NEW Best AI Video Generator? Stable Video Diffusion vs Pika vs Runway ML

AI Andy
29 Nov 202314:27

TLDRThe video script introduces viewers to AI-generated video technology, highlighting the capabilities of Runway ML, Pika Labs, and Stability AI's new release, stable diffusion. It compares these tools, emphasizing the strengths and weaknesses of each, such as pricing and ease of use. The video showcases various examples of AI-generated content, demonstrating the potential of these technologies for creating realistic and dynamic visual content. The script also provides guidance on how users can access and utilize these AI video generators, with a focus on the free options available.


  • πŸš€ Introduction of Stability AI's stable video, diffusion - the first open-source AI video generator.
  • πŸ† Comparison of Stability AI with existing AI video generation champions like Runway ML and Pika Labs.
  • πŸŽ₯ Runway ML's capabilities showcased, including text-to-video, image-to-video, and video-to-video, though it is a paid service.
  • πŸ’° Pricing details for Runway ML, starting from $12 a month to $625 for higher credits and features.
  • 🌟 Examples of AI-generated videos demonstrating the range of motion and realism achievable with Runway ML.
  • πŸŽƒ Pika Labs highlighted as a completely free and user-friendly alternative to Runway ML.
  • πŸ“Έ Pika Labs' features like slash encrypt image and its upcoming Pika 1.0 version.
  • πŸ›  Tutorial on how to use Pika Labs for free by joining their Discord server and using their generate rooms.
  • 🎬 Examples of AI-generated videos from Stability AI's diffusion, showcasing its potential for realistic and stylized outputs.
  • πŸ”₯ A side-by-side comparison of Runway ML and Stability AI's diffusion, highlighting their differences and potential uses.
  • 🌐 Encouragement for users to explore AI video generation with the provided tools and resources.

Q & A

  • What is the first step in using the AI video generator mentioned in the transcript?

    -The first step is to drag your image into the AI video generator.

  • What is the main drawback of using Runway for AI video generation?

    -The main drawback of using Runway is that it is a paid service and can become quite expensive.

  • How does the user describe the quality of the AI-generated videos by Runway?

    -The user describes the quality of the AI-generated videos by Runway as very good, with realistic images and smooth movements.

  • What are the three different ways to generate AI videos with Runway ML?

    -The three different ways to generate AI videos with Runway ML are text to video, image to video, and video to video.

  • What is the best method for generating AI videos according to the user's experience?

    -According to the user's experience, the best method for generating AI videos is image to video.

  • How much does the free tier of Runway ML credits last for?

    -The free tier of Runway ML comes with 125 credits, which the user will run through quickly.

  • What is the main advantage of Pika Labs over other AI video generators mentioned in the transcript?

    -The main advantage of Pika Labs is that it is completely free and very simple to use.

  • How can one access Pika Labs to start generating AI videos?

    -To access Pika Labs, one can go to, click on Join Beta, and join the Pika Labs Discord server.

  • What is the key to getting better results with Pika Labs?

    -The key to getting better results with Pika Labs is using precise prompts regarding camera movement or object movement.

  • What is the main difference between the AI-generated videos by Runway and the new stable diffusion?

    -The main difference is that Runway's videos have more spatial warping and camera movement, while the new stable diffusion has a more 2D feel and less camera movement.

  • How does the user encourage others to explore AI video generation?

    -The user encourages others to check out the provided links in the description to test the AI video generators for free and explore their own cool images.



πŸŽ₯ Introduction to AI Video Generation Tools

This paragraph introduces the viewer to various AI video generation tools, focusing on Runway ML as the current champion. It discusses the capabilities of Runway ML, including text to video, image to video, and video to video functionalities. The paragraph also highlights the cost associated with using Runway ML and provides examples of the quality of videos generated by this tool. The introduction of Stability AI's stable video diffusion is mentioned as a new entrant to the AI video generation space, with an emphasis on its free usage.


πŸ‘» Exploring Pika Labs and its Features

The second paragraph delves into Pika Labs, an AI video generation tool that is completely free and user-friendly. It mentions a Halloween contest held by Pika Labs and showcases examples of videos generated using this platform. The paragraph also discusses unique features of Pika Labs, such as the slash encrypt image function. The upcoming release of Pika 1.0 is teased, and the paragraph provides guidance on how to access and use Pika Labs for free by joining its Discord server and participating in its beta testing.


