Non-fiction MASTERY With Novelcrafter AI

The Nerdy Novelist
26 Apr 202416:41

TLDRThe video transcript discusses the use of Novelcrafter AI for writing non-fiction, particularly long-form content like articles and books. The speaker shares that while Novelcrafter is excellent for fiction, it can be adapted for non-fiction with a few tweaks. The process involves setting up the author as a character, adding a style guide, including a sample chapter for stylistic reference, and adjusting the prompts for non-fiction writing. The video also covers how to use the AI's chat feature, connect to OpenAI APIs, and edit the generated text for personal style. The speaker demonstrates how to write the first-person perspective and reference a psychological study within the text. The summary concludes with the speaker's recommendation to check out 'Novelcrafter 101' for more detailed instructions.


  • ๐Ÿ“š NovelCrafter is suitable for long-form non-fiction writing, including articles and books, with some adjustments.
  • ๐Ÿ–‹๏ธ The 'Codex' feature is used for background information, which can be tailored for the author's details in non-fiction.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ A 'style prompt' can be added to ensure the writing aligns with the author's voice, which is especially useful for non-fiction.
  • ๐Ÿ’ฌ The 'chat' option allows for context-specific interactions with the AI, enhancing the writing process.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ 'Snippets' can be used to include a sample chapter or other relevant text to guide the AI in writing in the author's style.
  • ๐Ÿ“ The 'Plan' tab is crucial for mapping out chapter coverage, which helps in organizing the non-fiction content.
  • ๐Ÿ“‘ 'Global Entry' in the Codex can store important background information for the AI to reference throughout the writing.
  • ๐Ÿ“ Adjusting the prompts to fit non-fiction writing is essential and can be done by tweaking the existing templates.
  • ๐Ÿ“Œ Including a 'sample chapter' in the prompts helps the AI to mimic the author's unique writing style.
  • โœ๏ธ Writing in NovelCrafter is done one scene beat at a time, summarizing the next section and letting the AI write it out.
  • ๐Ÿ” Editing the AI-generated text is a necessary step to refine the content and make it sound more like the author's own writing.

Q & A

  • What is Novelcrafter AI used for?

    -Novelcrafter AI is primarily used for writing fiction, but it can also be adapted for writing long-form non-fiction such as articles and books.

  • Why might Novelcrafter be a good choice for non-fiction writing?

    -Novelcrafter can be adapted with certain tweaks to suit non-fiction writing, making it a versatile tool for authors who want to use a single platform for both fiction and non-fiction.

  • What are some tools that are not recommended for non-fiction writing according to the transcript?

    -The transcript suggests avoiding tools like Jasper or Copy AI for non-fiction writing, as they are more suited for very specific use cases or for people who are not adept at using AI with a good prompt.

  • How does Novelcrafter's Codex feature help in writing non-fiction?

    -The Codex is used to store background information. For non-fiction, it can hold details about the author, references, and other relevant context that can be used to inform the AI and tailor the writing style.

  • What is the purpose of the 'chat' feature in Novelcrafter?

    -The 'chat' feature allows users to interact with the AI model, providing context to the outline, specific scenes, or the full text to generate tailored ideas and content for their writing project.

  • How can authors ensure their writing in Novelcrafter reflects their personal style?

    -Authors can add a sample chapter they've written to serve as a style guide for the AI. This helps the AI mimic the author's voice and style when generating text.

  • What is the role of the 'plan' tab in Novelcrafter?

    -The 'plan' tab is used to map out what each chapter should cover, allowing authors to outline the structure and content of their book before they start writing.

  • Why is connecting to Open Router and Open AI APIs important in Novelcrafter?

    -Connecting to Open Router and Open AI APIs gives users access to different AI tools that can enhance their writing process, providing more capabilities and customization options within Novelcrafter.

  • How can authors adjust the prompts in Novelcrafter to better suit non-fiction writing?

