What worries me most about AI art | Art Talk

Joao Marcedo
31 Mar 202407:31

TLDRThe speaker reflects on their journey of connecting with art, from initially finding museums dull to deeply appreciating the beauty and stories behind each piece. They share a memorable experience with their girlfriend at a museum, where they felt a profound connection with the artist through the landscapes on display. The speaker also contemplates the role of AI in art, expressing concern that while AI may produce images, it lacks the depth of understanding and appreciation that comes from a human artist's journey.


  • 🎨 The narrator's initial indifference towards museums despite being an artist highlights the common feeling of disconnect or lack of engagement with art for some individuals.
  • 👫 A meaningful experience at a small museum with a significant other changed the narrator's perspective, showing the importance of context and companionship in appreciating art.
  • 🖼️ A series of landscape paintings left a lasting impression on the narrator, demonstrating the power of art to evoke emotions and memories, even across time and without prior knowledge of the artist.
  • 🌳 The narrator's connection to the artist through shared aesthetics and painting techniques underscores the universal language of art and its ability to bridge gaps between people.
  • 🎓 Art education, such as studying the fundamentals of drawing and painting, can enhance one's appreciation for art, revealing layers of depth and meaning in artistic works.
  • 🌟 The beauty of cave art, created thousands of years ago, is a testament to the enduring human need for creativity and expression, transcending time and culture.
  • 🤔 The narrator's contemplation of AI's role in art raises concerns about the loss of depth and understanding in the appreciation of art, as AI may not grasp the 'why' behind its creations.
  • 🖌️ The value of personal artistry and the journey of an artist are emphasized, as these experiences allow for a unique and profound connection with art that AI cannot replicate.
  • 💖 The joy of art lies not just in its creation but also in its ability to tell stories and connect with others who share similar paths and passions.
  • 🌈 The narrator's evolving appreciation for art, including museum paintings and cave art, illustrates the personal growth and enrichment that comes from engaging with and learning about art.

Q & A

  • What was the speaker's initial attitude towards museums?

    -The speaker initially did not enjoy museums much, as they often felt the need to take a nap or escape when inside one, despite being an artist.

  • How did the speaker's experience at the small museum with their girlfriend differ from their previous experiences?

    -This time, the speaker found the museum visit enjoyable because they were with their girlfriend, and they encountered a series of paintings that left a lasting impression on them.

  • What was the nature of the paintings that impacted the speaker?

    -The paintings were plein air landscapes, impressionistic and small canvases hung in a grid-like arrangement. The speaker felt a sense of familiarity and connection with the artist through these paintings.

  • How did the speaker's personal painting style relate to the paintings they saw at the museum?

    -The speaker loves to paint with big, bold brush strokes, similar to how they imagined the artist of the paintings they saw at the museum created their works.

  • What did the speaker learn from their experience with the museum paintings?

    -The speaker learned that their love for a certain aesthetic could create a connection with an artist they knew nothing about, and that art can offer a window into the past.

  • How does the speaker feel about the art created by their prehistoric ancestors?

    -The speaker is amazed by the beauty and skill in the cave art created by prehistoric ancestors, and they appreciate that this art served not only as a form of communication but also as a medium of beauty.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on AI in relation to art creation?

    -The speaker is concerned that AI might generate good images, but may not fully appreciate the depth and value of art, as AI lacks the personal connection and understanding that human artists have.

  • How has the speaker's study of art at university influenced their perception of art?

    -Studying art at university has allowed the speaker to appreciate art more deeply, to see beauty where they were previously indifferent, and to connect with the stories and layers of richness in a piece of art.

  • Why does the speaker believe that an art degree is not necessary to appreciate art?

    -The speaker believes that while knowledge enhances the appreciation of art, the deep connection and love for art can be shared by individuals without formal education in the field, as it is a personal experience.

  • What did the speaker realize about their own art appreciation as they continued to learn and study art?

    -The speaker realized that their appreciation for art, including museum paintings and cave art, grew as they learned more, and they began to see the beauty in the natural world as composed by beautiful shapes and colors.



🎨 Art and Connection at the Museum

The speaker reflects on an experience visiting a small museum with his girlfriend. Despite not usually enjoying museums, he finds a deep connection with a series of landscape paintings. The paintings, though he can't remember individually, evoke a sense of familiarity and connection with the artist. He describes how the artist's brush strokes and color choices resonate with his own love for bold, expressive painting. The speaker also draws a parallel between these paintings and the cave art from prehistoric times, highlighting the enduring human need to create and appreciate beauty in art. He concludes by expressing a desire to see real cave art and continues to find value in studying and creating art.


