OpenAI DevDay: Keynote Recap

4 Dec 202303:31

TLDROpenAI DevDay introduced GPT-4 Turbo, a model supporting 128,000 tokens, with JSON mode and enhanced instruction following. It integrates external knowledge up to April 2023, and offers DALL-E 3, text-to-speech, and a Custom Models program for tailored solutions. Increased rate limits, reduced costs, and GPTs for specific purposes were also announced, alongside a forthcoming GPT store and advanced API features like persistent threads and a built-in Python interpreter.


  • 🚀 OpenAI introduced a new model, GPT-4 Turbo, at their first DevDay event.
  • 📈 GPT-4 Turbo can handle up to 128,000 tokens, allowing for more extensive context.
  • 🔧 A new feature called JSON mode ensures the model responds with valid JSON formats.
  • 🤖 The model is designed to follow instructions better by calling multiple functions at once.
  • 🌐 OpenAI is launching retrieval capabilities to integrate external knowledge from documents and databases.
  • 📅 GPT-4 Turbo is updated with knowledge up to April 2023, with continuous improvements planned.
  • 🎨 DALL-E 3, GPT-4 Turbo with vision, and a new Text to Speech model are now available through the API.
  • 🔍 Custom Models program allows researchers to collaborate with companies for tailored models.
  • 💡 Rate limits are doubled for GPT-4 customers, with adjustable settings in the API account.
  • 💰 GPT-4 Turbo is more cost-effective, with reduced pricing for prompt and completion tokens.
  • 🎯 GPTs are specialized versions of ChatGPT, designed for specific purposes with enhanced helpfulness and control.
  • 🛠 Users without coding knowledge can program GPTs through conversation and create private or public models.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the new model launched by OpenAI at the DevDay event?

    -The new model launched by OpenAI is called GPT-4 Turbo.

  • How many tokens of context does GPT-4 Turbo support?

    -GPT-4 Turbo supports up to 128,000 tokens of context.

  • What is the new feature called JSON mode and what does it ensure?

    -JSON mode is a feature that ensures the model responds with valid JSON, improving the quality and usability of the responses.

  • What is the purpose of the retrieval feature launched in the platform?

    -The retrieval feature allows users to bring knowledge from outside documents or databases into their applications, enhancing the model's ability to access better knowledge about the world.

  • What is the knowledge cutoff date for GPT-4 Turbo?

    -GPT-4 Turbo has knowledge about the world up to April of 2023.

  • Which additional models are being integrated into the API along with GPT-4 Turbo?

    -DALL-E 3, GPT-4 Turbo with vision, and the new Text to speech model are being integrated into the API.

  • What is the Custom Models program and how does it benefit companies?

    -The Custom Models program is an initiative where OpenAI researchers work closely with a company to create a Custom Model tailored to their specific needs and use cases, using OpenAI's tools.

  • How are rate limits changing for established GPT-4 customers?

    -The rate limits are being doubled for all established GPT-4 customers, making it easier for them to do more with the API.

  • What is the cost difference between GPT-4 and GPT-4 Turbo?

    -GPT-4 Turbo is considerably cheaper than GPT-4, by a factor of 3x for prompt tokens and 2x for completion tokens.

  • What are GPTs and how do they enhance the functionality of ChatGPT?

    -GPTs are tailored versions of ChatGPT for specific purposes, combining instructions, expanded knowledge, and actions to provide more helpful, contextually effective responses with better control.

  • How can non-coders program the GPT?

    -Non-coders can program the GPT through conversation, allowing them to create private GPTs or share their creations publicly without needing to know how to code.

  • What is the significance of the GPT store launching later this month?

    -The GPT store will be a platform where users can access and utilize various GPTs, expanding the possibilities of what can be built and shared using this technology.



🚀 Launch of GPT-4 Turbo and New Features

The video script introduces the audience to the first OpenAI DevDay and the launch of GPT-4 Turbo, a model capable of handling up to 128,000 tokens of context. It highlights the new JSON mode feature, which ensures valid JSON responses from the model, and the ability to call multiple functions at once for better instruction following. The script also mentions the integration of world knowledge up to April 2023, with plans for continuous improvement. Additionally, it announces the inclusion of DALL-E 3, GPT-4 Turbo with vision, and a new Text to speech model into the API. A new program, Custom Models, is introduced, aiming to help companies create tailored models for their specific needs using OpenAI's tools. The script also discusses higher rate limits for GPT-4 customers, cost reductions for GPT-4 Turbo, and the introduction of GPTs, which are specialized versions of ChatGPT designed for specific purposes and offer better control and functionality. The ability to program GPT through conversation is emphasized, as well as the option to create private GPTs or share them publicly. The upcoming launch of the GPT store is teased for later in the month. The API enhancements, including persistent threads, built-in retrieval, a code interpreter, and improved function calling, are also mentioned. The script concludes with a forward-looking statement about the integration of intelligence everywhere, offering on-demand superpowers, and expresses excitement for the future shaped by the technology.



