Deep Dive. Is This Better Than LTX Studio?

Chris Unlocks AI
27 Apr 202429:18

TLDRIn this video, the host dives into, a new AI video generation platform, comparing it to LTX Studio. is currently free and accessible through Discord. The platform allows users to upload music and generate videos that sync with the song, offering a unique experience. The host showcases various examples, including a music video created with the platform, highlighting the impressive visuals and color depth. Despite some minor issues and the time-consuming generation process, demonstrates great potential. The host also discusses the platform's limitations and compares it to LTX Studio, suggesting that while is promising, LTX Studio has its own unique features. The video concludes with an invitation for viewers to try and share their thoughts.


  • 🎉 is currently free and not even in beta, offering a pre-alpha experience.
  • 🔗 To access, users can try it through Discord, where they can also find helpful tutorials.
  • 🎵 Users can upload music or use a URL to create videos that sync with the music.
  • 📂 The platform allows uploading from various sources like YouTube or direct MP3 files.
  • 📺 There are two main functions: 'Generate MV' for music videos and 'Generate Clip' for shorter video clips.
  • ⏳ Video generation can take a significant amount of time, with some videos still processing after 25 minutes.
  • 🌐 has seen rapid growth, going from 300 users in March to 10,000 users recently.
  • 🎥 The quality of generated videos is highly detailed, with good color depth and realism.
  • 📝 Users can input keywords and image references to guide the style and content of the generated video.
  • 📊 The platform offers an in-built editor for some post-generation adjustments, although it's limited compared to LTX Studio.
  • 🚀 Despite being in early stages, shows promise and offers a unique alternative to LTX Studio with its own set of pros and cons.
  • 📝 The process for uploading and generating content can be a bit tricky and may require some trial and error.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion in the provided transcript?

    -The main topic of discussion is a comparison between and LTX Studio, exploring the features and capabilities of

  • How can users currently access

    -Users can access by clicking on the 'try NOISEE' link which directs them to the Discord platform.

  • What is one of the unique features of mentioned in the transcript?

    -One unique feature of is its ability to create videos synchronized to uploaded music, using a URL or an MP3 file.

  • How does the process of generating a video in work?

    -To generate a video, users upload a song, provide an image reference, input keywords, and then the system generates a video based on these inputs.

  • What is the current status of in terms of development?

    -At the time of the transcript, is not even in beta and is in a pre-alpha stage, with an official beta version about to be released.

  • What is the process for users to sign up for the beta version?

    -Users can sign up for the beta version either through the Discord page or by visiting the website where there's an option to sign up.

  • What are some of the challenges mentioned in the transcript regarding

    -Some challenges include the time it takes to generate a video, the complexity of uploading content properly, and occasional issues with the quality or realism of the generated videos.

  • How does the quality of the generated videos by compare to LTX Studio?

    -The transcript suggests that offers a high level of detail and color quality in its generated videos, which in some aspects might be on par with or even surpassing the current capabilities of LTX Studio.

  • What are the limitations of generating clips in as mentioned in the transcript?

    -The limitations include a slow generation process, a limit of three videos per hour on Discord, and a maximum of 18 regenerate credits for editing.

  • How can users provide feedback or share their thoughts on

    -Users are encouraged to leave comments and share their experiences with, whether they liked it or not, to provide feedback.

  • What is the future outlook for according to the speaker in the transcript?

    -The speaker is optimistic about, finding it promising and exciting despite being in the early stages of development.

  • How does the speaker summarize their overall impression of

    -The speaker finds to be a fun and interesting tool, suggesting that it's worth trying out due to its current capabilities and potential for future development.



🎉 Introduction to Noisy and Comparison with LTX Studio

The video begins with an introduction to a new episode focused on comparing Noisy, a currently free and pre-beta software, with LTX Studio. The host guides viewers on how to access Noisy through Discord and shares initial impressions, highlighting the software's ability to generate videos synchronized to uploaded music. The host also mentions the option to use music from various sources, including URLs or MP3 files, and provides a brief overview of the software's interface and functionalities.


📚 Noisy's Features and User Experience

The host delves into Noisy's features, emphasizing the user's ability to generate music videos and clips. They discuss the process of generating content, including the use of image references and keywords to influence the video's style and theme. The host shares examples created by others and discusses the quality and potential issues with the generated videos, such as waiting times and occasional glitches. They also touch upon the software's current limitations and areas for improvement.


🕹️ How to Use Noisy for Video Generation

The host provides a step-by-step guide on how to use Noisy, starting from uploading a song to entering keywords and descriptions for the desired video outcome. They explain the process of generating a music video or clip, adjusting settings like aspect ratio, and the option to include lyrics for a more narrative-driven visual experience. The host also shares their personal experiences with the software, including the time it takes for videos to be generated and the quality of the results.


