Midjourney Alpha: Full Guide To The New Midjourney Website

Krystian Wojtarowicz - AI Mastery
3 Apr 202413:52

TLDRMidjourney's new Alpha website update allows users to generate images without Discord, accessible to those who have created over 1,000 images. The website features an intuitive interface with options like stylization, weirdness, and variety, as well as image dimensions. Users can explore community creations, create and archive their images, and utilize advanced features like aspect ratio adjustments and image references. The platform promises a more aesthetic and user-friendly experience for image generation and exploration.


  • 🌟 The new Midjourney website update allows users to generate images without using Discord.
  • 🚀 Access to the Alpha version is currently limited to users who have generated at least 1,000 images.
  • 📊 To check your image count, type 'info' in any Midjourney room within Discord.
  • 🎨 The website interface offers a type box for inputting prompts and creating images, similar to Discord.
  • 🛠️ Users can adjust settings such as stylization, parameter variety, image dimension, and aspect ratio directly on the website.
  • 🔄 The 'create' tab provides options to rerun prompts, use text as reference, and access more options like copy, drop ID, report, and download.
  • 🗂️ The 'archive' tab allows users to view and manage all previously created images with filters and sorting options.
  • 📌 The 'explore' tab lets users search and interact with images created by the community.
  • 📂 The 'folders' feature enables organization of images into custom folders or smart folders based on keywords.
  • 🔍 The 'filters' option helps users sort images by various settings like upscales, image size, and versions.
  • 💡 The 'rate images' and 'rate ideas' sections contribute to improving the platform by providing feedback on generated images and suggesting new features.

Q & A

  • What is the main feature of the new Midjourney website update?

    -The main feature of the new Midjourney website update is the ability to generate images without directly going to Discord.

  • Who has access to the new Midjourney Alpha website update?

    -Initially, only users who have generated at least 1,000 images with Midjourney have access to the new Alpha website update.

  • How can you check how many images you've created with Midjourney?

    -You can check the number of images you've created by going to any room in Midjourney and typing 'info'.

  • What are some of the parameters you can adjust on the new Midjourney website?

    -Some of the parameters you can adjust include stylization, weirdness parameter, variety, and image dimension or aspect ratio.

  • How does the new Midjourney website handle prompt and parameter input?

    -The new Midjourney website allows users to type the prompt and parameters directly into the input box, similar to how it's done in Discord.

  • What are the different tabs available on the new Midjourney website?

    -The different tabs available on the new Midjourney website include Explore, Create, Archive, and options for managing folders, filters, and view settings.

  • How can you organize your images on the new Midjourney website?

    -You can organize your images by creating folders, using filters to sort by specific settings, and using the archive tab to manage and view images by date or other criteria.

  • What additional features does the new Midjourney website offer for image manipulation?

    -The new Midjourney website offers features such as changing the aspect ratio of an image, rerunning the prompt, applying adjustments, and using the 'remix' feature to expand the image in a specific direction.

  • How does the new Midjourney website support community engagement and feedback?

    -The new Midjourney website includes options for users to rate images, submit ideas for improvement, and stay updated with the latest news related to Midjourney.

  • What is the process for creating a smart folder on the new Midjourney website?

    -To create a smart folder, you first create a folder with a specific keyword, then click on 'smart folder' and add the keyword. The folder will automatically populate with images that contain that keyword in their prompt.

  • How does the new Midjourney website handle image versioning and updates?

    -The new Midjourney website allows users to sort and filter images by different versions, and users can see which version was used for each image in the archive tab.



🌟 Introduction to Mid Journey Website Update

This paragraph introduces the new website update for Mid Journey, which now allows users to generate images without needing to go through Discord. It explains that the update is initially available only to users who have generated at least 1,000 images. The speaker provides a step-by-step guide on how to access and use the new website features, highlighting the ease of use and the aesthetic interface. The paragraph also mentions how to check the number of images created by a user and the importance of the Mid Journey Alpha version.


🎨 Creating and Managing Images on Mid Journey Website

This paragraph delves into the specifics of creating and managing images on the Mid Journey website. It covers the different tabs available for creating and archiving images, as well as the various options within the create tab. The speaker explains how to use the filters to sort and find images, the ability to change aspect ratios, and the options available after an image is created, such as rerunning the prompt or applying adjustments. It also touches on the organization of images into folders and smart folders based on keywords, providing a comprehensive overview of the image management system on the website.