🤖 The Role of AI in Art and its Limitations

The speaker expresses his concerns about the impact of AI on the art world. He worries that AI might replace human artists and that AI-generated art may lack depth and understanding of why certain images are considered good. The speaker argues that AI artists or AI writers might produce visually appealing images, but they won't be able to fully appreciate the artistic process or the story behind each piece. He emphasizes the importance of personal experience and knowledge in truly appreciating art. The speaker also shares his newfound enthusiasm for museums and how his understanding and connection with art have grown over time. He encourages others to continue learning and appreciating art, as it offers a unique and personal perspective that AI cannot replicate.




An artist is an individual who creates various forms of visual, auditory, or performance artwork. In the context of the video, the narrator identifies as an artist who, despite not initially enjoying museums, finds a deep connection with the art and the artist who created the paintings. The term 'artist' is used to illustrate the narrator's personal journey and growth in appreciating art, as well as to emphasize the human element in creating and understanding art.


A museum is a building or institution dedicated to the collection, preservation, and exhibition of objects of artistic, cultural, historical, or scientific significance. In the video, the museum serves as the setting where the narrator's appreciation for art is reignited, highlighting the importance of museums in fostering a deeper understanding and connection with art.


Impressionism is an art movement that originated in the 19th century, characterized by small, thin brush strokes, open composition, and an emphasis on capturing the fleeting effects of light and color in a scene. In the video, the narrator describes the paintings they encountered as 'Impressionistic small canvases,' indicating a style that had a profound impact on their perception of art.


In the context of the video, 'connection' refers to the emotional or intellectual bond that one feels with another person, place, thing, or idea. The narrator experiences a connection with the unknown artist through the paintings, despite not knowing anything about the creator. This connection is a central theme of the video, illustrating the power of art to bridge time and create shared experiences.


An aesthetic refers to a set of principles or criteria for judging the beauty or art of a work, as well as the appreciation of beauty or good taste. In the video, the narrator's love for a particular aesthetic, characterized by bold brush strokes and the addition of imagined colors, is a significant aspect of their artistic identity and how they relate to the art they encounter.

💡Cave Art

Cave art refers to the paintings and drawings created by prehistoric humans on the walls of caves. These artworks often depict animals, handprints, and other symbols, and are some of the earliest known forms of visual art. In the video, the narrator reflects on the beauty and skill evident in cave art, drawing parallels between the fundamental human need to create and the art they study and produce today.


Appreciation, in the context of the video, refers to the recognition and enjoyment of the value, quality, or beauty of something, particularly art. The narrator's journey from finding museums boring to deeply appreciating art illustrates the personal growth and enrichment that comes from understanding and connecting with art.

💡Art History

Art history is the study of the development and evolution of artistic styles, movements, and techniques throughout different time periods and cultures. In the video, the narrator's education in art history enriches their understanding and appreciation of art, from ancient cave paintings to contemporary works.

💡AI and Art

The term 'AI and Art' refers to the intersection of artificial intelligence with the creation and appreciation of art. In the video, the narrator expresses concern about the potential of AI to replace human artists and the loss of depth and value in art that may result from this. They worry that AI-generated images may lack the context and meaning that come from a human artist's experience and emotions.

💡Personal Growth

Personal growth refers to the process of self-improvement and development, often involving the acquisition of new skills, knowledge, or insights. In the video, the narrator's personal growth is evident in their evolving relationship with art, from indifference to a deep and nuanced appreciation that enriches their life.


Creativity is the use of imagination or original ideas to create something new or to find new methods of doing or thinking about something. In the video, the narrator's creativity as an artist is highlighted by their desire to paint with bold brush strokes and to see what they have not seen but wanted to see, reflecting the essence of artistic creation.


The narrator's initial disinterest in museums despite being an artist.

The experience of visiting a small museum with the narrator's girlfriend and the impact of a series of paintings.

The feeling of familiarity and connection with the artist through the paintings, despite not knowing the artist's personal details.

The narrator's preference for painting with big, bold brush strokes, reflecting a personal style and aesthetic.

The admiration for the cave paintings of prehistoric ancestors and their expression of life and beauty.

The narrator's focus on studying the fundamentals of drawing and painting at university, rather than art theory or philosophy.

The skill and energy found in the cave paintings, which the narrator finds both beautiful and impressive.

The anecdote about Picasso's reaction to cave paintings, highlighting the timeless nature of art.

The narrator's belief in the abundance of prehistoric art covering the land and the hope to witness it firsthand.

The concern about AI's impact on the art world and the potential loss of depth and appreciation in machine-generated art.

The importance of personal experience and knowledge in fully appreciating and understanding art.

The transformative experience of visiting a museum with a deeper understanding of art, leading to a newfound appreciation.

The notion that art education and personal connection enhance the experience of enjoying and creating art.

The narrator's commitment to continuous learning and growth as an artist, to better appreciate and create art.

The unique ability of humans to appreciate the layers of meaning and story in art, which AI cannot replicate.

The value of sharing personal insights and feelings about art with others, as the narrator did with his girlfriend.