Mastering Leonardo AI: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Tutorial for Beginners

Blog With Ben
21 Nov 202344:28

TLDRThis video tutorial offers an in-depth exploration of Leonardo, an AI platform, focusing on its text-to-image generation capabilities. The host guides viewers through account setup, basic and advanced features, and demonstrates how to create and refine AI-generated images. The video also highlights the differences between the free and premium versions of Leonardo, emphasizing the enhanced quality and additional tools available in the premium tier. The host encourages practice and experimentation to unlock the platform's full creative potential.


  • 🚀 Leonardo AI is a powerful and intuitive platform for generating AI images, offering both free and premium versions with varying features and daily token limits.
  • 📱 Signing up for Leonardo is easy and free, with an option to upgrade for more tokens and advanced features.
  • 🎨 The platform provides a variety of models that simulate different art styles and techniques, allowing users to create images with diverse aesthetics.
  • 📊 Leonardo's interface is equipped with helpful resources like FAQs, tutorials, and a community feed for inspiration and guidance.
  • 🖌️ The AI text-to-image generation tool allows users to input prompts and generate images based on those descriptions, with options to refine the output through various settings.
  • 🔄 Users can experiment with different models, styles, and elements to create unique images and enhance their creative projects.
  • 📸 The AI canvas feature enables users to upload an image and make intricate edits using inpainting and outpainting techniques, all within the platform.
  • 🎭 The platform also offers features like image guidance, where users can upload a source image to guide the AI in generating new content.
  • 📈 Premium subscribers have access to higher quality image generation, more models, styles, pipelines, and upscaling features.
  • 🤖 Leonardo's training and datasets feature allows users to create and train their own models for consistent character creation in their images.
  • 🌐 The community aspect of Leonardo provides a space for users to share their creations, prompts, and engage with others for feedback and inspiration.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    -The main focus of the video is to provide an in-depth tutorial on how to use Leonardo, an AI platform, for various purposes such as enhancing creative projects, integrating AI into applications, and exploring the capabilities of artificial intelligence.

  • How does one get started with Leonardo AI?

    -To get started with Leonardo AI, one can visit their homepage, sign up with an email address and create a password, or sign up via Apple, Google, or Microsoft accounts. The platform offers both free and premium tiers with varying features and daily tokens for image generation.

  • What are some of the key features of Leonardo AI?

    -Key features of Leonardo AI include AI text to image generation, various models and styles to choose from, the ability to add elements to images, the use of pipelines for more control and flexibility, and an AI canvas for editing and refining images.

  • How does the AI canvas work in Leonardo AI?

    -The AI canvas in Leonardo AI is a tool that allows users to create, edit, and refine images using advanced AI technology. It offers features like inpainting and outpainting, which enable users to make intricate adjustments, remove unwanted elements, or generate new content that blends seamlessly with the image.

  • What is the significance of the 'prompt' in Leonardo AI's image generation process?

    -The 'prompt' is a descriptive text input that guides the AI in generating an image. It's crucial for directing the AI to create specific styles or elements in the image. Users can keep prompts concise yet descriptive, using words that best represent the desired output.

  • How does the premium tier of Leonardo AI differ from the free version?

    -The premium tier of Leonardo AI offers more daily tokens, access to additional features like the photo real and Alchemy pipelines, and the ability to generate higher quality images. It also provides access to a wider range of models, styles, and upscaling features.

  • What is the purpose of the 'negative prompt' feature in Leonardo AI?

    -The 'negative prompt' feature allows users to specify elements or features that they do not want to appear in the generated images. This helps in refining the output to better match the user's vision by removing unwanted aspects.

  • How does the 'image guidance' feature work in Leonardo AI?

    -The 'image guidance' feature uses a source image to guide the AI in generating new images. It detects the color patterns and overall look of the input image and uses that to guide the image generation process, creating AI versions of the original image with a similar aesthetic.

  • What is the 'prompt generation' feature in Leonardo AI?

    -The 'prompt generation' feature is a tool that helps users come up with complex prompt ideas based on a sample word or phrase. It acts as a personal AI prompt assistant, providing users with suggested prompts to use for their image generation projects.

  • What are some additional resources available to users within Leonardo AI?

    -Leonardo AI offers an FAQ and help guide, step-by-step tutorials, and a Discord community for users to stay updated on platform changes, share ideas, and converse with other users. There's also a chat feature for direct assistance from the team members.

  • How does the 'training and data sets' feature in Leonardo AI work?

    -The 'training and data sets' feature allows users to create and train their own models for image generation. This can be particularly useful for creating consistent characters or styles across multiple images, such as for graphic novels or children's books.



📝 Introduction to Leonardo AI Tutorial

The video begins with an introduction to the Leonardo AI platform, emphasizing its user-friendly interface and powerful capabilities. The speaker, Ben, explains that the tutorial will cover everything from setting up an account to exploring advanced features of Leonardo. He also encourages viewers to subscribe to his YouTube channel for more resources on AI and tech trends.


🚀 Getting Started with Leonardo AI

This paragraph outlines the simple process of getting started with Leonardo AI. It explains how to sign up for a free account via the website, using an email address or signing in through Apple, Google, or Microsoft accounts. Ben also mentions the premium tier, which offers more daily tokens and better image quality, and provides a brief overview of the account home interface and its functionalities.