🔍 Exploring and Customizing the Archive

The focus of this paragraph is on exploring and customizing the archive section of the Mid Journey website. It explains how users can filter images by size, orientation, and version, and how to sort images in different ways. The speaker also discusses the view options that allow users to change the layout of the archive page, making it easier to identify images with specific aspect ratios or sizes. Additionally, it mentions the search function for prompts and the various options available on the left side of the page, such as rating images and submitting ideas for improvements. The paragraph concludes with a summary of the new features and their impact on the user experience.



💡Midjourney Alpha

Midjourney Alpha refers to the new website update of the Midjourney platform. It is a significant development that allows users to generate images without the need to go through Discord. This update is initially available to users who have generated a substantial number of images, specifically 1,000 or more, as of the time the video was made. The Alpha version suggests that it is a preliminary release, possibly with new features still being tested and refined.


Discord is a communication platform where the Midjourney community previously had to go to generate images. In the context of the video, it is mentioned as the previous method for image creation before the introduction of the Midjourney Alpha website update. The transition from Discord to the new website represents an improvement in user experience and accessibility for Midjourney users.

💡Image Generation

Image Generation is the process of creating visual content using the Midjourney platform. It involves users inputting prompts or descriptions and the system generating corresponding images. In the video, the focus is on the new method of image generation through the Midjourney Alpha website, which streamlines the process and offers a more direct and user-friendly interface for creating images.

💡Settings Icon

The Settings Icon in the Midjourney Alpha website is a crucial element of the user interface that allows users to adjust various parameters for image generation. These settings include stylization, aspect ratio, and model choice. The video explains that these options are similar to those available in Discord, providing users with a familiar experience while using the new website.

💡Create Tab

The Create Tab is a central feature of the Midjourney Alpha website where users can input their prompts and generate images. It is where the main action of image creation takes place. The video describes how users can type in their prompts and immediately generate images by pressing enter, highlighting the ease and speed of the process.


The Archive is a section of the Midjourney Alpha website that stores all the images a user has created. It serves as a personal gallery and allows users to revisit and manage their past creations. The video explains how users can filter and sort through their images by date or other criteria, and also how they can perform actions like hiding images or applying aspect ratios to them.


Filters in the context of the Midjourney Alpha website are tools that allow users to sort and organize their images based on specific criteria. The video mentions that users can apply filters to find images with certain aspects, like aspect ratio or stylization settings. This feature enhances the user's ability to manage and find specific images within their archive efficiently.

💡Aspect Ratio

Aspect Ratio refers to the proportional relationship between the width and height of an image. In the Midjourney Alpha website, users have the ability to adjust the aspect ratio of their images, which can affect the composition and appearance of the generated content. The video provides examples of how changing the aspect ratio can alter the look of an image, such as from a landscape to a portrait orientation.


Upscale in the context of the video refers to a feature that allows users to enhance or enlarge parts of an image. This could mean expanding a certain section of the image or adjusting its size without losing quality. The video mentions that users can use the upscale feature to 'zoom out' or extend an image in a specific direction, providing more detail or context to the visual content.

💡Smart Folder

A Smart Folder is a feature in the Midjourney Alpha website that automatically categorizes images based on specific keywords found in their prompts. This allows users to easily organize and access images that share a common theme or element. The video explains that users can create a smart folder by defining a keyword, and the system will then populate the folder with images that contain that keyword in their prompt, streamlining the organization process.

💡Rate Images

Rate Images is a feature that enables users to provide feedback on the images generated by the Midjourney platform. By rating images, users contribute to the improvement of the system's algorithms and help guide the development of future artworks. The video suggests that this participatory aspect of the platform encourages community engagement and enhances the overall user experience.


Midjourney has released a new website update allowing image generation without using Discord.

The new website update is initially available only for users who have generated at least 1,000 images with Midjourney.

Users can check their image count by typing 'info' in any Discord room.

The Midjourney Alpha interface offers a type box for inputting prompts and creating images.

Settings such as stylization, parameter variety, and image dimensions can be adjusted directly on the website.

The website functions similarly to Discord, providing an aesthetic and user-friendly interface.

Users can rerun prompts, use text as reference, and access more options after image creation.

The archive tab stores all created images, allowing users to filter and sort them by date or other criteria.

Images can be edited by changing the aspect ratio, inserting into other images, or applying variations.

The explore tab enables users to search and interact with community-created images.

Creating folders and smart folders allows for organizing images based on specific keywords.

Filters can be applied to sort images by upscales, image size, or version.

View options let users change the layout and image size display in the archive.

Users can rate images and submit ideas to help improve Midjourney's algorithm and features.

The news section provides updates on Midjourney, offering useful information for users.

The new Midjourney website offers a powerful and intuitive platform for image creation.

The interface is designed to be aesthetically pleasing and easy to use, providing the same options as Discord.