Mastering Consistent Characters in Leonardo AI: How to Make AI Influencers (Step-by-Step Tutorial)

Blog With Ben
15 Mar 202431:43

TLDRIn this tutorial, B from demonstrates how to create consistent characters with Leonardo AI, a platform that allows users to design visually stunning characters without the need for additional software or coding skills. The video focuses on two primary methods: using a fixed image seed to guide the AI in generating similar images, and training a custom model with a set of images to create a consistent character. B provides step-by-step instructions on using the image generator, accessing support documentation, and refining designs. The video also discusses the rise of AI influencers and their potential for revenue and brand endorsements. By the end, viewers will have the skills to create their own AI-generated influencers and understand how to make their character style stand out.


  • πŸ“š Leonardo AI is a platform that allows users to create consistent characters without additional software or coding skills.
  • πŸš€ Two methods are explored in the video for designing characters: using prompts with a fixed image seed and creating a trained model within Leonardo AI.
  • πŸ’‘ AI influencers are a growing trend, with some generating significant revenue and social media following.
  • πŸ” The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to utilize Leonardo AI's features, including accessing support documentation and tutorials.
  • πŸ’» Premium users of Leonardo have access to additional features like more tokens and advanced pipelines, which can enhance the quality of generated images.
  • 🌟 The importance of using a descriptive prompt for image generation is emphasized, with tips on how to structure prompts for consistent characters.
  • πŸ“ˆ The process of training a custom model in Leonardo AI is detailed, including uploading images, configuring model settings, and fine-tuning the model's metadata.
  • πŸ“ It's recommended to use images of consistent size and style for training the model to ensure effective generalization.
  • πŸ› οΈ Tips for refining the model's output are provided, such as changing the model category and using a fixed seed for additional control over image generation.
  • πŸ”— The video encourages viewers to check out Leonardo's help documentation for more in-depth guidance and to stay updated with the latest AI trends.
  • πŸ“§ Leonardo AI will notify users when their model training is complete, and users can then use the trained model for image generation.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is creating consistent characters with Leonardo AI for AI influencers without needing additional software or coding skills.

  • Why is it important to have a consistent theme across a portfolio when designing characters?

    -It is important to have a consistent theme across a portfolio to create a cohesive brand identity, which is crucial for venturing into the world of AI influencers and for attracting revenue and brand endorsements.

  • What is the significance of the AI influencer mentioned in the video?

    -The AI influencer mentioned in the video is significant because it is earning almost $111,000 per month and has 300,000 Instagram followers, demonstrating the potential revenue and influence of AI influencers.

  • What are the two methods explored in the video for designing characters?

    -The two methods explored in the video for designing characters are using prompts to create a character in the image generator with a fixed image seed, and creating a trained model by inputting data or images to train the model within Leonardo AI.

  • What is an AI seed in the context of the video?

    -An AI seed is a series of numbers that tells the AI how to generate an image. It is an AI-generated image that acts as a starting point, setting the stage for future images and guiding the AI on how to create similar images with new prompts.

  • What are the advantages of using the premium version of Leonardo AI?

    -The premium version of Leonardo AI offers more tokens, access to the Alchemy 2 pipeline, the ability to configure the version and model being used, and the option to turn off public images, which can enhance the quality of images and allow for more images to be created in one setting.

  • What is the recommended image resolution for training a model in Leonardo AI?

    -Leonardo AI recommends using images that are 512x512 pixels or 768x768 pixels for the best dataset training results when training a model.

  • How can one refine their designs and make their character style stand out?

    -One can refine their designs and make their character style stand out by tweaking the prompts, using different seeds, experimenting with different elements in the image generator, and adjusting the model category and style within the platform.

  • What is the process of training a custom model in Leonardo AI?

    -The process involves uploading multiple images of the character to Leonardo's training and datasets, naming the dataset, describing it, and then uploading the images to train the model. After uploading, the user can fine-tune the metadata, set the training resolution, base model, category, instance prompt, and decide if the model is safe for work before starting the training.

  • How can one access Leonardo AI's support documentation?

    -One can access Leonardo AI's support documentation by clicking the icon in the bottom right corner of the dashboard, which opens their support chat and help docs. From there, users can search for help by keyword or key phrase.

  • What are some tips for writing effective prompts for AI image generation?

    -Effective prompts are concise, using less than 200 characters, and include descriptive words or specific physical details. Users should also refer to Leonardo's consistent character help doc for prompt tips and structure.



🎨 Introduction to Creating Consistent Characters with Leonardo AI

The video begins with the host, B from blogwithb.comom, introducing the topic of creating consistent characters using Leonardo AI. B emphasizes the importance of having a consistent theme across a portfolio, especially for those interested in AI influencers. The host mentions the potential revenue and brand endorsements associated with AI influencers and promises to teach viewers how to create their own characters without additional software or coding skills. The video also encourages viewers to subscribe for more AI and tech trends.


πŸ“š Exploring Two Methods for Character Design and Accessing Documentation

The host outlines two methods for designing characters in Leonardo AI: using prompts to create a character with a fixed image seed and creating a trained model by inputting data or images. B highlights the helpful documentation available within Leonardo AI and guides viewers on how to access support chat and browse tutorials. The host also clarifies that the tutorial is suitable for both beginners and those with some experience, and provides a link to a comprehensive tutorial for beginners.


πŸ–ΌοΈ Creating Consistent Characters with a Fixed Seed in Image Generator

The host demonstrates the first method of creating consistent characters using the image generator and fixed image seed. B explains the concept of an AI seed and guides viewers through the process of generating an image with a descriptive prompt. The host also discusses the importance of the seed in guiding the AI to create similar images and shows how to copy and use the seed for future image generations. The video covers the process of refining prompts and generating images with consistent features.


