OpenAI’s Lightcap on Business Applications for AI

Bloomberg Live
9 May 202418:35

TLDRBrad Lightcap, Chief Operating Officer at OpenAI, discusses the company's transformation from a research-focused entity to a business with a focus on artificial general intelligence (AGI). He touches on the company's early days, the evolution of AI, and the societal and safety concerns surrounding AGI. Lightcap also addresses the potential of AI in various sectors, including media and entertainment, and the importance of partnerships with companies like Microsoft. He highlights the iterative approach to AI development, the need for a content ID system for AI, and the future of AI applications in creating more accessible and diverse content.


  • 🚀 Brad Lightcap joined OpenAI in 2018 when the company was more of a research board without a clear product or business model.
  • 🧠 OpenAI initially focused on reinforcement learning for tasks like video games and robotics, before shifting to transformer-based AI architectures.
  • 🌟 The company's mission is to build artificial general intelligence (AGI), which is a system capable of doing most tasks with human-like reasoning.
  • 🤖 AGI is a concept that can be scary due to its potential autonomy and decision-making capabilities, but OpenAI emphasizes safety and broad benefit in its approach.
  • 🔍 OpenAI is interested in understanding how people use their technology at scale to refine safety systems and techniques.
  • 📈 The enterprise applications of AI have been surprising and promising, with AI systems showing utility in various business sectors.
  • 🔗 OpenAI is growing its enterprise business and is in the process of forming partnerships with various companies, including those in media.
  • 📚 The company is exploring partnerships with publishers to integrate AI into their products and services, aiming to enhance information communication and audience engagement.
  • 🎬 OpenAI's text-to-video model, DALL-E, has generated interest in Hollywood, with potential to change content production by reducing costs.
  • 🤝 The partnership with Microsoft is seen as beneficial, with both companies having different strengths and a shared vision for AI's role in the economy.
  • ⚖️ OpenAI is considering the creation of a content ID system for AI, allowing creators to opt in or out of training and usage of their content.

Q & A

  • What was the initial focus of OpenAI when Brad Lightcap joined in 2018?

    -When Brad Lightcap joined OpenAI in 2018, the company was primarily focused on reinforcement learning, training AI agents to excel at tasks such as playing video games and manipulating objects like a Rubik's Cube in robotics.

  • How did the advent of transformer-based AI models impact OpenAI's direction?

    -The introduction of transformer-based AI models, which underpin modern language models like chatbots, shifted OpenAI's focus. These models prompted a reconsideration of the company's business direction, steering it towards language processing and the development of more advanced AI systems.

  • What is OpenAI's mission regarding artificial general intelligence (AGI)?

    -OpenAI's mission is to build AGI, which is an AI system that is generally capable of doing most tasks, much like humans have a general reasoning ability. The aim is for AGI to be able to figure out how to approach complex tasks, reason about the tools and data it needs, and ask follow-up questions.

  • How does Brad Lightcap address concerns about the potential risks of AGI?

    -Brad Lightcap acknowledges the potential risks and 'scariness' of AGI. He emphasizes that OpenAI was formed with a mission-oriented approach, prioritizing safety and broad benefit. The company aims to understand how people use the technology and refine safety systems accordingly, advocating for an iterative approach and global conversation about the technology's development and use.

  • What is the current state of AI technology according to Sam Altman's perspective?

    -Sam Altman has expressed that current AI systems, while impressive, are 'laughably bad' compared to what they will be in the future. He believes that AI will continue to improve and become more capable, moving beyond simple chatbot interfaces to more complex and useful applications.

  • What is the potential future role of AI systems in assisting humans?

    -AI systems are expected to become more like agents acting on behalf of humans, rather than just chatbots. They will be able to assist with a wider range of tasks, access the internet, use tools, and write code, providing more utility and capability to users.

  • How has the enterprise adoption of AI surprised the team at OpenAI?

    -The enterprise adoption of AI tools has been a pleasant surprise to the OpenAI team. They have observed a diverse range of use cases for AI in the enterprise, from planning personal events to writing code and navigating healthcare, which has been unexpected and encouraging.

