A Believer's Influence On Society | Gabriel Swaggart | Sunday Morning Service

SonLife Broadcasting Network
25 Mar 202458:42

TLDRIn this heartfelt sermon, the speaker emphasizes the believer's role as both the salt and light of the world, drawing from the teachings of Jesus Christ in the Sermon on the Mount. He shares a powerful dream that demonstrates the impact of the ministry and encourages Christians to live a life that reflects their faith, allowing their 'light' to shine for all to see. The message calls for believers to be the preserving influence and the flavorful presence in a decaying world, and to be a beacon of hope and truth in a world fraught with darkness.


  • 🙏 The sermon focuses on the importance of living out Christian values in daily life, emphasizing the believer's influence on society.
  • 🌟 The reading is from Matthew 5, starting with verse 13, discussing the Sermon on the Mount and its significance in Christian teachings.
  • 🧂 Believers are likened to the 'salt of the earth,' meant to preserve and add flavor to the world, and to be a guiding force against corruption and decay.
  • 💡 As 'light of the world,' Christians are called to shine their faith for all to see, making a positive impact and leading others to God.
  • 🕊️ The anointing of the Holy Spirit is essential for teaching and ministering God's word effectively.
  • 🕍 The dream shared by the speaker illustrates the global impact of the ministry and the importance of believers' roles in leading people to Christ.
  • 🎶 Music and worship play a key role in setting a spiritual tone and connecting with the divine during services.
  • 🙌 The call to action for believers is to actively reach out to people, share the Gospel, and let their light shine in all aspects of life.
  • 🗣️ The message emphasizes the need for Christians to vote and live according to their faith, not just in church but in all spheres of life.
  • 🌍 The global reach of the ministry through television and radio broadcasts is highlighted, showing the extent of its influence.
  • 🏆 The importance of financial support and prayer in sustaining and expanding the ministry's outreach is acknowledged.

Q & A

  • What is the main teaching being discussed in the script?

    -The main teaching discussed in the script is the Sermon on the Mount from the Book of Matthew, specifically focusing on the concepts of being the salt of the earth and the light of the world as Christians.

  • Why is the Sermon on the Mount significant in Christian teachings?

    -The Sermon on the Mount is significant because it is considered the greatest teaching ever given on what it means to be a Christian, and it was given by Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior.

  • What is the meaning of being the 'salt of the earth' according to the script?

    -Being the 'salt of the earth' symbolizes believers as preservatives that prevent decay and corruption in the world, as well as adding flavor to life, making it more meaningful and enjoyable.

  • How does the script describe the role of believers as the 'light of the world'?

    -The script describes the role of believers as the 'light of the world' by emphasizing that they should shine their light before others so that people may see their good works and glorify God in heaven.

  • What is the importance of believers maintaining their 'saltiness' or 'flavor' according to the script?

    -Maintaining 'saltiness' or 'flavor' is important for believers because it ensures they remain effective as preservatives and sources of inspiration in the world, preventing them from becoming useless or being trampled underfoot.

  • What does the script imply about the impact of believers on society?

    -The script implies that believers have a significant influence on society by preserving it from moral decay and illuminating it with the light of their good works, ultimately leading to others glorifying God.

  • How does the speaker in the script connect personal dreams and spiritual messages?

    -The speaker connects personal dreams and spiritual messages by sharing a dream where they witnessed the impact of their ministry, interpreting it as a divine message and a call to continue spreading the Gospel.

  • What is the significance of the Zoe Production Center mentioned in the script?

    -The Zoe Production Center is significant because it is named after a supportive member of the ministry who funded the television equipment that helped spread the Gospel worldwide.

  • What does the script suggest about the importance of financial support in ministry?

    -The script suggests that financial support is crucial for the ministry as it enables the spread of the Gospel through various platforms like television and radio, reaching a wider audience.

  • How does the speaker in the script encourage believers to live out their faith?

    -The speaker encourages believers to live out their faith by being the salt and light in the world, maintaining their distinctiveness and influence, and integrating their Christian values into all aspects of their daily lives.

  • What is the message conveyed by the song played at the end of the script?

    -The song conveys a message of hope and assurance that there are many people going home to the Lord, and it emphasizes the importance of being prepared and living a life dedicated to Christ.



