🔴 Lula inaugura Impa Tech no Rio de Janeiro

2 Apr 202482:29

TLDRThe inauguration of the first undergraduate course at the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA) in Rio de Janeiro is marked by a ceremony attended by President Lula, Prefeito Eduardo Paes, and other dignitaries. The event emphasizes the importance of mathematics in driving scientific and technological innovation, and the role of IMPA in forming highly skilled professionals to meet Brazil's future workforce needs. The course, supported by federal and municipal governments, offers a free, full-time program to selected students, aiming to fill the gap of 530,000 technology and innovation vacancies in Brazil.


  • 🎉 The inauguration of the first undergraduate course at the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA) is a historic moment for Rio de Janeiro and Brazil, marking a significant step in the field of mathematics, technology, and innovation.
  • 👨‍🏫 President Lula emphasizes the importance of education as a right for all, not a privilege for the rich, and highlights the role of IMPA in shaping the future of Brazil through the cultivation of highly skilled professionals in mathematics and computational tools.
  • 🏆 The course is the result of a collaborative effort between the federal government, the city hall of Rio de Janeiro, and the IMPA, aiming to prepare selected students for the job market and contribute to Brazil's economy and innovation.
  • 🥇 Students were selected based on their performance in five knowledge Olympiads and their mathematics ENEM score, in addition to virtual interviews, showcasing the program's commitment to excellence and meritocracy.
  • 🌐 The initiative addresses Brazil's future deficit of 530,000 technology and innovation positions, highlighting the need to train young talent to fill these vacancies and drive the country's digital transformation.
  • 🏢 The federal government's investment of 18 million reais in the first year of the course underscores the commitment to fostering education and research in mathematics, with a focus on practical applications and industry relevance.
  • 🏠 Students will be provided with housing and a stipend, ensuring they can focus on their studies and develop their talents without financial barriers, reflecting the democratic nature of the program.
  • 🌟 The event celebrates the achievements of students like Caio Vitor Ferreira da Costa, who exemplify the potential of Brazil's youth and the transformative power of education in personal and societal development.
  • 🔍 The script underscores the critical role of mathematics in various fields, from space launches to biotechnology, and the importance of a strong mathematical foundation for addressing complex problems and driving innovation.
  • 🤝 The collaboration between public and private sectors, as well as academic institutions, is highlighted as essential for creating an ecosystem that nurtures talent, supports research, and fosters technological advancement.
  • 🚀 The launch of the IMPA course is seen as a 'goal of bicycle kick' in education, a beautiful and ambitious effort that sets an example for the world, reflecting Brazil's commitment to scientific and technological progress.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the event being discussed in the transcript?

    -The main focus of the event is the inauguration of the first undergraduate course at the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA) in Rio de Janeiro, which aims to form highly skilled young talents in the field of mathematics, technology, and innovation.

  • Who is the President mentioned in the transcript, and what is his role in this event?

    -The President mentioned is Lula (Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva), who has been instrumental in supporting the initiative, including the creation of the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad and providing federal funding for the course.

  • What is the significance of the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad (BMO) mentioned in the transcript?

    -The BMO is a significant initiative that has helped stimulate interest in mathematics among students, particularly those from public schools, by providing a platform for them to showcase their talents and compete on a national level.

  • How does the new undergraduate course at IMPA plan to select its students?

    -The students for the course are selected based on their performance in five knowledge Olympiads and their mathematics score from the National High School Examination (Enem), along with virtual interviews.

  • What kind of support is provided by the federal government to the students of the IMPA course?

    -The federal government provides financial support in the form of a monthly stipend of R$500 and a food allowance of R$90 per month to each student, as well as accommodation to help them focus on their studies.

  • What is the importance of the event for the city of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil as a whole?

    -The event is significant as it marks a step towards addressing the skills gap in the technology and innovation sector in Brazil, with the new course aiming to train young talent to fill an anticipated deficit of 530,000 positions in these areas.