  • What are the challenges in identifying a common use case for AI in the enterprise?

    -The challenge lies in the vast diversity of use cases for AI in the enterprise. The varied applications make it difficult to identify a single common use case to focus on improving. Instead, the focus is on making the AI model smarter and more capable in general.

  • What is OpenAI's approach to partnerships with media companies?

    -OpenAI views partnerships with media companies as an opportunity to enhance the publishing experience. They aim to help publishers communicate information more effectively, understand their audience better, and engage with data in new ways. The goal is to integrate AI systems into the media ecosystem to improve content creation and accessibility.

  • What are the potential applications of OpenAI's text-to-video model, DALL-E, in Hollywood?

    -DALL-E's potential applications in Hollywood include aiding in the production process by potentially lowering costs and enabling the creation of more content, including niche genres that are often deemed too expensive to produce. The technology could also assist in creative problem-solving on set.

  • How does OpenAI approach the issue of data training for its AI models?

    -OpenAI is aware of the importance of data transparency and is exploring ways to create a 'content ID system for AI'. This would allow creators to understand where their content is going, who is training on it, and provide options to opt in or out of training and usage by AI models.

  • What is the nature of OpenAI's partnership with Microsoft?

    -OpenAI's partnership with Microsoft is seen as mutually beneficial. Microsoft provides the scale and system-building capabilities, while OpenAI brings a fast-moving and innovative approach. The partnership is viewed as critical for market penetration and technological advancement, despite Microsoft also offering competitive enterprise products.



😀 Introduction and Transformation of Open AI

The conversation begins with a welcome address to Brad Lightcap, the COO of Open AI, by Shery Ahn ghaffari from Bloomberg. They discuss Brad's journey with Open AI since its early days in 2018 when the company was more of a research board without a clear product or business model. Brad talks about the evolution from focusing on reinforcement learning for gaming and robotics to embracing modern AI with transformer-based architectures. The discussion highlights the company's mission to build artificial general intelligence (AGI) and addresses concerns related to the potential risks of AGI. Brad emphasizes the importance of safety and broad benefit in the development of AI technologies.


🚀 Future of AI and Upcoming Releases

The dialogue shifts to the future of AI, with expectations around the next release, presumably GPT-5. Sam Altman is quoted saying that today's AI will seem laughably bad compared to future models. The conversation explores how AI is expected to get smarter and more capable, moving beyond simple chatbots to become truly assistive agents. Brad discusses the growth of AI in the enterprise sector and addresses skepticism about AI's potential economic impact. He also mentions the company's research-first approach and their focus on understanding diverse use cases to improve the technology.


🤖 AI in Publishing and Creative Industries

The discussion delves into the applications of AI in the media and publishing sectors. Brad talks about partnerships with major publications and the potential for AI to enhance journalistic capabilities and audience engagement. He emphasizes that AI is not a database but a tool for reasoning about new information. The conversation also touches on AI's role in Hollywood, with Brad sharing his experiences discussing AI's potential in content creation with industry professionals. The goal is to lower production costs and enable the creation of more diverse content.


🤝 Partnerships and the Role of Microsoft

The final part of the conversation focuses on Open AI's partnerships, particularly with Microsoft. Brad discusses the benefits and challenges of working with a partner that also operates in a similar space. He highlights the importance of collaboration in achieving a significant impact on the economy and how Open AI's partnership with Microsoft is critical for market penetration. The conversation concludes with a nod to the ongoing research and development efforts aimed at improving AI technology with input from creative professionals.



💡Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) refers to the hypothetical ability of an intelligent machine or computer system to understand or learn any intellectual task that a human being can do. In the context of the video, Brad Lightcap discusses OpenAI's mission to build AGI, emphasizing its ambitious nature and the potential for such systems to perform a wide range of complex tasks, much like humans. The video highlights the significance of AGI in the evolution of AI technology and its future applications.

💡Transformer-based Architecture

A transformer-based architecture is a type of deep learning model that was pivotal in the advancement of natural language processing. It is the foundation for many modern AI language models, including chatbots. In the video, Brad Lightcap mentions that when he joined OpenAI in 2018, the focus was on reinforcement learning, but the emergence of transformer-based models marked a significant shift in AI capabilities.