📖 Introduction and Gratitude

The speaker begins by expressing gratitude for the care and presence of the audience. They reference the book of Matthew, specifically chapter 5, and introduce the topic of the sermon, which is about the teachings of Jesus Christ on what it means to be a Christian. The speaker emphasizes the importance of applying these teachings in daily life and prays for guidance from the Holy Spirit. They also share a personal story about receiving messages through dreams since childhood.


🌆 The Impact of Ministry

The speaker recounts a vivid dream from about 20 years ago, where they were transported back in time to witness the impact of their ministry. In the dream, they saw packed auditoriums from past crusades in the 1980s. The dream was significant for the speaker as it showed the influence of their family's religious work and the number of people who had accepted Christ. The speaker also describes the emotional impact of the dream and the realization that the people in the audience were those who had passed away but had accepted Jesus Christ as their savior.


👵 A Thankful Encounter

Continuing the dream narrative, the speaker encounters a woman who thanks them, representing the speaker's grandmother. The woman's appearance and mannerisms are reminiscent of a supporter named Zoe, who had funded their ministry's television equipment. The speaker's grandfather had baptized Zoe before she passed away, and the dream suggests that she is in heaven. This encounter in the dream is a powerful moment of recognition and gratitude for the support that the ministry has received.


🤝 A Gruff but Generous Man

In the dream, the speaker meets another individual, a man named Bobbie Graham, who was known for his financial contributions to the ministry. Despite his rough exterior and questionable past, Bobbie was a dedicated attendee of the church and played a crucial role in raising funds for the ministry's radio projects. The speaker reflects on Bobbie's transformation and the significance of his support, emphasizing the impact of the gospel on people's lives, even after they have passed away.


🎶 A Supernatural Awakening

The dream continues with the speaker seeing their late mother, who had passed away about a year or two prior. The emotional encounter is described as a moment of beauty and peace. Upon waking, the speaker experiences a supernatural event where a music system in their room turns on by itself, playing a specific song about people going home to the Lord. This event reinforces the speaker's belief in the power of God and the significance of their ministry's work.


🌍 The Global Impact of the Ministry

The speaker reflects on the global impact of their ministry, emphasizing the importance of reaching out to people and sharing the gospel. They express gratitude to the congregation for their support and involvement in the ministry's mission. The speaker also highlights the collective responsibility of all Christians to be a light in the world, spreading the message of Jesus Christ and the transformative power of the gospel.


🏛️ The Latter House Will Be Greater

The speaker asserts that the future work of the ministry will have an even greater impact than the past achievements. They encourage the congregation to understand their role in the ministry and to live as Christians in all aspects of their lives, including at work, in social settings, and during elections. The speaker emphasizes the importance of voting as a Christian and living out one's faith in all areas of life.


🙏 Being a Child of God

The speaker calls on the congregation to embrace their identity as children of God, to stand tall, and to let their light shine. They encourage believers to be a positive influence in their workplaces and communities, and to be a witness for Christ. The speaker also discusses the concept of being 'saved' and the spiritual transformation that comes with accepting Jesus Christ, urging the congregation to live a life that reflects this change.


🌟 The Salt and Light Metaphor

The speaker delves into the biblical metaphor of believers being the salt and light of the world. They explain that as salt, Christians are meant to preserve against decay and add flavor to the world, while as light, they are to shine in darkness and be a guiding presence. The speaker warns against becoming 'saltless' or losing one's flavor, which they equate to losing one's Christian identity and impact. They emphasize the importance of maintaining a strong Christian character and living a life that influences others positively.


🎵 Let Your Light Shine

The speaker concludes the service by leading the congregation in singing a hymn about letting one's light shine. They encourage the congregation to be bold in their faith and to share the message of Jesus Christ with others. The speaker also promotes the Family Worship Center's services and invites people to join the media church and engage with the Sonlife Broadcasting Network.


📢 Closing Remarks and Call to Action

The speaker ends the service with a call to action, urging the audience to not let anything, including negative influences, extinguish their spiritual light. They promote the upcoming service and encourage the audience to return. The speaker also mentions the ongoing battle for the mind and soul, contrasting the policies of the left with the message of peace and love of the right. The service concludes with a reminder of the availability of live services and the resources for joining the Family Worship Center Media Church.




