Learn Colors with its CeCe! I Speech Practice for Babies and Toddlers I Learn to Talk

it's CeCe! tv - Learning Videos for Baby & Toddler
29 Apr 202314:12

TLDRJoin CeCe in a delightful journey to learn about colors with a playful twist. The video script features a colorful rainbow and a variety of characters, each with their favorite color. A blue bird, an orange duck, a red worm, a purple mosquito, a green frog, and a yellow-skinned CeCe herself, all share their love for their respective colors. The script is interactive, encouraging viewers to repeat colors and phrases like 'I like blue' or 'I like orange'. It also includes a surprise rainbow craft and a color dance, making it an engaging educational experience for babies and toddlers learning to talk.


  • 🌈 The video is about learning colors with CeCe, using a rainbow as a visual aid to introduce various colors.
  • 🐦 A blue bird is used to teach the color blue, and common blue items like the sky, cars, balloons, and blueberries are mentioned.
  • 🦆 A duck is introduced to teach the color orange, with examples like carrots, pumpkins, oranges, and a snake.
  • 🐛 A wiggly worm likes the color red, and red items such as strawberries, wagons, apples, and shoes are discussed.
  • 🦟 A mosquito is used to introduce the color purple, with examples including flowers, fish, grapes, and balloons.
  • 🐸 A frog is shown to like the color green, with items like grapes, broccoli, apples, and alligators mentioned.
  • 👕 CeCe's favorite color is yellow, which is associated with happiness, and items like corn, lemons, and bananas are highlighted.
  • 🐾 A skunk is introduced to teach the colors black and white, with examples like a bunny, an egg, milk, clouds, a bat, and a cat.
  • 🎨 The video emphasizes the importance of apologizing and saying 'I'm sorry' when someone's feelings are hurt.
  • 🌈 A colorful rainbow is created at the end, counting six colors and associating them with a smiley face.
  • 🐕 Various animals are shown wearing different colored clothing and accessories, reinforcing the concept of colors in a fun way.
  • 💃 A color dance is suggested, inviting viewers to engage with the colors through movement and the repetition of the word 'yummy'.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion in the video?

    -The main topic of discussion in the video is colors.

  • What is the first color introduced in the video?

    -The first color introduced in the video is blue.

  • What is the favorite color of the blue bird?

    -The favorite color of the blue bird is blue.

  • Can you identify any other objects or items mentioned in the video that are blue?

    -Other objects or items mentioned in the video that are blue include the sky, cars, balloons, and butterflies.

  • What does the duck like to eat?

    -The duck likes to eat blueberries.

  • What color is associated with the orange beak of the duck?

    -The color associated with the orange beak of the duck is orange.

  • What are some examples of things that can be orange?

    -Some examples of things that can be orange are carrots, pumpkins, oranges, and snakes.

  • What is the favorite color of the wiggly worm?

    -The favorite color of the wiggly worm is red.

  • What does the mosquito like?

    -The mosquito likes the color purple.

  • What color makes CeCe feel happy?

    -Yellow makes CeCe feel happy.

  • What color is the superhero cap worn by the dog in the video?

    -The superhero cap worn by the dog in the video is yellow.

  • How many colors are there in the rainbow that CeCe creates?

    -There are six colors in the rainbow that CeCe creates.



🌈 Exploring Colors with CeCe

In the first paragraph, CeCe introduces the topic of colors by pointing out a rainbow. She asks viewers about their favorite colors and uses a blue bird to illustrate the concept of personal preference. The bird likes blue, and CeCe lists various blue things like the sky, cars, balloons, and butterflies. She also mentions blueberries, which she and the bird enjoy. The paragraph encourages viewers to say the word 'blue' and express their liking for it. CeCe then meets other animals, including a duck and a worm, each with their favorite colors, orange and red respectively, and discusses related objects and foods that share those colors.


🐸 Animal Colors and Feelings

The second paragraph delves deeper into the favorite colors of various animals, starting with a frog who likes green. CeCe lists green items such as grapes, broccoli, apples, and alligators, but notes that the frog is not fond of alligators. She then shares her own favorite color, yellow, and mentions yellow items like corn, lemons, and bananas. The paragraph also includes a playful interaction with a mosquito, which prefers purple, and a skunk, which likes black and white. CeCe apologizes for forgetting the skunk's colors and emphasizes the importance of saying sorry when we hurt someone's feelings. The paragraph concludes with a color dance and a celebration of the joy colors bring to the world.


