Perplexity CEO: Disrupting Google Search with AI

Full Episodes
29 Mar 202498:36

TLDRIn this insightful interview, Arvin, the CEO of Perplexity AI, discusses the future of artificial intelligence and its impact on daily life. He shares his vision for an AI-driven world that enhances personal productivity and emphasizes the importance of iteration in developing successful AI products. Arvin also delves into the challenges of competing with tech giants like Google and the necessity of offering unique value propositions to capture market share. His passion for creating an AI 'Swiss army knife' for knowledge and his commitment to building a long-term company are central themes of the discussion.


  • 🚀 Perplexity AI aims to compete with Google by providing an AI-powered answer engine that improves with user interaction.
  • 🌐 The company's business model is subscription-based, with plans to evolve and adapt based on user needs and market trends.
  • 💡 Perplexity's success is tied to its ability to capture daily queries, which indicates product improvement and user engagement.
  • 🧠 The founder's inspiration comes from academic backgrounds and a desire to create a product that is fast, accurate, and readable.
  • 🔄 The company values iteration and continuous improvement, with a focus on making the product increasingly useful for users over time.
  • 🤖 Perplexity's approach to AI safety involves providing disclaimers and guiding users towards positive outcomes rather than avoiding difficult topics.
  • 🔍 The platform uses a combination of retrieval augmented generation (RAG) and fine-tuning to provide relevant and timely information.
  • 🌟 The founder believes in the power of AI to empower individuals, giving them the ability to achieve more with less effort and time.
  • 🏢 Company culture is shaped by values such as truth-seeking, speed, and concise communication, reflecting the product's attributes.
  • 💼 The founder's experience at OpenAI and DeepMind influenced the company's focus on quality, innovation, and pushing boundaries.
  • 🛣️ The journey of Perplexity reflects the importance of passion, iteration, and a clear vision for creating a successful AI company.

Q & A

  • What is the core business model of Perplexity AI?

    -Perplexity AI operates on a subscription-based model, charging users a monthly fee for access to its AI-powered answer engine service.

  • How does Arvin view the competition between Perplexity AI and Google?

    -Arvin sees Perplexity AI as competing with Google by offering a more personalized and on-demand knowledge service, which he believes can coexist with Google's existing model.

  • What is the significance of the 'retrieve and generate' (RAG) technology for Perplexity AI?

    -RAG technology is crucial for Perplexity AI as it allows the system to access relevant documents or data to provide accurate and up-to-date answers to user queries.

  • How does Arvin address the challenge of attracting top talent to Perplexity AI?

    -Arvin focuses on hiring talented individuals who are motivated to build something significant and are in a position to contribute greatly, rather than those who are already in high-profile roles at large tech companies.

  • What is the role of AI in the future according to Arvin?

    -Arvin believes AI will empower individuals by taking over tasks currently done by humans, leading to increased efficiency and reduced costs, allowing people to focus on creating value and pursuing their passions.

  • How does Perplexity AI plan to maintain its competitive edge in the AI industry?

    -Perplexity AI aims to continually improve its product by focusing on accuracy, reliability, latency, user experience, and iterative improvements, as well as personalizing the product for its users.

  • What is the Northstar metric for Perplexity AI?

    -The Northstar metric for Perplexity AI is the number of daily queries, which correlates with product usage and improvement over time.

  • How does Arvin approach the issue of AI safety?

    -Arvin believes that AI safety is important but currently seems far-fetched. He would adopt a more concerned approach if there was concrete evidence of existential risks from advanced AI models.

  • What is the inspiration behind Perplexity AI's user interface and experience?

    -Perplexity AI's user interface and experience are inspired by the desire to create a simple, intuitive, and magical product that understands user needs without requiring complex inputs or prompts.

  • How does Arvin view the potential of AI to disrupt traditional business costs?

    -Arvin sees AI as a tool that can significantly reduce the costs of traditional business operations by taking over tasks such as research, engineering, and data analysis, which are currently expensive and time-consuming.



🤖 Introducing AI in Daily Workflows

The conversation begins with the host, Logan Bartlet, introducing Arvin, the CEO and co-founder of Perplexity AI. Arvin discusses the integration of AI in daily workflows, specifically highlighting how Perplexity AI has become an essential tool for him. The discussion touches on the competitive landscape of AI businesses, the conflict between Google's business model and user experience, and the potential of AI to augment human capabilities.


🌐 The Future of AI and its Impact on Society

Arvin and Logan delve into the future of artificial intelligence, exploring the cultural differences between AI organizations like DeepMind and OpenAI. They discuss the potential societal changes brought about by AI, including the possibility of a utopian world where time is valued over money, and everyone can pursue their passions. The conversation also touches on the importance of not over-regulating AI and the considerations in providing answers to potentially harmful questions.


