Moscow Terror: Watch ISIS Attacker’s Confession On Cam As Russia Mourns| Offered Reward For Carnage?

24 Mar 202404:58


TLDRIn a tense narrative, an individual reveals a mysterious and dark transaction involving a significant sum of money, roughly half a million rubles, transferred without direct interaction, solely via card-to-card transactions. The conversation takes a chilling turn as it delves into the procurement of weapons facilitated through anonymous messages on Telegram, highlighting a world of secrecy and danger. The person recalls being unexpectedly contacted by unknown figures, hinting at a larger, unseen network operating in the shadows. Intriguingly, the individual mentions attending lessons and listening to sermons on Telegram, suggesting a complex web of motivations and influences, all communicated through a platform where anonymity prevails.


  • 💰 Money transactions of significant amounts are mentioned, but the context is unclear.
  • 🤔 The speaker is uncertain about many details, including the source and purpose of the money.
  • 💳 There are references to money being transferred via cards, but specifics are not provided.
  • 🚫 The speaker denies any involvement in illegal activities such as killing people.
  • 📚 The speaker mentions learning from lessons on Telegram, but the content is unspecified.
  • 🔍 There is a sense of being sought after or found, but the reasons and identities of the seekers are unknown.
  • 🤷‍♂️ The speaker expresses confusion and lack of knowledge about why they were contacted.
  • 📱 Communication through Telegram is highlighted, with anonymity being a significant aspect.
  • 🎶 The script contains several instances of music, but their relevance is not explained.
  • 🔫 There are vague references to weapons, but no details are given about their acquisition or use.
  • 🤝 The mention of an unnamed assistant suggests a possible network or organization, but its nature remains ambiguous.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic discussed in the transcript?

    -The main topic discussed in the transcript revolves around financial transactions, communication through Telegram, and the involvement in activities that are potentially illicit or involve violence.

  • How much money is mentioned in the transcript?

    -The transcript mentions multiple instances of money, specifically referring to amounts of half a million and one million rubles.

  • What is the significance of Telegram in the context of the transcript?

    -Telegram is portrayed as a communication platform used by the individuals in the transcript to discuss transactions and illicit activities, including the delivery of unspecified items and the organization of meetings.

  • What type of items are being discussed in relation to the money transactions?

    -The items discussed are not explicitly named, but it is implied that they could be illicit or illegal in nature, such as weapons, given the context of the conversation.

  • What is the nature of the individuals' involvement in the activities mentioned?

    -The individuals seem to be involved in some form of illicit or illegal activities, as suggested by the discussion of money transfers, weapons, and secretive communication.

  • How does the individual in the transcript respond to the offer to 'kill people'?

    -The individual expresses a clear refusal to engage in such activities, stating that they do not offer to kill people and that they have learned about such matters through Telegram lessons.

  • What is the role of the unnamed assistant mentioned in the transcript?

    -The unnamed assistant appears to have a supportive role, as they communicate with the individual and provide information, but their exact role and involvement in the activities are not clearly defined.

  • How does the individual in the transcript describe their own involvement?

    -The individual describes their involvement as passive, stating that they were contacted and offered a role but did not actively seek it out. They also mention listening to lessons and sermons on Telegram.

  • What is the significance of the music mentioned in the transcript?

    -The music mentioned seems to serve as a background element, possibly indicating a disjointed or chaotic nature of the conversation and events being discussed.

  • How does the transcript end?

    -The transcript ends abruptly with the mention of the letters 'M' and 'W', leaving the context and the continuation of the conversation unclear.

  • What is the overall tone of the transcript?

    -The overall tone of the transcript is cryptic and tense, with the discussion of money, weapons, and secretive communication suggesting a potentially dangerous or illicit situation.



💰 Financial Transactions and Communication

This paragraph discusses a series of financial transactions involving significant amounts of money, specifically half a million rubles. The narrative is somewhat fragmented, with references to money being received, transferred via cards, and the involvement of an unspecified entity or entities in these transactions. There is also mention of a mysterious communication channel, possibly Telegram, where anonymous messages are exchanged without revealing full identities. The paragraph raises questions about how these individuals were found and contacted, and the nature of their involvement in activities that are not clearly defined but seem to involve some form of illicit activity or instruction.




