Grupo Frontera x Christian Nodal - Ya Pedo Quién Sabe (Video Oficial)

Grupo Frontera
7 Mar 202403:09


TLDRThe script is a heartfelt narrative of a person reflecting on a past relationship. Despite the clarity of not wanting to repeat past mistakes, the protagonist finds themselves missing their ex, especially under the influence of tequila. The lyrics express a longing for the other person's affection and the lingering pain of a broken heart, acknowledging the difficulty of moving on from a love that once was. The song captures the complex emotions of nostalgia, regret, and the struggle to forget the hurt caused by love.


  • 🎶 The script is a song with a theme of love and regret.
  • 🚫 The singer expresses a firm 'no' to returning to a past relationship.
  • 🍹 The influence of tequila suggests a desire to forget and a momentary longing for the past.
  • 💔 There is a mention of a broken heart, indicating emotional pain from the relationship.
  • 🛌 The singer acknowledges that the other person's absence is felt, especially in their bed.
  • 😞 The lyrics imply a struggle with the lingering effects of love and the difficulty of moving on.
  • 🍻 The singer contemplates the idea of being drunk to forget the pain of loving the other person.
  • 🤔 There's a hint of uncertainty and questioning about the other person's feelings and actions.
  • 🗣️ The song includes a conversation or memory from July, possibly significant in the relationship's timeline.
  • 🎤 The singer uses a casual and conversational tone, which may resonate with listeners who have experienced similar situations.
  • 🎵 The music is likely to have a rhythmic and emotional quality, as suggested by the mention of 'Música' and 'Christian' possibly referring to the genre or artist.

Q & A

  • What is the central theme of the song?

    -The central theme of the song revolves around the singer's reflection on a past relationship, expressing a mix of regret, longing, and acceptance of the end of the affair.

  • What does the singer imply about their current feelings towards the person they are singing about?

    -The singer implies that they still have lingering feelings and miss the person, but they also acknowledge that they have moved on and would not want to repeat the past mistakes.

  • How does the singer describe their state of mind when they think about the person?

    -The singer describes a state of being tipsy, suggesting that they might be under the influence of alcohol when they find themselves missing the person, indicating that their feelings are not entirely rational or under control.

  • What is the significance of the mention of 'tequilas' in the song?

    -The mention of 'tequilas' serves as a metaphor for the singer's emotional state, suggesting that they might need to be somewhat intoxicated to allow themselves to feel the longing for the person they are singing about.

  • What does the phrase 'a corazón roto' mean in the context of the song?

    -The phrase 'a corazón roto' translates to 'with a broken heart' in English, indicating the emotional pain and heartache the singer feels due to the end of the relationship.

  • Why does the singer say they would need to be 'bien borracho' to forget the damage of loving the person?

    -The singer suggests that the emotional hurt from the relationship is so profound that it would take a significant level of intoxication to temporarily forget the pain caused by loving the person.

  • What is the significance of the month 'Julio' mentioned in the song?

    -The mention of 'Julio' (July) could be a reference to a specific time or event in the past that is significant to the singer's relationship, possibly when they last spoke or a memorable moment.

  • How does the singer express the idea of moving on from the relationship?

    -The singer expresses the idea of moving on by stating they would not repeat the past mistake of being with the person, and by acknowledging that the person's absence from their life is a reality they have accepted.

  • What is the role of the group 'Christian' in the song?

    -The group 'Christian' is likely the name of the musical group or artist performing the song, indicating that they are the ones conveying the narrative and emotions expressed in the lyrics.

  • How does the song's structure contribute to the overall narrative?

    -The song's structure, with its repetition and refrain, emphasizes the singer's internal conflict and the cyclical nature of their thoughts about the past relationship, creating a sense of emotional depth and complexity.



🎶 Reflecting on Past Love and Regret

The paragraph is a lyrics of a song that expresses the singer's complex feelings about a past relationship. The singer acknowledges that while they would not want to repeat the mistakes of the past, they still find themselves missing the person, especially under the influence of alcohol. The lyrics suggest a sense of longing and the lingering pain of a broken heart, despite the singer's attempts to move on. The mention of a specific event in July, where the singer was under the influence and confessed their feelings, adds a layer of vulnerability and authenticity to the narrative.




Regret is a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over something that one has done or failed to do. In the context of the video, the narrator expresses regret over a past relationship, indicating that they made a mistake by ending it but also acknowledging that they would not repeat that error. The line 'si volvería a tu lado obvio les digo que no, que no repito ese error' illustrates the narrator's regret and the decision not to go back to the past.


