Parcoursup 2023 : ce qu’il faut savoir sur la phase d’admission

Ministère Enseignement supérieur et Recherche
23 May 202305:40

TLDRThe transcript outlines the process for receiving and responding to admission offers through Parcoursup, a French university application platform. Starting June 1st, applicants will receive answers from institutions based on their applications. From June 2nd to July 6th, applicants' files will be updated daily, reflecting changes in waiting lists. They may receive one or more admission offers but can only accept one at a time to free up spots for others. Applicants can maintain interests in other programs but must respond to each admission offer by the specified deadline. If an offer is not accepted by the deadline, it is forwarded to another candidate. The platform provides guidance on keeping track of application status and offers support for candidates throughout the admission phase.


  • 📆 From June 1st, candidates will start receiving responses from higher education institutions for their Parcoursup applications.
  • 📈 Between June 2nd and July 6th, candidates' files will be updated daily based on the evolution of waiting lists.
  • 🎓 Candidates may receive one or several admission offers throughout the process, but can only accept one offer at a time.
  • 📌 It is crucial to make a choice and not hold multiple admission offers simultaneously to free up places for other candidates.
  • 📅 Acceptance of an admission offer must be done before the deadline indicated in the candidate's file.
  • 🏫 If an admission offer is accepted, candidates can still keep their other preferences (vœux) of interest.
  • 📝 For a first-cycle degree (licence) offer, it is also an admission proposal. Candidates must respond to the offer before the indicated deadline.
  • 📱 Candidates will be notified of admission offers via their personal messagerie on their Parcoursup account, mobile app, or SMS.
  • 📌 If no admission offer is received, candidates can contact the institution to understand the reasons behind the decision.
  • 🔄 If candidates remain on waiting lists as of June 1st, the situation is expected to evolve quickly, with indicators updated daily in the candidate's file.
  • 📋 From June 30th, candidates with pending preferences must rank them by order of preference before July 3rd, an obligatory step to speed up the waiting lists and redistribute available places.

Q & A

  • When will the responses from educational institutions regarding applications on Parcoursup be available?

    -The responses will be available starting from June 1st.

  • What is the duration for the update of application files based on the evolution of waiting lists?

    -The application files will be updated daily from June 2nd to July 6th.

  • Can a candidate accept multiple admission offers at the same time?

    -No, a candidate cannot accept several admission offers simultaneously. They must make a choice to free up places for other candidates.

  • What should candidates do if they accept an admission offer?

    -Upon accepting an admission offer, candidates should always respond to the offer before the deadline indicated in their application file.

  • What happens if a candidate does not respond to an admission offer before the deadline?

    -If a candidate does not respond by the deadline, the offer will be sent to another candidate, and the original candidate will receive a message the next day asking them to specify which waiting list choices they wish to keep.

  • How will candidates be notified about admission offers?

    -Candidates will receive an alert in their personal messaging on their Parcoursup mobile app and via SMS if they have provided their contact details.

  • What should candidates do if they have not yet received an admission offer?

    -Candidates without an admission offer should check their position in the waiting list, which is indicated in their application file and evolves daily based on the places that become available.

  • What is the procedure if a candidate's application is not retained by a selective program?

    -Candidates have the possibility to contact the institution to understand the reasons for the decision and follow the procedure indicated in their application file by clicking on the 'notification of refusal' button.

  • How can candidates strengthen their chances of admission for a license program?

    -For a license program, it is also an admission offer. If not accepted, candidates follow a personalized support system integrated into their training to enhance certain skills and help them succeed.

  • What should candidates do if they receive an admission offer for their favorite program?

    -If a candidate receives an admission offer for their favorite program, they should accept it definitively, which means they renounce their other choices, causing the waiting lists of other programs to evolve.

  • What are the next steps after accepting a definitive admission offer?

    -After accepting a definitive admission offer, candidates should consult the administrative registration procedures indicated by the chosen institution.

  • How can candidates stay informed and get support during the admission phase?

    -Candidates can consult the FAQ and tutorial videos on, contact an advisor via their Parcoursup messaging, or call the green number 0 800 400 070, which will be exceptionally open on the weekend of June 3rd and 4th. They can also follow on social media for updates and live sessions.



📆 Understanding the Admission Process on Parcoursup

This paragraph outlines the timeline and process for receiving admission offers through Parcoursup. Starting from June 1st, applicants begin to receive responses from educational institutions based on their preferences set on the platform. Between June 2nd and July 6th, applicants' files are updated daily, reflecting changes in the waiting lists. Applicants may receive one or several admission offers up until July 6th. However, they can only accept one offer at a time, freeing up spots for other candidates. It is emphasized that once an offer is accepted, applicants can still keep their other preferences of interest. The paragraph also explains the importance of responding to admission offers before the deadline and the consequences of not doing so. Additionally, it provides guidance on what to do if an applicant's preferred program has not yet offered admission and how to contact the institution for further information.


📱 Staying Informed and Seeking Assistance During the Admission Phase

This paragraph focuses on the resources available to applicants to stay informed and seek assistance during the admission phase. It advises applicants to consult the FAQ and tutorial videos on for guidance. Additionally, applicants can reach out to a counselor through the Parcoursup messaging system or by calling a dedicated helpline number. The paragraph also mentions that the helpline will be exceptionally open over the weekend of June 3rd and 4th. Applicants are encouraged to follow Parcoursup on social media for updates and to participate in live sessions where they can ask questions directly.