The term 'Money' refers to a medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes. In the context of the video, it appears to be associated with a transaction or a sum of money that is being discussed, indicating its importance in the narrative as a central element of the plot.


A 'Card' in this context likely refers to a payment card, such as a credit or debit card, used for financial transactions. The mention of 'карта' (card) in the script suggests that it is a method of transferring funds or receiving payments, which is a key element in the story's financial dealings.


A 'Weapon' is an instrument or device used as an offensive or defensive tool in combat, conflict, or self-defense. In the video, the mention of 'оружие' (weapon) suggests that there is an element of violence or potential threat involved in the storyline.


Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging app where users can send messages, photos, videos, and files to each other. In the video, it is mentioned as a platform for communication, indicating that it plays a role in the characters' interactions and possibly in the unfolding of events.


Being 'Anonymous' means that one's identity is concealed or unknown, which can be important for privacy or secrecy. In the video, the concept of anonymity is highlighted by the mention of communication without revealing names or surnames, suggesting that the characters are involved in covert activities.


A 'Lesson' typically refers to a period of instruction or the content taught during that time. In the context of the video, it seems to be used metaphorically, as the script mentions 'урок учился' (lesson learned), which could imply gaining knowledge or experience from a particular situation.


A 'Preacher' is a person who preaches religious beliefs, typically in a church or other religious setting. The mention of 'проповедник' (preacher) in the script suggests that there may be a religious or moral aspect to the story, or that a character may be using religious rhetoric or principles.


The term 'Help' refers to providing assistance or support to someone in need. In the video, the mention of 'помощник' (helper) suggests that there is a dynamic of aiding or assisting others, which could be a significant part of the plot or character relationships.


To 'Find' means to discover or locate something or someone. In the video, the concept of finding is highlighted by the question of how the characters found each other, suggesting that there is a search or a coming together of characters that is central to the story.


The term 'Music' refers to the art of arranging sounds in time to produce a composition that has pitch, rhythm, or harmony. In the context of the video, the repeated mention of '[музыка]' (music) suggests that music plays a significant role in the background or atmosphere of the events being described. It could be used to set the tone or mood for the scenes, or it might be a recurring element that ties the narrative together.


The term 'Clothes' refers to items worn on the body, typically made of textiles. In the video, the mention of 'одеждой' (clothes) could indicate that there is a focus on appearance, disguise, or the social aspect of dressing, which might be relevant to the characters' actions or the plot.


Transaction involving 500,000 rubles discussed.

Mention of receiving half of the amount mentioned.

Reference to money transfers via cards.

Allusion to a card being discarded after use in VSE.

No clothing was mentioned in the context.

Musical interludes throughout the conversation.

Discussion about obtaining weapons.

Mention of an unknown group delivering weapons.

Communication via Telegram without revealing identities.

The speaker was contacted on Telegram without prior search or request.

The speaker's role as a listener and follower in the Telegram group.

The speaker's learning experience on Telegram, specifically about lessons.

Mention of an unnamed assistant who contacted the speaker.

The assistant's message about the time of an event or action.

The letter 'M' and the initials 'W' mentioned in the context.



За сколько денег где-то полмиллиона


полмиллиона чего полмиллиона руб от кого


получал ещё не получал половину получал


где получал по карту на карту переводил


да Где карта карта бросали за все ВС


одежд не


















где оружие брали оружие Они сам


доставили Кто они не знаю по по Telegram


написали без имени без фамилии без


ничего а как тебя нашли по ты сам их


искал или они тебя нашли Нет они мне


написали А почему они именно тебе


написали не знаю я слушал там


ки Ну как так те взяли предложили просто


так убивать людей просто так не


предлагают никому убивать людей нет я


телеграме урок учился кто задержал урок


что телеграме урок урок урок урок слушал


да о проповед слушал там проповедника


слушал Да и он на тебе написал его


помощник мне написал как помощника зовут


не знаю без имени без фамилии без ничего


мне написали только о когда он тебе


написал он

