🔍 The Evolution of Search Engines and Answer Engines

The discussion shifts to the evolution of search engines, with Arvin elaborating on the spectrum from traditional search to answer engines. He compares Google's current position on this spectrum and where Perplexity fits in. The conversation explores the challenges of transitioning from a link-based search to an answer engine, the importance of accuracy and communication, and the potential for a product that serves all information needs.


💡 Inspirations Behind Perplexity AI

Arvin shares the inspirations behind Perplexity AI, drawing parallels with Wikipedia and the concept of creating a personalized Wikipedia article on the fly. He discusses the limitations of static information sources and the value of personalized experiences. The conversation also addresses the challenge of competing with established platforms like Google and the strategic considerations for a company like Perplexity.


🧠 The Role of AI in Truth and Safety

The conversation delves into the role of AI in determining truth and ensuring safety. Arvin discusses the challenges of providing information on sensitive topics and the balance between disclaimers and access to knowledge. The discussion highlights the importance of not adopting an extreme moral stance and the potential for AI to empower users to make informed decisions.


💼 Competing for Talent in the AI Industry

Arvin shares anecdotes about competing for talent against major tech companies like Google and OpenAI. He discusses the challenges of attracting top talent and the strategies he uses to find individuals motivated by building something significant rather than financial incentives. The conversation emphasizes the importance of culture fit and shared values in hiring.


📈 Assessing Talent in the AI and Machine Learning World

The discussion turns to the topic of assessing talent in the AI and machine learning industry, especially for those coming from outside the industry. Arvin talks about the importance of identifying fast learners, individuals with diverse project success, and a mentality focused on getting things done. He also mentions the use of back-channel references and cultural fit in the hiring process.


🚀 The Business Model and Subscription Approach for AI Services

Arvin explains the decision behind Perplexity's subscription-based business model, which was influenced by the pricing strategies of other AI services like ChatGPT. He discusses the potential for a usage-driven model and the current profitability of the product. The conversation also touches on the challenges of balancing accessibility with the need to monetize the service effectively.


🎯 Focusing on Horizontal AI Development

Arvin talks about the decision to focus on horizontal AI development rather than niche verticals. He shares insights from Mark Andreessen, who advised against focusing on a single vertical. The discussion highlights the potential of horizontal AI to evolve into a platform that offers more than just search, similar to how companies like and Pinterest have done.


📊 The Importance of Real-Time Data Access in AI

The conversation addresses the increasing importance of real-time data access for AI services. Arvin discusses the potential need for licensing deals and API access to data providers for creating consumer-focused applications. The discussion also covers the differences in data ranking signals for web-based and internal document retrieval.


💡 Enhancing User Experience with AI

Arvin discusses the development of features like suggested follow-ups to improve user experience and help users articulate questions more effectively. The conversation highlights the impact of these features on user engagement and the importance of making AI more accessible and intuitive. The discussion also touches on the potential for AI to empower individuals by reducing the need for middlemen in various tasks.


🌟 The Future of AI and its Economic Impact

Arvin envisions a future where AI can significantly reduce costs and increase value creation for individuals and businesses. He predicts that AI will empower people to accomplish tasks that were once only possible for the most powerful individuals. The discussion also covers the potential for AI to democratize access to knowledge and improve the quality of life for people across different socioeconomic backgrounds.


🚧 The Role of Compute in AI Breakthroughs

Arvin and Logan discuss the role of compute in driving AI breakthroughs. They agree that while technological breakthroughs are necessary, they are often about finding better ways to utilize existing compute resources. The conversation explores the potential for future breakthroughs that could enable models to think and learn more efficiently, leading to even more powerful AI capabilities.


💰 The Economic Potential of AI Startups

The discussion turns to the economic potential of AI startups, with Arvin expressing optimism that many could reach valuations of over $10 billion. He argues that the value created by AI will not be limited to incumbents but will also benefit startups that can successfully leverage AI technology to create new solutions and markets.


🧠 AI Safety and Regulation

Arvin shares his thoughts on AI safety and the timing for regulation. He expresses a belief that AI should not be regulated soon, and questions the motivations of those calling for regulation. The conversation touches on the importance of ensuring that AI developments are safe and beneficial for society.


🌟 Learning from Inspirational Figures

Arvin talks about his inspiration from figures like Larry Page and the impact of their philosophies on his approach to building Perplexity AI. He discusses the importance of creating a product that is intuitive and user-friendly, and the value of a culture that reflects these principles in its actions.


