is recommended for maintaining the original texture and look of images while enhancing them.

Magnific AI provides a 10-image free trial, followed by a paid service for further upscaling.

Krea AI's upscaling feature is currently free but is in its early alpha version and may have charges in the future.

Krea AI offers real-time generation and AI art generation features exclusively for pro users.

Both Magnific AI and Krea AI perform well with landscape images, enhancing them while keeping the original details.

The video aims to help viewers by comparing two AI tools, providing insights into their features and performance.