LPUs, NVIDIA Competition, Insane Inference Speeds, Going Viral (Interview with Lead Groq Engineers)

Matthew Berman
22 Mar 202451:11

TLDRThe interview with Groq engineers Andrew and Igor delves into the revolutionary aspects of Groq's LPUs, which are achieving unprecedented AI inference speeds of 500-700 tokens per second. The discussion covers the manufacturing process of these chips in the US, their deterministic nature as opposed to traditional GPUs' non-deterministic performance, and the architectural differences that contribute to their efficiency. The engineers also touch on the implications of such high-speed inference for AI applications, including improved output quality through iterative processing and the potential for real-time AI agent interactions. The conversation highlights Groq's innovative approach to chip design, which prioritizes software efficiency and hardware simplicity, allowing for a seamless integration and scheduling of tasks across multiple chips, and the strategic decision to use a 14-nanometer process for its chips. The summary underscores the potential of Groq's technology to transform various fields, including drug discovery and mobile applications, by enabling the deployment of powerful AI models on local devices.


  • 🚀 Groq has developed LPUs, which are considered the fastest AI chips available, capable of achieving inference speeds of 500-700 tokens per second.
  • 🎓 Andrew and Igor, both from the University of Toronto, have extensive backgrounds in hardware and software engineering, contributing significantly to Groq's achievements.
  • 🏭 Groq's chips are manufactured in the US, using a 14-nanometer process which, while not the most advanced, was a strategic decision for supply chain and manufacturing reasons.
  • 📈 The LPU's design allows for deterministic performance, unlike traditional GPUs which are non-deterministic, leading to more predictable and efficient computation.
  • 🤖 Groq's architecture is highly regular and lacks complex control logic, focusing more on compute and memory, which simplifies the scheduling and execution of tasks.
  • 🧠 The company's approach to software and hardware co-design enables a vertically optimized stack from silicon to cloud, enhancing performance across the board.
  • 🌐 Groq's chips act as both AI accelerators and network switches, eliminating the need for traditional networking layers and reducing latency.
  • 🔍 The high memory bandwidth of Groq's chips makes them suitable for a variety of AI applications, including drug discovery, LSTMs, RNNs, and graph neural networks.
  • 📱 Potential future applications of Groq's technology include running powerful, large language models locally on devices like smartphones, providing faster and better AI interactions.
  • ⚙️ The manufacturing process for Groq's chips adheres to modern semiconductor standards, leveraging extreme ultraviolet lithography and double patterning techniques.
  • ⏱️ Groq's fast inference speeds not only provide quick responses but can also lead to higher quality answers by allowing iterative improvements through successive outputs.

Q & A

  • What is the main advantage of Groq's LPUs over traditional GPUs in terms of inference speed?

    -Groq's LPUs achieve high inference speeds of 500-700 tokens per second due to their deterministic nature and specialized hardware design, which allows for more predictable and efficient data processing compared to the non-deterministic nature of traditional GPUs.

  • How does the manufacturing process of Groq's chips differ from traditional silicon manufacturing?

    -Groq's chips are manufactured using a regular structure that is critical for scaling at smaller process nodes. They also have a smaller instruction control portion of the die, with the majority of the silicon area dedicated to compute and memory, which is different from traditional GPUs or CPUs where control logic can take up to 20-30% of the silicon area.

  • What is the significance of deterministic behavior in chips for AI inference?

    -Deterministic behavior ensures that the chip's operations are predictable, allowing for more efficient scheduling and execution of tasks. This leads to better performance and lower latency in AI inference, as the system can accurately determine when and how data will be processed.

  • How does Groq's architecture allow for the simplification of the software problem in AI inference?

    -Groq's architecture provides full transparency into every component of the hardware, which simplifies the scheduling problem for the software. The regular and predictable data movement on the chip allows the software to efficiently manage and schedule workloads across multiple chips as if they were a single monolithic substrate.

  • What are some of the unique use cases for Groq's LPUs beyond large language models (LLMs)?

    -Beyond LLMs, Groq's LPUs are well-suited for use cases that require high memory bandwidth and can benefit from the chip's deterministic nature, such as drug discovery, deep learning models like LSTMs and RNNs, and graph neural networks.

  • Is it possible to have a Groq chip in consumer hardware, and what are the possibilities for future integration?

    -Groq's architecture is organized and regular, which allows for easy tiling of the chip, making it suitable for embedding in other silicon as a chiplet or as a standalone chip. This opens up possibilities for future integration in consumer hardware, including running powerful, large language models locally on mobile devices.

  • How does Groq's approach to hardware-software co-design benefit the overall system performance?

    -Groq's approach to hardware-software co-design allows for vertical optimization across the stack, from silicon to cloud. This means that hardware and software teams work closely together, making decisions that are optimized across the entire stack, resulting in better performance and efficiency.

  • What is the process like for bringing a new AI model to Groq's architecture?