    -Authors can modify the existing prompts or create new ones by changing the language to reflect non-fiction writing requirements, such as specifying the need for an expert non-fiction writer's perspective.

  • What is the significance of setting the viewpoint character and tense in Novelcrafter?

    -Setting the viewpoint character and tense determines the narrative perspective and time frame of the writing. For first-person non-fiction, the author is usually set as the character, and the tense is often past.

  • How can authors use the 'snippets' feature in Novelcrafter for non-fiction writing?

    -The 'snippets' feature can store relevant information, such as a sample chapter or study abstracts, which can be referenced by the AI to ensure the generated content aligns with the author's intended style and includes necessary background information.

  • What is the final step in the process of writing non-fiction in Novelcrafter?

    -The final step is editing the generated text to refine it, remove any unwanted content, and ensure it meets the author's standards. This may also involve using a fine-tune model to further personalize the writing style.



๐Ÿ“š Introduction to Novel Crafter for Non-Fiction Writing

The speaker discusses the capabilities of Novel Crafter, a tool typically used for fiction writing, and explores its potential for long-form non-fiction writing such as articles and books. The speaker clarifies that tools like Jasper or Copy AI are not recommended for this purpose, as they are more suited for specific use cases and not as versatile as a well-crafted prompt in a chatbot like Chad GPT Claude or Gemini. The video will demonstrate how to use Novel Crafter for a non-fiction book by working on a personal project titled 'The Necessary Joy of Fandom.' The speaker introduces the features of Novel Crafter, including the Codex for background information, the plan for mapping out chapters, and the chat option for tailored ideas. The importance of connecting to Open Router and Open AI APIs for accessing different AI tools is emphasized.


๐Ÿ–‹๏ธ Customizing Novel Crafter for Non-Fiction: Author as a Character

The speaker outlines steps to adapt Novel Crafter for non-fiction writing. First, the author should add themselves as a character in the Codex section, providing detailed background information. This includes personal and professional details that can be used by the AI to better understand the author's voice and style. The speaker also suggests adding a style guide and a sample chapter written in the author's style to help the AI emulate the writing style. Additionally, selecting the appropriate story genre and setting the narrative perspective (first or third person) are crucial steps to tailor the tool to the author's needs.


๐Ÿ“ Adjusting Prompts and Writing the First Draft

The speaker describes how to adjust the prompts within Novel Crafter to suit non-fiction writing. This involves modifying the general-purpose prompt to reflect the author's expertise in non-fiction and to include specific instructions, such as writing in active voice and avoiding certain narrative elements not relevant to non-fiction. The speaker also demonstrates how to reference background information, such as a psychological study on the power of storytelling, by creating a global entry in the Codex. The process of writing the first draft is then shown, where the AI generates text based on the provided scene beats and the author's specified writing style. The speaker emphasizes the flexibility of the process, noting that it can be adapted for articles as well.


โœ๏ธ Editing and Fine-Tuning the Non-Fiction Manuscript

The final paragraph focuses on the editing process of the non-fiction manuscript. The speaker points out that while the AI-generated text might be close to the desired outcome, there will be a need for human intervention to refine the content. This includes removing unnecessary phrases and ensuring the text aligns with the author's voice. The speaker mentions the use of a fine-tune model that can rewrite the text in a style more closely matching the author's own. The fine-tune model is demonstrated to take the AI-generated text and revise it with shorter, punchier sentences that are more characteristic of the author's writing style. The speaker concludes by summarizing the entire process of writing a non-fiction novel using Novel Crafter and encourages viewers to watch a 'Novel Crafter 101' video for more detailed instructions on setting up the tool for fiction or non-fiction writing.



๐Ÿ’กNovelcrafter AI

Novelcrafter AI is a tool designed to assist in writing fiction, but the video discusses its application in writing long-form non-fiction as well. It is used to organize, plan, and write novels by breaking down the process into manageable parts. In the context of the video, Novelcrafter AI is shown to be adaptable for non-fiction writing with certain tweaks and adjustments.

