Midjourney ile AI imaj oluşturma teknikleri

13 Jul 202379:21

TLDRThe transcript appears to be a detailed account of a creative process involving the use of various digital tools and techniques for content creation, such as Discord, mid-jonny, and image generation platforms. The speaker discusses their experiences with these tools, shares tips on how to utilize them effectively, and explores the potential for generating income through selling images. The conversation also touches on the importance of understanding the technical aspects and the artistic possibilities these digital tools offer.


  • 🎥 The speaker discusses their experience with live streaming and content creation, highlighting the importance of understanding various platforms like Discord for effective communication and interaction with the audience.
  • 🤖 The use of AI and technical tools in content creation is emphasized, with the speaker sharing their experience in using specific software and platforms to enhance their content and engage with their audience.
  • 🌐 The speaker touches on the topic of online presence and the necessity of adapting to different digital environments, such as Discord, to reach a wider audience and stay relevant in the digital space.
  • 📸 The importance of visuals and imagery in content creation is discussed, with the speaker sharing their process of creating and using visuals to capture attention and convey messages effectively.
  • 🎨 The speaker explores the creative process behind content creation, including the use of different styles and techniques to produce unique and engaging content.
  • 💡 The speaker emphasizes the value of learning and adapting new skills, such as understanding commands and features of various software, to improve content creation and stay ahead in the competitive landscape.
  • 🔄 The concept of iteration and versioning in content creation is introduced, with the speaker discussing how they refine and improve their content based on feedback and personal preferences.
  • 🌟 The speaker shares their excitement about the potential of content creation and the joy they derive from producing and sharing their work with others.
  • 🤔 The speaker reflects on the challenges and complexities of content creation, including the need to balance creativity with technical proficiency and the importance of originality in standing out.
  • 📈 The speaker discusses the business side of content creation, including the potential for monetization and the strategies they use to generate income from their work.
  • 👥 The speaker highlights the importance of community and collaboration in the content creation process, mentioning their interactions with other creators and the value they find in these connections.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video revolves around the use of various digital tools and platforms, particularly Midjourney and Discord, for content creation and technical demonstrations.

  • How often has the speaker been using Midjourney?

    -The speaker has been using Midjourney for 13 publications as of the current week.

  • What is the significance of Discord in the video?

    -Discord is highlighted as a crucial platform for communication and content creation, with specific features and commands that allow users to engage in different activities and discussions.

  • What is the speaker's approach to using Midjourney?

    -The speaker uses Midjourney in a very standard way, without delving into the advanced features or algorithms, focusing instead on the basic usage and sharing their experiences with the audience.

  • How does the speaker engage with the audience regarding their content creation?

    -The speaker actively shares their techniques and invites audience interaction by answering questions, discussing their process, and even inviting feedback on their style and approach to content creation.

  • What is the 'Turbo mode' referred to in the video?

    -The 'Turbo mode' is a feature within certain applications, possibly referring to a faster or more efficient mode of operation. The speaker uses it to generate content more quickly.

  • How does the speaker handle different perspectives and criticisms?

    -The speaker acknowledges the existence of different perspectives and criticisms, especially regarding the use of digital tools and platforms. They express a willingness to learn and improve while maintaining their own style and approach.

  • What is the significance of the 'style' in the context of the video?

    -The 'style' refers to the unique approach and aesthetic that the speaker brings to their content creation. It is a combination of their personal preferences, technical skills, and creative vision.

  • How does the speaker address the learning curve associated with digital tools?

    -The speaker recognizes that learning to use digital tools, like Discord and Midjourney, requires time and familiarity. They encourage their audience to explore these platforms and learn at their own pace, while offering guidance and sharing their own experiences.

  • What is the speaker's view on the importance of community and collaboration?

    -The speaker values community and collaboration, as evidenced by their engagement with the audience and their willingness to share knowledge and techniques. They believe in the power of collective learning and support.



🌟 Introduction and Overview

The speaker begins by greeting everyone and mentions that it has been three nights since their last gathering. They recall the events of the week, including a joint live broadcast with Ooo Geronla and a previous session where they shared their technical skills. The speaker also discusses their use of Midjoy and how they use it differently from others, as per the audience's understanding. They mention a live broadcast from the previous night and the various applications of their techniques, emphasizing the importance of understanding and adapting to different platforms like Discord.


📺 Discord and Its Features

The speaker delves into the specifics of using Discord, highlighting its features beyond just messaging. They explain that Discord is more than a messaging app like WhatsApp or Telegram, with capabilities to run commands, connect to other applications, and perform various tasks. The speaker emphasizes the need to learn Discord to fully utilize its potential, especially for those interested in video creation and technical aspects.


🤖 AI and Image Creation

The speaker discusses the use of AI in image creation, mentioning the challenges of evaluating such images. They talk about different versions of AI algorithms and the importance of learning English commands for these tools. The speaker also touches on the concept of 'stable difficulty' in AI-generated images and the commercial aspects of using such technology.


