Best AI Image Upscaler 2024 - Leonardo Vs Krea AI Image Upscaler

Chem Beast
27 Feb 202407:15

TLDRThis video script introduces viewers to the advancements in AI image upscaling with Leonardo and Kaa AI. It guides through the process of transforming low-resolution, grainy images into high-quality, realistic masterpieces using various styles and settings. The video also compares the effectiveness of these AI tools, encouraging viewers to share their opinions on which one performs better. The demonstration includes upscaling both generated and real images, showcasing the potential of AI in enhancing visual content.


  • 🎨 Leonardo AI's photo version has been updated to create more realistic images.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ Users can access the premium feature on the image generation page and utilize text prompts to generate images.
  • 🌟 The script demonstrates the generation of images with various styles, such as cinematic and close-up, showcasing the versatility of the AI.
  • πŸ‘΄ An example is given where an old man sitting on a bench is rendered with detailed facial expressions, despite some issues with hand depiction.
  • πŸ–ŒοΈ The Leonardo diffusion XL model is introduced as an alternative for generating realistic images.
  • πŸš€ The Universal upscaler tool allows users to upscale both generated and uploaded images with the option to guide the process with text prompts.
  • πŸ’‘ Users can adjust the creativity strength and choose from different styles to achieve the desired image outcome.
  • πŸ“ˆ The upscaled images can be compared with the original ones using a slider, highlighting the improvements in resolution and clarity.
  • 🌐 The script also explores Crea AI's upscaler, which offers different styles and strengths for image upscaling.
  • πŸ”„ The video includes a comparison of upscaling low resolution images and realistic photos, emphasizing the effectiveness of AI in enhancing image quality.
  • πŸ“’ The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to share their preferences and explore free alternatives, fostering engagement with the AI community.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the demonstration and comparison of Leonardo AI and Crea AI image upscaling techniques, specifically their ability to enhance the quality of images from text prompts and low-resolution photos.

  • What new feature has Leonardo AI updated in its photo generation tool?

    -Leonardo AI has updated its photo generation tool to include a version that can create more stunning and realistic images.

  • How does one access the premium features of Leonardo AI's photo generation tool?

    -To access the premium features of Leonardo AI's photo generation tool, users need to be premium members.

  • What is the process for generating an image using Leonardo AI's photo real version 2?

    -The process involves pasting a text prompt, selecting an image style from the list, choosing an image ratio, and clicking the generate button to wait for the image generation process to complete.

  • What are some of the challenges faced by AI models in image generation?

    -Some challenges faced by AI models in image generation include accurately rendering details such as hands, maintaining the original facial expressions, and ensuring the overall realism of the images.

  • What is the Universal Upcaler tool by Leonardo AI used for?

    -The Universal Upcaler tool by Leonardo AI is used to upscale already generated images or images uploaded by the user, with the option to guide the upscaler with a text prompt.

  • How much does it cost to use the Universal Upcaler tool for an image generation in the video?

    -In the video, using the Universal Upcaler tool for an image generation costs 50 credits.

  • What are the different styles available for upscaling images in the Universal Upcaler tool?

    -The different styles available for upscaling images in the Universal Upcaler tool include cinematic, general, illustration, and 2D art and illustration.

  • How does Crea AI's upscaler differ from Leonardo AI's in terms of upscaling capabilities?

    -Crea AI's upscaler allows users to upscale their images up to 16 times if they have a premium subscription, whereas Leonardo AI's tool upscales the image up to two times.

  • What is the significance of the text prompt in the image upscaling process?

    -The text prompt is significant in the image upscaling process as it provides additional guidance to the AI model, helping it generate images that better align with the user's desired outcome.

  • What was the conclusion drawn from the comparison between Leonardo AI and Crea AI?

    -The conclusion was that both Leonardo and Crea AI generated images of similar quality, but the choice between them may come down to user preference and the specific features they value most.



πŸ–ΌοΈ Image Upscaling with Leonardo AI

The paragraph introduces the concept of enhancing grainy and pixelated memories by using Leonardo AI's image upscaling technology. It discusses the capabilities of the Leonardo AI photo-real version 2 in generating realistic images from text prompts. The process is demonstrated by selecting a cinematic style and generating images based on the prompt. The results show improved facial expressions and body details, with minor issues in hand depiction. The video also touches on fine-tuned models for generating realistic images and compares different styles and their impact on the final image quality.