Parcoursup is a French online platform for higher education applications, mentioned in the script as the system through which students submit their applications and receive admission offers. It is central to the video's theme as it outlines the process and timeline for receiving and responding to admission offers.

💡Admission Offers

Admission offers are formal proposals from educational institutions to prospective students, granting them a place in a specific study program. In the context of the video, these offers are received through the Parcoursup platform and students must respond to them within specified deadlines.


Deadlines are specific dates or times by which an action must be completed. In the video, deadlines are crucial as they dictate when students must respond to admission offers and make decisions about their higher education choices.

💡Waiting Lists

Waiting lists are lists of candidates who have not yet been admitted but are in line for a place should one become available. In the context of the video, students can be on a 'liste d'attente' (waiting list) and their position may change daily as places are freed up.


Notifications are alerts or messages sent to inform recipients of new or important information. In the video, notifications are sent to students when they receive an admission offer, ensuring they are aware of their application status.

💡Personalized Support

Personalized support refers to assistance tailored to an individual's specific needs or circumstances. In the video, students who do not receive an admission offer for a license program are offered 'un dispositif d'accompagnement personnalisé' (personalized support) to help them improve certain skills and succeed in their studies.

💡Definitive Acceptance

Definitive acceptance is the final act of agreeing to an offer or proposal. In the context of the video, students must definitively accept an admission offer to secure their place in a program, which then affects the waiting lists of other programs.

💡Administrative Registration

Administrative registration refers to the formal process of enrolling in an educational institution, which includes completing necessary paperwork and fulfilling legal requirements. In the video, it is mentioned as the next step after accepting an admission offer.

💡FAQ and Tutorials

FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions, and tutorials are instructional guides or videos that provide information or teach a skill. In the video, these resources are offered to help students understand the admission process and use the Parcoursup platform effectively.

💡Social Media and Live Sessions

Social media refers to online platforms that allow users to create and share content, while live sessions are real-time interactive events. In the video, social media and live sessions are suggested as ways for students to stay informed and engage with the Parcoursup community.

💡Contact Support

Contact support refers to the assistance provided by a service team to help users with their inquiries or issues. In the video, it is emphasized that students can reach out for help if they have questions about their admission process.


Starting from June 1st, you will receive responses from the training programs for the wishes you have expressed on Parcoursup.

Between June 2nd and July 6th, your file will be updated daily based on the evolution of waiting lists.

You may receive one or several admission proposals until July 6th.

You cannot accept multiple admission proposals simultaneously; you must make a choice to free up places for other candidates.

When you accept an admission proposal, you can still keep the wishes you are more interested in on hold.

For each of your wishes, the training program may respond positively, indicating acceptance.

If you are accepted by a training program, you must respond to the admission proposal before the deadline indicated in your file.

For a wish in a license program, it is also an admission proposal.

If you do not accept an admission proposal, you will follow a personalized support plan integrated into your training to strengthen certain skills and help you succeed.

If you have not yet received an admission proposal, your position in the waiting list is indicated in your file and will evolve daily based on the places that become available.

For a selective training program, if the training has not retained your file, you have the opportunity to contact the training program to know the reasons for this decision.

Parcoursup explains the procedure to follow in your file by clicking on the 'notification of refusal' button next to the wish.

As soon as you receive an admission proposal, an alert is sent the next morning to your personal messaging on your Parcoursup mobile app and SMS if you have provided their contact details.

To ensure you receive alerts on your phone, check the mobile number you have provided in your Parcoursup file.

For an admission proposal received between June 1st and 2nd, you have until June 4th to respond.

For an admission proposal received on June 3rd, you have until June 5th to respond.

Starting from June 4th, you have two days to respond to an admission proposal, for example, if you receive an admission proposal on June 5th, you must respond before June 6th at 23:59.

The last admission proposals of the main phase are sent on July 6th.

If you have several admission proposals with different deadlines, you must respond to each of them respecting the indicated deadline.

If you do not respond to a proposal before the deadline shown in your file, it will be sent to another candidate, and you will receive a message the next day asking you to specify the wishes you wish to keep within a maximum of three days.

This means that you are no longer interested in the training programs proposed on Parcoursup; your wishes in waiting will be considered as abandoned.

When you accept an admission proposal, you do not lose your wishes in waiting; the platform asks you to indicate what you wish to maintain.

Keep only the wishes in waiting that interest you more than the accepted proposal, and if you receive an admission proposal for your favorite training and accept it definitively, you give up your other wishes.

This action causes the waiting lists of the training programs to evolve when you have accepted a definitive admission proposal.

Consult the administrative registration procedures indicated by the institution you have chosen.

If you are on the waiting list as of June 1st, do not worry; for the most part, this situation will evolve rapidly for each wish in waiting.

Indicators are updated daily in your file, helping you track the evolution of your situation based on the places freed by other candidates.

Starting from June 30th, if you still have wishes in waiting, you must rank them by order of preference.

You must perform this action before July 3rd; if you are concerned, you will receive reminders by email and SMS from Parcoursup to inform you.

This mandatory action will help speed up the waiting lists and redistribute the available places more quickly before the end of the admission phase.

All our services and academies are mobilized to accompany you and ensure the follow-up of your file during the admission phase.

If you have questions, you can consult the FAQ and video tutorials on

You can also contact an advisor via your Parcoursup messaging or the green number 0 800 400 070 which will be exceptionally open the weekend of June 3rd and 4th.

Do not hesitate to subscribe to our social networks to stay informed and participate in our live sessions; ask your questions directly.