NEW! ElevenLabs Voiceover Studio!

Bob Doyle Media
11 May 202418:05

TLDR11 Labs has introduced a new feature called Voiceover Studio, which allows users to add multiple character voices and sound effects to existing videos. The tool is integrated within the 11 Labs platform, offering a video editor-like interface for users to create and customize their voiceover content. The demonstration showcases how to generate a simple video using a service called 'bu' and then edit it in Voiceover Studio with different voices and sound effects. The process is interactive, allowing for adjustments in pacing, volume, and even language translation. The summary highlights the potential of the tool for creative AI applications in video production and emphasizes its user-friendly features for generating engaging multimedia content.


  • 🎉 ElevenLabs has announced its entry into the AI music generation space, competing with other platforms like Soono and Udio.
  • 🎧 There are demos available online that suggest ElevenLabs' quality may surpass its competitors, although access is currently limited.
  • 📢 The author has discovered and is eager to share ElevenLabs' new feature called Voiceover Studio with their audience.
  • 🎥 Voiceover Studio allows users to add multiple characters and voices to existing videos, utilizing any voices from the user's ElevenLabs library or newly created ones.
  • 🔊 Users can also layer multiple sound effects to enhance their videos, with a built-in video editor provided by ElevenLabs.
  • 🚀 The author demonstrates creating a video using a service called 'bu' to showcase the capabilities of adding voiceover and sound effects in ElevenLabs.
  • 🐾 The example video is a simple narrative about Bob and Tracy visiting a zoo, which serves as a template for adding voiceover and sound effects.
  • ✂️ The video is edited in the ElevenLabs editor to isolate the video track, removing all other elements to prepare for voiceover addition.
  • 🎙️ The process of adding voiceover involves selecting voices, generating audio, and adjusting the timing and pacing of the dialogue.
  • 🎶 Sound effects can be added and adjusted in volume and duration to complement the voiceover and create a more immersive experience.
  • 🔉 The tool allows for dynamic adjustments of stability, similarity, and style to fine-tune the voiceover's characteristics.
  • 🌐 The Voiceover Studio supports generating voiceovers in different languages, with a demonstration given for translating the script into French.
  • 📝 The author emphasizes the potential for creating engaging content with the tool and invites viewers to explore and subscribe for more similar content.

Q & A

  • What is the big news from 11 Labs in the field of Creative AI?

    -The big news is that 11 Labs has announced its entry into the AI music generation space, competing against other platforms like Soono and Udio, with demos that are reportedly of high quality.

  • What is the new feature introduced by 11 Labs called?

    -The new feature introduced by 11 Labs is called 'Voiceover Studio'.

  • What does the Voiceover Studio allow users to do?

    -Voiceover Studio allows users to add multiple characters to an existing video with any of the voices available in their 11 Labs library or newly created during the project. It also enables the addition of multiple layers of sound effects.

  • How does the video editor feature within Voiceover Studio work?

    -The video editor feature within Voiceover Studio allows users to create a video, add voiceovers, and sound effects. It provides a timeline for editing and the ability to layer different audio tracks.

  • What service is used to create a video for the demonstration?

    -The service used to create a video for the demonstration is called 'bu'.

  • How long did it take to generate the video in the demonstration?

    -It took about 45 seconds to create the video in the demonstration.

  • What can be done with the voiceover in Voiceover Studio?

    -In Voiceover Studio, users can create dialogues, generate audio for each line by selecting different voices, adjust the pacing, and even regenerate audio with dynamic duration for better pacing.

  • How does the sound effects feature work in Voiceover Studio?

    -The sound effects feature allows users to add background sounds by generating them with text prompts. Users can adjust the volume of these sound effects and layer them alongside voiceovers.

  • What is the process for translating the voiceover to a different language?

    -Users can add a target language, and Voiceover Studio will create duplicate tracks, mute the original tracks, and then regenerate the audio in the new language.

  • How does the user adjust the pacing of the translated voiceover?

    -If the translated voiceover sounds rushed, users can right-click and select 'Generate audio Dynamic duration' to adjust the pacing for a more natural flow.

  • What is the expected future feature of Voiceover Studio?

    -The expected future feature is the music functionality, which will likely allow users to generate their own music tracks for the videos.

  • What is the final step before exporting the edited video?

    -The final step is to ensure that all audio tracks, including voiceovers and sound effects, are properly aligned and adjusted as needed, and then to export the video.



🎵 Introduction to 11 Labs' AI Music and Voiceover Studio 🎵

The first paragraph introduces the audience to the latest developments in Creative AI, specifically the announcement by 11 Labs that they are entering the AI music generation space. It compares their demos to those of competitors like Soono and Auido, noting the superior quality of 11 Labs' offerings. The speaker also discusses a new feature from 11 Labs called Voiceover Studio, which allows users to add multiple characters and sound effects to videos using the voices available in their 11 Labs library. The paragraph concludes with a demonstration of creating a video using a service called 'bu' and the subsequent steps to add voiceover and sound effects in 11 Labs.


