The #1 AI Image Upscaler | Magnific Tutorial

Best Of AI Daily
28 Jan 202406:18

TLDRThe video introduces a tool called Magnific, which enhances and upscales images generated by AI tools like Mid Journey. The process involves uploading the image, adjusting the scale factor, and selecting optimization options for different image types. The tool adds details and texture, improving the image's realism and quality. It also offers a remix feature for variations. The video provides a tutorial on using Magnific and highlights its benefits for enhancing AI-generated images.


  • 🎨 Magnific is a powerful tool for upscaling and enhancing image quality.
  • 🖼️ The tool can be used with images generated from AI tools like Mid Journey.
  • 📈 It features a slider to compare the before and after results of the upscaling process.
  • 🌟 The upscaling adds texture and detail, improving the overall quality and realism of the images.
  • 👁️ The tool allows users to choose different optimization settings based on the type of image being processed.
  • 🖼️ Options include portraits, art, illustrations, video game assets, and more.
  • 📝 Users can guide the upscaling process with descriptive prompts, especially useful for AI-generated images.
  • 💡 The platform offers both free and paid accounts, letting users test the tool before committing.
  • 🕒 Processing time varies depending on the scale factor and image type, with higher resolutions taking longer.
  • 💰 The cost of upscaling depends on the selected settings and the resolution of the image.
  • 🔄 The tool also offers a remix feature for creating variations of the upscaled image.

Q & A

  • What is the primary function of Magnific?

    -Magnific is a tool that primarily upscales images, enhancing their quality and adding details to create a more realistic appearance.

  • Can you use Magnific with images generated by other AI tools?

    -Yes, Magnific can be used with images generated by other AI tools, such as Mid Journey, to further improve their quality and detail.

  • How does the texture addition in Magnific affect the images?

    -The texture addition in Magnific enhances the images by adding details to facial features, clothing textures, and backgrounds, making them look more lifelike and vivid.

  • What types of images can benefit from being processed with Magnific?

    -Various types of images can benefit from Magnific, including portraits, art and illustrations, video game assets, nature and landscapes, film photography, 3D renders, and science fiction and horror images.

  • Is there a free version of Magnific available?

    -Yes, Magnific offers a free account that allows users to try out the tool and see if it meets their needs before opting for a paid version.

  • What is the process for upscaling an image using Magnific?

    -To upscale an image with Magnific, you first upload the image, select the desired scale factor, choose the type of image for optimization, add a descriptive prompt if needed, and then initiate the upscaling process.

  • How long does it typically take for Magnific to upscale an image?

    -The time taken for upscaling varies depending on the scale factor and the complexity of the image. For a 2x scale, it usually takes about a minute, but for higher scales like 16x, it could take 10 minutes or more.

  • What happens if the starting image size is too large for the selected scale factor in Magnific?

    -If the starting image size is too large, Magnific will display a red dialogue box indicating that the resolution is too high and the selected scale factor cannot be applied.

  • How can you guide the upscaling process in Magnific?

    -You can guide the upscaling process in Magnific by providing a descriptive prompt, especially if the image is AI-generated. Reusing the original prompt used for creating the image can greatly improve the upscaling quality.

  • What options are available for optimizing the type of image in Magnific?

    -Magnific offers several optimization options including standard, portraits, art and illustrations, video game assets, nature and landscapes, film photography, 3D render, science fiction, and horror.

  • After upscaling an image with Magnific, what additional options are available for the user?

    -After upscaling, users can download the improved image, and if they wish to experiment with variations, they can remix the image, similar to features available in other AI tools.



🖼️ Introducing Magnific: The AI Image Upscaling Tool

This paragraph introduces Magnific, a powerful and secret tool capable of significantly enhancing the quality of images generated by AI, such as Mid Journey. The speaker shares their enthusiasm for the tool and provides a link for the audience to try it out. They explain the process of uploading an image and using a slider to compare the original and upscaled versions, highlighting the added texture and detail that Magnific brings to the images. The speaker emphasizes the tool's ability to add realistic details to characters and backgrounds, transforming flat images into more vibrant and lifelike representations. The video also demonstrates how to use the tool effectively, including selecting the appropriate settings and providing prompts for better results.


