Mastering the Art of Writing AI Content That Google Love

Ismail Blogger
18 May 202312:09

TLDRThe video script discusses strategies for creating high-quality, 100% human-like content for blogging and article writing. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the needs of both Google and the user to generate top-notch content. The speaker introduces a method that can significantly benefit from the approach and generate a substantial amount of content. The video guides the viewer on how to write complete human-return content or optimized content on trending topics, following certain tips and tricks. It also touches on the use of specific tools and services, such as premium web hosting and content creation platforms, to enhance the writing process and ensure the content's success.


  • 📝 Embrace the method of writing complete human return content, optimizing for both search engines and user needs.
  • 🚀 Utilize the 5% human return content method to generate a significant amount of hand-optimized content for your blog or client projects.
  • 💡 Follow step-by-step guidance to craft a comprehensive and high-quality article that ranks well on search engines and resonates with readers.
  • 🔍 Conduct thorough research to enrich your content with relevant and valuable information, enhancing its appeal to both users and search engines.
  • 🔗 Include internal linking within your content to improve its SEO, ensuring that your website's content is interconnected and easily navigable.
  • 📈 Focus on long-tail keywords and niche topics to target specific queries and increase the chances of your content ranking higher on search engine results pages.
  • 🎯 Tailor your content to the latest trends and developments in the market, such as the growing importance of AI and personalized marketing.
  • 💼 Emphasize the benefits of premium web hosting services and how they can enhance the user experience and performance of your website.
  • 📌 Use external links judiciously to direct readers to authoritative sources and relevant products or services that add value to your content.
  • ✍️ Maintain a professional tone and ensure that your content is well-structured, with clear headings and subheadings that guide the reader through the article.
  • 📈 Continuously monitor and update your content to ensure it remains relevant and up-to-date, reflecting the latest industry insights and best practices.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video content?

    -The main focus of the video is to guide viewers on how to create and optimize high-quality, human-like content for blogging and online marketing.

  • What are some key elements to consider when writing a blog post?

    -Key elements include understanding the audience's needs, using proper keywords, maintaining a clear structure, and ensuring the content is engaging and informative.

  • How can one benefit from using the method shared in the video?

    -By following the method shared in the video, one can significantly improve their content creation process, generate more traffic, and potentially increase revenue through effective online marketing strategies.

  • What is the importance of including internal links in a blog post?

    -Internal links enhance the user experience by directing readers to other relevant content on the website. They also help with SEO by improving page ranking and keeping visitors engaged on the site for longer periods.

  • How does the video suggest one can ensure their content stands out?

    -The video suggests that by following the shared tips and techniques, such as keyword research, understanding the audience, and creating unique, well-structured content, one can ensure their content stands out in the digital space.

  • What is the role of external links in content creation?

    -External links can be used to provide additional resources, support claims made in the content, and offer credibility by linking to authoritative sources. They also help with SEO by showing that the content is well-researched and informative.

  • How does the video address the topic of affiliate marketing?

    -The video briefly touches on affiliate marketing by suggesting that one can promote products or services within their content. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the product and providing valuable information to the audience.

  • What are some tips for optimizing content for search engines?

    -Tips include conducting proper keyword research, using SEO-friendly URLs, optimizing meta tags and descriptions, and creating high-quality, engaging content that provides value to the reader.

  • How does the video suggest one can improve their content creation skills?

    -The video suggests that by practicing regularly, learning from experts, and staying updated with the latest trends in content creation and marketing, one can continuously improve their skills.

  • What is the significance of including a call to action (CTA) in a blog post?

    -A CTA is significant as it guides the reader on what to do next, whether it's to read more articles, sign up for a newsletter, or make a purchase. It helps convert readers into active participants or customers.

  • How does the video recommend one track the performance of their content?

    -The video recommends using analytics tools to track metrics such as page views, time spent on the page, bounce rate, and conversion rates. This data can provide insights into how well the content is performing and where improvements can be made.



📝 Understanding the Content Creation Process

This paragraph discusses the process of content creation, emphasizing the ability to write 100% human-like content. It highlights the benefits of using this method for blogging, especially for those who are working with clients or in an office environment. The speaker introduces a method to generate a significant amount of content and welcomes the audience with an exciting new video. The paragraph outlines the steps to follow in order to write complete, optimized content or articles that meet the needs of both Google and the users. It also mentions taking tips into consideration and writing content following certain guidelines, using the example of a successful actress and blogger who writes 500 unique articles.


💻 Utilizing Tools and Platforms for Content Optimization

The second paragraph delves into the specifics of utilizing online tools and platforms for content optimization. It guides the audience on how to access and use certain websites and services to enhance their content. The speaker provides a step-by-step walkthrough on how to use a particular service for premium team rankings and website optimization. The paragraph also touches on the importance of internal linking and how to integrate it into the content effectively. Additionally, it discusses the process of promoting products through hosting services and how to include external links within the content, ensuring the audience understands the importance of quality content and the methods to achieve it.


