Open AI Sora - Access Expands to Artists, Release Date, & Cost Predictions

MattVidPro AI
25 Mar 202421:04

TLDRThe latest developments in Open AI's Sora project are discussed, highlighting its capabilities in AI-generated video through various demos. The video emphasizes Sora's potential to create new and surreal ideas, with insights from artists and a possible release timeline. The cost of Sora's generation is also explored, suggesting a high price initially, with a potential for reduced costs as technology advances.


  • ๐Ÿš€ OpenAI's Sora project is generating excitement with its video generation capabilities, showcasing a range of demos.
  • ๐ŸŽจ Sora is being tested with select artists and users outside of OpenAI, indicating a potential release in the future.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ The timeline for Sora's release is estimated to be around September or October, possibly after the election to avoid misuse.
  • ๐Ÿ’ก Sora's potential is highlighted by its ability to create not only realistic but also surreal and imaginative content.
  • ๐ŸŽฅ Early examples of Sora's work include short films and creative visualizations, demonstrating its versatility.
  • ๐Ÿ” While the technology is not perfect, with some inconsistencies in rendering, the overall quality is impressive.
  • ๐Ÿ’ฌ Feedback from the creative community is helping OpenAI improve Sora, focusing on new ideas rather than replicating existing content.
  • ๐Ÿ’ฐ The cost of running Sora is high, with estimates suggesting a few dollars for a 60-second video, making it initially less accessible to the general public.
  • ๐Ÿ“Š As technology advances, such as with Nvidia's Blackwell GPUs, the cost and time for video generation are expected to decrease.
  • ๐ŸŽฌ Sora's potential applications extend beyond entertainment, offering new possibilities for creative endeavors and storytelling.

Q & A

  • What is the latest news on OpenAI's Sora project?

    -The latest news on OpenAI's Sora project includes the release of numerous demos showcasing Sora's capabilities in video generation. OpenAI has started collaborating with people outside of the organization, which is a positive sign for the project's development and potential release.

  • What are some of the capabilities of Sora that have been demonstrated?

    -Sora has demonstrated capabilities such as consistent 3D video generation, creating photorealistic videos, simulating worlds like Minecraft, and being implemented in various ways. It can generate videos that are surreal and bring to life new and impossible ideas.

  • How has the creative community responded to Sora?

    -The creative community has provided valuable feedback to help improve Sora. They have found it powerful for not just replicating the old but for bringing to life new and impossible ideas that would have otherwise not been seen.

  • What kind of examples have been provided to show Sora's capabilities?

    -Examples provided include literal short films made by creative people, showcasing Sora's ability to generate unique content and push the boundaries of video creation with AI.

  • Is Sora a complete model yet?

    -No, Sora is not a complete model yet. The videos and examples shown are curated and may not represent all possible outcomes. It is still in development and being refined based on feedback from the community.

  • What are some of the limitations observed in Sora's video generation?

    -Some limitations observed include issues with rendering fidelity, problems with understanding and accurately depicting certain objects like glass or a balloon for a head, and occasional inconsistencies in the model's interpretation of the physical world.

  • What is the potential release timeline for Sora?

    -While there is no exact timeline, it is speculated that Sora might be released sometime between September and December, depending on OpenAI's strategy and considerations around the election season and potential misuse of the technology.

  • How might Sora impact the cost of video creation?

    -Sora has the potential to significantly reduce the cost of video creation by eliminating the need for traditional VFX work, making it more accessible and affordable for creators to produce high-quality, unique content.

  • What are the estimated costs associated with using Sora?

    -The estimated costs for using Sora are quite high initially, with the prediction that it might cost a few dollars for a 60-second video. However, these costs are expected to decrease over time as technology advances and becomes more efficient.

  • How might OpenAI ensure the safe and responsible use of Sora?

    -OpenAI is known for its strict safety measures, ensuring that the generation of harmful content is not possible. They are expected to continue this practice with Sora, preventing any misuse, especially in sensitive times like the election season.

  • What can we expect in terms of accessibility for Sora upon its release?

    -Upon its release, Sora may not be widely accessible due to its high cost and the need for a waitlist. It is expected to start on a small scale, with limited access and a pay-per-generation model until a more affordable SORA 2 or similar iteration is released.



๐Ÿš€ Introduction to OpenAI's Sora and its Capabilities

The paragraph discusses the latest news about OpenAI's Sora, a video generation model. It mentions numerous demos that have been released to showcase Sora's potential. The video highlights the model's ability to create photorealistic and simulated worlds, with a focus on its current stage of development and the author's predictions for its future release. The paragraph also touches on the costs associated with using Sora, based on extrapolations from available data. Notable quotes from creative professionals like Paul Trillo and Shy Kids emphasize Sora's strength in bringing new and surreal ideas to life, surpassing the limitations of traditional filmmaking and offering a unique storytelling medium.


๐ŸŽจ Artistic Implementation and Challenges of Sora

This paragraph delves into how artists have implemented Sora and the challenges they faced. It discusses the model's ability to handle unusual elements, such as a person with a balloon for a head, and praises Sora's consistency in rendering such scenarios. The paragraph also highlights the creation of short films by artists, showcasing Sora's potential in cinematic storytelling. However, it acknowledges that the model is not perfect, pointing out fidelity issues and the difficulty in rendering certain objects, like glass. The discussion also touches on the potential for Sora to push the boundaries of filmmaking by allowing for surreal and impossible ideas to be visualized.