🔍 Zooming In On Magnific's Image Enhancements

In this paragraph, the focus is on the detailed enhancements that Magnific brings to images, particularly in the portrayal of faces. The speaker guides the viewer on how to zoom in and observe the improved details in wrinkles, hair, and even teeth. They mention the tool's ability to refine the texture of clothing, such as a tweed jacket, and how it contributes to the overall realism of the image. The speaker encourages the audience to download the upscaled image and explore the option to remix it for variations, just as they would with other AI tools. The paragraph concludes with a recommendation to try out Magnific and a promise to see the audience in the next video.




Magnific is a tool mentioned in the video that specializes in upscaling images, enhancing their quality and adding details. It is used with images produced by AI generation tools like Mid Journey, and the process involves uploading the image into Magnific where the quality is significantly improved. The tool offers various settings to optimize the upscaling process for different types of images, such as portraits, art, video game assets, and more.

💡upscaled image

An upscaled image refers to a process where the resolution or quality of an image is increased. In the context of the video, this is achieved through the use of the Magnific tool, which takes an original image and enhances it to a higher resolution, adding more details and textures to make it look more realistic and visually appealing.

💡AI generation tool

An AI generation tool is a software or platform that uses artificial intelligence to create images or other content. In the video, Mid Journey is mentioned as an example of such a tool, which can produce images that can then be further enhanced using the Magnific tool.


Texture in the context of the video refers to the surface quality or detail of an image. The Magnific tool is particularly praised for adding texture to images, making them look more realistic by enhancing details such as facial features, clothing, and background elements.


Detail in this context refers to the fine elements or features that make up an image. The video emphasizes the ability of the Magnific tool to add detail to images that were initially created by AI generation tools, thereby improving their realism and visual appeal.


A prompt in the context of AI image generation and upscaling is a set of instructions or descriptions that guide the AI in creating or modifying an image. The video suggests using the original prompt from the AI generation tool when upscaling images in Magnific to maintain consistency and improve the quality of the upscaled image.

💡scale factor

Scale factor refers to the degree by which an image is enlarged or upscaled. In the video, the Magnific tool allows users to choose different scale factors such as 2x, 4x, 8x, or 16x to increase the resolution of the image. The choice of scale factor depends on the starting image size and the desired level of detail and processing time.


Optimization in the context of the video refers to the process of adjusting settings in the Magnific tool to achieve the best possible outcome for a specific type of image. Users can select from various optimization options such as portraits, art, video game assets, etc., to tailor the upscaling process to the characteristics of the image.


Creativity in this context refers to the level of originality or uniqueness that a user wants to achieve in their upscaled image. The Magnific tool allows users to adjust a 'creativity' setting, which impacts how the AI interprets and processes the image to add details and textures.


Credits in the context of the Magnific tool are a form of virtual currency used to pay for the upscaling services provided by the tool. Depending on the scale factor and optimization settings chosen by the user, the cost in credits varies, with more intensive processes requiring more credits.


Remix in the video refers to the option to create a variation of the upscaled image. This feature allows users to generate a slightly different version of the image with altered details or features, similar to how one might create variations in AI generation tools.


Magnific is a powerful tool for upscaling images, significantly improving their quality.

It can enhance images produced by AI generation tools like Mid Journey.

The upscaling process adds texture and detail, making images look more realistic.

The tool features a slider that allows users to compare the before and after results.

Magnific can add subtle details that were missing from the original AI-generated images.

The tool offers a range of scaling factors, from 2x to 16x, depending on the image size.

Users can optimize the upscaling for different types of images, such as portraits, art, video game assets, and more.

Magnific allows users to guide the upscaling process with descriptive prompts, especially useful for AI-generated images.

The tool provides options to emphasize certain details in the image, enhancing specific features.

Magnific can adjust the vibrance of images, improving the quality of food or film photography.

The upscaling process can take from 60 seconds to over 10 minutes, depending on the scale factor chosen.

Users can download the upscaled image or remix it for variations.

Magnific is a paid tool, but it offers a free account for users to try out its features.

The tool can handle a variety of image types and is not limited to a specific genre or subject matter.

The before and after comparison showcases the added realism and detail, particularly in facial features and textures.

Magnific is recommended for its ability to add subtle details that enhance the overall quality and appeal of images.