Let's Talk About What YouTube's Doing To My Channel

UFD Tech
28 Mar 202418:18

TLDRThe speaker expresses frustration with YouTube's policies and enforcement, recounting the experience of their channel being flagged for a video discussing the use of chat GPT to obtain keys for Windows 95. They emphasize the arbitrary nature of the platform's community guideline strikes and the lack of clear communication from YouTube. Despite the challenges, the speaker remains grateful for the opportunities provided by YouTube and the support from their audience, advocating for content creators to diversify their platforms.


  • 📺 The speaker's YouTube channel faced a temporary shutdown due to a community guideline strike for content related to obtaining Windows 95 keys using chat GPT.
  • 😤 The speaker expresses frustration with YouTube's seemingly arbitrary enforcement of community guidelines and the lack of clear communication regarding policy violations.
  • 📉 The channel shutdown happened despite the speaker believing they did not violate any harmful or dangerous content policies, as the content was based on a news story rather than an endorsement or instruction.
  • 💻 The speaker emphasizes their stance against piracy and promotes legitimate software use, even questioning the applicability of YouTube's policies to the situation.
  • 🤔 The speaker highlights the inconsistency in YouTube's policy enforcement, pointing out that other videos covering similar topics were not taken down.
  • 🌐 The speaker has diversified their content creation efforts across multiple platforms to mitigate risks associated with relying solely on YouTube.
  • 💡 The speaker advises other content creators to consider diversification to protect their livelihoods against the uncertainties of platform policies.
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 The speaker values the flexibility provided by YouTube to balance work and family life, especially in supporting their son with a rare medical condition.
  • 🙏 The speaker acknowledges the support from their audience and other creators during the challenging times with YouTube.
  • ☕ The speaker promotes their coffee company as a part of their diversified business efforts and as a way to support their son's medical research fund.
  • 📌 The speaker concludes with a plea for clearer communication and policy guidelines from YouTube to avoid future misunderstandings and unnecessary content takedowns.

Q & A

  • What was the main issue the speaker faced with their YouTube channel?

    -The speaker's YouTube channel was taken down due to a community guideline strike for harmful or dangerous content, specifically for a video discussing someone using chat GPT to get Windows 95 keys.

  • How did the speaker feel about YouTube's decision?

    -The speaker felt frustrated and baffled by YouTube's decision, as they believed the content did not violate any guidelines and that the enforcement was arbitrary.

  • What was the speaker's reaction to the strike on their channel?

    -The speaker vented their frustration, expressed confusion, and discussed the situation in a video on their secondary channel, ufd Tech.

  • What was the outcome of the speaker's appeal against the strike?

    -The speaker's appeal was rejected without any clear explanation or review, leaving them uncertain about YouTube's policies and enforcement.

  • What did the speaker do to diversify their content creation?

    -The speaker diversified by being present on other platforms like Twitch, TikTok, and Patreon, and even launched a coffee company to stabilize their business.

  • What was the speaker's stance on piracy?

    -The speaker was against piracy, believing that if one cannot afford software, they should not have it and that it's important to pay for digital content and services.

  • How did the speaker's audience support them during this issue?

    -The audience showed support by engaging with the speaker's content on their secondary channel and expressing their support on social media platforms like Twitter.

  • What was the speaker's main message to other content creators?

    -The speaker advised other content creators not to rely solely on one platform like YouTube and to consider diversifying to protect their livelihood and content.

  • What was the speaker's perspective on the flexibility provided by YouTube?

    -The speaker appreciated the flexibility that YouTube provided, allowing them to balance their work and personal life, especially in taking care of their family and supporting their son's medical needs.

  • What was the speaker's final decision regarding the controversial video?

    -The speaker decided to delete the video from their YouTube channel to avoid further issues and to comply with YouTube's policies.

  • How did the speaker feel about YouTube as a platform overall?

    -Despite the frustrations and issues faced, the speaker was grateful for the opportunities and the platform that YouTube provided, acknowledging its role in their career and the ability to connect with their audience.



😤 Frustration with YouTube's Enforcement

The speaker expresses frustration with YouTube's enforcement policies, recounting how their channel was struck for a fourth time. The issue arose from a video about using chat GPT to obtain Windows 95 keys, which the speaker deemed absurd. They clarify that they did not endorse or condone the actions in the video, but merely covered it as a news story. The speaker is particularly upset about the lack of communication from YouTube and the arbitrary nature of their enforcement, which has led to uncertainty about the future of their channel.


