11 Aug 202303:15

TLDRThe President of Rio de Janeiro has announced funding for mobility projects in the city, highlighting the importance of transportation infrastructure. Additionally, he visited the construction site of the new graduate program facility at the prestigious Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA). This new structure aims to become a global reference in the field of mathematics, housing researchers, students, and professors. The program, set to begin soon, will receive support from the federal government through the Ministry of Science and Technology and Education. The initiative includes a technological hub for startups and a faculty associated with technology-based companies, aiming to enhance the economic and social prospects of Rio de Janeiro. By 2024, the faculty is expected to be a reference for Brazil, with a focus on mathematics, computer science, data science, and physics, utilizing the results of the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad for its selection process.


  • 🏗️ The President visited Rio de Janeiro to discuss funding for mobility projects and to see the construction of the new campus for a graduate program.
  • 🏫 The new campus is for the Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA), which is renowned for its research and educational programs.
  • 🌐 The IMPA is internationally recognized, organizing the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad and offering postgraduate courses with masters and doctorate degrees.
  • 🎓 The upcoming graduate program will receive support from the federal government through the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education.
  • 🏢 The new structure is being built in the port area of Rio and will house a technology hub for startups and a technology-based faculty.
  • 💼 The initiative aims to enhance the economic and social prospects of Rio de Janeiro by fostering technological innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • 💰 The federal government will fund the faculty, starting with 100 students in the first year, with a total investment of 16.7 million, and scaling up to 400 students in 4 years at a cost of 55.9 million.
  • 🔢 The new Faculty of Mathematics and Innovation and Technology is expected to become a reference for Brazil, with plans to open in 2024.
  • 📊 The Empatec will use results from the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad in its selection process.
  • 🚀 The program will emphasize mathematics, computer science, data science, and physics.
  • 🌟 The initiative reflects a commitment to keeping Brazil's mathematical talent within the country, nurturing it domestically and utilizing it for national development.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the announcement regarding Rio de Janeiro?

    -The main topic of the announcement is the repasse de verbas, or funding, for mobility works in Rio de Janeiro. This is an important development for the city's infrastructure, but it is not the only topic discussed by the president during his visit.

  • What other significant project did the president visit in Rio de Janeiro?

    -The president also visited the construction site for the future headquarters of a new graduate program at the well-known Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA).

  • What is the reputation of IMPA on the international stage?

    -IMPA is an internationally recognized institute, known for organizing events such as the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad for schools and offering postgraduate courses with master's and doctoral degrees.

  • What new educational program is being introduced at IMPA?

    -IMPA is introducing a new undergraduate program that is set to begin in the coming year. This program will support the education of mathematicians and is expected to become a global reference in the field.

  • What kind of support will the new graduate program receive?

    -The new graduate program will receive support from the federal government through funds from the Ministries of Science and Technology and Education.

  • Where is the new IMPA graduate program facility being constructed?

    -The new facility for the IMPA graduate program is being constructed in the port area of Rio de Janeiro.

  • What is the expected completion timeline for the IMPA graduate program facility?

    -The facility, which includes a 10,000 square meter warehouse, is expected to be ready by the end of the current semester.

  • How will the new IMPA graduate program impact the economic and social perspectives of Rio de Janeiro?

    -The new graduate program is expected to enhance the economic and social perspectives of Rio de Janeiro by fostering technological innovation, housing startups, and providing a boost in quality for the city's economic and social development.

  • What is the projected growth and cost of the IMPA graduate program over the next four years?

    -The program is expected to start with 100 students in the first year, with an investment of 16.7 million, and grow to 400 students by the end of four years, with a total cost of 55.9 million.

  • What subjects will the new undergraduate courses emphasize?

    -The new undergraduate courses will emphasize mathematics, computer science, data science, and physics, aiming to develop a strong foundation in these areas for its students.

  • How will the selection process for the new faculty utilize the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad?

    -The EMPATEC will use the results of the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad as part of its selection process, ensuring that the faculty is of high quality and that the program remains competitive.



🏗️ Rio de Janeiro's Mobility and Educational Initiatives

This paragraph discusses the President's agenda in Rio de Janeiro, highlighting not only the reparation of words for mobility works but also the visit to the future site of the new graduation program at the renowned Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA). The new structure is set to become a global reference in the field of mathematics, housing researchers, students, and professors. The reporter, Vladimir Plata, provides a live update from the site, emphasizing the IMPA's international recognition and its role in organizing the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad and offering post-graduate courses. The government's financial support for the new graduation program is also mentioned, with details on the expected start year and the program's focus areas.



💡Repasses of funds

The term 'repasses of funds' refers to the allocation or redistribution of financial resources, often by a government or an institution, to support specific projects or initiatives. In the context of the video, it relates to the funding for mobility works in Rio de Janeiro, highlighting the government's commitment to improving infrastructure and public services.

💡Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA)

The 'Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada' (IMPA) is a renowned research institute dedicated to pure and applied mathematics. Known internationally, it organizes prestigious mathematics competitions and offers graduate programs leading to master's and doctoral degrees. The institute is set to expand with a new graduate program, further establishing its global reputation in the field of mathematics.

