O Yaara | Coke Studio Pakistan | Season 15 | Abdul Hannan x Kaavish

Coke Studio Pakistan
12 May 202404:50

TLDRThe song 'O Yaara' from Coke Studio Pakistan's Season 15, featuring Abdul Hannan and Kaavish, delves into the struggles of navigating life's complexities. The lyrics express a yearning to understand the truth amid the chaos, with metaphors of shattered glass representing the fragmented nature of life's experiences. The artist grapples with the suffocating smoke of confusion and the loss of loyalty in a world where vanity often prevails over sincerity. The narrative encourages introspection, urging the listener to seek the infinite secrets within themselves and to hold onto hope. It suggests that by listening from the heart and not letting go of hope, one can find the truth and regain a sense of direction in life.


  • 🤔 The struggle of resolving life's complexities is a central theme of the song.
  • 📝 The act of writing one's life's song is a means to understand and cope with life's challenges.
  • 💔 Feelings of being stuck and the toll it takes on the soul are expressed.
  • 🔍 The search for truth is depicted as a difficult journey, obscured by metaphorical smoke.
  • 🗣️ The difficulty of expressing what the heart feels is highlighted.
  • 🌐 The world is portrayed as a place where loyalty is lost and selfish motives prevail.
  • 🎭 The facade of society hides the true, often negative, intentions of people.
  • 🧵 The mind is compared to a web of tangled knots, reflecting the confusion of life.
  • 💭 The importance of self-discovery and introspection is emphasized.
  • ❤️ Listening from the heart is suggested as a way to find truth and hope.
  • 🌟 Holding onto hope is crucial for self-realization and finding one's path.

Q & A

  • What is the central theme of the song 'O Yaara'?

    -The central theme of 'O Yaara' is the struggle of the individual with life's complexities, the search for truth amidst confusion, and the importance of self-discovery and hope.

  • How does the song describe the state of the world according to the lyrics?

    -The song describes the world as a place where loyalty is lost, selfish motives lie behind façades, and humanity is deeply entangled in vanity.

  • What metaphor is used to depict the scattered nature of life's facts in the lyrics?

    -The metaphor of 'shattered glass, strewn across the floor' is used to depict the scattered and complex nature of life's facts.

  • What does the singer express about their struggle to understand life?

    -The singer expresses a sense of being 'stuck' and struggling to resolve 'intrigues,' indicating a deep internal conflict and a quest to understand the meaning and purpose of life.

  • How does the song suggest one can find the truth?

    -The song suggests that to find the truth, one must look within oneself, meet their true self, and listen from the heart, implying a process of introspection and self-awareness.

  • What does the phrase 'Every breath I take makes me choke' symbolize?

    -This phrase symbolizes the overwhelming and suffocating nature of the challenges and confusions the singer faces in their life journey.

  • What is the significance of the 'string of hope' mentioned in the lyrics?

    -The 'string of hope' signifies the importance of holding onto optimism and the belief in a better future, even when faced with adversity.

  • What does the song imply about the human condition?

    -The song implies that the human condition is fraught with challenges, including a loss of loyalty, selfishness, and a tendency to be lost in vanity.

  • How does the song encourage the listener to confront their own life's journey?

    -The song encourages the listener to confront their life's journey by seeking the truth within themselves, not letting go of hope, and finding their footing in life.

  • What does the phrase 'Within you are infinite secrets' suggest about self-discovery?

    -The phrase suggests that there is a wealth of undiscovered knowledge and potential within each individual, and that self-discovery is a journey of uncovering these secrets.

  • How does the song relate the concept of truth to the listener's personal experience?

    -The song relates the concept of truth to the listener's personal experience by urging them to seek truth not just externally, but also through self-reflection and listening to their inner voice.

  • What role does the 'web of tangled knots' metaphor play in the song?

    -The 'web of tangled knots' metaphor represents the complexity and confusion of the singer's thoughts and emotions, emphasizing the difficulty of navigating one's inner world.



🤔 Struggles and the Search for Truth

The first paragraph delves into the speaker's internal turmoil and the complexities of life. They express a sense of being trapped in unresolved intrigues and the difficulty of capturing the essence of their life's journey in words. The speaker yearns for guidance on how to fulfill their soul amidst the chaos. Life's truths are likened to shattered glass, scattered and challenging to piece together. There's a palpable struggle to find clarity through the metaphorical smoke that obscures their inner core. The world is portrayed as a place where loyalty is scarce, and selfish motives are hidden behind façades. The speaker questions humanity's obsession with vanity and feels overwhelmed by the tangled web of their thoughts. They encourage the reader to seek self-discovery and to hold onto hope, promising that the truth will be revealed and a sense of direction will follow.