🎯 Enhancing Content Quality and Marketability

The final paragraph focuses on the importance of content quality and marketability. It stresses the significance of writing in a way that ranks well on Google and resonates with the target audience. The speaker shares insights on how to make the content more engaging and effective, using strategies like including relevant keywords and optimizing the content for better visibility. The paragraph also mentions the role of affiliate marketing and how to incorporate it into the content. It concludes with an encouragement for the audience to continue writing high-quality, human-like content and to check the quality of their work, ensuring that the content is well-received and ranks well in search engines.



💡Human Return Content

The term 'Human Return Content' refers to content that is written in a way that mimics human writing, providing a natural and engaging reading experience. In the context of the video, it is emphasized as a crucial method to generate high-quality content that ranks well on search engines and resonates with users. The script mentions optimizing content to have a human touch, which is essential for creating compelling and SEO-friendly articles.

💡Optimized Content

Optimized content refers to the process of tailoring digital content to perform well on search engines by incorporating relevant keywords, adhering to SEO best practices, and ensuring the content is both user-friendly and search engine-friendly. In the video, the emphasis is on creating content that meets the needs of both Google's algorithms and the end-user, which is achieved by following certain tips and strategies.

💡SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to a website through organic search results. It involves making changes to the content and structure of a website to improve its ranking on search engine results pages. In the context of the video, SEO is crucial for ensuring that the content reaches the right audience and is easily discoverable by search engines, which is why the script discusses creating SEO-friendly content.


Blogging refers to the act of regularly sharing information, opinions, or experiences in the form of articles or posts on a personal or professional website. In the video, blogging is presented as a powerful tool for content creation and online presence, where the focus is on writing unique and high-quality articles that can attract and engage an audience.

💡Claim Deal

A 'Claim Deal' typically refers to a process where a user can obtain a special offer or discount by following a specific procedure or link. In the context of the video, it seems to be related to a service or product that the viewer can claim by following a link provided in the video description, which may involve signing up for a service or purchasing a product at a discounted price.

💡Premium Teams

Premium Teams likely refers to a group of experts or professionals offering high-quality services, often for a fee. In the video, it suggests that by following a certain process, users can gain access to premium teams that can help improve their website's ranking and overall online presence.

💡Internal Linking

Internal linking is the practice of linking different pages or posts within the same website to help users navigate and to distribute link equity throughout the site. It is a search engine optimization technique that can improve the site's structure and user experience. In the video, internal linking is discussed as a method to enhance the content and potentially improve search engine rankings.

💡Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where businesses reward affiliates for each customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts. In the video, affiliate marketing is mentioned as a method to monetize the content, likely by promoting products or services and earning a commission on any sales made through the affiliate links.

💡Content Quality

Content quality refers to the standard and value of the information provided in the content. High-quality content is well-researched, original, engaging, and provides value to the reader. In the context of the video, ensuring content quality is crucial for attracting and retaining an audience, as well as for achieving better search engine rankings.

💡Article Structure

Article structure pertains to the organization and layout of a written piece, including the use of headings, subheadings, paragraphs, and other formatting elements to present information in a clear and logical manner. In the video, a good article structure is highlighted as essential for making the content easy to read and understand, which can contribute to better user engagement and SEO performance.

💡Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of identifying and analyzing words and phrases that people enter into search engines when looking for products, services, or information related to a specific topic. In the context of the video, keyword research is vital for creating content that is likely to be found by those searching online, as it helps in optimizing the content to target specific search queries and attract the right audience.


The importance of creating 100% human-like content for blogging and its potential to generate significant amounts of traffic.

The method introduced for writing complete human-return content or optimized content that meets the needs of both Google and users.

The mention of a great handbook for generating a substantial amount of content, with tips to be followed for writing.

The process of acquiring a premium team ranking website with a cost of at least $100 for an IF campaign.

Instructions on how to proceed with the website's claim deal button and the subsequent steps to access the premium posting section.

The benefits of following the method shared, which include writing 500 unique articles as an expert blogger.

The importance of including internal linking in the content and the strategy to use it effectively.

The strategy for including affiliate marketing in the content and the benefits of doing so.

The emphasis on writing the article in a way that it appears to be written by a human and not generated by software.

The mention of using Google to research and add information to the article for optimization.

The process of fitting the content with the given tips and the importance of checking the quality of the content.

The strategy for including external links to the product and the method to promote it effectively.

The final step of submitting the article and the importance of confirming the understanding of the content.

The mention of the benefits of regular visits to certain blogs for better content and the URL provided for this purpose.

The emphasis on the importance of word selection and the targeting of specific keywords in 2023 for content writing.

The mention of the evolving marketing trends in 2023 and the importance of staying updated with them.

The conclusion of the video and the promise of sharing more in the next video, emphasizing the value of the shared method.