πŸ€– Training a Custom Leonardo Model for Consistent Characters

The host introduces the second method of creating consistent characters by training a custom Leonardo model. B explains the process of uploading multiple images to train the model and emphasizes the importance of consistent image sizes. The host guides viewers through downloading images for training, creating a new dataset, and uploading images to the dataset. The video also covers configuring the model settings, including training resolution, base model, category, and instance prompt.


πŸ”§ Fine-Tuning the Custom Model and Testing It with Different Prompts

The host discusses how to fine-tune the custom model by adjusting metadata and settings. B shows how to change the model category and test the model with different prompts to achieve desired results. The video demonstrates how to use the trained model in the image generator and how to adjust the style and other settings for varied outputs. The host also shares tips on using a fixed seed with the custom model to maintain consistency.


πŸ“ Final Thoughts and Additional Resources

In the concluding part of the video, the host recaps the methods for creating consistent characters with Leonardo AI and encourages viewers to consult Leonardo's help documentation for more tips and guidance. B offers assistance for any questions or suggestions and appreciates viewer support. The host also promotes starting a blog and provides a link to step-by-step tutorials for building a WordPress blog, ending the video with thanks and a prompt for engagement.



πŸ’‘Leonardo AI

Leonardo AI is a platform that enables users to create AI-generated images and characters. It is central to the video's theme as it is the tool used to create consistent characters and AI influencers. The platform is highlighted for its ability to generate visually stunning images without the need for additional software or coding skills.

πŸ’‘Consistent Characters

Consistent characters refer to AI-generated personas that maintain a uniform appearance and theme across multiple images or interactions. This concept is vital in the video as it is the primary goal the tutorial aims to achieve, ensuring that the characters created are not only visually appealing but also maintain a consistent identity.

πŸ’‘AI Influencers

AI influencers are virtual personalities created using artificial intelligence that can engage with audiences on social media platforms. They are a significant part of the video's narrative as the tutorial focuses on creating such characters that can potentially generate revenue and brand endorsements, showcasing a modern trend in digital marketing.

πŸ’‘Image Seed

An image seed is a series of numbers that guide the AI in generating images. It is used as a starting point to ensure that new images created by the AI align with a specific style or character. In the context of the video, the image seed is crucial for creating consistent characters across different prompts.

πŸ’‘Training Model

Training a model in the context of Leonardo AI involves inputting multiple images of a character to teach the AI how to generate similar images. This process is one of the two methods explained in the video for creating consistent characters, allowing for a more personalized and controlled output.

πŸ’‘Alchemy Pipeline

The Alchemy pipeline is a feature within Leonardo AI that enhances the quality of generated images. It is mentioned in the video as one of the options available to premium subscribers, contributing to the higher quality of the images created for the consistent characters.


A prompt is a descriptive text input that guides the AI in creating a specific image. It is a fundamental aspect of the video as it is through prompts that users communicate their vision to Leonardo AI. Crafting effective prompts is key to generating consistent and desired character images.

πŸ’‘Photorealistic Pipeline

The photorealistic pipeline is a feature within Leonardo AI that generates images with a high degree of realism. It is referenced in the video as a tool used to create more lifelike images for the AI influencers, enhancing the visual appeal and consistency of the characters.

πŸ’‘Custom Image Dimensions

Custom image dimensions refer to the specific width and height in pixels that a user can set for the generated images. In the video, it is mentioned that for training a model, Leonardo AI recommends using images of specific dimensions, such as 512x512 or 768x768 pixels, to ensure optimal training results.

πŸ’‘Model Training

Model training is the process of teaching the AI system how to generate images based on a dataset of example images. It is a core concept in the video, where the user uploads multiple images of a character to create a model that can consistently generate images of that character.

πŸ’‘Instance Prompt

An instance prompt is a specific type of prompt used to guide the AI when generating images from a trained model. It is discussed in the video as a way to ensure that the AI uses the training data effectively, by providing keywords that describe the desired output.


The video provides a step-by-step tutorial on creating consistent characters with Leonardo AI for AI influencers without additional software or coding skills.

Two powerful methods for designing visually stunning and thematically consistent characters are explored.

AI influencers are a growing trend, generating significant revenue and brand endorsements.

The video covers pro tips on refining designs and making character styles stand out.

Leonardo AI's helpful documentation and support chat are available for users needing extra clarification.

The use of a fixed image seed is introduced as a method to guide the AI in generating similar images.

Premium version of Leonardo offers more tokens and access to the Alchemy 2 pipeline for enhanced image quality.

The importance of using a consistent image size for training the AI model is emphasized.

The process of creating a custom model by uploading multiple images and training the AI is detailed.

The video demonstrates how to use the trained model within Leonardo's image generator.

Tips for fine-tuning the model's results, including changing the model category and using a fixed seed, are provided.

The tutorial shows how to enhance images with different styles and elements within the Leonardo platform.

The video emphasizes the adaptability required to keep up with the rapidly evolving AI technology.

A comprehensive beginner's guide to mastering Leonardo AI is recommended for those new to the platform.

The video concludes with encouragement to utilize Leonardo's help documents and to reach out for help if needed.

The presenter shares their experience with creating a consistent character using the premium version of Leonardo AI.

The tutorial includes a demonstration of how to download and use images for training the AI model.

The process of naming and describing a data set for organizational purposes within the Leonardo platform is shown.

The video explains how to monitor job status and receive notifications when the AI model training is complete.