Midjourney Niji Mode – Create Anime with --NIJI Journey

Tokenized AI by Christian Heidorn
29 Dec 202212:30

TLDRThe video script introduces 'Niji Mode', a feature integrated into the Mid-Journey system, designed by mathematicians from MIT who are anime fans. It specializes in creating anime and manga-style images, particularly excelling with common concepts from these genres. The user demonstrates its effectiveness with various prompts and reveals its limitations with unfamiliar subjects, suggesting the addition of 'anime style' to prompts for better results. A secret method to 'nijify' existing version 4 images using remix mode is also shared, showcasing the potential to create new, anime-style compositions.


  • 🌟 Niji mode is an extension of the Mid-Journey system, developed by mathematicians from MIT who are also anime fans.
  • 🎨 It is specifically designed to create high-quality images for anime and manga, integrating well with the existing Mid-Journey bot.
  • 📝 To use niji mode, you can add the 'niji' parameter at the end of your prompt or switch to it as the default algorithm in the settings panel.
  • 🐱 Niji mode excels at generating images for common and well-known concepts within the anime and manga world, such as a cute cat.
  • 👮‍♂️ It is adept at producing detailed and typical anime facial features and body shapes, like a close-up of a police officer.
  • 🏠 Niji mode can also create images with a distinctive anime color scheme, like a blue country house with fluorescent colors.
  • 🌲 However, niji mode may struggle with less familiar objects or large scenery, often resulting in more realistic images.
  • 🌳 A workaround for this is to include 'anime style' in the prompt, which guides the output towards the desired anime aesthetic.
  • 🚶‍♂️ For example, adding 'anime style' to a prompt about a Shaolin monk warrior results in images that are much closer to the expected anime style.
  • 🎭 Niji mode is particularly good at creating dynamic poses, as seen in combative poses that resemble scenes from games like Street Fighter.
  • 🔄 Using remix mode, you can 'nijify' existing version 4 images to give them an anime look, although the results may not always be perfect.

Q & A

  • What is niji mode?

    -Niji mode is a feature integrated into the mid-journey system, developed by mathematicians from MIT who are also anime fans. It is designed to create better images for anime and manga, utilizing a separate mid-journey bot.

  • How did the developers of niji mode come together?

    -The developers of niji mode are a group of mathematicians from MIT who share a common interest in anime. They decided to combine their expertise to create a tool that enhances the creation of anime and manga-style images.

  • How does one use niji mode?

    -To use niji mode, you can either add the 'niji' parameter at the end of every prompt or switch to niji mode as the default algorithm by accessing the settings panel and clicking the niji mode button.

  • What kind of images does niji mode excel at producing?

    -Niji mode works very well for known concepts and objects that are common within the world of anime and manga. It is particularly effective at creating images with typical anime-style features such as exaggerated facial expressions and bright, fluorescent color schemes.

  • What are some examples of prompts that yield good results with niji mode?

    -Examples of effective prompts for niji mode include 'imagine a cute cat', 'imagine a close-up of a police officer', and 'imagine a blue country house'. These prompts result in images that are instantly recognizable as anime or manga styles.

  • In what situations does niji mode struggle to produce satisfactory images?

    -Niji mode tends to struggle when confronted with objects, scenes, or large scenery that it is not familiar with from anime or manga. In such cases, it may produce images that are too realistic and do not resemble the anime style.

  • How can one improve the results when using niji mode with unfamiliar prompts?

    -To improve the results, users can add 'anime style' or 'manga style' to the end of their prompts. This helps niji mode interpret the request correctly and produce images that align more closely with the expected anime or manga aesthetic.

  • What is the secret method mentioned for enhancing version 4 images?

    -The secret method involves using remix mode to 'nijify' favorite version 4 images, giving them an anime look by replacing the version 4 algorithm modifier with niji during the remix process.

  • What are the potential drawbacks of using remix mode with niji mode?

    -When using remix mode with niji mode, there is a risk that certain elements of the image, such as limbs, may not turn out perfectly. The remixing process can sometimes result in distortions or undesirable changes to the original image.