💡OpenAI DevDay

OpenAI DevDay is an event organized by OpenAI, focused on showcasing new developments and providing insights to developers and tech enthusiasts. In the context of the video, it is the platform where the launch of GPT-4 Turbo is announced, signifying a gathering of like-minded individuals interested in AI and its advancements.

💡GPT-4 Turbo

GPT-4 Turbo is a new model introduced by OpenAI, which supports up to 128,000 tokens of context. This model represents a significant leap in AI capabilities, as it can handle more complex and nuanced conversations by understanding a broader context. It's highlighted in the video as a central innovation that will impact the way AI interacts with users and developers.

💡JSON mode

JSON mode is a feature of GPT-4 Turbo that ensures the model responds with valid JSON, a widely used data interchange format. This capability is crucial for developers who need to integrate AI responses into their applications seamlessly, as it guarantees that the data will be structured and easy to process.

💡Function calling

Function calling refers to the ability to invoke multiple functions at once and have the model execute them efficiently. In the context of the video, this feature enhances the model's performance by allowing it to follow complex instructions and manage multiple tasks simultaneously, improving the overall user experience with AI interactions.


Retrieval is a feature that enables the integration of external knowledge from documents or databases into the AI platform. This is significant because it allows the AI to access a broader range of information, thereby providing more accurate and informed responses. In the video, retrieval is presented as a way to enhance the AI's understanding of the world up to April 2023.


DALL-E 3 is an AI model that specializes in generating images from textual descriptions. It represents a fusion of AI advancements in both the visual and linguistic domains. In the video, DALL-E 3 is mentioned as part of the new features being integrated into the API, indicating its role in expanding the creative and expressive capabilities of AI.

💡Text to speech model

The Text to speech model is an AI system that converts written text into spoken words, enabling audible communication. In the video, this model is introduced as a new addition to the API, suggesting that it will play a key role in making AI interactions more accessible and engaging for users.

💡Custom Models

Custom Models is a program where OpenAI collaborates with companies to create tailored AI models for specific use cases. This service is designed to help businesses leverage AI in ways that are most beneficial to their unique operations and goals. The video emphasizes the personalized nature of these models and the close partnership between OpenAI and the companies involved.

💡Rate limits

Rate limits refer to the maximum number of requests that can be made to an API within a certain timeframe. In the video, it is mentioned that OpenAI is doubling the tokens per minute for GPT-4 customers, which effectively increases the rate limits. This change is aimed at improving the efficiency and scalability of AI integration for developers using the platform.


GPTs are specialized versions of ChatGPT designed for specific purposes. They combine instructions, expanded knowledge, and actions to provide more helpful and contextually relevant responses. In the video, GPTs are introduced as a way to enhance user control and improve AI performance in various scenarios, emphasizing their potential to be more effective than general AI models.

💡GPT store

The GPT store is a platform mentioned in the video where users can access, share, and utilize GPTs for different purposes. It represents a marketplace for AI models, allowing users to find and use GPTs that are suited to their needs or to share their own creations with others. This concept is expected to foster a community of AI users and developers, encouraging innovation and collaboration.

💡Assistance API

The Assistance API is a set of tools and features provided by OpenAI that includes persistent threads, built-in retrieval, and a code interpreter. These capabilities are designed to facilitate long conversation histories, access external knowledge, and execute code in a controlled environment. In the video, the Assistance API is presented as a way to enhance the functionality and utility of AI in various applications and use cases.


OpenAI DevDay introduces the new model GPT-4 Turbo.

GPT-4 Turbo supports up to 128,000 tokens of context.

A new feature called JSON mode ensures valid JSON responses.

Multiple functions can be called at once for better instruction following.

Retrieval feature launched to incorporate external knowledge into the platform.

GPT-4 Turbo has world knowledge up to April 2023.

DALL-E 3 and new Text to speech model are now part of the API.

Custom Models program allows researchers to work closely with companies.

Rate limits doubled for established GPT-4 customers.

GPT-4 Turbo is significantly cheaper than GPT-4.

GPTs are tailored versions of ChatGPT for specific purposes.

Programming the GPT is simplified to just having a conversation.

Private GPTs can be created and shared publicly or kept for enterprise use.

The GPT store is launching later this month.

The assistance API now includes persistent threads for long conversation history.

Built-in retrieval and a Python interpreter in a sandbox environment.

Function calling has been improved for better performance.

Intelligence integration will give us superpowers on demand.

The future will be architected together with the help of this technology.