🎬 Editing and Customizing Noisy-Generated Videos

The video continues with a demonstration of Noisy's editing features. The host shows how users can access an online editor to make adjustments to their generated clips, including regenerating parts of the video to fix issues or to experiment with different outcomes. They discuss the limitations they encountered, such as the inability to control certain aspects of the video and the time-consuming nature of the editing process.


🚀 Noisy's Limitations and Future Potential

The host talks about the limitations of using Noisy on Discord, including the restriction to three videos per hour. They also mention the process of creating longer music videos by generating multiple clips and combining them in a separate editing program. The host reflects on their experiences, acknowledges the software's newness and rapid growth, and encourages viewers to try Noisy for themselves.


🤔 Comparing Noisy with LTX and Encouraging Viewer Feedback

In the final paragraph, the host compares their experiences with Noisy to those with LTX Studio. They highlight the differences between the two platforms and suggest that while Noisy is promising, LTX has its unique features. The host encourages viewers to share their thoughts on Noisy, whether they find it enjoyable or not, and ends the video on a casual, inviting note, inviting feedback and promising to see viewers in the next episode.



💡 is an AI-driven video creation platform that is currently in its pre-beta stage. It allows users to generate music videos and clips by uploading music and providing image references or keywords. The platform is designed to automatically create visuals that sync with the music, offering a unique way to produce content that was showcased in the video. It is compared with LTX Studio, another video creation tool, to discuss its potential advantages and disadvantages.

💡LTX Studio

LTX Studio is a video creation software that is mentioned for comparison with It is implied to have its own set of features and capabilities, which the host is trying to contrast with those of The comparison is meant to highlight the differences in quality and functionality between the two platforms.


Discord is a communication platform where has its community and service interface. Users access through Discord, where they can upload music, provide references, and generate videos. It serves as the hub for interaction and content creation using

💡Music Video Generation

Music video generation refers to the process of creating a video that visually represents the music track provided by the user. In the context of the video, takes a music file and generates a video that matches the mood and theme of the song, as indicated by the user's chosen keywords or image references.

💡Image Reference

An image reference is a specific picture or visual that users can upload to to guide the style and content of the generated video. It helps the AI understand the visual theme the user is aiming for, ensuring the generated video aligns with the user's vision.


Keywords are descriptive words entered by the user to further define the mood and style of the generated video. They act as instructions for the AI, guiding it to include certain elements or themes in the video creation process. For example, 'cinematic', 'realistic', and 'romantic' are used to generate a video with those specific qualities.

💡4K High Resolution

4K high resolution refers to a video resolution that offers a higher pixel count than standard HD resolutions, resulting in a clearer, more detailed image. In the context of the video, it is one of the quality settings users can choose for their generated videos, indicating a preference for higher visual fidelity.

💡Beta Version

The beta version of a software is a pre-release version that, while feature-complete, is still undergoing testing.'s beta version is mentioned to indicate that the platform is not yet fully polished but is available for users to try and provide feedback, making it an opportunity for early adopters to experiment with the technology.

💡AI Video Generation

AI video generation is the process where artificial intelligence algorithms create video content. In the video, uses AI to generate videos that are in sync with the music and match the user's provided references and keywords, showcasing the capabilities of AI in creative content production.


In the context of the video, streaming refers to the process of uploading and generating a video through's platform. It highlights the technical process of creating content, which can take time due to the computational demands of AI video generation.


Editing in the video refers to the post-generation process where users can make adjustments to their generated videos. This includes regenerating certain clips, changing the order, or modifying other aspects of the video to fine-tune the final output before downloading or sharing it.

Highlights is a new AI video generation platform that is currently free and not even in beta yet.

Users can upload their own music or use a URL from a platform like Audius to generate videos.

The platform automatically creates videos that are synced to the uploaded music.

Videos can be generated for full music videos (MV) or shorter clips.

Users can also provide image references and keywords to influence the video generation.

The platform has a built-in editor to adjust and regenerate individual clips.

Videos can take a while to generate, with the process currently being quite slow.

The platform has seen rapid growth, going from 300 users in March to 10,000 active users.

The video quality is impressive, with good color depth, detail, and realism.

There are some quirks and inconsistencies in the generated videos, but the overall results are promising.

The platform allows users to download the generated videos. has a Discord community where users can share their creations and get feedback.

The platform is still in the early stages, with plans to release a beta version soon.

Users can sign up to be part of the beta testing on the website.

The platform has a limit of 3 videos per hour that can be generated on Discord.

Long music videos would need to be pieced together from multiple generated clips.

The platform is easy to use, with helpful guides and a straightforward interface. is a fun and creative tool for generating music videos using AI.