Fletch and Hindy finally get their REVENGE! All-Time stitch up | Matty Johns | Fox League
TLDRفي هذا الفيديو، نرى خطة مدبرة بعناية تستهدف الانتقام من شخص يُدعى ماثيو في حفل غداء. يتم تنظيم المقلب من قبل أصدقائه، حيث يتم توظيف ممثلة كوميدية تُدعى جاكي لتؤدي دور المحرضة. جاكي تتظاهر بأنها من مشجعي الكريكت وتبدأ بإزعاج ماثيو بتعليقات حادة خلال الحدث. الوضع يتصاعد حتى يتم إخراجها من القاعة بمساعدة الأمن. في النهاية، يتم الكشف عن المقلب وتظهر جاكي مجدداً لتكشف عن دورها، مما يضفي جواً من المرح والتسلية على الحضور.
- 🎉 البداية بالترحيب الحار والتصفيق الكثيف في برنامج تلفزيوني.
- 🔄 يُعرض المثل 'ما يدور يعود حولك' كموضوع رئيسي للحلقة.
- 🍽️ استخدام مثل 'الانتقام طبق يُقدم باردًا' يشير إلى خطة انتقامية.
- 🎤 تنفيذ خطة انتقامية في حدث عام، بتوظيف شخص ليكون مُحرّضًا خلال العرض.
- 🤝 تعاون مع كوميدية تُدعى جاكي لتنفيذ الخطة.
- 🎭 جاكي تتنكر في الجمهور كمشجعة مستاءة لتعزيز عنصر المفاجأة.
- 📢 تصاعد التوتر خلال الحدث بمقاطعة مستمرة من جاكي للضيف المستهدف.
- 👀 تزايد الشكوك لدى الضيف مما أدى إلى تغيير تكتيكات الانتقام.
- 🐍 تصعيد الموقف بوضع ثعبان مزيف في سيارة الضيف كجزء من المقلب.
- 😂 الكشف عن المقلب في نهاية الحلقة مع الكثير من التصفيق والضحك.
Q & A
What is the main theme of the show segment described in the transcript?
-The main theme is a prank or revenge plot involving a comedian named Jackie who is planted in the audience to heckle a guest named Matthew during a staged event.
What is the phrase that the host initially quotes to set up the context?
-The host quotes the phrase 'what goes around comes around' to indicate that actions have consequences and that Matthew is about to experience a form of payback.
What is the significance of the 'Sportsman's lunches' mentioned in the transcript?
-The 'Sportsman's lunches' is an event where the hosts perform and interact with the audience, and it is the setting for the planned prank on Matthew.
How was Jackie, the comedian, prepared for her role as a heckler?
-Jackie was briefed on specific talking points and angles to use in order to effectively heckle Matthew and make the prank believable.
What was the hosts' concern during the prank?
-The hosts were concerned that Jackie might be too nice in her heckling and not provoke the desired reactions from Matthew.
How did the audience react to Jackie's heckling?
-The audience was initially unaware of the prank, but they started to become suspicious as Jackie's heckling became more intense and targeted.
What was the hosts' contingency plan if the prank got out of hand?
-The hosts planned to have security remove Jackie from the event if her heckling became too disruptive or if Matthew became too suspicious.
What was the final prank on Matthew after the heckling?
-The final prank involved placing a giant snake in the back seat of Matthew's car to scare him when he discovered it.
How did Matthew react to the giant snake prank?
-Matthew was shocked and frightened by the snake, indicating that the prank was successful in catching him off guard.
What was the overall outcome of the prank and revenge plot?
-The prank was successful in getting back at Matthew, who was left flustered and surprised by the events that unfolded.
🎭 The Setup for Sweet Revenge
The first paragraph introduces a prank show setting, where the hosts discuss local sayings and set up a plan for a prank called 'Sweet Revenge.' They enlist the help of a comedian, Jackie, to act as a heckler during an upcoming Sportsman's lunch event. The plan involves Jackie provoking a guest, Matthew, by criticizing his past actions and creating a scene. The hosts meticulously plan and prepare for the prank, even placing a hidden snake in the back seat of Matthew's car as an additional surprise.
🤔 The Unfolding of the Prank and Its Aftermath
In the second paragraph, the prank unfolds as Jackie, the heckler, relentlessly criticizes Matthew during the event, causing him to become increasingly suspicious. Despite the hosts' initial concerns about Jackie's approach, she delivers a powerful performance, confronting Matthew about his past actions and the negative impact they had. After being escorted out, Jackie returns to reveal the prank to Matthew, who is left in disbelief. The hosts then discuss the prank's success and the reactions it elicited from the audience and Matthew himself.
💡Sweet Revenge
💡Cronulla supporter
💡Cronulla riots
💡Cart Blanche
💡Red Rooster ad
💡Giant Snake
The show introduces the concept of 'what goes around comes around' as a theme.
Nathan is mentioned as a part of the show's sayings and traditions.
The idea of 'Sweet Revenge' is brought up as a central plot for the episode.
Matthew is identified as the target for the revenge prank.
The Sportsman's lunches event is the chosen setting for the prank.
Jackie, a comedian, is cast as the planned heckler for the prank.
The prank's execution relies on Jackie's ability to start slowly and build up.
The event takes place at the Bella Vista hotel, with producers listening in.
The heckler's role is to disguise themselves as a vengeful Cronulla supporter.
Jackie's relentless heckling makes Matthew increasingly suspicious.