  • What is the overall effectiveness of niji mode?

    -Niji mode is very effective at producing known concepts that are typical in anime and manga. However, it may not be the best choice for all prompts, especially those involving unfamiliar objects or large scenery, without adding additional elements like 'anime style' to the prompt.

  • Are there plans for future content related to niji mode?

    -Yes, there are plans to create another video in the future that will show how to create better anime images using the regular version 4 of mid-journey rather than using niji mode.



🎨 Introduction to Niji Mode and its Functionality

This paragraph introduces the concept of Niji Mode, an innovative feature developed by mathematicians from MIT who are also anime fans. It explains that Niji Mode is an extension of the Mid-Journey system designed to enhance the creation of anime and manga-style images. The speaker demonstrates how to use Niji Mode by adding the 'niji' parameter to prompts or switching to it as the default algorithm in the settings panel. Examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of Niji Mode in generating images of common anime and manga concepts, such as a cute cat and a close-up of a police officer. The paragraph also discusses the limitations of Niji Mode, particularly its struggle with creating anime-style images for unfamiliar objects or large scenery, and offers a solution by adding 'anime style' to the prompt for better results.


🌲 Niji Mode's Struggles and Improvements

The second paragraph delves into the challenges Niji Mode faces when dealing with more realistic and less common subjects, such as a giant sequoia tree. It highlights how Niji Mode may produce images that are too realistic and do not align with the expected anime style. To address this issue, the speaker suggests adding 'anime style' to the prompt to guide the system towards a more stylized output. The paragraph provides examples of how this technique can transform realistic images of Shibuya Crossing and a Shaolin monk warrior into ones that better fit the anime aesthetic. It emphasizes the importance of carefully crafting prompts to achieve desired results with Niji Mode.


🖌️ Nijify Version 4 Images with Remix Mode

In the final paragraph, the speaker shares a secret method of using Niji Mode to enhance images generated by Mid-Journey's version 4. By employing remix mode, users can take a preferred version 4 image and apply Niji Mode to give it an anime look. The speaker demonstrates this process with a close-up image of a police officer and a beautiful witch named Black Widow. The results show that while some images may not turn out perfectly, others can achieve a distinct anime aesthetic with exaggerated features like larger eyes and pointier chins. The paragraph concludes with the speaker's intention to create future content on producing better anime images using regular version 4 instead of Niji Mode.



💡Niji Mode

Niji Mode is a feature integrated into the mid-journey system, designed to create images that are particularly well-suited for anime and manga styles. It is developed by mathematicians from MIT who are also anime fans. The mode excels at generating known concepts and objects common within the anime and manga world, producing images with typical anime features such as exaggerated facial expressions and bright, fluorescent color schemes. However, it may struggle with objects or scenes not commonly found in anime, requiring additional prompts like 'anime style' to achieve the desired effect.


Mid-Journey is a system that includes a bot capable of creating images based on user prompts. Niji Mode is a part of this system, specifically tailored for producing anime and manga-style images. The system allows users to input prompts and adjust settings to generate desired outputs. It is flexible, allowing users to switch between different modes, including the default algorithm and Niji Mode, through the settings panel.

💡Anime Style

Anime Style refers to the distinct visual art style often associated with Japanese animation, characterized by colorful artwork, fantastical themes, and vibrant characters. In the context of the video, anime style is a term used to describe the specific look that Niji Mode aims to replicate, which includes features like big eyes, bright colors, and exaggerated expressions. It is also used as a prompt to guide the Niji Mode in generating images that align with the anime aesthetic.


Manga refers to Japanese comic books or graphic novels that are widely popular and often serve as the inspiration for anime. In the video, manga is mentioned as one of the two styles that Niji Mode is particularly designed to emulate, along with anime. The term is used to describe the visual elements and artistic techniques that are common in manga, such as dynamic poses and detailed backgrounds.