Intrigue refers to a complex or secret plot, often with a sense of mystery or suspense. In the context of the video, it represents the internal struggles and the challenges one faces in life. The line 'in intrigues I struggle to resolve' illustrates the feeling of being entangled in a web of complex issues that are difficult to navigate or understand.


To resolve means to find a solution or to settle an issue. In the script, it is used to express the desire to overcome the challenges and to find answers to life's questions. The phrase 'struggle to resolve' indicates the ongoing effort to make sense of one's experiences and to find clarity in a complicated world.

💡Life's Song

This metaphorical term represents the story of one's life, including its ups and downs. The act of penning down one's life's song is akin to reflecting on and documenting one's experiences. It is a central theme in the video, symbolizing the process of self-discovery and the journey through life's challenges, as depicted in the line 'as I pen down my life’s song'.


Fulfillment is the state of being satisfied or having one's needs or desires met. In the context of the video, it relates to the quest for a meaningful and satisfying life. The question 'how to fulfill my soul' reflects the inner longing for a deeper sense of purpose and contentment.

💡Shattered Glass

Shattered glass is a vivid image that symbolizes brokenness or fragmentation. In the script, it metaphorically represents the scattered and confusing aspects of life that one must piece together to find understanding. The phrase 'like shattered glass, strewn across the floor' conveys the idea of life's complexity and the difficulty of making sense of it all.


Truth is the state or quality of being in accordance with fact or reality. The search for truth is a recurring theme in the video, suggesting a journey towards understanding and authenticity. The line 'To seek the truth, Yet thick smoke shrouds my inner core' implies that despite the desire to find clarity, there are obstacles that obscure one's path to the truth.


Loyalty is the quality of being faithful and committed. In the context of the video, it is portrayed as a lost virtue in the world. The statement 'In this world, loyalty’s lost' reflects a critique of societal values and a longing for a time when loyalty was more highly valued.

💡Selfish Motives

Selfish motives refer to actions driven by personal gain without regard for others. The video suggests that such motives are prevalent behind the façades of society. The phrase 'Behind each façade, Lie selfish motives' critiques the self-centered nature of human behavior and its impact on interpersonal relationships.


Humanity broadly refers to the quality of being humane, kind, and considerate. In the video, it is used to express concern over the state of human values and relationships. The question 'Why is humanity, So lost in vanity' points to a perceived decline in empathy and compassion in the modern world.


Vanity is excessive pride in one's appearance or achievements. The term is used in the video to critique the superficial values that dominate society. It is suggested that people are overly focused on image and status, as indicated by 'So lost in vanity', which detracts from deeper, more meaningful connections.


Thoughts are the ideas or reflections that pass through the mind. In the script, 'thoughts' are likened to a 'web of tangled knots', suggesting the complexity and confusion that can arise from one's internal dialogue. This metaphor captures the struggle to make sense of one's feelings and experiences, which is a central theme of the video.


Hope is the feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. The video encourages holding onto hope as a means of navigating life's difficulties. The line 'Don’t let go the string of hope' serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining optimism and the belief in a better future, even in the face of adversity.


To realize means to become fully aware of something or to achieve a desired outcome. In the context of the video, realizing the truth is presented as a goal that can be reached through self-reflection and perseverance. The phrase 'You shall realize the truth' implies that understanding and enlightenment are attainable through personal effort and growth.


How must I say?

I’ve been stuck so long, in intrigues I struggle to resolve

As I pen down my life’s song, as life unfolds and takes its toll

tell me, just tell me how to fulfill my soul

Like shattered glass, strewn across the floor, are life’s facts I must explore

To seek the truth, Yet thick smoke shrouds my inner core

Every breath I take makes me choke

In this world, loyalty’s lost

Oh to sell one’s soul at any cost

Behind each façade, Lie selfish motives, just no regard

Why is humanity, So lost in vanity

What this heart can feel, I don’t know how to reveal

The world of my thoughts, Is like a web of tangled knots

Within you are infinite secrets

If only you can meet yourself, O dear friend

If only you can listen from your heart

Don’t let go the string of hope, You shall realise the truth

O dear…

And then you will find your feet