  • What is the role of the Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro (City of Rio de Janeiro) in this initiative?

    -The Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro has played a crucial role by providing space for the IMPA activities and supporting the construction of student residences, thus facilitating the establishment of the course.

  • How does the transcript emphasize the importance of mathematics in various fields?

    -The transcript highlights the importance of mathematics in diverse fields such as architecture, satellite launches, biology, nanotechnology, and biotechnology, emphasizing its role in both theoretical and practical applications.

  • What is the expected impact of the new course on the students' future careers?

    -The course is designed to prepare students for the job market by providing them with a solid foundation in mathematics and its applications, thereby equipping them with the skills needed to contribute to the technology and innovation sectors.

  • How does the transcript address the role of education in societal development?

    -The transcript underscores education as a fundamental right for all and an essential investment for the country's development, emphasizing its power to transform lives and build a more prosperous and just society.



🎓 Inauguration of the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics

The paragraph discusses the inauguration of the graduation course at the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA), with President Lula participating in the ceremony in Rio de Janeiro. The event is marked by respect for the national anthem and is followed by an institutional video of the IMPA. The speaker is impressed by the quality of people at the institute and the personalized education provided by great researchers and educators. The IMPA is highlighted for its cutting-edge research in various areas, partnerships with businesses, strong involvement in master's and Ph.D. education, and popularization of science through events like the National Mathematics Festival.


🤝 Greetings and Acknowledgements

The speaker greets President Lula and other dignitaries present, including the first lady, ministers, and local officials. The importance of women is acknowledged, and specific individuals such as the minister Aniele Franco and deputada Laura Carneiro are mentioned. The speaker also acknowledges the presence of students, including Caio Vittor Ferreira and Costa Araújo, representing different regions of Brazil. The emphasis is on the collective effort and unity in the inauguration of the faculty, symbolizing a new era of technological and scientific evolution.


🏛️ The Role of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)

The speaker discusses the importance of STEAM disciplines in the current era of rapid technological evolution. These disciplines are considered fundamental to sustainable and innovative development for any nation or city, shaping a robust and diversified economy, and fostering creativity and social inclusion. The speaker emphasizes how science allows us to understand the world, technology transforms scientific knowledge into practical solutions, and engineering drives the application of these innovations. The importance of mathematics in analyzing and solving complex problems is also highlighted, emphasizing its role in preparing individuals for future challenges and opportunities in the digital era.


🌟 The Inauguration of the Faculty of Mathematics and the Role of IMPA

The speaker talks about the inauguration of the Faculty of Mathematics in Rio de Janeiro, emphasizing its significance as a symbol of the city's commitment to education and innovation. The speaker acknowledges the support of President Lula and the federal government in the establishment of the faculty. The role of the IMPA as a leading institution in mathematics research and education is celebrated, and the new faculty is seen as a crown jewel of the country's efforts to retain and nurture talent. The speaker also addresses the issue of brain drain and emphasizes the importance of keeping talents within the country.


🚀 The Impact of Mathematics on the Brazilian Economy

The speaker discusses the impact of mathematics on the Brazilian economy, citing a study by the Itaú Foundation that shows activities related to mathematics generate 4.6% of Brazil's GDP. The speaker emphasizes the untapped potential of mathematics to contribute significantly more to the economy, comparing it to the 15-18% contribution in more advanced countries. The speaker highlights the need for highly qualified professionals in the use of mathematical and computational tools, and the role of the new faculty in IMPA in addressing this need by selecting talented students from across the country and providing them with financial and housing support to excel in their studies.


🎉 Celebrating the Inaugural Class and the Future of Mathematics

The speaker congratulates the inaugural class of the IMPA graduation program, recognizing them as pioneers and celebrating their talent and potential. The speaker expresses gratitude to the parents, teachers, and government ministers for their support and emphasizes the importance of the partnership between the public and private sectors in the success of the program. The speaker also mentions the signing of a convention between the Brazilian Development Industrial Agency and the Rio de Janeiro Science and Technology Secretariat for the creation of a research and innovation hub in artificial intelligence.