In the context of the video, a parameter is a specific input or modifier added to a prompt to guide the output of the Mid-Journey system. For instance, the 'niji' parameter is added to the end of a prompt to activate Niji Mode and generate anime or manga-style images. Parameters help users fine-tune the system to produce desired results.

💡Settings Panel

The Settings Panel is a user interface element within the Mid-Journey system that allows users to adjust and customize the system's behavior. It is where users can switch between different modes, such as the default algorithm and Niji Mode, to suit their preferences or the specific requirements of their image generation tasks.


Reproducibility refers to the ability to consistently generate the same results under the same conditions. In the video, the speaker uses a 'seed' to ensure reproducibility, meaning that the same prompt with the same seed will generate the same set of images. This is important for comparing different modes or parameters within the Mid-Journey system, as it allows for a controlled evaluation of their effectiveness.

💡Remix Mode

Remix Mode is a feature within the Mid-Journey system that allows users to modify existing images generated by the system. By using this mode, users can take a previously created image and apply different algorithms or styles to it, effectively 'remixing' it to create a new image with altered characteristics. This can be used to experiment with different aesthetics or to refine an image to better match a specific vision.

💡Giant Sequoia Tree

The Giant Sequoia Tree is a specific example used in the video to illustrate the limitations of Niji Mode when dealing with objects or scenes not commonly found in anime. The speaker uses this example to demonstrate how adding 'anime style' to a prompt can help guide Niji Mode to produce an image that aligns with the anime aesthetic, even for subjects like a giant sequoia tree that are not typically associated with anime.

💡Shibuya Crossing

Shibuya Crossing is a famous intersection in Tokyo, Japan, known for its scramble crossing where pedestrians from all four directions can cross at the same time. In the video, it is used as an example of a real-world location that, when inputted into Niji Mode, produces realistic images rather than the desired anime style. The speaker then demonstrates how adding 'anime style' and a hypothetical future date can influence Niji Mode to generate an image that is more in line with the anime aesthetic.

💡Shaolin Monk Warrior

Shaolin Monk Warrior is an example used in the video to show how Niji Mode can struggle with generating anime-style images for certain subjects. The speaker demonstrates that by adding 'anime style' to the prompt, the Niji Mode can produce images that are more aligned with the typical anime aesthetic, even for subjects like a Shaolin monk warrior which are not commonly found in anime.


Niji mode is an innovative feature integrated into the mid-journey system, designed to create better images for anime and manga.

The origin of niji mode can be traced back to a group of mathematicians from MIT who are also anime fans.

To use niji mode, one can simply add the 'niji' parameter at the end of every prompt or switch to it as the default algorithm via the settings panel.

Niji mode excels at generating images for known concepts and objects common within the world of anime and manga.

Examples of niji mode's capabilities include creating images of a cute cat, a close-up of a police officer, and a blue country house with an anime style.

Niji mode introduces a specific color scheme and stylistic features typical of anime, such as big eyes and exaggerated facial expressions.

The mode may struggle with objects, scenes, or large scenery that it's not familiar with, resulting in more realistic images.

A trick to improve niji mode's output for unfamiliar subjects is to add 'anime style' to the prompt.

Niji mode is particularly adept at producing dynamic poses and can create images with a combative stance reminiscent of anime series like Street Fighter.

A secret method to enhance version 4 images is to use niji mode's remix feature, giving them an anime look.

When using remix mode, it's important to note that not all images will turn out perfect, and details like limbs may be distorted.

The video transcript provides a comprehensive guide on how to utilize niji mode effectively for creating anime-style images.

The creator plans to share more about producing better anime images using the regular version 4 of mid-journey in a future video.

Niji mode's integration has been a significant development for fans of anime and manga, offering a specialized tool for their creative needs.

The video offers practical examples and demonstrations, making it an informative resource for those interested in the capabilities of niji mode.

Despite its limitations, niji mode is a powerful tool that can greatly enhance the anime and manga image creation process when used correctly.

The transcript serves as a valuable tutorial for both beginners and experienced users of the mid-journey system, providing insights into the nuances of niji mode.