๐Ÿ’กLong-form non-fiction

Long-form non-fiction refers to extended pieces of written work that are factual and informative, such as articles, essays, and books. The video emphasizes the use of Novelcrafter AI for this type of writing, distinguishing it from shorter content like ad copy or product descriptions.


In the context of Novelcrafter AI, the Codex is a section where background information is stored. For fiction, this might include character details, while for non-fiction, it can hold relevant research, studies, or author background, which aids in crafting a more informed and personalized narrative.

๐Ÿ’กStyle prompt

A style prompt is a set of instructions or a sample of writing that guides the AI to emulate a certain writing style. In the video, the author uses a style prompt to direct Novelcrafter AI to write in the style of a best-selling non-fiction author, enhancing the output to better match the author's voice.

๐Ÿ’กSample chapter

A sample chapter is a section of the book that the author has already written, which is used to train the AI to mimic the author's writing style. In the video, the author pastes a pre-AI written chapter into Novelcrafter AI to ensure the AI's output aligns closely with the author's voice.

๐Ÿ’กGlobal Entry

A Global Entry in Novelcrafter AI is a type of background information that can be referenced throughout the writing process. It's used to provide the AI with consistent context, such as a psychological study abstract in the video, which informs the AI's writing on the topic of storytelling.

๐Ÿ’กStory genre

Story genre refers to the category or type of story being written. In the video, the author selects 'non-fiction' as the genre, which helps the AI understand the nature of the content and adjust its output accordingly.

๐Ÿ’กViewpoint character

The viewpoint character is the character from whose perspective the story is being told. In the video, the author sets themselves as the viewpoint character to write the non-fiction book in the first person, which is a common approach in memoirs and personal narratives.

๐Ÿ’กFine-tune model

A fine-tune model is an AI model that has been further trained or 'fine-tuned' to better match a specific writing style or task. The author in the video uses a fine-tune model to rewrite text in a style that is more personalized and reflective of their own writing.

๐Ÿ’กScene beat

A scene beat is a unit of action in a story that represents a change in the dramatic direction. In Novelcrafter AI, it is used to outline what the AI should write about next. The author provides a scene beat to guide the AI in writing the next part of the non-fiction narrative.

๐Ÿ’กChapter outline

A chapter outline is a structured plan for the content of a chapter. In the video, the author uses the 'plan' feature in Novelcrafter AI to map out what each chapter will cover, which helps in organizing the flow of information in the non-fiction book.


Novelcrafter AI is effective for long-form non-fiction writing, including articles and books.

To use Novelcrafter for non-fiction, certain adjustments and 'hacks' are necessary.

The Codex feature in Novelcrafter serves as a repository for background information.

The Plan feature allows mapping out what each chapter should cover.

The Chat option facilitates interaction with AI models for tailored ideas specific to the novel's outline or scenes.

Open Router and Open AI APIs need to be connected for access to different AI tools.

The Prompts tab offers various types of prompts that can be modified or customized for the writing project.

Adding the author as a character in the Codex provides the AI with background information to personalize the writing.

A style prompt can be added to define the writing style, such as emulating a best-selling non-fiction author.

Including a sample chapter can help the AI mimic the author's unique writing style.

Selecting the appropriate story genre in the Codex provides context for the type of non-fiction being written.

The Viewpoint character and tense can be chosen to match the author's perspective and narrative style.

Background information such as psychological studies can be added to the Codex for the AI to reference.

Prompts can be adjusted and customized for non-fiction writing by modifying the general purpose prompt.

The AI can continue writing in a similar style to a provided sample chapter.

Editing the AI-generated text allows for personalization and refinement of the content.

Fine-tuned models can rewrite text in a style that is more aligned with the author's voice.

The process involves iteratively writing one beat at a time to construct the entire non-fiction piece.

Novelcrafter 101 video provides a more in-depth guide on setting up Novelcrafter for fiction or non-fiction writing.