🌐 The Role of Mathematics in the Global Context

The speaker discusses the global importance of mathematics, emphasizing its role in various fields such as construction, satellite launches, biology, and nanotechnology. The speaker also highlights the need for basic science education with an applied vision, which is what IMPA provides. The speaker mentions the importance of associating the performance in the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad (BMO) with the curriculum, which is transdisciplinary and focused on the challenges of digital transformation, science, computation, and artificial intelligence. The speaker also notes the free and democratic nature of the course, which aims to effectively train students in technology and innovation.


🌟 The Legacy of Women in Mathematics and the Future Workforce

The speaker acknowledges the significant contributions of African-American women mathematicians at NASA who were instrumental in the development of technologies like GPS and the internet. The speaker emphasizes the importance of mathematics, engineering, and physics in driving innovation and addressing the future workforce deficit in software development. The speaker also mentions the investment of 18.7 million reais over seven years to address this challenge and the role of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education in this initiative.


🎓 The Historic Moment for Rio de Janeiro and Brazil

The speaker marks the inauguration of the first mathematics faculty of IMPA as a historic moment for Rio de Janeiro and Brazil. The speaker thanks various individuals and entities for their contributions to the event and emphasizes the importance of education in building a sovereign, just, and opportunity-rich country. The speaker also mentions the launch of the 'pé de meia' program, which aims to provide savings for high school students, and the creation of more federal institutes in Rio de Janeiro.


🤝 Gratitude and the Power of Education

The speaker expresses gratitude to the IMPA, its staff, and the Ministry of Science and Technology for their roles in the establishment of the new faculty. The speaker also acknowledges the efforts of the mayor and the city government in providing a space for the faculty and housing for the students. The speaker emphasizes the transformative power of education and the importance of investing in it as a means to build a better future for the country.


🌟 The President's Vision for Education and the Future

The speaker, President Lula, shares his vision for education, emphasizing that it is a right for everyone and not a privilege for the rich. He highlights the importance of investing in education to counter negationism, hatred, and fake news. The president also discusses the need for Brazil to produce more qualified professionals in various fields to compete globally and the role of the new IMPA course in achieving this goal. He concludes with a message of hope and encouragement for the new generation of mathematicians.


🚀 Launching the First Graduate Course of IMPA

The paragraph discusses the launch of the first graduate course of the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA), which is free and aims to provide students with a theoretical and practical education in mathematics, technology, and innovation, focusing on the job market. The federal government has invested in the course, and students with good performance in five knowledge Olympiads and a high ENEM mathematics score were selected. The ceremony also highlighted the future deficit of technology and innovation jobs in Brazil and the need to prepare young talents to fill these positions.



💡Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics

The Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA) is a renowned research center for mathematics, known for its high-quality education and research in various mathematical fields. In the context of the video, it is highlighted as a key player in the educational and technological landscape of Brazil, with its inaugural bachelor's degree program in Mathematics, Technology, and Innovation being a significant milestone.

💡Graduation Course

The graduation course refers to the newly established bachelor's degree program in Mathematics, Technology, and Innovation at the IMPA. This program is designed to provide students with a comprehensive education in mathematical theory and practical applications, preparing them for the workforce and contributing to the nation's technological and innovative development.


Lula, or Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, is a prominent Brazilian politician who served as the President of Brazil. In the context of the video, he is mentioned as a key figure in the educational reforms and initiatives, including the creation of the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad and his support for the inauguration of the IMPA's graduation course.

💡Technology and Innovation

Technology and innovation are central themes in the video, highlighting the importance of these fields in driving economic growth, solving complex problems, and improving quality of life. The graduation course at IMPA is specifically designed to equip students with the mathematical tools and technological skills necessary to contribute to Brazil's innovation ecosystem.