Longing refers to a strong desire or yearning for something or someone. In the video, the narrator experiences longing for the person they once loved, as indicated by the line 'En una de esas tal vez te llame y es que con unos tequilas encima, te extraño aquí encima'. This shows that even though the relationship is over, the narrator still misses the person, especially under the influence of alcohol.


Heartbreak is a deep emotional pain caused by loss, especially the end of a romantic relationship. The script mentions 'un corazón roto', which directly refers to the emotional turmoil the narrator feels after the breakup. This concept is central to the video's theme, as it explores the lingering effects of heartbreak and the difficulty of moving on.


Alcohol is a psychoactive substance that can alter one's mood and behavior. In the video, the narrator mentions 'con unos tequilas encima', suggesting that alcohol is being used as a coping mechanism to deal with the feelings of longing and regret. This is a common theme in songs about breakups and heartbreak, where characters often turn to alcohol to numb their pain.


Memory refers to the ability to recall past experiences. The video script talks about the narrator's memories of the person they once loved, as seen in the line 'en tu última foto esperando un regreso'. This memory is a reminder of the past relationship and contributes to the narrator's current emotional state.


Closure in the context of relationships refers to the resolution or acceptance of the end of a relationship. The narrator seems to be struggling with finding closure, as they still have strong feelings for the person they are singing about. The line 'pero ya peredo quién sabe' suggests that the narrator is unsure about how to move forward and whether they have truly accepted the end of the relationship.


Love is a complex and powerful emotion that can drive actions and shape relationships. The video script contains the line 'no te amo pero ya pedo quién, sa', which indicates a conflicted feeling towards the person. The narrator claims not to love anymore, yet the rest of the song contradicts this, showing that love is a central theme in the narrative.


Recovery from a heartbreak or emotional pain involves healing and moving on. The video script touches on the narrator's struggle with recovery, as they still find themselves missing the person they loved. The line 'la herida no más no se quita ni porque le puse curita' suggests that the emotional wound from the breakup has not healed, indicating a lack of recovery.


Impulsiveness is the tendency to act without forethought or consideration of the consequences. The narrator contemplates an impulsive action, as seen in 'te quisiera ir a buscar, pero no ando pedo ahorita'. This line shows the narrator's desire to act on their feelings, even though they acknowledge that it might not be the best decision.


Self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand one's own emotions, thoughts, and actions. The narrator demonstrates self-awareness by acknowledging their feelings and the reasons behind them, as in 'no sé si ya te habías dado cuenta que aquella vez que te hablé en julio fue porque Tom me un don Julio'. This line shows the narrator's understanding of their own behavior and the triggers that led to their actions.


Si ando bueno y sano alguien me pregunta

si volvería a tu lado

que no repito ese error

En una de esas tal vez te llame

te extraño aquí encima

pero ya perdí quién sabe

faltando tus besos

un corazón roto

esperando un regreso

la herida no más no se quita


el daño que le hizo

no sé si ya te habías dado cuenta

aquella vez que te hablé en julio

fue porque Tom me un don Julio

bueno y sano no te amo

pero ya pedo quién sabe





Si ando bueno y sano alguien me pregunta


si volvería a tu


lado obvio les digo que no


que no repito ese


error pero ya peredo quién


sabe En una de esas tal vez te


llame y es que con unos tequilas encima


te extraño aquí encima y eso tú lo


sabes pero ya pero quién


sabe anden faltando tus


besos y que te comente un corazón roto


en tu última foto esperando un


regreso que en mi cama no


cabes pero ya pedo quién


sab tendría que estar bien borracho y tú


con un chingo de suerte para que olv de


mi corazón el daño que le hizo quererte


la herida no más no se quita ni porque


le puse curita te quisiera ir a buscar


pero no ando pedo ahorita si no tomo ni


te tomo en


cuenta no sé si ya te habías dado


cuenta que aquella vez que te habl en


julio fue porque Tom me un don Julio


bueno y sano no te amo pero ya pedo




sa En una de esas tal vez


ya Y es que con unos de quilas encima te


extraño aquí encima y eso tú lo


sabes pero ya pedo quién


sabe puede que me ande en faltando tus


besos y que te comen de un corazón roto


en tu última foto esperando un


regreso aquí en mi cama no


cae pero ya Teo quién


sabe y esto


es grupo







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