🚀 The Journey of Building Perplexity AI

Arvin shares the journey of building Perplexity AI, from personal curiosity to identifying a problem worth solving. He discusses the importance of being passionate about the problem and the iterative process of developing the product. The conversation highlights the growth of the platform and the decision to raise venture capital to continue the experiment.


💡 The Contrarian Nature of Successful Ideas

Arvin and Logan discuss the contrarian nature of successful ideas, using the example of Perplexity AI's initial skepticism. They talk about the importance of launching and learning from failure, and the value of perseverance in the face of doubt. The conversation emphasizes the need to take calculated risks and the potential for significant rewards.


🌐 The Future of Perplexity AI

Arvin outlines the future plans for Perplexity AI, aiming to make it an essential tool used twice a day by every user. He discusses the challenges of habit formation and the long-term commitment to iterating and improving the product. The conversation highlights the goal of creating a Swiss army knife for knowledge and the potential for Perplexity AI to become an indispensable part of daily life.



💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is the driving force behind the development of advanced technologies like Perplexity AI, which aims to enhance user experience by providing accurate and personalized information.

💡Perplexity AI

Perplexity AI is a business that offers an AI-driven answer engine designed to augment Google's search capabilities by providing users with direct answers to their queries instead of a list of links. It aims to improve user experience by saving time and offering a more personalized approach to information retrieval.

💡Business Model

A business model describes the strategy and plan a company uses to generate revenue and profit. In the video, the discussion around Google's existing business model and its conflict with user experience highlights the challenges and opportunities for new entrants like Perplexity AI in the market.


Innovation refers to the process of introducing new ideas, methods, or products to improve or revolutionize existing practices. In the video, innovation is central to the discussion of AI's potential to disrupt traditional search engines and create new user experiences.

💡User Experience (UX)

User experience refers to the overall satisfaction and ease of use that a person has while interacting with a product or service. In the context of the video, UX is a critical factor in the development of AI-driven tools like Perplexity AI, which aims to enhance the way users find and consume information.

💡Competitive Advantage

A competitive advantage is a unique feature or benefit that a company offers to gain an edge over its competitors. In the video, the discussion around Perplexity AI's approach to search and user experience highlights the company's efforts to create a competitive advantage in the market.

💡Search Engine

A search engine is a software system designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. In the video, the traditional search engine model is compared to the emerging answer engine model, with Perplexity AI aiming to offer a more direct and personalized approach to information retrieval.


Personalization refers to the customization of a product or service to meet the specific needs or preferences of an individual user. In the context of the video, personalization is a key aspect of Perplexity AI's strategy to enhance user experience by providing tailored information and answers.


Traction refers to the momentum or progress that a business, product, or idea gains, particularly in terms of user adoption and market acceptance. In the video, the discussion of Perplexity AI's traction highlights the growing interest and usage of the platform.


Regulation refers to the rules and restrictions set by a governing body to control the behavior of a particular industry or sector. In the context of the video, the potential need for regulation of AI technologies like Perplexity AI is discussed, with considerations around safety and ethical use.


Logan Bartlet's conversation with Arvin Shabos, CEO and co-founder of Perplexity AI, a business aiming to augment Google's daily active workflow.

Arvin's decision to compete with Google and his views on Google's existing business model conflicting with user experience.

The concept of a utopian world of artificial intelligence where people can do what they love, regardless of their financial status.

Comparison of cultural differences between DeepMind and OpenAI, where Arvin has previously worked.

Discussion on the potential negative implications of regulating AI today and the considerations for providing answers to harmful questions.

The axis of traditional search versus answer engine, and where Google, Chatbot GPT, and Perplexity fit in this spectrum.

Perplexity's inspiration from Wikipedia and its aim to provide a personalized, on-demand knowledge source.

The challenges faced by Perplexity in competing for talent against big tech companies like Google and OpenAI.

Arvin's views on the importance of building a product that is fast, accurate, and readable, and how these values reflect in Perplexity's culture.

The business model of Perplexity and its subscription-based approach, with insights on pricing strategies and long-term profitability.

Perplexity's strategy of not going vertical but staying horizontal to capture a broader market and avoid niche limitations.

The significance of real-time data access and the potential need for deals with data providers for future AI advancements.

The concept of 'retrieve and generate' (RAG) and its importance in consumer applications versus B2B, and how it differs from fine-tuning for specific domains.

The impact of suggested follow-up questions on user engagement and the increase in average session times for Perplexity.

Arvin's vision for the future of AI, including the potential for AI to reduce costs, increase individual empowerment, and redefine the value of human labor.

The importance of iteration and continuous improvement in building successful AI products and companies.