OpenAI’s First Investor On Why Robotics Will Have Its AI Moment Next

2 May 202419:49

TLDRThe transcript features an insightful conversation with the first investor in OpenAI, discussing his conviction in AI's potential since 2012. He shares his bold investment decision in 2018, emphasizing AI's transformative impact across various sectors. The discussion explores the future of AI in healthcare, education, and entertainment, envisioning a world where AI doctors and tutors are accessible to all. The investor also anticipates a significant shift in robotics, predicting that learning systems will soon replace traditional programming, leading to rapid advancements. He reflects on the evolution of programming, suggesting that natural language programming will become prevalent, making computing more accessible. The conversation touches on the role of AI in creativity, suggesting that AI will augment human creativity rather than replace it. The investor expresses optimism about the future of AI applications, particularly in replacing human expertise in fields like medicine and engineering. He advises students to be versatile and adaptable in their learning, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning in a rapidly changing technological landscape. The summary concludes with the investor's enthusiasm for the potential of AI to revolutionize various aspects of life and his excitement about the ongoing developments in the field.


  • 💡 Conviction in AI as a directional trend is crucial for investment, despite the difficulty in predicting the future.
  • 🚀 AI has the potential to provide personalized services like free AI doctors and tutors, available 24/7.
  • 🤖 Robotics is expected to experience a significant shift in the next few years where robots become learning systems, leading to a seminal change in the industry.
  • 🌐 The future of programming may involve natural language, making it more accessible and expanding the use of computers dramatically.
  • 🔄 AI is likely to transform the way we interact with technology, with computers learning human behaviors instead of humans adapting to computers.
  • 🎵 AI will play a significant role in entertainment and design, potentially increasing creativity and personalization in various forms of content.
  • 🧑‍💼 For college students, the advice is to learn diversely and develop the ability to learn rapidly, as the field of AI and technology will require continuous adaptation.
  • 🌟 The speaker is optimistic about the future of AI, including the development of new models and applications that will replace human expertise in various fields.
  • 📈 There is a belief that open-source models should not include state-of-the-art AI to prevent misuse, especially considering geopolitical adversaries.
  • 🤖 The use of AI in everyday life is expected to increase, with AI systems performing tasks traditionally done by humans, improving efficiency and quality of life.
  • 📚 The future of content creation, including music and literature, will likely involve collaboration between humans and AI, leading to new forms of creativity and expression.

Q & A

  • What was the investor's conviction about AI when they first invested in OpenAI?

    -The investor had a strong conviction about AI as a directional trend and believed in its potential despite not knowing the exact timing of breakthrough moments. They had written about the importance of AI in 2012 and felt that the talent going into AI would make it significantly important.

  • What does the investor envision for the future of AI in healthcare?

    -The investor envisions a future where AI doctors are available for everyone, potentially going through FDA approval processes. They believe AI could perform substantially better than humans in handling diverse medical cases, leading to a future where AI plays a significant role in primary healthcare.

  • How does the investor see the future of robotics in the next few years?

    -The investor believes that robotics will experience a significant change in the next four to five years, possibly even two to three years. They predict that robots will transition from being programmed to being learning systems that understand the physical world and real-world dynamics, leading to a rapid change in the field.

  • What is the investor's opinion on the future of programming and computer usage?

    -The investor anticipates that programming will become more accessible, with people programming in natural language and an increase in the number of programmers. They also envision computing becoming more like a utility, with computers adapting to humans rather than the other way around, and devices that can understand and perform tasks based on human language.

  • How does the investor think AI will impact the entertainment and design industry?

    -The investor is optimistic that AI will enhance creativity in the entertainment and design industry. They believe that AI, alone or in conjunction with humans, will generate music and other forms of content with more diversity and personalization, without replacing the value of human artists and performers.

  • What are the investor's thoughts on the use of AI by internet agents?

    -The investor predicts that most use of the internet will be done by AI agents rather than humans. These agents will perform specialized tasks on behalf of individuals, implying a future where each person has multiple AI assistants.

  • What is the investor's stance on open versus closed source in the context of AI?

    -The investor has been a big fan of open source but believes that state-of-the-art models should not be open-sourced due to the competitive nature of AI development and the presence of adversaries. They feel that open sourcing such models would be akin to open sourcing the Manhattan Project.

  • What are the investor's concerns and what keeps them up at night regarding AI?

    -The investor is concerned about the rapid pace of AI development and the unpredictable capabilities that may emerge. They worry about the implications of AI systems designing other AI systems and the potential risks associated with AI, while also being optimistic about the progress and innovation in the field.

  • What advice does the investor have for college students considering a career in software engineering?

    -The investor advises young people to be as diverse as possible in their learning, focusing on how to learn and adapt rapidly. They suggest that the best software engineers will become even more valuable as they will be amplified by AI, and that simple programmers will improve with the help of AI.

  • How does the investor use AI in their daily life, and has it changed over time?

    -The investor did not provide specific details on their personal use of AI but emphasized the importance of taking a long view of AI applications. They encourage patience and understanding that AI systems are still new and will improve over time.

  • What is the investor's perspective on managing risks associated with AI?

    -The investor acknowledges that AI systems do have risks but emphasizes that society faces many risks, such as natural disasters or pandemics. They advocate for learning to manage these risks and not focusing solely on the risks associated with AI to the detriment of recognizing its benefits.

  • How does the investor describe their current experience working with AI and related technologies?

    -The investor describes their experience as exciting and enjoyable, as they are working on various innovative projects involving AI, fusion, and other advanced technologies.