Olympiads are international competitions in various fields, with the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad (BMO) being a key focus in the video. These competitions aim to stimulate interest in mathematics among students and identify talent, with participants often receiving recognition and opportunities for further education and career development.

💡Educational Reform

Educational reform refers to the changes and improvements made to the educational system to enhance its quality and effectiveness. In the video, this concept is linked to the efforts of the Brazilian government and educational institutions like the IMPA to provide better opportunities for students, especially those from public schools.

💡Social Inclusion

Social inclusion is the process of ensuring that all members of society, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, have equal opportunities and access to resources and services. In the context of the video, the graduation course at IMPA is seen as a tool for social inclusion by providing scholarships and housing to students, allowing them to pursue higher education and professional opportunities.

💡Workforce Development

Workforce development refers to the strategies and programs aimed at enhancing the skills and capabilities of the labor force to meet the demands of the economy. In the video, the IMPA's graduation course is presented as a means to develop a skilled workforce in mathematics and technology, addressing the anticipated deficit of professionals in these fields.

💡Public Policy

Public policy refers to the policies set by the government to address societal issues and improve public welfare. In the video, public policy is evident in the government's investment in education, particularly in the IMPA's graduation course, and the creation of programs like the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad, which aim to enhance the educational and professional opportunities for Brazilian youth.

💡Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is the process of promoting economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental protection in a way that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In the context of the video, the focus on technology, innovation, and education is portrayed as a means to achieve sustainable development for Brazil.

💡Intellectual Capital

Intellectual capital refers to the knowledge, skills, and experiences of individuals or organizations that contribute to creating value and competitive advantage. In the video, the emphasis on forming highly skilled professionals in mathematics and technology is seen as a way to build intellectual capital for Brazil, which is essential for the country's development and competitiveness.


The inauguration of the first undergraduate course at the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA) is taking place, marking a significant moment in the history of Brazilian education.

President Lula emphasizes the importance of education as an investment rather than an expense, and highlights the government's commitment to providing opportunities for all citizens through quality public education.

The new course focuses on technology and innovation, aiming to prepare students for the job market with a strong foundation in mathematics and practical skills.

The government's investment of 18 million reais in the first year of the course is expected to have a long-term impact on the country's capacity for scientific and technological development.

Students were selected for the course based on their performance in five knowledge Olympiads and their ENEM mathematics score, in addition to virtual interviews.

Minister Luciana Santos stresses the need to prepare young Brazilians to fill the 530,000 technology and innovation vacancies expected in the coming years.

The IMPA course is free of charge, making it a democratic initiative that aims to develop talents and provide effective training in the field of technology and innovation.

President Lula discusses the creation of the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad for public schools, which has become the largest mathematics competition in the world.

The event marks a collaborative effort between the federal government, the city of Rio de Janeiro, and the private sector to foster education and innovation.

The new course at IMPA is set to be a game-changer, potentially transforming Rio de Janeiro into a hub for science, technology, and innovation, similar to Silicon Valley.

The initiative includes providing housing and a monthly stipend for students, ensuring they can focus solely on their studies and develop their talents.

The ceremony features speeches from various government officials, all highlighting the significance of the new course and the role of mathematics in the future of Brazil.

The IMPA has a global reputation for excellence in mathematics, and the new course is expected to build on this legacy and contribute to the nation's progress.

The event is a testament to the power of education and the potential it has to transform lives and communities, as well as to address the challenges of the 21st century.

The inauguration of the IMPA course is a historic moment for the city of Rio de Janeiro and for Brazil, signaling a new era of educational and technological advancement.

The government's commitment to education is evident in the various initiatives launched, such as the 'pé de meia' program, which aims to prevent students from dropping out of high school due to financial difficulties.

The new faculty is expected to attract the best young minds from across the country, fostering a diverse and talented pool of future mathematicians, engineers, and innovators.