๐ŸŒŸ Creative Limits and Adaptability of Sora

The paragraph explores the creative limits that artists have found with Sora and its adaptability to different styles. It showcases a variety of concepts, from abstract ideas to realistic scenes, emphasizing Sora's versatility. The paragraph also highlights the model's potential for creating unique and imaginative content, such as music videos and surreal creatures. It discusses the excitement around Sora's capabilities and the anticipation for its future applications in creative endeavors. The summary also mentions a creative director's project that pushes the boundaries of AI-generated video, comparing it to the imaginative realities from the show 'Rick and Morty'.


๐Ÿ’ธ Pricing and Accessibility of Sora

This paragraph focuses on the potential pricing and accessibility of Sora. It discusses the computational costs associated with generating video content using Sora, providing estimates based on current technology. The paragraph suggests that the initial cost of using Sora will be high, similar to other AI technologies at their inception, and may not be accessible to the general public. It also speculates on the timeline for Sora's release, suggesting it might be towards the end of the year or the beginning of the next. The discussion includes a comparison of Sora's computational costs with other AI models like GPT-4 and image generation models, indicating that while expensive, it offers a new level of creative visualization.


๐Ÿ“… Predicted Timeline and Future of Sora

The final paragraph predicts a timeline for Sora's release and discusses its future implications. It suggests that Sora might become more accessible in the coming years, with advancements in technology potentially reducing costs. The paragraph also anticipates a waitlist for access to Sora in the near future. The author expresses excitement for the possibilities that Sora brings to the table, indicating a personal interest in exploring its capabilities once it becomes available. The summary ends with a note of anticipation for how Sora will shape the future of creative content generation.



๐Ÿ’กOpen AI

Open AI refers to the research organization that develops and releases cutting-edge AI technologies. In the context of the video, Open AI is responsible for creating Sora, an AI video generation model. The video discusses the latest news about Sora and its capabilities, highlighting Open AI's role in advancing AI technology and its potential impact on the creative community.


Sora is an AI video generation model developed by Open AI. It is capable of creating consistent 3D videos that are photorealistic and can simulate different worlds, such as those seen in games like Minecraft. The video emphasizes Sora's ability to bring new and impossible ideas to life, showcasing its potential to revolutionize the creative industry.

๐Ÿ’กDolly 2

Dolly 2 is a previous AI model developed by Open AI, likely referring to an earlier version of their AI technology. The video compares the development and release strategy of Sora to that of Dolly 2, noting that both started as research previews before gradually expanding access to artists and the public.

๐Ÿ’ก3D Video Generation

3D Video Generation refers to the process of creating three-dimensional videos using AI technology. In the context of the video, this is the primary capability of Sora, allowing for the creation of photorealistic and simulated worlds in video format. This technology has the potential to transform the way stories are told and visual content is produced.

๐Ÿ’กCreative Community

The Creative Community refers to individuals and groups involved in various forms of artistic and innovative work, such as filmmakers, artists, and designers. In the video, the feedback from this community is highlighted as being valuable in improving Sora, indicating the importance of user engagement and collaboration in the development of AI technologies.


Cost in this context refers to the expenses associated with using the Sora AI model for video generation. The video discusses estimates of how much it might cost to run Sora, suggesting that it could be quite expensive initially, similar to other advanced technologies at their inception.

๐Ÿ’กAI Generated Video

AI Generated Video refers to video content that is created using artificial intelligence, without the need for traditional filming or extensive manual post-production. The video showcases the capabilities of Sora in generating such content, highlighting its potential to create realistic and surreal scenes that push the boundaries of traditional filmmaking.

๐Ÿ’กWait List

A Wait List in this context refers to a system where users sign up to gain access to a product or service that is in high demand and may have limited availability. The video suggests that a wait list might be implemented for Sora once it is released to manage the expected high interest and limited initial access.


Cherry-Picking in this context refers to the selective presentation of the best or most impressive examples of AI-generated content, potentially omitting less successful instances. The video acknowledges that the examples shown of Sora's capabilities might be curated in this way, emphasizing the need to consider the full range of outputs when evaluating the technology.

๐Ÿ’กComputational Costs

Computational Costs refer to the expenses and resources required to run complex AI models like Sora, which include the costs of using high-performance GPUs for processing the AI's algorithms. The video discusses estimates of these costs, providing insight into the economic factors that could influence the accessibility and pricing of Sora.


New demos showcasing Sora's capabilities have been released.

Sora is starting to work with people outside of OpenAI.

A timeline for Sora's release has been extrapolated.

There will be a discussion on the cost of Sora in the video.

Sora does consistent 3D video generation and can create photorealistic videos.

Sora can simulate worlds like Minecraft and be implemented in various ways.

OpenAI has allowed select artists and users access to Sora for feedback.

Feedback from the creative community is helping improve the product.

Sora is powerful for bringing new and impossible ideas to life.

Sora's ability to generate surreal content is exciting for creators.

Artists have created short films using Sora, demonstrating its capabilities.

The video generation model is not perfect, with some fidelity issues.

Sora's motion and camera movement are impressive despite minor imperfections.

Sora can handle abstract and creative ideas, pushing the boundaries of AI video generation.

The cost of Sora generation is estimated to be high, similar to Dolly 2.

The potential for Sora to be released before the election is discussed, with concerns about misinformation.

Sora's release is anticipated to be in the later months of the year, possibly with a wait list.

The future of AI video generation with Sora is very promising, offering new creative possibilities.

AI technology like Sora is making concepts from shows like Rick and Morty more real.

Sora's potential applications in creative endeavors and exploration of experiences are highlighted.

The adaptability of Sora as a model for different styles and creative directions is showcased.