🤖 Early AI Investment Insights

The speaker reflects on his experience as an early investor in OpenAI, emphasizing the importance of conviction in AI's potential despite unpredictable future trends. He shares his belief in AI's transformative power, as seen in the potential for AI doctors and tutors, and the need for regulatory approval. The discussion also touches on the future of robotics, predicting a shift from programmed to learning systems, and the optimistic outlook on AI's role in freeing humans from undesirable jobs.


🌟 The Future of Computing and AI

The speaker envisions a future where computing becomes a utility, much like electricity, and AI systems learn to understand and adapt to human needs rather than the other way around. He anticipates a significant increase in the use of AI in programming, leading to more accessible and personalized computing experiences. The potential of AI in entertainment and design is also explored, with the speaker expressing excitement about the creative possibilities AI offers in collaboration with humans.


🚀 Open Source and AI's Impact

The speaker discusses his support for open source, particularly in the context of software development, but argues against open sourcing state-of-the-art AI models due to global competition and security concerns. He shares his excitement about the evolution of AI models and the emergence of alternative approaches that could significantly enhance current models. The potential for AI to replace human expertise in various fields is also highlighted, with the speaker expressing optimism about the transformative impact on industries and consumer applications.


📚 Advice for the Next Generation and Risk Management

The speaker advises young people to diversify their learning and focus on acquiring skills that enable rapid adaptation to change, as the relevance of current knowledge will diminish over time. He also addresses the risks associated with AI and the importance of managing these risks in the context of broader societal challenges. The speaker encourages a long-term perspective on AI development, advocating for patience and continuous improvement. He concludes with his personal enthusiasm for working on AI and other cutting-edge technologies.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the video, AI is central to the discussion, with the investor expressing conviction in AI's potential to revolutionize various sectors, including healthcare with AI doctors and education with AI tutors.


Robotics involves the design, construction, operation, and use of robots, which are typically autonomous or semi-autonomous machines that can take on tasks that are dangerous, unpleasant, or require high precision. The investor anticipates a 'Kairotic' moment in robotics where robots transition from being programmed to being learning systems, which will significantly change how they interact with the physical world.

💡Natural Language Programming

This refers to the ability for humans to communicate with computers using everyday language, rather than computer programming languages. In the context of the video, the investor predicts that programming will become more accessible as people will be able to program in natural language, which will dramatically increase the scope of computer use.

💡AI Co-pilot Applications

An AI co-pilot application is a type of software that assists users in performing tasks, much like a copilot assists a pilot. The investor sees a future where AI co-pilots are ubiquitous, aiding in a wide range of activities, thus enhancing efficiency and reducing the need for humans to perform certain tasks.

💡Open Source

Open source refers to a type of software where the source code is made available to the public, allowing anyone to view, use, modify, and distribute it. The investor has been a proponent of open source, but expresses concern about open sourcing state-of-the-art AI models due to the competitive nature of AI development and the potential risks associated with sharing such powerful technology.

💡AI and Creativity

The investor discusses how AI will not replace human creativity but will instead enhance it. He believes that AI, alone or in collaboration with humans, will lead to more creative and personalized content, including music and entertainment, which will be more widely available and diverse.

💡AI Doctors

The concept of AI doctors refers to the use of AI in the medical field to assist or replace human doctors in certain tasks. The investor is optimistic about the potential for AI to provide medical advice and treatment, suggesting that AI doctors could be as common as human doctors in the future.

💡AI Tutors

AI tutors are virtual teaching assistants that use AI to provide personalized education to students. The investor sees a future where every child has access to an AI tutor, which would provide personalized learning experiences and potentially revolutionize the education sector.

💡AI Race

The term 'AI race' refers to the global competition among countries and companies to develop and deploy advanced AI technologies. The investor emphasizes the importance of this race, as it has significant implications for geopolitical power and the future direction of society.

💡Category Theory

Category theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with abstract structures and their relationships. In the video, the investor expresses excitement about the potential application of category theory in AI, suggesting it could lead to new and innovative approaches in AI development.

💡AI Ethics and Risk Management

The investor touches on the ethical considerations and risks associated with AI, such as the potential for misuse or unintended consequences. He advocates for a balanced approach to risk management, where the benefits and risks of AI are carefully considered and managed.


Being the first investor in OpenAI required conviction in the potential of AI as a significant trend.

Investment in OpenAI was made in 2018, with twice the amount ever invested in any company before.

AI capabilities are expected to provide free AI doctors and tutors, available 24/7.

The FDA approval process for AI as a primary care physician could be a reality in the future.

Robotics is predicted to experience a breakthrough in the next few years where robots become learning systems rather than programmed ones.

The future of work may involve robots taking over undesirable jobs, freeing humans from such tasks.

Programming in the future may involve natural language, making it more accessible and expanding the use of computers.

Computing may become like a utility, with most people not needing to interact with computers directly.

AI is anticipated to play a significant role in entertainment and design, potentially increasing creativity and personalization.

The use of AI in music generation has evolved from skepticism to a recognized creative tool.

Most internet usage will likely be done by AI agents rather than humans, implying a shift in online content needs.

Open source models are beneficial, except for state-of-the-art models which should be protected due to global AI competition.

AI systems may start designing other AI systems, which could present new challenges and ethical considerations.

Alternative approaches to AI, such as problemistic programming and category theory, are emerging and show promise.

AI applications will evolve to become 'co-pilots' for various tasks, enhancing efficiency in professional fields.

The replacement of human expertise with AI in fields like medicine and engineering is on the horizon.

For college students, the advice is to learn diversely and adapt rapidly, focusing on learning how to learn.

The future of software engineering will involve AI amplification, requiring engineers to upskill and adapt.

AI systems must be used with a long-term perspective, recognizing their current limitations and potential for growth.

The speaker expresses enthusiasm about working with AI and other cutting-edge technologies.