    -The process involves taking an existing model, often needing to make it agnostic to vendor-specific primitives, and then integrating it into Groq's compiler. The model is then mapped onto the Groq hardware using their proprietary software stack for testing and benchmarking.

  • How does the fast inference speed of Groq's LPUs potentially improve the quality of AI model outputs?

    -The fast inference speed allows for iterative improvements on model outputs. By providing successive answers and rephrasing questions, the model can be effectively taught on the fly, leading to higher quality answers with fewer errors or 'hallucinations'.

  • What is the potential impact of Groq's technology on AI agent frameworks and coding use cases?

    -The high inference speed can significantly enhance AI agent frameworks by allowing agents to work together more efficiently, checking each other's work in real-time. In coding use cases, it can lead to faster and more efficient execution of complex algorithms and models.

  • How did the team at Groq feel when their technology started gaining widespread recognition and went 'viral'?

    -The team at Groq felt a sense of pride and excitement as their technology gained recognition. It was a surreal experience after working on the problem for a long time, and the internal energy was high as they saw the potential impact of their work being realized.



🚀 Introduction to Groq and its AI Chips

The video script begins with an introduction to Groq, a company specializing in AI chips known as LPUs. The speaker expresses excitement about the potential of these chips to provide multiple outputs and iterate on them, offering a sneak peek into the interview with Groq engineers, Andrew and Igor. The discussion is set to cover a range of topics from manufacturing processes to the differences between Groq and Nvidia chips, and the benefits of high inference speeds. The video is sponsored by Groq.


🏭 Understanding Traditional GPU Architecture

The second paragraph delves into the architecture of traditional GPUs, highlighting the complexity of the design and the use of advanced nanometer processes. It explains the concept of nanometers in chip manufacturing and the implications for transistor size and performance. The paragraph also touches on high-bandwidth memory (HBM) and its role in storing information external to the chip, contrasting it with on-chip memory in terms of speed and storage capacity.


🤖 Deterministic Performance of Groq's LPU

The third paragraph contrasts the non-deterministic nature of traditional GPUs with the deterministic performance of Groq's LPU. It explains the challenges posed by non-determinism in multicore CPU graphics cards and how it affects performance. The deterministic nature of the LPU allows for more predictable and efficient execution of tasks, which is a significant advantage for AI workloads.


🧩 The Challenge of Automated Compilation

The fourth paragraph discusses the difficulties faced by large tech companies in automating the compilation of machine learning workloads onto silicon. It reveals that these companies often resort to manual tuning by experts due to the complexity of the task. The paragraph also describes Groq's unique approach, which involves starting with software considerations and working backward to hardware design, enabling more efficient and automated compilation.


🌟 Groq's Innovative Hardware-Software Co-Design

The fifth paragraph emphasizes Groq's innovative approach to hardware-software co-design. It outlines how Groq's founders focused on software and the decomposition of machine learning problems before designing the hardware to execute those operations efficiently. This strategy has led to a unique chip architecture that simplifies the software problem and enhances performance, offering a competitive edge over traditional hardware design processes.


🔌 Groq's LPU: A Cost-Effective and Regular Design

The sixth paragraph describes the cost-effectiveness and regularity of Groq's LPU, which lacks high-performance memory (HPM) and a silicon interposer, making it more affordable than traditional chips. The regular design allows for predictable data movement and simplifies the software scheduling problem. The paragraph also touches on the potential for scaling up problems across multiple chips and the benefits of a deterministic system for performance.


⚙️ Groq's Unique Network Architecture

The seventh paragraph explains Groq's innovative network architecture, which eliminates the need for traditional networking layers by integrating the switch functionality within the chips themselves. This approach removes complexity, reduces latency, and allows for more efficient communication between chips. The paragraph also discusses the challenges of non-determinism in conventional networks and how Groq's system-level determinism simplifies scheduling and communication.


🛠️ Building New Tooling for Groq's Architecture

The eighth paragraph addresses the development of new tooling for Groq's unique architecture. It acknowledges the need to build a different software stack that is closely integrated with the hardware and the compiler. The paragraph highlights the challenges of adapting to a new framework and the importance of pre-scheduling and determinism in making the network work efficiently.


🧠 Applications and Future of Groq's Technology

The ninth paragraph explores the various applications of Groq's technology beyond large language models (LLMs), including drug discovery and other deep learning models. It discusses the potential for Groq chips to be integrated into consumer hardware and the possibility of running powerful LLMs locally on mobile devices. The paragraph also touches on the process of bringing new models to Groq's architecture and the company's plans for future expansion.


🏗️ Silicon Manufacturing and Groq's Process

The tenth paragraph provides insight into the silicon manufacturing process, highlighting the complexity and advancements in creating chips with extreme precision. It discusses the use of extreme ultraviolet light and double patterning techniques to print tiny features on chips. The paragraph also notes Groq's specific approach to manufacturing, emphasizing the regularity of the chip design and the focus on compute and memory over control logic.