Matthew's discomfort grows as he searches for hidden cameras.
The prank escalates with Jackie being removed then returning to the audience.
The confrontation between Matthew and Jackie reaches a climax with strong accusations.
The prank is revealed to the audience, and Jackie's true role is disclosed.
Matthew's reaction to the prank is a mix of relief and embarrassment.
Another prank involving a giant snake is hinted at for further surprises.
Matthew's fear and surprise upon discovering the snake completes the prank.
g'day welcome back to the show uh now
listen we have a few sayings that go
around here uh what do we say we like to
say what goes around comes around uh
revenge is a dish best served cold and
what else Nathan
tails off Tuesday
ah no that's not one of those things but
anyway take a look at this
a bit more high-pitched Brian and Heidi
if you howl at the moon
yeah real funny
short ass but as they say what goes
around comes around a tiny little person
anyway it was time for Sweet Revenge and
my large headed friend here saw a golden
opportunity I've got an idea to get back
in Matthew I want to lay this on you so
you're in the Sportsman's lunches we do
yeah so we've got one coming up so I'm
thinking we get up on stage we do our
thing yeah we plant someone front row to
Heckle him right it's all going to hinge
on that person this person so first
thing we needed was a Heckler yes enter
Jackie comedian extraordinaire she was
so polite when we met her yeah the
tongue like a Viber anyway we briefed
her on the talking points and angles
that we could Stitch Maddie up with and
set her on her Merry way
so the plan's hitting Stone D-Day
arrived and the chemistry went out early
to set up the stick
we had eyes every week
even in the bathroom cubicles
yes Brian yes here we go yes Ryan it
wasn't long before our Mark arrived at
the Bella Vista hotel completely unaware
yes with our producers listening in from
next door Brian
so we finally arrived at the vineyard to
get miked up boys
we went in to meet Maddie just before
the event started
well all along our Heckler was waiting
patiently in the audience disguised as a
vengeful hateful shark supporter
now just to confirm we told her to start
slowly didn't we that's correct yes
ladies and gentlemen nothing because
so by this stage I was a little bit
concerned that she was possibly going to
be too nice I felt the same but boy
weren't we wrong on the romantic type so
I was taking Trish over to a to watch
the boxing I heard that story last time
boring we heard this story last time
banging on about poetry she along
suffering wife I'll let Trish know we've
got a number one supporter
now normally when we do these sort of
pranks we have complete control but we
were up on stage so we gave Jackie
complete cart launch card lunch
cartilage it's French for do the
whatever the you want
with Trish sorry
it's a fun story am I allowed to tell
this so
one thing I'll say one thing I'm a
cronulla supporter you came along and
you took our team you ran it to the
ground do you take over all the
you look at least we agree on one team
okay yes I was that year yes you
were Matthew but the best was yet to
we had the cronulla riots that's on you
I can't believe your player could come
it's okay don't throw around
look there was a lot of rubbish said but
she was pretty much spot on with this
comment just as well you got these two
blades telling stories or today would be
really getting into her act and she was
loving every second of it he was
starting to get a little bit suspicious
now as Maddie was getting more
suspicious and he was searching for the
cameras we turned up the spotlights so
we couldn't see anything John
I got a question you played five eight
do you ever wish you were that tall good
on you darling anyway she was relentless
that whole first session yes we went in
for half time and Matthew was visibly
very nervous wasn't he
actually I was looking around I was too
we might should we get it kicked out
should we get it kicked out
if she does something I just walked up I
said one more time you're out now it was
time for act two and it was just an
innocent little bit of uh q a with the
crowd you know
I'll take I take offense to that I must
say that's a great offense at your thing
about the cronulla rides
we've got security to take her outside a
little cooler jets for about 10 minutes
and then we let a waltz back in one
final blast she went road
that was a classic case of bullying that
classic case of male bullying that was
but you didn't like a woman
questioning you and challenging you and
you had me thrown out you tried to
silence me you
made me feel like a piece of crap so
thank you thank you
I won't be coming back
anyway we had our fun so it was time to
let the Big Kahuna in on the game while
I've got your attention here this time
last year I don't know if you saw it
when the Red Rooster ad with Piney and
Ice sucks well you've all been part of
uh someone who was part of it so
Jackie's coming here Jackie Jackie's
been part of this
Jackie you did so many nasty things
about me you blokes
me so the print complete maybe got to
say his final goodbye to Jackie at the
back oh I was actually sitting there
going to myself so this woman has
paid good money just to come
here and give it to me she must hate me
Trish sent a text going how's the lunch
going and I said actually having an
awful time there's a crazy woman of the
audience and every time I speak she
yells boring or shut up she went on a
rant saying I instigated the cronulla
and she said what and they haven't
removed her get her out of there she's a
lunatic now I guess you're all
thinking that's the end of the Revenge
wrong old flopparelli here he came up
with an idea if plan a didn't work first
idea ever yeah I'm not going to explain
it just roll the tape put a pythony's
car just to say just put a python oh
that'd be an exactly
so while Maddie was walking around quite
flustered we got our producer to put a
giant off snake in the back seat
ladies and gentlemen boys and girls
we're going to leave you with operation
giant snake in the back of Maddie's cup
see you boys
what's in the box
what's in there Matthew
oh geez look at it
for me
holy hell look at how big it is
okay tell me now someone go under my
house and done a on the bed oh come
on I'll walk home
what a done
what a
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