💡Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning where an agent learns to make decisions by taking actions in an environment to maximize some notion of cumulative reward. Brad Lightcap discusses how OpenAI initially focused on reinforcement learning, applying it to tasks such as training agents to excel at video games like Dota, showcasing the system's ability to achieve superhuman performance in specific tasks.

💡Language Models

Language models are a category of AI models that are trained on large datasets of text to predict the next word or sequence of words in a sentence. They are integral to the functionality of chatbots and other natural language processing applications. The video script references language models as a key technology that underpins the everyday use of AI, highlighting their importance in the evolution of AI systems.

💡Iterative Deployment

Iterative deployment is an approach where a product or technology is released to the public in stages, allowing for feedback and improvements to be made progressively. Brad Lightcap talks about OpenAI's use of iterative deployment with their text-to-video model, DALL-E, to understand its potential applications and to gather insights for further development.

💡Enterprise Adoption

Enterprise adoption refers to the process by which businesses and organizations begin to use a particular technology in their operations. In the video, the discussion around enterprise adoption highlights the surprising utility of AI tools within businesses, emphasizing the diverse ways these tools are being used to improve operations, understand customers, and create new product experiences.

💡Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is the process of carefully designing input prompts for AI models to elicit the desired output or response. It is a concept that has arisen with the use of language models and is discussed in the video as a current practice that may evolve as AI systems become more sophisticated and capable of understanding and generating more complex responses without the need for precise prompting.

💡Content ID System

A Content ID system is a hypothetical mechanism proposed in the video for managing the use of content in AI training and deployment. It would allow creators to understand where their content is being used, opt in or out of training datasets, and potentially benefit from the economic opportunities created by AI models that utilize their content.

💡Data Training

Data training involves using datasets to teach a machine learning model to perform tasks, such as recognizing patterns or making predictions. The video script touches on the importance of understanding the data sources used to train AI models, particularly when it comes to respecting the rights and contributions of content creators.


Partnerships in the context of the video refer to strategic collaborations between OpenAI and other companies, such as Microsoft, to leverage AI technology. These partnerships are crucial for the development and deployment of AI systems, allowing for the sharing of resources, expertise, and market reach to advance AI applications.


DALL-E is OpenAI's text-to-image model that generates images from textual descriptions. It represents a significant step in the capabilities of AI, showcasing the potential for AI to engage in creative tasks. In the video, Brad Lightcap discusses the iterative deployment of DALL-E and its potential impact on creative industries, such as Hollywood.


Brad Lightcap, COO at OpenAI, discusses the company's transformation from a research lab to a business entity.

OpenAI's initial focus was on reinforcement learning and training AI agents to excel at tasks like video gaming.

The advent of transformer-based AI and language models like chatbots represented a significant shift for OpenAI.

OpenAI's mission is to build AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), a system capable of doing most tasks with human-like reasoning.

Lightcap acknowledges the potential risks and scariness of creating AGI with autonomy and decision-making capabilities.

OpenAI prioritizes safety and broad benefit in its approach to developing AI technologies.

The company uses iterative deployment and feedback to refine its AI systems.

Lightcap anticipates future AI systems to be more utility-focused and capable of assisting users in a more profound way.

OpenAI has been surprised by the enterprise applications and adoption of their AI technology.

The diversity of AI use cases in the enterprise makes it challenging to optimize the product for a single purpose.

Lightcap sees AI as having a significant impact on the economy, despite skepticism about its current transformative power.

OpenAI is focused on partnerships, particularly in the media sector, to integrate AI into content creation and distribution.

The company is exploring the use of AI in Hollywood for video content creation, aiming to lower production costs and enable new types of content.

OpenAI is considering the ethical implications of training AI models on various data sources, including the potential use of YouTube data.

Microsoft is a key partner for OpenAI, despite being in a similar market, reflecting a collaborative approach to AI development.

Lightcap emphasizes the importance of global conversations and understanding of AI to ensure its responsible development and use.