🎨 Creating a Rainbow and Colorful Animals

In the third paragraph, CeCe apologizes to the skunk for forgetting its colors and proceeds to create a colorful rainbow to make amends. She goes through the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, forming a beautiful rainbow. CeCe and the viewers count the six colors in the rainbow. The paragraph then transitions to a scene with animals dressed in various colors, symbolizing their favorite hues. There is a yellow superhero dog, dogs with orange pom-poms, purple jacket-wearing dogs ready to dance, a pink-clad old dog, a red team dog, a dog walking with a blue sweater, and a green dog skateboard champion. The paragraph ends with an invitation for viewers to join in a color dance, emphasizing the delightful and yummy aspect of colors.




Colors are the visual characteristics of objects based on the light they reflect or emit. In the video, colors are the central theme, as they are used to teach and engage babies and toddlers in speech practice. The script mentions various colors, such as blue, orange, red, purple, green, yellow, and pink, and associates them with objects or characters to enhance learning.


A rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that appears as a spectrum of light in the sky when sunlight is refracted, reflected, and dispersed by water droplets. In the video, the rainbow serves as an introduction to the topic of colors, showcasing the variety of hues that make up its bands.

💡Favorite Color

A favorite color is a color that a person prefers above others. The video uses the concept of 'favorite color' to engage the audience by asking what their favorite color is and then relating it to the colors of different objects and characters, such as the blue bird and the orange duck.


A bluebird is a name given to several species of birds, particularly in the family Turdidae, that are known for their blue plumage. In the script, a blue bird is introduced to illustrate the color blue and to teach the audience that the bird's favorite color is blue, just like its own color.


Orange is a color that is a combination of red and yellow. It is used in the video to describe the color of objects and characters, such as the orange duck and various fruits and vegetables. The color orange is also associated with the concept of 'favorite color' for the duck character.


Red is a primary color often associated with strong and intense emotions like love, anger, or courage. In the video, red is used to describe the color of a wiggly worm and other objects like strawberries, apples, and shoes, making it a recurring color in the educational narrative.


Purple is a color that is a blend of red and blue. It is often associated with luxury, power, and ambition. In the script, a mosquito is described as having a 'big purple stinger,' and purple is used to teach the audience about different objects and animals that can be this color.


Green is a secondary color that results from the equal mixture of blue and yellow light. It is often associated with nature, growth, and fertility. The video uses green to describe the color of a frog and other natural items like grapes, broccoli, and apples, tying it into the theme of learning colors through nature.


Yellow is a primary color in the visible light spectrum and is often associated with happiness, warmth, and brightness. The script introduces yellow through the character CeCe's yellow shirt and other items like corn, lemons, and bananas, using it to teach and engage with the audience.


Pink is a pale, tender color that is a tint of red. It is often associated with charm, politeness, and sensitivity. In the video, pink is used to describe the color of flowers, cotton candy, and bubblegum, and it is also mentioned as someone's favorite color in the script.

💡Black and White

Black and white are the most contrasting colors, representing the extremes of light and the absence of it. They are used in the video to describe the colors of a skunk and to teach the concept of these colors in relation to various objects like a bunny, egg, milk, and clouds for white, and a bat, cat, and spiders for black.


CeCe introduces the topic of colors using a rainbow as an example.

The blue bird's favorite color is blue, which is also the color of the sky and certain cars, balloons, and butterflies.

CeCe and the blue bird both enjoy eating blueberries.

The duck's favorite color is orange, which is also found in carrots, pumpkins, oranges, and some snakes.

A wiggly worm prefers the color red, which is associated with strawberries, wagons, apples, and shoes.

The mosquito's favorite color is purple, and purple items include flowers, fish, grapes, and balloons.

A frog's favorite color is green, which can be found in grapes, broccoli, apples, and alligators.

CeCe's favorite color is yellow, which is seen in corn, lemons, bananas, and makes CeCe feel happy.

The skunk's favorite colors are black and white, which are also the colors of bunnies, eggs, milk, and clouds.

CeCe apologizes to the skunk for forgetting its colors and emphasizes the importance of saying sorry.

A colorful rainbow is created with six colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

The animals are shown wearing various colors, indicating their preferences and adding a fun, interactive element.

A yellow superhero cap and mask are mentioned, along with a dog wearing orange pom-poms.

Purple jackets are worn by dogs ready to dance, and a pink hat and scarf are donned by another dog.

A dog in a blue sweater is going for a walk, and a green dog is depicted as a skateboard champion.

A color dance is encouraged, with an emphasis on the sweetness and yumminess of colors.

The transcript ends with an interactive invitation for the audience to say 'yummy' in reference to the delightful colors.