🌟 Comparing AI Video Generation Tools

The final paragraph compares the AI video generation capabilities of Runway ML, Pika Labs, and Stability AI's stable video diffusion. It presents examples of videos generated by each tool, highlighting the realism and movement quality. The paragraph discusses the differences in the output of these tools, such as the spatial warping in Runway ML and the 2D feel of stable video diffusion. The paragraph concludes with an encouragement for viewers to experiment with these tools and subscribe to the channel for more content related to AI video generation.



πŸ’‘AI-generated video

AI-generated video refers to the process of using artificial intelligence to create video content. In the context of the video, this technology is showcased as a means to transform static images into dynamic videos with added motion and context. The script describes various AI platforms that specialize in this, such as Runway ML and Pika Labs, and their capabilities to generate videos from text, images, or other videos.

πŸ’‘Runway ML

Runway ML is an AI video generation platform mentioned in the script as the current champion in this field. It offers features like text-to-video, image-to-video, and video-to-video conversion. However, it is noted as a paid service that can become expensive, which contrasts with other platforms highlighted in the video that are free to use.

πŸ’‘Pika Labs

Pika Labs is an AI video generation platform that is emphasized for being completely free and simple to use. It is highlighted for its user-friendly interface and the ability to generate videos with interesting movements and effects, making it accessible for a wider audience to experiment with AI video creation.

πŸ’‘Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is an open-source AI video generator that is introduced as a new contender in the field. It is noted for its potential to be integrated into various software by different developers, indicating a community-driven approach to advancing AI video generation technology.

πŸ’‘Text to video

Text to video is a feature of AI video generation platforms that allows users to input text descriptions and have the AI create a video based on that narrative. This capability is highlighted in the script as one of the ways AI platforms like Runway ML can convert concepts into visual content.

πŸ’‘Image to video

Image to video is a process where AI takes a single image and creates a video by adding motion and context to it. This is one of the primary methods used by the AI platforms discussed in the script to generate content, allowing for dynamic visualizations from static images.

πŸ’‘Video to video

Video to video is a feature that enables AI to take an existing video and transform it by adding new elements, effects, or modifications. This capability is mentioned in the script as part of the services offered by AI video generation platforms like Runway ML.


Prompting in the context of AI video generation refers to the process of providing instructions or descriptions to the AI system to guide the output. Users need to carefully craft their prompts to achieve the desired results, such as specifying camera movements or object actions in the generated videos.

πŸ’‘Open source

Open source refers to software or technology that is publicly accessible and allows users to view, use, modify, and distribute the source code or underlying components. In the context of the video, Stable Diffusion is described as an open-source AI video generator, which means it encourages community involvement and innovation.


Community-driven indicates a development model where a community of users, developers, and enthusiasts contribute to the growth and improvement of a technology or platform. In the script, this concept is highlighted by the discussion of Stable Diffusion's open-source nature, which is expected to foster a collaborative environment for AI video generation.

πŸ’‘Free to use

Free to use refers to platforms or services that do not require payment for access or usage. In the context of the video, Pika Labs and Stable Diffusion are mentioned as free options for users interested in AI video generation, making this technology more accessible to a broader audience.


Stability AI has released a new AI video generator called Stable Diffusion, which is the first of its kind from the company.

The current champion of AI video generation is Runway, which is a paid service and can become quite expensive.

Runway's unique feature is its motion brush tool, which is not available in other AI companies.

The video showcases the capabilities of Runway's AI video generation, including text to video, image to video, and video to video.

The best method for generating AI videos on Runway is image to video, using an image in mid-journey or dolly and plugging it into the software.

Runway offers a free tier with 125 credits, but users can quickly run through them, leading to higher pricing tiers.

Pika Labs is a completely free and simple to use alternative to Runway, offering a different set of features.

Pika Labs allows users to join a beta program and use features like slash encrypt image and text to video.

Stable Diffusion, the newest AI video generator, is completely free to use and offers a variety of settings for video generation.

Examples of Stable Diffusion's capabilities include realistic FPS shooter scenes, mountain train journeys, and detailed robot animations.

Stable Diffusion can produce high-quality videos with realistic faces, consistent movement, and stylized visuals.

The video comparison between Runway and Stable Diffusion shows different styles and strengths, with both being useful for various purposes.

The video encourages viewers to test out Stable Diffusion for themselves and subscribe to the channel for more AI video generation content.

The video demonstrates the potential of AI video generation for creating engaging and realistic content without the need for expensive equipment or professional skills.

The release of Stable Diffusion as an open-source tool is expected to lead to its integration into various software applications, expanding its impact and accessibility.

The video provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of AI video generation, highlighting the advancements and potential applications of this technology.