πŸ” Exploring Crea AI's Image Upscaling Capabilities

This paragraph delves into the image upscaling features of Crea AI, highlighting its ability to upscale images up to 16 times for premium subscribers. The user experience is described, from uploading an image to selecting different styles and adjusting the strength of the upscaling. The paragraph compares the results of Crea AI with Leonardo AI, noting the quality of the generated images and the changes in facial expressions. It concludes with a discussion on alternative tools and encourages viewers to share their preferences and explore more AI-related content through subscriptions and engagement.



πŸ’‘Image Upscaling

Image upscaling is the process of increasing the resolution of an image while maintaining or improving its visual quality. In the context of the video, this refers to using AI technology to enhance the clarity and detail of low-resolution or pixelated images, transforming them into high-quality, visually appealing pieces.

πŸ’‘AI Image Upscaling

AI Image Upscaling specifically involves the use of artificial intelligence algorithms to upscale images. These algorithms learn from vast datasets to understand how to improve image quality and detail, and then apply this knowledge to new images. In the video, AI image upscaling is central to the discussion, with the focus on how Leonardo and Kaa AI can enhance image quality with just a few clicks.

πŸ’‘Text Prompt

A text prompt is a piece of text that serves as an input for AI systems to generate or modify content. In the context of the video, text prompts are used to guide the AI in creating or upscaling images according to the user's preferences, such as style or mood.

πŸ’‘Cinematic Style

Cinematic style refers to the visual approach that mimics the aesthetics of films, often characterized by a dramatic and engaging composition, lighting, and color grading. In the video, the cinematic style is one of the options users can select to give their upscaled images a movie-like quality.

πŸ’‘Facial Expressions

Facial expressions are the observable changes in a person's face that result from their emotional state or communication intent. In the context of the video, the quality of AI-generated or upscaled images is discussed in relation to the accuracy and realism of facial expressions.


In the context of the video, 'hands' refers to the representation and depiction of human hands in AI-generated or upscaled images. It is highlighted as an area where the AI models often face challenges, as evidenced by some issues with the hands in the generated images.

πŸ’‘Realistic Images

Realistic images are visual representations that closely resemble real-life objects or scenes. In the video, the goal of using AI tools is to create images that look true to life, with a high level of detail and accurate representation.

πŸ’‘Creativity Strength

Creativity strength refers to the degree to which an AI system can introduce original or varied elements into the image upscaling process. It is a parameter that users can adjust to control the level of artistic interpretation applied by the AI.


An upscaler is a tool or algorithm that increases the resolution of images or videos. In the context of the video, the upscaler is a feature within AI platforms that allows users to improve the quality and detail of their images.

πŸ’‘Low Resolution Image

A low resolution image is one that has a smaller number of pixels, resulting in a less detailed and potentially blurry or pixelated appearance. The video discusses the process of enhancing such images using AI technology.

πŸ’‘Premium Subscription

A premium subscription refers to a paid membership model that grants users access to advanced features or higher levels of service. In the context of the video, a premium subscription to Crea AI allows users to upscale images up to 16 times, beyond the capabilities available to free users.


The video discusses the capabilities of Leonardo and Kaa AI for image upscaling, turning grainy, blurry memories into crystal clear masterpieces.

Leonardo AI has updated its photo version, now capable of generating stunning and realistic images.

Premium members can access the updated image generation feature on the left side of the image generation page.

A step-by-step guide is provided for using text prompts to generate images, including choosing image styles and aspect ratios.

The video demonstrates the generation of realistic images of an old man sitting on a bench with excellent facial expressions.

Despite some issues with hand details, the overall results from the AI image generation are described as amazing.

The Universal Upcaler tool allows users to upscale already generated images and guide the process with text prompts.

Different styles and creativity strengths can be applied when upscaling images for varied results.

The video compares the effectiveness of the Leonardo diffusion XL model against the standard model for generating realistic images.

Crea AI's upscaler is introduced as an alternative, capable of upscaling images up to 16 times for premium subscribers.

The video shows the before and after results of upscaling low-resolution images, demonstrating significant improvements in clarity.

Both Leonardo and Kaa AI are shown to produce similar quality in their image generation, offering users a choice based on preference.

The impact of changing the image style on the final upscaled image is discussed, noting how it can alter the original image's characteristics.

The video invites viewers to share their opinions on which AI tool works best and to explore free alternatives.

The presenter encourages subscription to the second channel for more AI-related content and thanks viewers for watching.