🎨 Exploring the Interface and Features

Ben takes viewers on a tour of the Leonardo AI interface, highlighting the sidebar menu for navigation, featured models, recent creations, and helpful resources like the FAQ and help guide. He also mentions the chat feature for direct support and the Discord community for updates and interaction with other users. The paragraph emphasizes the platform's ease of use and the availability of resources for beginners.


🖌️ AI Text to Image Generation

This section delves into the AI text to image generation feature of Leonardo AI. Ben explains how to use the tool by entering a text prompt and selecting parameters to generate images. He discusses the differences between the free and paid versions, the model selector, additional styles, and the ability to add elements to the prompts. The paragraph also touches on the prompt assist feature and the settings sidebar for more granular control over image generation.


🌟 Experimenting with Models and Styles

Ben demonstrates how to experiment with different models and styles in Leonardo AI to create unique images. He shows how to change the model, add elements like the ebony and gold style, and use the ad negative prompt feature to remove unwanted elements from the generated images. The paragraph emphasizes the creative control and flexibility that Leonardo AI offers, even in its free version.


🎨 Advanced Editing with AI Canvas

The paragraph introduces the AI canvas feature of Leonardo AI, which allows for intricate editing and refinement of images using AI technology. Ben explains the various canvas modes, such as inpainting and outpainting, and how they can speed up workflows. He also discusses the control panel's tools, including the canvas model selector and advanced settings, and encourages viewers to experiment with these features for improved results.


🖼️ Enhancing Images with AI Canvas

Ben showcases the AI canvas's capabilities by uploading an image and using the inpainting feature to change the color of the subject's eyes. He walks through the process of selecting the area to edit, using the draw mask tool, and generating the new content with a prompt. The paragraph highlights the AI canvas's intuitive interface and the ability to make precise edits to images.


🎨 Additional Features and Training

The video concludes with a brief overview of additional Leonardo AI features, including the texture generation user tool, the training and data sets feature for creating consistent characters, and the community feed for inspiration. Ben encourages viewers to practice and explore these tools to unlock their creative potential and thanks them for watching, promising more tutorials in the future.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think, learn, and problem-solve like humans. In the context of the video, AI is the core technology behind Leonardo, an AI platform that enables users to create and enhance images using intuitive and powerful tools.


Leonardo is an AI platform that provides users with tools to generate images, edit photos, and create artwork using artificial intelligence. It offers both free and premium services, with the latter granting access to more advanced features and a higher number of daily tokens for image generation.

💡Text to Image Generation

Text to image generation is a process where AI systems interpret textual descriptions to create visual content. In the video, this concept is central to the Leonardo platform, allowing users to generate images by inputting descriptive prompts.


A prompt is a piece of text or a question that serves as a guide or a starting point for an AI system to generate content. In the context of the video, prompts are used to instruct the AI platform on what kind of images to create.


Tokens are a form of in-app currency used within the Leonardo platform to access and use its AI features. Users are given a daily allotment of tokens, which are consumed when generating images or using other services within the platform.

💡Model Selector

The model selector is a feature within the Leonardo platform that allows users to choose different AI models to generate images. Each model represents a set of algorithms trained on specific art styles or techniques, influencing the final look of the generated images.


Pipelines in the context of AI image generation refer to a series of processes or models that are applied to the input data to produce an output. In Leonardo, they are additional models that can be turned on or off to control and refine the image generation process.

💡AI Canvas

The AI Canvas is a feature within the Leonardo platform that allows users to edit and refine existing images using AI-driven tools. It offers various modes like inpainting and outpainting, enabling users to make intricate adjustments, remove unwanted elements, or generate new content.

💡Community Feed

The Community Feed is a shared space within the Leonardo platform where users can view and interact with AI-generated images created by other users. It serves as a source of inspiration and a place to share and discover new creations.

💡Training and Data Sets

Training and Data Sets is a feature in Leonardo that allows users to create and train their own AI models for image generation. This can be used to generate consistent characters or styles across multiple images, which can be particularly useful for projects like children's books or graphic novels.


An in-depth tutorial on using Leonardo, a powerful AI platform.

Leonardo offers both free and premium tiers, with the free version providing 150 daily tokens.

The interface includes a variety of features such as personal and community feeds, AI canvas, and model highlight.

Users can generate AI images through the AI image generation interface with a concise and descriptive text prompt.

The platform provides a model selector, additional styles, and the ability to add elements for more stylistic control.

Leonardo's AI canvas allows users to intricately edit and refine images, including inpainting and outpainting techniques.

The platform offers a diverse range of models, each with unique capabilities for generating different styles of images.

Paid plans provide higher quality image generation, more daily tokens, and access to advanced features.

The ad negative prompt feature enables users to remove unwanted elements from generated images.

Image guidance feature uses a source image to guide the AI in generating new images with a similar style or content.

Prompt generation tool assists users in coming up with complex prompt ideas to create unique images.

Leonardo's AI canvas editor speeds up workflows by allowing edits without the need for external image editing software.

The platform includes a community feed where users can share and view each other's creations for inspiration.

Leonardo's training and datasets feature allows users to create and train their own models for personalized image generation.

The text to image generation tool provides options to upscale the quality of images, available to paid subscribers.

The AI canvas supports multiple editing modes, providing creative freedom and flexibility in image manipulation.

The platform offers a texture generation tool, currently in alpha, for creating complex 3D textures and assets.