📈 Groq's Rise to Prominence and Future Vision

The eleventh paragraph reflects on Groq's rapid rise in the industry and the energy within the company as their technology gains recognition. It discusses the pivotal moment when Groq's capabilities were showcased through large language models, marking a tipping point in the company's visibility. The paragraph also speculates on the future use cases that Groq's high inference speed unlocks, particularly in enhancing the quality of AI outputs through faster processing.



💡LLM (Large Language Model)

Large Language Models (LLMs) are advanced artificial intelligence systems designed to process and understand large volumes of human language data. They are used in various applications, including natural language processing and generation. In the context of the video, LLMs are discussed in relation to their ability to provide multiple outputs and iterate on those outputs for improved final results, thanks to the high inference speeds provided by Groq's LPUs.


Groq is a company that designs and manufactures AI chips known as LPUs, which are highlighted in the video for their impressive inference speeds. The company's focus on creating hardware and software that work in tandem to achieve high performance is a central theme of the video. Groq's chips are positioned as a significant innovation in the field of AI hardware.

💡LPUs (Groq Processing Units)

LPUs, or Groq Processing Units, are the AI chips developed by Groq that are capable of achieving high inference speeds, which is a critical aspect for AI applications. The video discusses how these chips are designed to be faster than traditional hardware like GPUs, and how they enable new possibilities in AI processing.

💡Inference Speed

Inference speed refers to how quickly an AI model can process input data and generate output or make predictions. The video emphasizes Groq's LPUs' ability to achieve high inference speeds, measured in tokens per second, which is a significant factor in the performance of AI applications, especially for real-time or high-throughput scenarios.

💡Hardware and Software Engineers

Hardware and software engineers are professionals who design and develop the physical components and the programs, respectively, that enable technology to function. In the video, Andrew and Igor, who are both hardware and software engineers at Groq, discuss their roles in creating the LPUs and how their expertise contributes to the chips' capabilities.


A compiler is a special kind of software that translates code written in a high-level programming language into machine language that a computer's processor can execute. In the context of the video, the compiler's role is crucial as it transforms machine learning algorithms into a form that can be executed by Groq's LPUs, optimizing for the hardware's architecture.

💡Deterministic vs. Non-deterministic

Deterministic systems are those in which the outcome can be predicted from the initial conditions, while non-deterministic systems have unpredictable or variable outcomes. The video discusses the benefits of Groq's deterministic approach in their chips, which allows for more predictable and efficient performance compared to traditional, non-deterministic GPU architectures.

💡Silicon Manufacturing

Silicon manufacturing refers to the process of creating semiconductor devices, such as microprocessors, which involve complex steps like photolithography, etching, and deposition. The video touches on the advancements in this field, including the use of extreme ultraviolet light for printing smaller features on chips, which is crucial for the performance of Groq's LPUs.

💡AI Accelerator

An AI accelerator is a hardware device that is designed to speed up the processing of AI applications. In the video, Groq's LPUs are described as AI accelerators that offer significant speed advantages over traditional GPU architectures, making them well-suited for running complex AI models.

💡Software-Hardware Co-Design

Software-hardware co-design is an approach where the design of the software and hardware systems are closely intertwined to optimize the overall performance of the system. The video emphasizes how Groq's strategy of co-designing their software and hardware has led to the exceptional performance of their LPUs.


A chiplet refers to a small, modular chip that can be combined with others to create a larger, more complex system. The video suggests that Groq's LPUs can be used as chiplets, allowing for the creation of powerful, customized AI systems by integrating multiple LPUs together.


Groq has developed LPUs, the fastest AI chips capable of 500-700 tokens per second inference speed.

Interview with Groq engineers Andrew and Igor reveals insights into the company's hardware and software innovations.

Groq's unique architecture allows for deterministic performance, a significant advantage over traditional GPUs.

The Groq chip is manufactured in the US, using a 14-nanometer process for reliability and supply chain control.

Groq's hardware is designed to be cost-effective, with a regular structure that simplifies manufacturing.

The company's focus on software-hardware co-design enables automated compilation and exceptional performance.

Groq's chips can be combined like Lego blocks, allowing for the scaling of problems and increased performance.

The architecture of Groq's LPUs is well-suited for a range of AI applications beyond just large language models.

Groq's deterministic nature allows for better output from AI models through iterative processing and refinement.

The potential for Groq chips to be integrated into consumer hardware, offering powerful AI capabilities even on mobile devices.

Groq's API and chat support are designed to be open and adaptable to various models, including popular open-source options.

The manufacturing process for Groq's chips adheres to modern semiconductor standards, leveraging advanced techniques like extreme ultraviolet lithography.

Groq's rise in recognition has been rapid, with significant industry attention garnered through demonstrations of their technology's capabilities.

The company's success is attributed to a combination of innovative architecture, software optimization, and strategic manufacturing.

Groq's engineers emphasize the importance of simplicity and constraint-driven innovation in their design process.

The future of Groq includes expanding the use cases for their chips and potentially bringing large language model capabilities to edge devices.

Groq's architecture enables high-quality AI interactions by allowing models to process and refine responses in real-time.