Mid journey V4 Community Feed - Everything You Need to Know - We Teach AI Art

We Teach AI Art
3 Jan 202303:13

TLDRThe video tutorial provides a walkthrough of the Mid Journey V4 Community Feed, a platform for AI art enthusiasts. The speaker shares their experience using the trial version and discusses the process of accessing the platform, which includes signing into the Mid Journey account, joining the Discord community, and eventually purchasing a subscription plan. The tutorial also demonstrates a simple workflow involving two tabs, one for Mid Journey and another for Discord, to facilitate the creation and sharing of AI-generated designs. The speaker highlights the ability to view and reference past designs on the homepage and encourages viewers to follow other artists on the platform for inspiration and community engagement.


  • 🎓 The user is currently in the trial phase of Mid Journey and has access to the Community Showcase.
  • 💡 After the trial, the user is considering purchasing a subscription to fully utilize the platform.
  • 📱 The user recommends keeping two tabs open: one for Mid Journey and another for Discord for an efficient workflow.
  • 🖥️ The user shares their screen to demonstrate the Mid Journey interface and workflow.
  • 🔍 The home page of Mid Journey displays all the designs created by the user, allowing for easy review and reference.
  • 🎨 The user has experimented with different designs, such as Pokemon characters, using Mid Journey.
  • 👀 The user appreciates the realistic and anime/cartoon styles that can be achieved with the platform.
  • 🔗 Users can follow other artists on Mid Journey to see their designs and progress.
  • 🔎 The search function allows users to find and follow other artists within the Mid Journey community.
  • 📈 The user emphasizes the importance of observing one's own design progression over time.
  • 📚 The tutorial suggests that joining Discord is a key step in starting to create with Mid Journey.

Q & A

  • What is the topic of the tutorial being discussed?

    -The tutorial is about getting started with Mid journey V4 and using its community feed.

  • What does the user currently have access to?

    -The user currently has access to a trial version of Mid journey, the Discord community, and the Community Showcase.

  • What does the user plan to do after the trial ends?

    -The user plans to purchase a subscription plan after the trial ends.

  • What is the suggested workflow for using Mid journey?

    -The suggested workflow is to keep two tabs open: one for midjourney.com and another for the online version of Discord.

  • How can users view their created designs on Mid journey?

    -Users can view their created designs on the home page of Mid journey, where all their concepts will be displayed.

  • What is the purpose of the Community Showcase?

    -The Community Showcase allows users to view and follow other artists' work within the Mid journey platform.

  • How does the user interact with the Mid journey platform?

    -The user interacts with the platform by signing into their account, navigating to the home page, and using the search function to find other users.

  • What kind of designs has the user created in the past?

    -The user has created designs inspired by different Pokemon characters, with a focus on a realistic and anime/cartoon style.

  • What is the user's opinion on the designs they have created?

    -The user is quite pleased with the designs, expressing excitement and satisfaction with the results.

  • How can users find and follow other artists on Mid journey?

    -Users can find and follow other artists by using the search function and entering the artist's name or username.

  • What advice is given for new users starting with Mid journey?

    -The advice given is to utilize the trial period to explore the platform, join the Discord community, and consider purchasing a plan after the trial ends.

  • What is the significance of keeping two tabs open while working on Mid journey?

    -Keeping two tabs open allows for easy switching between the Mid journey platform and the Discord community, streamlining the creative process and communication.



🤔 Getting Started with Midjourney Tutorial

The speaker begins by discussing their current status with the Midjourney platform, indicating they are in the trial phase and considering a subscription later. They mention being part of the Discord community and having access to the Community Showcase. The speaker expresses uncertainty about their progress and the next steps, which include purchasing a plan. They also share their workflow of using two tabs, one for Midjourney and another for Discord, to manage their design tasks efficiently. The speaker emphasizes the ease of referring back to past designs on the homepage and showcases their enthusiasm for their creations, including a realistic Pokemon design.



💡Mid journey

Mid journey refers to the intermediate phase of a process or journey, in this context, it is likely referring to a specific stage in using a particular software or platform. It is a key concept in the script as the speaker discusses their experience and workflow with a tool or service named 'Mid journey,' which is central to the video's theme.


A tutorial is a set of instructions or an explanation that helps people understand how to do something, often related to software or technology. In the script, the speaker is about to start a tutorial, which is a teaching method that aligns with the educational theme of the video.


Access, in the context of the script, refers to the ability or permission to use or enter a particular system or area, such as a software platform. The speaker discusses their level of access, which is a trial version, and their intention to subscribe later, indicating access levels are a significant part of the user experience with the platform.


Discord is a communication platform that is widely used for text, voice, and video conversations, often associated with gaming communities but also used for professional purposes. In the script, the speaker mentions joining Discord to start creating, which suggests that it is a platform where users can engage with the community and the software's features.

💡Community Showcase

A community showcase is a space or event where the work or achievements of a community are displayed. In the context of the video, the Community Showcase is a feature that allows users to view and potentially be inspired by the creations of others within the platform, fostering a collaborative environment.

💡Purchase a plan

To purchase a plan refers to the action of buying a subscription or a service package. The speaker indicates that the next step for them is to buy a plan, which implies that the platform offers different levels of service or features that can be accessed through purchasing various plans.


A workflow is the sequence of steps taken to complete a certain task or project. The speaker describes their workflow as involving two tabs, one for the platform and one for Discord, which highlights the efficiency and organization of their process in using the software.

💡Home page

The home page is the main page of a website that serves as the entry point for users. In the script, the speaker navigates to the home page of 'midjourney.com,' where they can view all the designs they have created, which is a central feature for users to track their progress and creations.


Designs refer to the creative work produced, especially in the context of graphic design or product design. The speaker mentions designs they have created, which are concepts visualized through the software, indicating that design creation is a core function of the platform.

💡Search users

Search users is a function that allows users to look for other members or contributors within a platform. The speaker talks about following other artists by using the search function, which is an important aspect of community engagement and networking on the platform.

💡Anime style

Anime style refers to the visual art style often associated with Japanese animation and comic books. The speaker mentions an 'anime style' in the context of the designs they created, which suggests that the software can produce artwork in various styles, including those popular in pop culture.


The user is currently on a trial for Mid Journey and has access to the Community Showcase.

The user plans to purchase a plan after the trial ends.

The user is using Discord to start creating, which is recommended on the Mid Journey dashboard.

The user shares their screen to demonstrate the workflow.

The user keeps two tabs open, one for Mid Journey and one for Discord, for efficient design work.

All designs created by the user are visible on the home page of Mid Journey.

The user can refer back to past designs to track their progression.

The user has experimented with different Pokemon designs, such as Mewtwo and Charizard.

The designs have a realistic and anime/cartoon style, which the user finds appealing.

The user mentions a 'freezer vibe' in their designs, indicating a specific aesthetic they are going for.

The user is able to follow other artists on the platform to see their work.

The user demonstrates how to search for users on the platform to follow their designs.

The user emphasizes the importance of keeping track of one's designs for reference and inspiration.

The user suggests that the home page serves as a hub for all design concepts and creations.

The user's workflow involves using an iPad to monitor what the audience sees during the tutorial.

The user discusses the process of signing into the Mid Journey account and starting from the home page.

The user highlights the ease of using the online version of Discord for design collaboration.

The user provides a step-by-step guide on how to navigate and use the Mid Journey platform effectively.