OpenAI IMPLODES. The End of ChatGPT, Sam Altman.

20 Nov 202313:02

TLDRThe transcript discusses the recent upheaval at OpenAI, where a large number of employees have threatened to resign if Sam Altman isn't reinstated. Altman, along with Greg Brockman, has moved to Microsoft to start a new AI division. The situation raises questions about the corporate structure of OpenAI, the board's decision-making process, and the future of AI development. The narrative touches on themes of effective altruism, the pursuit of artificial general intelligence, and the potential conflicts of interest within the organization.


  • 💥 The AI hype around OpenAI has imploded, with the company facing significant internal issues.
  • 👥 700 out of 770 OpenAI employees signed a letter threatening to resign if Sam Altman isn't reinstated.
  • 🔄 Sam Altman and Greg Brockman have joined Microsoft, potentially starting a new AI division there.
  • 📜 The board's allegations against Sam Altman revolve around his lack of candour in communication, affecting his ability to fulfill his responsibilities.
  • 🤔 The exact nature of the board's allegations against Altman remains unclear due to the absence of written evidence.
  • 🌐 OpenAI's mission emphasizes safety and benefiting humanity, which seems to be the underlying reason for Altman's firing.
  • 🚀 There is speculation about whether Altman will attempt to return to OpenAI as CEO or focus on his new role at Microsoft.
  • 💡 Elon Musk's former friendship with AI genius Ilya Sutskever, who is on the board of directors that fired Altman, and his potential role in the situation.
  • 🏢 The complex corporate structure of OpenAI, with a for-profit company controlled by a non-profit organization, and Microsoft as a minority owner.
  • 🔄 The potential conflict of interest between board members like Adam D'Angelo, who is also the CEO of Quora and competing with OpenAI, and the non-profit mission of OpenAI.
  • 🤖 The debate between effective altruists who aim to prevent AI from becoming an existential risk and those who advocate for accelerating AI development to save humanity.

Q & A

  • What happened at OpenAI that led to the current situation?

    -OpenAI has experienced internal turmoil, with 700 out of 770 employees signing a letter stating they may resign if Sam Altman is not brought back. Sam Altman and Greg Brockman have left OpenAI to join Microsoft, potentially starting a new AI subdivision there.

  • What are the allegations against Sam Altman by the OpenAI board?

    -The OpenAI board alleges that Sam Altman was not consistently candid in his communication, which hindered his ability to exercise his responsibilities effectively.

  • What is the significance of the board's focus on safety and benefiting humanity?

    -The board's emphasis on safety and benefiting humanity reflects their mission to ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI) is developed in a way that benefits all of humanity, rather than causing harm or being used unethically.

  • Who is Sam Altman and what is his background?

    -Sam Altman is a prominent figure in the tech industry who co-founded Loopt, became the president of Y Combinator, and later served as the CEO of OpenAI. He is known for his involvement in various startups and his work in the AI field.

  • What is the corporate structure of OpenAI?

    -OpenAI consists of a non-profit organization, OpenAI Inc., which controls the for-profit company, OpenAI Global LLC. The for-profit company is capped at 100x profits, and Microsoft is a minority owner. The non-profit's goal is to support AGI development and ensure its benefits are distributed widely.

  • Why did Sam Altman and Greg Brockman join Microsoft?

    -Sam Altman and Greg Brockman joined Microsoft for reasons that are not entirely clear, but it is speculated that they may have been offered a compelling compensation package or other incentives to move to the company.

  • What is the role of Adam D'Angelo in the OpenAI situation?

    -Adam D'Angelo, CEO of Quora and a member of the OpenAI board, was involved in the decision to fire Sam Altman. He has been speculated to have potential conflicts of interest due to his involvement in competing AI projects.

  • What is the concept of effective altruism mentioned in the script?

    -Effective altruism is a philosophy that encourages using evidence and rationality to determine the most effective ways to benefit humanity, often focusing on high-impact causes. It has been linked to some board members' motivations for their actions within OpenAI.

  • What is the potential impact of the OpenAI situation on the development of AGI?

    -The situation at OpenAI could potentially hinder the development of AGI if the company is unable to maintain its mission and funding. The conflict between the non-profit and for-profit aspects of the organization may also affect its ability to advance AI technology.

  • What is the speaker's personal opinion on the development of artificial general intelligence?

    -The speaker believes that AGI is unlikely to be achieved until much later, around the year 3000, and suggests that current AI developments, such as GPT-3, may be overhyped and not truly indicative of significant AI advancements.

  • What advice does the speaker give to those concerned about the OpenAI situation?

    -The speaker advises focusing on personal development and career advancement rather than being overly concerned about the situation at OpenAI, suggesting that individuals should prioritize their own growth and opportunities, such as learning coding and other tech skills.



💥 Open AI's Implosion and Employee Revolt

The video begins with the narrator expressing relief over the end of the AI hype, particularly the implosion of Open AI. The speaker discusses the struggle to understand AI and the sudden change in the tech landscape that has made learning AI seem unnecessary. The narrative then shifts to the internal conflict at Open AI, where 700 out of 770 employees have threatened to resign if Sam Altman is not reinstated. Sam Altman and Greg Brockman have moved to Microsoft to start a new AI division. The video raises questions about the board's allegations against Altman and the company's focus on safety and benefiting humanity. The speaker also reflects on Altman's background and the loyalty displayed by the employees, questioning the company's structure and the motives behind joining Microsoft.