Christianity is the religion based on the teachings and life of Jesus Christ. In the video, it is the foundation of the message being conveyed, emphasizing the importance of living a Christian life and applying its principles in daily activities. The speaker encourages believers to be the 'salt and light' of the world, drawing from core Christian values to positively influence society.

💡Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount refers to a collection of sayings and teachings of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew chapters 5-7. In the video, it is highlighted as a significant part of the Christian faith, with specific focus on the teachings starting from Matthew 5:13. These teachings include the Beatitudes and parables that provide guidance on living a moral and righteous life.


Influence, as discussed in the video, refers to the impact or effect that believers can have on society by embodying and propagating the values and teachings of Christianity. The speaker emphasizes the role of Christians as a positive force in the world, using their influence to counteract societal decay and corruption, and to be a beacon of hope and morality.

💡Salt and Light

Salt and Light are metaphors used by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount to describe the role of his followers. In the video, these metaphors are explained as Christians being a preservative against moral decay (salt) and a source of guidance and truth in a world of darkness (light). The speaker encourages believers to maintain their 'flavor' and 'brightness', ensuring their actions and lifestyle align with their faith.

💡Personal Anecdote

A personal anecdote is a short, personal story told by someone about their own experience. In the video, the speaker shares a dream he had, which serves as a testament to the impact of the ministry and the power of the gospel. This anecdote is used to illustrate the supernatural aspects of faith and to inspire the audience with a real-life example of divine intervention.


In the context of the video, ministry refers to the religious service or work of spreading the teachings of Christianity, often through evangelism, teaching, or other forms of religious outreach. The speaker discusses his involvement in the ministry, the influence of his family before him, and the importance of continuing this work to reach and positively affect people's lives.

💡Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare is the concept of struggle against the powers of evil, as per Christian belief. In the video, the speaker alludes to this by mentioning the battle for the mind and soul, and the need for believers to stand against negative cultural trends and moral decay. This concept encourages Christians to remain steadfast in their faith and to actively resist sin and worldly influences.

💡Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is a term from Christian theology, describing a divine person of the Holy Trinity. In the video, the Holy Spirit is invoked as a guiding and empowering presence for believers, necessary for teaching, ministering, and living out the Christian faith. The speaker asks for the anointing of the Holy Spirit to help convey the message effectively.


Community, in the context of the video, refers to the collective body of believers who come together in worship and fellowship. The speaker emphasizes the importance of the community in supporting and strengthening each other's faith, and in working together to fulfill the mission of reaching out to others with the gospel message.

💡Good Works

Good works are actions performed out of faith and a desire to help others, as encouraged by Christian teachings. In the video, the speaker discusses the importance of good works as evidence of true faith, stating that they should be visible to others so that they may glorify God. The emphasis is on actions that reflect love, kindness, and service to others.


Discipleship refers to the process of learning and following the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, often within a community of fellow believers. In the video, the concept of discipleship is implied in the call for believers to live out their faith in all aspects of life, to be a light to others, and to continue the work of ministry and outreach.


The speaker expresses gratitude for the care and support received.

The sermon focuses on the teachings from the Book of Matthew, specifically the Sermon on the Mount.

Jesus Christ's teachings are emphasized as essential for daily Christian living.

The concept of believers being the 'salt of the earth' and the 'light of the world' is discussed.

The importance of letting one's light shine before others is highlighted.

A personal story is shared about a dream that had a significant impact on the speaker's ministry.

The dream involved a vision of past crusades and their impact on people's lives.

The speaker recounts encounters with individuals in the dream who had passed on and expressed gratitude for the ministry's influence.

The power of prayer and the Holy Spirit's anointing in ministry is emphasized.

The speaker shares a miraculous experience of waking up to music playing from an unplugged device, reinforcing faith in divine intervention.

The message of the sermon is about the responsibility of believers to be a positive influence in society.

The speaker encourages Christians to live out their faith in all aspects of life, not just within the church.

The importance of being a 'Christian' in every sense of the word, in all areas of life, is stressed.

The speaker calls for believers to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, acting as ambassadors of His love and message.

The significance of maintaining one's Christian identity and integrity even in challenging environments is discussed.

The speaker concludes with a call to action for believers to let their light shine and not let the devil blow it out.