🤔 Diversification and the Unpredictability of YouTube

The speaker advises content creators to diversify their platforms, sharing their personal experience with YouTube's unpredictable enforcement. Despite not violating any harmful or dangerous content policies, the speaker's video was flagged and their appeal was swiftly rejected without proper explanation. They express disbelief at the situation, emphasizing that they only made videos about technology and did nothing illegal or harmful. The speaker also points out the inconsistency in YouTube's enforcement, questioning why similar content by others is not penalized.


🙏 Gratitude and the Importance of Community Support

The speaker expresses gratitude towards their audience for their support during the difficult times with YouTube. They recount how the community's support has been instrumental in their journey, especially during charity events for their son's rare disease. The speaker acknowledges the flexibility and opportunities provided by YouTube, but also the challenges it presents. They thank their audience for their continued support and for purchasing their coffee, which contributes to a significant cause.


🏠 Prioritizing Family and Life Beyond YouTube

The speaker emphasizes the importance of family and personal life beyond their YouTube career. They appreciate the flexibility that YouTube provides, allowing them to take care of their family and be present during challenging times. Despite the frustrations with YouTube's policies, the speaker acknowledges the platform's role in their life and career. They conclude by reiterating their commitment to their family and the broader purpose they serve, which goes beyond their online presence.




YouTube is a video-sharing platform where users can upload, share, and view videos. In the context of the video, it is the primary channel for the creator's content distribution and the source of their grievances regarding content policy enforcement and channel strikes.

💡Community guideline strike

A community guideline strike on YouTube is a penalty issued to a channel for violating the platform's community guidelines. It can result in restrictions or even termination of the channel. In the video, the creator discusses receiving such a strike for content they believe did not warrant it.

💡Content creation

Content creation refers to the process of producing and sharing various forms of content, such as videos, articles, or podcasts, for online platforms. The video's creator is a content creator who focuses on technology and shares his experiences and thoughts on YouTube.


In the context of YouTube, a channel represents a user's personal or brand's space where they upload and manage their videos. The creator's channel is central to their livelihood and identity as a content creator.


Diversification, in a business context, refers to the strategy of expanding into new areas or markets to reduce risk and increase potential for growth. The creator emphasizes the importance of diversification for content creators who rely on a single platform like YouTube.


Piracy, in the context of software and digital content, refers to the unauthorized copying, distribution, or use of copyrighted material without the permission of the rights holder. The creator clarifies their stance against piracy and emphasizes their合法 use of software.


An appeal, in this context, is a request for a review or reconsideration of a decision made by a platform or authority. The creator discusses their unsuccessful attempts to appeal the community guideline strike against their YouTube channel.

💡Harmonious or dangerous content

Harmful or dangerous content refers to any material that promotes or encourages actions or behaviors that could cause physical or emotional harm, or that violates the rights of others. The creator argues that their video about Windows 95 keys and chat GPT does not fall under this category.

💡Policy enforcement

Policy enforcement refers to the implementation and application of rules or guidelines by a governing body or platform. In the video, the creator criticizes the arbitrary and inconsistent enforcement of YouTube's content policies.

💡Audience support

Audience support refers to the encouragement, engagement, and backing received from viewers or followers of a content creator. In the video, the creator expresses gratitude for their audience's support during challenging times with YouTube.


Family refers to a group of individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption, who typically live together and provide emotional and financial support to one another. The creator emphasizes the importance of their family and their role outside of their work on YouTube.


The channel faced an unexpected shutdown due to a YouTube Community guideline strike.

The strike was based on a video about using chat GPT to obtain Windows 95 keys, which the creator found absurd.

The creator emphasizes that the video was not an endorsement or condonation of the act, but rather a news coverage.

The creator expresses frustration with YouTube's arbitrary enforcement and lack of clear communication.

The original video that inspired the chat GPT short also received a community guideline strike.

The creator is concerned about the uncertainty of potential future strikes and the stability of their channel.

YouTube restored the video without any prior notification to the creator.

The creator's appeal against the community guideline strike was rejected without proper explanation.

The creator has diversified their content across multiple platforms to mitigate risks associated with YouTube's policies.

The creator advocates for other content creators to diversify their income sources to avoid reliance on a single platform.

The creator explains their stance against piracy and emphasizes their合法 use of software.

The creator questions YouTube's policy application, especially regarding the historical context of Windows 95.

The creator highlights the inconsistency in YouTube's enforcement of policies against different channels.

The creator expresses gratitude for the support from their audience and other platforms during the channel shutdown.

The creator acknowledges the flexibility and opportunities provided by YouTube for content creators.

The creator emphasizes the importance of family and personal life beyond the online platform.

The creator calls for clearer guidelines from YouTube to avoid future misunderstandings and strikes.

The creator promotes their coffee company as a part of their diversified business model.