💡Graduation program

A 'graduation program' refers to an academic curriculum designed to lead students to a bachelor's degree. In the video, it is associated with the new program being introduced by IMPA, which will focus on mathematics, computation, data science, and physics. The program aims to培养 highly skilled professionals who can contribute to the economic and social development of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil as a whole.

💡Economic and social perspective

The 'economic and social perspective' refers to the outlook or forecast regarding the economic and social development of a region or country. It encompasses various factors such as job creation, quality of life, and social equity. In the context of the video, the new educational and technological initiatives in Rio de Janeiro are expected to positively impact the city's economic and social fabric by fostering innovation and providing opportunities for residents.

💡Technology hub

A 'technology hub' is a centralized location that serves as a focal point for technological innovation and entrepreneurship. It often provides resources, networking opportunities, and support for startups and established tech companies. In the video, the construction of a technology hub in Rio de Janeiro is part of a broader strategy to enhance the city's technological capacity and attract businesses in the sector.


Startups are new businesses that are often focused on developing innovative products or services. They are typically characterized by rapid growth, agility, and a strong focus on technology and innovation. In the context of the video, startups are mentioned as one of the target groups for the new technology hub, indicating the government's support for early-stage companies in the tech sector.

💡Federal government support

Federal government support refers to the backing provided by a country's central government to various projects, institutions, or initiatives. This support can come in the form of funding, policy changes, or other resources aimed at promoting development and progress. In the video, the federal government's commitment to funding the new IMPA graduate program and the technology hub underscores its role in advancing education, research, and innovation at the national level.

💡Olympiada Brasileira de Matemática (OBM)

The 'Olympiada Brasileira de Matemática' (OBM), or Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad, is a prestigious national competition that aims to identify and encourage talent in mathematics among students. Organized by IMPA, it is a significant event in the Brazilian educational calendar, promoting mathematical excellence and providing a platform for young mathematicians to showcase their skills.

💡Economic innovation

Economic innovation refers to the introduction of new ideas, methods, or products that create value and drive economic growth. It is a key factor in enhancing a region's or country's competitiveness and prosperity. In the video, the establishment of a technology hub and the new IMPA graduate program are seen as catalysts for economic innovation in Rio de Janeiro, by fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and technological advancement.

💡Investment in education

Investment in education refers to the allocation of resources, such as funding and infrastructure, to improve the quality and accessibility of educational programs. It is crucial for developing a skilled workforce and fostering long-term economic growth. In the video, the federal government's financial commitment to the new IMPA graduate program and the associated technology hub represents a significant investment in higher education and research, aimed at enhancing Brazil's intellectual capital and global competitiveness.

💡Knowledge-based economy

A knowledge-based economy is one that relies on the production, distribution, and use of knowledge and information as key drivers of economic growth and development. It emphasizes the importance of education, research, and innovation in creating economic value. The initiatives mentioned in the video, such as the new IMPA graduate program and the technology hub, are aimed at fostering a knowledge-based economy in Rio de Janeiro by developing a skilled workforce and promoting innovation.

💡Global reference

A 'global reference' refers to a standard or model that is recognized and respected worldwide in a particular field or domain. In the context of the video, the new IMPA graduate program is expected to become a global reference in the area of mathematics, indicating that it will be highly regarded and emulated by other institutions and professionals around the world.


Announcement of funds allocation for mobility works in Rio de Janeiro.

The president's agenda in Rio de Janeiro also includes visiting the construction site of the new graduate program facility at the renowned Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA).

The new structure will house researchers, students, and professors specializing in mathematics and aims to become a global reference in the field.

IMPA is internationally recognized for its contributions to mathematics, including organizing the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad and offering postgraduate courses.

The new graduate program is set to begin next year with support from the federal government through the Ministries of Science and Technology and Education.

The structure is being built in Rio's port area by the city government, with a 10,000 square meter facility expected to be ready by the end of this semester.

The space will accommodate a technology hub for startups and established tech companies.

A technology-focused faculty will also be established, aiming to enhance the economic and social prospects of Rio de Janeiro.

The federal government through the Ministries of Education and Science and Technology will fund the faculty, starting with 100 students in the first year.

Investments are projected at 16.7 million initially, rising to 55.9 million by the fourth year with 400 students.

From the next year, a faculty of mathematics and innovation and technology is expected to be a reference for Brazil, with an anticipated opening in 2024.

EMPATEC will utilize the results of the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad in its selection process.

The courses will emphasize mathematics, computer science, data science, and physics.

The proposal by Eduardo Paes to create a mathematics faculty was swiftly supported with the aim of retaining Brazil's genius within the country.

The initiative reflects a commitment to developing local talent and enhancing Brazil's global standing in mathematics and technology.

The project signifies a major push for innovation and education in Rio de Janeiro, potentially transforming the city's economic landscape.

The focus on technology and mathematics education is expected to attract a new generation of students and researchers to Rio de Janeiro.

The new graduate program and faculty represent a significant step towards establishing Rio de Janeiro as a hub for mathematics and technology in Brazil.