🎨 Exploring Visual Styles

The speaker explores various visual styles and techniques in image creation, discussing the use of prompts and the generation of different versions of an image. They mention the 'Fest mode' and the process of refining images through various settings and adjustments. The speaker also talks about the artistic potential of these tools and the impact of 'chaos' levels on the final output.


🖌️ Enhancing Image Quality

The speaker focuses on enhancing the quality of images, discussing the use of different commands and settings to achieve a higher artistic level. They mention the 'Turbo mode' and its effects on the rendering process, as well as the importance of understanding the technical aspects to fully utilize the capabilities of the tools at hand.


🎥 Applying Cinematographic Techniques

The speaker applies cinematographic techniques to their image creation process, discussing the use of 'tire' and 'zoom' commands to achieve specific effects. They experiment with different settings and styles, such as 'ultra photorealism' and 'cinematographic' looks, to enhance the visual appeal of their images.


🌐 Sharing and Selling Images

The speaker talks about sharing and selling their created images, discussing the practical applications of their work. They mention the use of stock photos and the potential for monetizing their creative output. The speaker also touches on the importance of understanding the market and the value of their work in different contexts.




Discord is a communication platform primarily used by gamers, but also by various communities. It allows users to communicate via voice calls, text messages, and video calls. In the context of the video, Discord is used as a tool for sharing technical skills and hosting discussions, with specific features like channels and commands being highlighted.


Micro refers to a type of software application or tool that is used for creating and editing multimedia content, such as images, audio, and video. In the video, the speaker discusses using Micro for different purposes, including showcasing their technical skills and creating content for their audience.


Johnny appears to be a username or handle of a user on Discord, specifically mentioned in the context of content creation and sharing within the platform. The speaker seems to be referencing Johnny's use of Discord and Micro for similar purposes.


Imaj, likely referring to 'image' in Turkish, is discussed in the context of creating and manipulating visual content. The speaker talks about using various tools and techniques to generate and alter images, which is a central theme of the video.


Style in this context refers to the unique manner or approach one uses when creating content, particularly visual content. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a personal style and mentions that they are interested in techniques for creating images and videos.

💡Technical Skills

Technical skills refer to the abilities required to perform tasks related to technology, such as using software for content creation. In the video, the speaker shares their technical skills with their audience, demonstrating how to use various tools and applications effectively.


A broadcast refers to the transmission of audio or video content to an audience, typically via radio, television, or online platforms. In this video, the speaker is discussing their own broadcasts, where they share their technical skills and knowledge with their audience.


Community in this context refers to a group of individuals who share common interests or activities, often interacting and communicating with each other on platforms like Discord. The speaker discusses their community and how they engage with it through their broadcasts.

💡Image Creation

Image creation involves the process of generating visual content, which can include photographs, illustrations, or digital art. The speaker is particularly interested in this process and discusses various techniques and tools for creating images, such as using Micro and Discord.


Learning in this context refers to the process of acquiring new knowledge or skills, particularly in relation to technical aspects like using software for content creation. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning and improving one's skills, especially in the realm of digital content creation.


The speaker discusses their experience with various broadcasting platforms, specifically mentioning their collaboration with Ooo Geronla and the technical aspects they shared in an 85-minute broadcast.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the platform's unique features, such as Discord, and how they differ from other messaging applications like WhatsApp and Telegram.

The speaker mentions the presence of prejudices and preconceived notions about certain tools, such as Midjoy, and how they believe it's essential to look beyond these biases to fully utilize the tools' potential.

The speaker shares their excitement about receiving a message from Şimal Hanım and invites her to join the broadcast, highlighting the interactive nature of the platform.

The speaker explains the concept of 'midye' and how it can be accessed by joining and paying, but also emphasizes the importance of understanding its functionalities beyond just joining.

The speaker discusses the complexity of Discord, mentioning its various features such as channels, teams, and the ability to run commands and connect to other applications.

The speaker talks about the need to learn Discord beyond just being familiar with it, as it offers more than just messaging capabilities, including the ability to create and manage communities.

The speaker mentions the presence of different users on Discord and how it can be both a blessing and a challenge, as it exposes one to various perspectives and ideas.

The speaker shares their approach to content creation, stating that they prefer to come up with their ideas rather than being influenced by others, and their interest in using AI to create images and content.

The speaker talks about their frequent broadcasting, mentioning that they have already done 13 broadcasts this week, showcasing their dedication and commitment to their craft.

The speaker discusses the importance of understanding the command structure and features within Discord, such as the ability to customize and interact with the platform's functionalities.

The speaker emphasizes the value of learning and adapting to new technologies, like Discord, to stay relevant and effective in their field.

The speaker shares their experience with using AI to create images and the different versions and styles they can produce, highlighting the creative possibilities of this technology.

The speaker talks about the potential of using AI in content creation and how it can help in producing unique and engaging visuals for their broadcasts.

The speaker discusses the importance of understanding the audience and tailoring the content to their preferences and needs, as well as the speaker's own style and approach.

The speaker shares their excitement about the potential of using AI and other technologies to enhance their content creation process and engage with their audience in new ways.