🎥 Exploring Voiceover Studio's Features and Sound Effects 🎥

The second paragraph delves into the capabilities of the Voiceover Studio, focusing on how to create dialogue between characters and add background sound effects. It describes the process of generating audio clips with different voices, adjusting the pacing, and layering multiple tracks. The speaker experiments with sound effects, such as birds chirping and bear growling, to enhance the narrative. The paragraph also covers the ability to adjust volume levels and make minor edits to the audio timeline for a more polished final product.


😂 Adding Humor and Additional Characters to the Voiceover 😂

In the third paragraph, the speaker adds humor to the voiceover by introducing a third character, Adam, who interjects with humorous comments. The focus remains on experimenting with the Voiceover Studio's features, including adjusting the stability and similarity of the voiceovers to achieve a more animated speaking style. The paragraph also details the process of adding sound effects that are synchronized with the dialogue, such as police sirens, to create a coherent and entertaining narrative.


🌐 Language Translation and Final Touches to the Video 🌐

The final paragraph demonstrates the language translation feature of the Voiceover Studio, adding a French version of the dialogue. It highlights the need to regenerate audio to accommodate different language durations and pacing. The speaker discusses the process of aligning the English and French tracks and making final adjustments to the volume levels. The paragraph concludes with the speaker's intention to share the tool's capabilities and encourages viewers to explore the feature further, also inviting them to subscribe to the channel for more content on similar topics.



💡AI music generation

AI music generation refers to the use of artificial intelligence to create music. In the context of the video, 11 Labs is entering this space, which is currently occupied by other companies like Soono and Udio. The video suggests that 11 Labs' demos are of high quality, indicating a potential for advancement in this field.

💡Voiceover Studio

Voiceover Studio is a new feature by 11 Labs that allows users to add multiple character voices and sound effects to an existing video. It is a tool within the 11 Labs platform that facilitates the creation of voiceovers for videos, enhancing the storytelling aspect of the content.

💡Video editor

A video editor is a software application used for editing video footage into a finished product. In the script, the video editor is mentioned as a feature within 11 Labs that enables users to show and edit their videos, adding voiceovers and sound effects to create a more engaging final product.

💡Sound effects

Sound effects are artificially created or enhanced sounds, used to add atmosphere, emotion, or emphasis in various forms of media, including video. In the video script, sound effects like 'birds chirping' and 'bear growling' are added to the video to complement the voiceover and create a more immersive experience.

💡Dynamic duration

Dynamic duration refers to the ability to adjust the length of an audio clip to fit the pacing of dialogue or narration without changing its pitch. In the video, this feature is used to make the French translation of the dialogue sound more naturally paced.

💡Stability and similarity

Stability and similarity are parameters in the Voiceover Studio that likely control the consistency and tone of the generated voiceovers. By adjusting these settings, users can influence how the AI interprets and delivers the script, affecting the final audio output.


A script is a written text that serves as the dialogue or plan for a video, film, or theater production. In the context of the video, the script is used to guide the voiceover process, with specific lines for characters like Bob and Tracy, which are then recorded using the Voiceover Studio.

💡Character voices

Character voices refer to the distinct vocal styles or tones assigned to different characters in a video or audio production. The script mentions adding multiple character voices to the video, such as Bob (upbeat) and Tracy, which helps to differentiate the characters and make the narrative more engaging.


Exporting in the context of video editing is the process of saving the final edited video in a specific format for sharing or distribution. The video script describes exporting the video in different languages, showcasing the multilingual capabilities of the Voiceover Studio.

💡Multilingual support

Multilingual support refers to the ability of a software or platform to function in multiple languages. In the video, 11 Labs' Voiceover Studio is shown to have this capability, allowing users to create voiceovers in different languages, such as English and French.

💡Regenerating audio

Regenerating audio is the process of recreating the audio output based on changes made to the script or settings. In the video script, the narrator regenerates audio when they are not satisfied with the pacing or when changes are made to the stability and similarity settings.


11 Labs has announced its entry into the AI music generation space, competing with soono and udio.

Demo versions of 11 Labs' AI music are circulating online, showcasing superior quality.

The author has submitted a request for access to the AI music generation tool.

11 Labs has introduced a new feature called Voiceover Studio.

Voiceover Studio enables users to add multiple characters and voices to existing videos.

Users can also layer multiple sound effects in their projects through Voiceover Studio.

The platform includes a video editor for creating and editing voiceover videos.

A service called bu is used to create a video that will later receive voiceover and sound effects in 11 Labs.

The video creation process in bu includes generating a script, subtitles, and voiceovers.

The author demonstrates how to edit and delete unwanted content in the video timeline.

In 11 Labs, users can upload a video and add voiceover and sound effects with the Voiceover Studio feature.

The process of creating voiceover includes selecting speakers, generating audio, and adjusting the pace.

Sound effects can be generated and layered in the background of the voiceover.

Users can adjust the volume of individual sound effect clips to balance the audio mix.

The platform allows for the regeneration of audio with dynamic duration for more natural pacing.

11 Labs' Voiceover Studio provides options to change the stability, similarity, and style of the generated voiceovers.

The author anticipates the release of music functionality, which will allow users to generate their own music.

The tool supports adding target languages, allowing the regeneration of voiceover tracks in different languages such as French.

The author provides a tutorial on how to use the Voiceover Studio, showcasing its basic functionality.

The highlights demonstrate the potential of the tool for creating engaging and unique voiceover videos.