🏢 Corporate Structure and Conflicts of Interest

This paragraph delves into the corporate structure of Open AI, highlighting the control exerted by the board of directors over the nonprofit organization and the for-profit company. It discusses the capped profit model and Microsoft's minority ownership. The speaker speculates on the potential conflicts of interest, particularly with Adam D'Angelo, the CEO of Quora and a board member of Open AI, who may be competing with Open AI through his own company's AI products. The paragraph also touches on the concept of effective altruism and its influence on the board's decisions, as well as the potential implications for the future of AI and humanity.


🚀 AI Futures: Acceleration vs. Deceleration

The final paragraph discusses the ideological divide between accelerationists and decelerationists within the AI community. It explores the fear of AI becoming a threat to humanity and the debate over whether to accelerate or decelerate AI development. The speaker shares a personal opinion that AGI is far from being achieved and critiques the current state of AI development, suggesting that the hype may be unfounded. The video concludes with a reflection on the importance of focusing on personal growth and career development rather than getting caught up in the drama surrounding Open AI and its key figures.



💡AI Hype

The term 'AI Hype' refers to the excessive enthusiasm and exaggerated expectations surrounding artificial intelligence, often leading to disappointment when the technology does not meet these high expectations. In the video, the speaker expresses relief that the hype around AI seems to have subsided, as they were struggling to understand and keep up with the rapid developments in the field.


OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research lab that focuses on ensuring that AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) benefits all of humanity. The organization has been in the news due to internal conflicts and high-profile departures, including Sam Altman and Greg Brockman. The video discusses the potential implications of these events on the future of AI development.

💡Sam Altman

Sam Altman is a prominent figure in the tech industry, known for his roles as the former president of Y Combinator and co-founder of OpenAI. In the context of the video, his departure from OpenAI and potential return are central to the narrative, highlighting the impact of individual leadership on organizational dynamics.

💡Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is a group responsible for the strategic direction and oversight of a company. In the case of OpenAI, the board's decisions have significant implications for the organization's operations and the development of AI technology. The video touches on the board's role in the firing of Sam Altman and the subsequent employee reactions.

💡Effective Altruism

Effective Altruism is a philosophical and social movement that aims to use evidence and reason to determine the most effective ways to benefit others. It emphasizes making a positive impact on the world by focusing on high-impact causes. In the video, the concept is linked to the mission of OpenAI and the broader goals of AI development for the benefit of humanity.


Microsoft is a multinational technology company that has been involved in the development and application of AI. In the video, the departure of key OpenAI figures to Microsoft is discussed, suggesting a shift in the landscape of AI research and development. The move to Microsoft is seen as a potential strategic move for the individuals involved and for the tech giant itself.

💡Corporate Structure

Corporate structure refers to the organizational framework that separates and defines the relationships, responsibilities, and authorities among different parts of a company. In the context of the video, OpenAI's complex structure involving a non-profit and a for-profit entity is highlighted, which has implications for funding, control, and the pursuit of the organization's mission.

💡AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) refers to highly autonomous systems that possess the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks, much like a human being. The video discusses the mission of OpenAI to ensure that AGI benefits all of humanity, and the challenges faced in achieving this goal.

💡Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest occurs when a person or organization is involved in multiple interests, and one interest could potentially undermine the objective fulfillment of the other. In the video, the board members of OpenAI are suggested to have conflicts of interest due to their involvement in competing AI projects, which could affect their decision-making for the benefit of OpenAI.

💡Elon Musk

Elon Musk is an entrepreneur and CEO known for his work in electric vehicles (Tesla), space travel (SpaceX), and, as mentioned in the video, his concerns about AI and its potential risks to humanity. His views on AI development and safety are influential in discussions about the future of artificial intelligence.

💡Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is a type of computation that leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to perform operations on data. It has the potential to solve complex problems much faster than classical computers. In the video, quantum computing is mentioned as a prerequisite for achieving superhuman level AI, suggesting that significant advancements in technology are needed before AGI can be realized.


OpenAI's hype has seemingly imploded, marking the end of an era for AI enthusiasts.

700 out of 770 OpenAI employees signed a letter threatening to resign if Sam Altman is not brought back.

Sam Altman and Greg Brockman have joined Microsoft, potentially starting a new AI subdivision.

The board's allegations against Sam Altman were based on his lack of candour in communication, affecting his ability to fulfill his responsibilities.

OpenAI's mission emphasizes safety and benefiting humanity, which may have played a role in the firing of Sam Altman.

Sam Altman's background includes co-founding Loopt, becoming president of Y Combinator, and then OpenAI CEO, despite dropping out of Stanford.

Mira Moradi, interim CEO of OpenAI, sided with Sam Altman and was subsequently fired.

Loyalty among OpenAI employees is highlighted by their collective action in response to Altman's firing.

Elon Musk's friendship with Sam Altman and his subsequent departure from OpenAI adds a layer of complexity to the situation.

The corporate structure of OpenAI involves a non-profit controlling a for-profit company, with Microsoft as a minority owner.

OpenAI's capped-profit model was designed to fund AI development beyond what donations could provide.

The potential conflict of interest between OpenAI board members and their own companies is discussed, particularly with Adam D'Angelo's involvement.

Effective altruism, a philosophy that prioritizes broad humanitarian goals over emotional responses, is linked to the mission of OpenAI and its board members.

The debate between effective altruists who aim to stop AI development to prevent existential risks and accelerationists who believe in advancing AI for humanity's benefit is highlighted.

Speculation on the future of artificial general intelligence (AGI) and whether current AI advancements are fundamentally flawed or just a gimmick.

The potential impact of the OpenAI situation on the broader AI industry, including Microsoft's investment and the development of AI technologies.

A call to focus on personal development and career advancement rather than getting caught up in the drama of OpenAI's internal conflicts.